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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 19, 2023 10:00pm-10:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the deadline use live from the russian is try kill 7 people in your crime. none of the data is a 6 year old guilt attack happened just people on the white church and so on. the program mass evacuations as well. 5, britain, cities in canada, the entire population of yellow nice in the northwest territories, pointing to leave the homes and the state of emergency using force in the british columbia. plus hundreds of young support us of the crew in this year volunteer for military service while west african fleet is held tools with me. come on the
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i'm anthony, how it welcome to the program. the russian in strike is killed at least 7 people in northern new crime. among the dead in the city of jenny have is a 6 year old child. more than a 100 other people blended. united nations has condemned. it is a heinous attack. dousing the flames caused by a russian missile strike in the historic city of troy. near the a woman pausing for a photograph in the city center captured the moment of impact. this slippery slope was looking for luis, for it was horrific, and people were lying around somewhere. i don't know if they were dead or alive. it was a woman under a cough people at what was scans,
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which is of course it's horrible. the fisher flew up to believe there was screams, lots of dead and wounded. so i'm the lenses so it's horrible. so i'm helping now to clean up a little bit. often. it's a real tragedy. so what, what the, what the missile strike hit, the city center of the journey of among the buildings damaged were a theater, and a university. many people were on their way to church for a religious holiday. their lives now disrupted by the horror of war. sima the, it's a little more of them with all the victims are being provided with medical care. the authorities are working last week and response headquarters has been set out. will be to know when you do all the effect. buildings will be restored and all
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necessary assistance will be provided to those affected you with the following. ukrainian media reports say and event featuring drone manufacturers and aerial recognizance training schools was being held in the theater. security services are investigating whether this was the target for the attack. what's the cost of that correspondence in keeping with the spinning? but there's what more do we know about the missile strike function? if so then we said this p a to add to bright daylight in the morning on the such a date when people were going to church because it was the religious holiday. and the center was quite crowded at that time. uh that's why many people around the building where hit uh, the debrief move and uh and, and the, um, uh, the shop move from quite far from the building, getting even, uh,
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buildings that were quite high actually from the theater itself. uh, the event was held there. uh, this june conference had been announced public key on social media, although the location was withheld and the people who were attending they got to the information about the location, the only a few hours prior to the beginning of the event. so ukrainian security service has opened to investigations one for war crimes because of the civilians hits in the city center of the city. it's uh, the other one trying to find a mobile that gave away the location to the russians and reactions. mathias, one of the reactions bang to the attack. so many people here and ukraine all morning. the big victims are angry thrush, that's a dresser for striking at the bright daytime in the crowded city center. but there's also some criticism at the organizes of this. he went through the people
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asking why it would be necessary to hold this event in such a crowded place and also why it had to be announced on social media. the organizer has said that it was approved by the you authorities. so do yourself the questions to the or thought of the orange he's here as well. and um, especially in the city of chinese, the hopkins. quite a few voices asking how this has been possible and why this was necessary at all to conduct it in such a way into an analysis on social media. they definitely corresponded mathias building. i think key. thank you. mean while thousands of people have been evacuated from the homes as well, 5 straight and cities in northern and western canada. the state of emergency is enforced in the province of british columbia. and in the remote northern territories, the finest of getting close to the regional capital of illinois will hear from the man of illinois. from the moment. the 1st this report smoke from the macdougald
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creek fire trouts the city of colona weather conditions have been making matters worse. the strong winds and lightning from a cold front hit hot air that's built up over the sweltering summer trying time through the 150000 people. the cold colona home. while the smoker has been insane, we had what was it 196 for m 2.5 which is hazardous. it's like phasing air quality going on with conditions. rapidly worsening authorities declared a state of emergency in just the last 24 hours. the situation has evolved and deteriorated quite rapidly. in just the last hour, we've gone from about 4500 homes under evacuation to about 15000 homes, families div actuated from their homes across the province. people fleeing the
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yellow net fire and canadas northern territories have meanwhile arrived in calgary . yellow knives, entire population had to be evacuated. canada's prime minister has promised federal help and praise people for stepping up in the face of crisis. the number of people who have been evacuated has been taking these incredibly long drives to get to safety, doing it in a thoughtful, orderly way of being there to help out each other and look out for each other is really the best of what just what canada is what particularly people live in the north, where the sense of community and looking out for each other is, is truly extraordinary. for the residents of yellowknife, there's some good news firefighters there have so far been able to keep the flames threatening their hometown at bay. are they all i asked for a bic? i'll see the mayor of you ever know what the situation is like the yeah, so it can be challenging. uh, we've got some strong winds coming today. we had
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a little bit of rain yesterday, but that's not enough to to really do anything positive. so the, the wins today could make it challenging because they are coming from the west. so that's pushing the fire towards yellow. nice um, but i do have to stress that the crews have been working hard both that the city and in private companies here to create what we call fire breaks. so that's removing or creating a buffer between the fire and, and the community 100 meters wide, removing all those trees. and then the territorial governments been doing the firefighting from the air. so the past couple days have been good and the, the water tankers have been able to, to get up and, and hit those fires from there. that was rebecca. i'll see the may of yellow enough . okay, let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines, the cell walled fi in spines, canary islands, has destroyed large areas of land. authorities of all the thousands more paid for
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the late the homes is 5. closing on 6 more villages. thousands of over the left kind of roof and authority side, the place is still out of control. china has completed military drills around tie one. the move is seen as a response to a visit by the united to the united states raw the by type, once vice president be with south korea and japan agreed to strength and military ties well condemning china's aggressive post you in the south china sea egypt. as president of the of c c as pot and several prisoners, including a permanent per democracy activist. ok, my do. my was sentenced to 15 years for rising and attacking security forces. he was active in the revolt, but of the through president hosni moved back in 2011. so to his riley civilians have been killed in a suspect in palestinian shooting, attacked in the occupied west bank. mean we're found with gunshot wounds at
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a car wash near the flesh point town of west african latest have wrapped up a visit to this year where they held talks with army commanders who have seized power. the. the eagle watched the other guys and also met the asked did president mohammed bassoon is said to be in good spirits. meanwhile, thousands of young men have converged on the stadium in the capital in the i may to volunteer for military service. a recruitment appeal was issued in support. the qu laid is a one to has run me here since toppling bassoon. last month and the west african corresponded to michael co. you told me more about the meeting between the equal westdale negation and the new year to date of the uh, being on the 5th level would say that it was successful into i'm so you know, the e cause the vacation being able to assess the whole meets the, you know, the head of the who's have their mind to and so, and the way to see that the post president, you know, uh well how much,
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but do you recall that steve has gone earlier this month, you know, without success. so we could see that this is the best move you know, in achieving the dollar. also you could with it. you know, you can also, i mean, explain that if you like to see that it's a fence the one size positions to see that they are open to download. because now the meeting in details today in miami is way of whites. the details are on the main thing. if i could just get a little more on the fact, the ecos delegation was able to meet the after president. but soon, how significant is the? that means that that's very significant because again, you recall that when the human rights, the reports that the president was kept in very difficult a condition, one of the things to do basically is that he was not allowed to see anybody or anyone to speak him. so he caused to begin with being able to see him today is a great success if you like. and according to the head of that that additional
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which is the former president of niger applicant, this allow me, he did say that's the best we seem to get the opportunity to speak with the team. i may explain some of these challenges, which they are now going to take by, you know, to those who are assigned them on this mission. so essentially, this is the 1st time that they are having it sit down together not only with the head of the one task, what else cost with the present, as if you liked to hear from his side, you know, on the current situation. you know how he's compete on what is happening between like you did say, i mean, i mean, the, the head of the delegation did say that there is to sign up to, to start the conversation. but of course, not to give you the details of what's transpired into is to meet. and while all that goes on a market for context, how much support does the point to have from the people of an issue? it's interesting how we continue to see a lot of people, either pouring now to the streets of miami, in different parts of the country in support of the holding car, you know,
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kind of clutching guess a full time there could be, it's meant to even defend the country that was it caused to be now i'm calling to recruits as those who would be able to kind of fight or help in one way or the other. and we're seeing sammy numbers with young people coming out to see is the one to defend these. yeah, and these people, in the case of any talk, if it gets to that would be the ones that will be repeats up reading 2 sides or to defend the country also provides. and it sort of supports. so yes and continued to see growth, and lots of people showing support. i'm not wavering. i told him the results to defend the country, whatever it takes, really state deputies, west africa correspondent, i'm not gonna call you. thank you so much. okay, some sport before we go and that the football women's world cup sweden, bay host nation australia to claim the place with them until the unable to win the bones middle despite the backing of a novel sold out home crowd in brisbane this time. so we went ahead,
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when the video, assistant referee wrote this to be about inside the box for the welfare tough to buy the resulting penalty to make one new. and that was before somebody has 90 clinched the place for the swedes being style with a powerful drive to new was the final school spine play england in the final sun. i tell you what thing date of the news is romando. that top story, the cell a, united nations has condemned what it calls. i've seen this attacked on the city of genesis, and nobody can cry, at least save and paste the thing killed by a russian, a strong worship is with on the way to church. and the attack have thousands of people live in order to leave their homes as wildfires threatened cities in northern and western canada state of emergency is enforced in the province of british columbia. and that is all the news for now. i've next reported
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looks at for many of the problem with getting rid of coverage that's coming up after a short break. please don't forget the website as they are d, w dot com at any time you need it for the latest. and full socials, like once the handle you need is at the deadline for twitter and instagram. but i'm anthony held in berlin. thanks for watching us and stay with us. if you can, the people in trucks injured one trying to feed the city center more and more refugees are being turned away. the beast straight pieces screens around 200 people.


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