tv The Day Deutsche Welle August 23, 2023 12:02am-12:31am CEST
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as well, does the well need account of balance to the power of the west express or institutions like g 7, the iron mass for the world trade organization or china and rochester, me think so. depending on who you ask, breaks might be that counter wait. economic a grouping of brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa is holding a summers in johannesburg at the moment. i'm one of the hot topics is expansion. so who wants to join what they get out of it? i'm feel go and by then, and this is the day the so we need to be global partners in upholding global justice. we need to strengthen strategic collaboration and practice true multilateralism at the chairs, us because of our alliance meets the demands of the so called global majority.
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what we want is to establish new mechanisms to create a more equal world regarding political decisions. the g 7 is a club for the rich also coming up the us president of visits, hawaii 2 weeks after america's deadliest wildfires for more than a century to june our here degree with you. but also want you to know the entire countries here for you. stop by for boy. we mean that welcome to the day when leaders of the bricks group of nations amazing in johannesburg, brazil with russia, india, china, and south africa. how to around 40 percent of the world's population president. that person is not that russia is being represented by foreign ministers. okay. not
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a problem dismissed, approved to the subject to an international arrest warrant for alleged war crimes united to versus invasion of ukraine briefly, this will discuss a possible expansion of the 5 nation block. so most of us believe china is came to develop a global counter wait to the west, them that g 7 group of leading democracies. so here's what some of the leaders have had to say on the subject of expense. when we need to be global partners in upholding global justice, we need to strengthen strategic collaboration, practice true multilateralism don't promote the expansion of the representation and voice southern countries in global governance. trying to discuss the details of kit,
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i think pretty excise the possibility to expand. yes. so i know china wants to, china wants to south africa, wants to make, know she wants to and we want to get everybody wants based on, it's not hard to enter. it might be $350.00 or. so let's look at this with an alley wine who is a senior analyst focusing on us china relations for you. raise your groups, global macro g of politics, the practice. i'm professor oliver stone, co as a political analyst at the school of international relations in south palo business . a welcome both. we'll come to the issue of expansion in a moment. first, let's talk about what members believe. bricks is full of a stone coal. these 5 countries have some very specific objectives, which i suppose you could kinda categorize as casting off the shackles of a western dominance to hello. yes, absolutely. i think despite the numerous differences between bruce countries in divergences and disagreements, particularly between india and china,
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there is something that unites them, which is, which is their reluctance and where, and that's visa v us leadership member countries believe that strengthening bricks helps them increase their leverage when sitting down with washington, it helps them constrain the united states to some extent also strengthened ties among member countries and often overlooked issues that countries like brazil knew very little about china 20 years ago in the brick sweeping has helped in that sense established ties. but of course, the big disagreement, or the big question is whether they can find a way to expand that is agreeable to all of them. so there's been rumors, for example, that china would be interested in adding pakistan, something india would certainly dislike. and i would say india and brazil have been a bit reluctant when it comes to more anti western additions to the club. so it's, there's a lot of suspense. nobody knows if expansion will actually take place. but i think
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there's something that unites all these countries. they believe that the organizing these meetings in articulating uh, you know, discussions will help them adapt to a post, let's say, post american world, a world in which there's numerous polls of power and craft, the details of new ball type all the order. so all the wind from there, you're basically we, we just had the, all of a back talking about this group. wanted to shake off of us leadership at how have they been able to resist being dominated by china. well 1st i want to say what a pleasure it is to be uh, commenting alongside oliver. and for those of you who haven't read his recent article in the economist on this very topic i, i would commended to all of you, i'm there, important divisions in the group. and i think that there are 2 judgements that are true of the 1st judgement is that all 5 member countries want to exercise greater agency in world affairs. and they want
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a more multi full international system. but there are important divisions, i think of china is in favor of rapid expansion to demonstrate it's growing diplomatic cap. russia wants to cast off or dispel abusers or this, this abuse individuals of the notion that is diplomatically isolated. and on the other hand, i think if you look at brazil, if you look at india, if you look in south africa, they take a more cautious approach. they favor more multi polar international system, but they don't want the brakes to be seen as an explicitly anti us or anti wes grouping. and so i think that those divisions about how the member states want the group to be conceived. we'll continue to loom over the summit over the next few days. okay. and so what would i think there's, there's about 40 countries um, who formally or informally wants to join this group. what's in it for them? perhaps you'd like to pick this up at olive, and then we'll come to you again on a as well. bricks is a recognized brand. i mean, it's, uh, you know, it's, a stat is boost or in a way to be a bricks country. after all, you know,
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brazil hasn't grown for a decade, but because in part because it's a big country, some people still refer to it as an emerging power. so it's a useful thing to have set the seal of approval of this brand created by goldman sachs 20 years ago. in addition, it gives you, as i said, it gives you greater leverage when negotiating with washington. it allows you to get face time, regular face time with us using pain. and only that, i mean, over the past years, they've been a times up to a 100 bricks related meetings per year, which means that ministries and brock proceeds get to engage with the china, which is quite useful as well. now the concern of course, of countries like brazil and india is that if you add lots of countries, then the club will inevitably be less exclusive and that status boosting capacity of being a brakes member may not be the same as it that it used to be and that it just
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breaks out as we have a track record of, of, of success does it does. is there anything you can point out to other than just existing and being man to say, well, these are good reasons. one for you to wants to join and to, for the world to listen to us. so one you can point to the bricks bank. it's still, i would say it's and it's kind of infant stages, but i think that there's momentum. if you look at the current members of the new development bank, if you look at prospective members and those who have expressed interest in joining the bank. so that's one tangible achievement. but i want to build on the one that oliver made about branding. and so when, when jim o'neil, the economist from goldman sachs, when he coined the term briggs at the time south africa, this is in 2001 a south africa joined the group in, in 2010 in 2001. the 5 member countries represented not even 10 percent of the global economy today, they represent a little over a quarter, and so there is
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a branding, there is a procedure cache associated with members. if the problem is though that for those current members, they don't want to see their influence diluted. so the larger the group gets, the less of the less cache there is for individual members. and so what i expect that we will see over the coming days is not to finalize the decision on admitting new members, but perhaps more concrete discussions around the criteria for expansion criteria for membership august make one last point of even though obviously we're currently talking about the brick summit, i think it's important to look at the summit taking place within a wider aperture. if you look at the interest among dozens of countries in joining the brakes, if you look at the expansion of the saying high cooperation organization, if you look at the growing interest in the deliberations of the d 20, i think if you use all of those, the developments and look at them politically. what we see is the emergence of an international system in which middle powers in developing countries, they want greater sway. they have greater agency and they want to contribute to
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a new global architecture. so all of us, if you could talk about that point that the alley made that then about the criteria, what all basically entry criteria at the moment with presumably democracy orders here is to the rule of law, not on the list. so yeah, well the, so the thing is, the books countries were put together by the goldman sachs in a way, i mean the, the, the, the acronym stuck in away was quite successful in the financial markets of 2000 and tens of in russia at the time was quite eager to create a political group along those lines. the china was eager to have a, an african member state in order to increase the brakes. grouping's legitimacy. now south africa is a much smaller economy than the other member states, of course. so it's, i think it's going to be very difficult to articulate clear criteria, because that little box, that breaks into a way that they can't violate their,
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you know, the rules they've created. so another option would be that, you know, things will be more informal. like for example, the, the 20 which is currently discussing of whether to add the african union and to make it actually the g $21.00. i mean, there's no specific rule about that. i think it's going to be always an informal debate and, and really it will depend the loss on, i think, with china's interest is a, after all, it was also china that was responsible for heading south africa back in the day. okay. so i, i, i live so does, does it matter? i've had, i'm just just just trying to what, what this out when you, when you have these, they base the base in consensus. so that was talked about the best best of luck and belief in the free market. a belief in a state lead grows more money for, for global know, do western institutions a view bricks as
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a threat to yet? i don't think they currently assess it as a is a coherent thread. i think for some of the reasons that we've been discussing. i think that the brakes are certainly emblematic as a guys in, in a middle towers, among large sections of the developing world. again, that is the shared desire among a growing number of countries for greater multi polarity. but there are important divisions among the bricks. and as we were discussing earlier, i think china and russia, they have a shared and very intense animates towards the west of the united states in particular that brazil, indian, south africa. yes, they want to enhance their range of relationships that they don't want. the block can be perceived as explicitly and to us are anti west and so long as those internal divisions persist. i think the ability of the brakes to achieve geopolitical parents will be constrained. but certainly in the western observers, a recognize that there is a sheer desire among a growing number of countries for
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a different configuration of international relations. so western observers will be watching this summit with the interest. i don't yet sense that they view the brakes as a coherent do political challenge and on expansion. why would you all money be a for the next countries to, to join break? so we'll start with your routing and then and then come to you on so there are many countries that of course have expressed interest in joining. i think the 2 candidates to candidate countries and it had been discussed increasingly off in our indonesia, inside of your area. and i think that indonesians, that are you ready? importantly, the represent 2 regions that the brakes doesn't presently account for respectively southeast asia in the middle east. so i'll be new nation. saudi arabia appear to be sparking a fair bit of interest, but again, to be determined. and i would just reiterate that i, i wouldn't expect that this summit will reach any final decisions on a meeting. you members, although i, would this be on your top of your list?
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yes actually um i think the 2 also uh, you know, they took the bucks in a very important sense for brazil and reindeer would not be interesting to add countries as governments are explicitly anti western, like ron for example, have been as well. so these countries don't really change profoundly, the overall stance of breaks. many other countries that have formerly on formerly asked for succession, do not really fit in mexico, strategically and commercially to close to united states. tricky part of nato. some other countries aren't really, you know, growing particularly fast argentina in the midst of the political transition. so i think those 2 countries are fairly safe, pets, and both our countries, which i think again, would be seen positively by those who don't want the brakes to become and explicitly anti western block cost. anything will leave you back. thank you so much
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for joining us. all of us don't go from brazil's that school of international relations. i mean, when from the you raise you've been thinking about thank you. thank you. us president joe biden has visited the hawaiian island of maui to see the devastation left by the recent wildfire as well that a 110 people on now known to died of the death, totally as expected to increase the 1800 people still unaccounted for. it's a deadly as while 5 in the united states in more than a century. long hugs and all buds, as the president and 1st lady touch down in mallory. they were there to offer support to the survivors and to pay respects to those who lost their lives in the wilds highest. the devastated to the island the 1st couple were given a closer look what's left to the historic town of la, hey, you know, which was old,
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but to be activated in the wind whipped in santa hawaii state, govern adjust screen size search teams, have now covered most of the area looking for the more than $800.00 people who are still missing. but the rest of the search could take weeks. president biden's administration has been criticized by some of the survivors and republicans who say the responses being ineffectual and insufficient. standing next to one of the most famous landmarks, the 150 of old banyan tree, the president to use that as a method for, for the islanders resilience and revival to my left is the bed and 3 beloved by this community for over a 150 years here, the former capital of the kingdom, hawaii that stood for generations of the sacred spots of exceptional significance today is burned. but it's still standing. tre, survive for
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a reason. i believe it's a powerful, a very powerful symbol. what we can and will do to get through this crisis for this, for as long as it takes, we're going to be with you, the whole country be with you. the heat in the general and of the vial size may have now subsided, and the focus turned to the task of rebuilding that the people have. now we will need much more than reassurance and will muds to recover from the saving blaze that has ravaged the island they call home. that's got well from our correspondent country moya, who's on mallory, welcome country. we'll get to the bibles for this in a moment. first, so just updates a space on the ongoing search and rescue efforts. yes, so last night there was a still after 10 percent remaining area to be search. and that is going to be the most difficult one because there is still
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a beverage to be removed. or right now they'll sorry to have one on searching of the individual properties through searching multi story and commercial properties. this is the last phase of the search. however, the number of victims official accounted for it is a still very low of 150 of this time. and that's the contrast with the number of people that are expected to, to have died in the fires that people on the ground expect them to be by hundreds. they're still a 150 people and accounted for and over. and i agree and said this is, it may probably many of these people will never be found. ok. let's turn to the presence of a visit and tell us more about how he's been received today. she wants to receive within different in spite of people. i mean, people even i've been talking to today, they didn't know by them was here. and they also said,
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what is the point of the president being here, especially now 2 weeks. what we need is one thing we need to survey money. that's been a main complain of the families here that they are not receiving, you know, direct federal health. they talk about $7.00 to $800.00 per family, which you know, the like be so expensive and with no house it's doesn't get them very far. 5 and however, um, it was very important for the authorities that he saw the scope of the station itself. so in the hopes that he will increase federal help, he has already announced some of these measures. he has appointed someone to oversee a long term recovery he on the island. and he also has over 11001st responders, a 450 seems already f as in the search. and, and he has also a pointed about $8000000.00 to, to help. but to people local people are in so much me think by the
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800000 sounds like a lot given the the savings that we have seen over the last weeks. you've been covering this disaster right from the start. how often people, a coping 2 weeks into this, its people are for the most part traumatized. on the one hand, there are the local people. i've seen many of them over those. there's houses or they're jobs, they're old and tearing. and actually when you talk to them, they tell you they're concerned about all the people that have been wars in them. so they are all warranty or really even i've seen in some of the center is that they were turning people away because they have enough volunteers. they and also they, they said we have enough supplies. people are really taking care of other people that themselves. on the other hand, they're large communities of people are leaving the island and that's something that they're thursdays are scared to. so are just so you know, people for example, there's a lot of large communities. yes. they've been selling cars,
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they're traumatized, even though they think they might find that other job opportunity in the near future. they kind of there to be here when their home life has been destroyed. they're in need of mental health, and they have been flying out of the of the islands. wow. and tourism, of course, is a huge part of the islands economy and presumably it's going to take some time for that to get back on its feet. so how are people going to be able to rebuild the lives? yeah, well today there was a ma, we come to the council meeting and the residents affected by the fires from the high not in upcountry working by to to provide their testimony and to share their stories. the a there is to gather info directly from the community as to how they want to move forward and to establish the top priorities for them. once that has been done, as all sorts here will, as our formulating policies, according to what people one behind up to be in the future. that's for the
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rebuilding part. now the may from sir right now is what's gonna happen with the unemployment. that is rising significantly. people i've been talking to feel that the thirty's words to quick to say to, to her is do not come to my way. we need the resources. now they're realizing they've been repeating all over again. it's only the west coast completely law. i know that has to be an effective but are, is like these. what i'm right now in k, there is say, hey, why they are the road to honda and the that they want tourism to come because thousands, tens of thousands of people have left and there have been many, many coast collisions. so i've been talking to the business owners like to serve as school right next to me, rest are an owners and they're coughing, personal in half. right. so that's, that's going to be a big circle back. ok, thank you for that. said country dw, con correspondent country moines. on my way. thank you. of
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the 2, as in bob, which had those of the polls on wednesday and what could be a pivotal ballot for the country last time around in 2018 and buildings on new pay us policy when just over 50 percent of the vote observe. it's been a very, it could be a tight race this time as well. although a few people expect the balance to be free, unfair. the is the final push for political parties, the hit on wednesdays. election means above please. it's expected to be a 2 horse race between nelson shaneesa needles. the new year stuff is quality, the citizens coalition for change and incumbent. emerson and douglas was doing. he went through to reach
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the, the legs and the outcome will be politically shipping's. above is political and economic future. that's something voters will be mindful of at the polls. but observe is all concerned about the legal time it. and then god was continued chris on poland to have someone who has been a political under study of the go button. so all the negative things you can talk about isn't bad with politics, like google has grown up with that system. and so no, but he or she is in power and he has immunity behind him. he's going to use those bugs and dr. dukes to hold on to and the remaining power. and that was aiming for 2nd tim, under the organization. that is governance and bobbie for 43 years is on the new law. don't know, his rights to the top of the party was welcomed by many. often the fab is austin.
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but now dying living conditions and the lack of jobs means some citizens, according for change, the seeing 3 media, i'm glad that is image. it's a face. mind was to cut in one fluid face so we went, change is full as you do. yes. so please, but change has been hard to come by for them probably with the looming election already in dispute. and this morning that the countries many problems of, from, from, from the other day is almost done. but the conversation can continue online. you'll find this on the social media channels at dw news for more in depth analysis, as always dw comp pulled at the dumping of the day. the
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watching. let's say we're focusing on freedom of expression and how that can take up to 5 things for their voices to be high. prices advisors in the side push freedom. the question is, where is the line between accidents we mentioned is inside those the in the line i maintain that there is a line down the board, the 77 percent. what he's asking on the d w.
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marriage is forever. divorce is forbidden. some believe that what god has joined together, no man should ever tear apart. even if that man abandoned his family long ago. so far, all major reforms have failed with somebody in the society. his mindset is changing for us. in 60 minutes, d w, the, as you become pretty kind a told me about sugars paralyze between your societies,
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computers and governments that go crazy for your data. explain how to use technology's work. that's how they can also watch it. now the tie, guys, my name is i do go and this is really a funny and you are watching this of instead of percent on dw total about africa. so keep watching this out. hello and welcome to the 77 percent the whole life. because youth, it's not always easy to document or experiences or share our thoughts. today's show is about what happens when you write to talk or pine is suppressed. in nearly 40
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