tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle August 25, 2023 3:30pm-3:45pm CEST
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what secrets lie behind things was discovered new adventures in 360 degrees to explore fascinating world heritage sites d w world heritage 360 yeah. now the about $137000000.00 babies are born world wide every year. many of them are desperately wished for, and their parents do the birth as a great guest. but it isn't always easy for a woman to become pregnant. what helps, what's behind the desire to reproduce? and what can modern medicine do if it proves difficult to wish for a child? that's the topic on today's show. welcome to in good shape. on dw the
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rabbits read fast. they can have several letters annually, each between $5.10 kits. with elephants, on the other hand, females almost always bare just one calf at the time that every 4 years we are somewhere in between. at the right time of life, a female human can see a radically bare one child a year. but to get pregnant in the 1st place for body needs to be well prepared. numerous things tips to help these to female facilitate. first use condoms. yes, you had right before you went to get pregnant to you should be using condoms, sexually transmitted diseases like media and garner mia after old can leads to infertility. to always use a condom to help reduce the risk of future problems. second, to avoid coffee,
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alcohol, and its not call takes consuming, excessive amounts of coffee, alcohol or drugs can make it hard to conceive somebody contacts, to avoid them altogether. caffeine, him does the contraction of muscles in the fallopian shape. studies have also shown that more than 5 cups of coffee a day can lead to miscarriages. and be careful with other caffeinated drinks to offered to still make smoke because they're up to 40 percent less likely to conceive the non smoke. cuz smoking impact is the functioning of the ovaries, so it's better to quit. the comes to sticks to them before a healthy weight. studies have shown a link between obesity and into the tennessee, so it's good to keep you awake. it's a reasonable level. moderate exercise on a regular basis helps as does a healthy lifestyle and a nutrient twitch diet. if you want to can see if you need to be guessing enough in
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calcium and zinc to think helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. and certainly cast it is full so important, a women's body needs satellites to produce the sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone, which is necessary for conception to number 5. be wary of plastic. plastic may seem impossible to avoid, but some research suggests it might be a good idea to minimize your exposure. a study on mice showed that various chemical compounds can inhibit the production of eastern class to young children are particularly vulnerable to chemical and pasta. collect space. yeah. so when it comes to, to always bubbles in pacifies, it's best to use, go tentative materials. and another tips takes age into consideration. female facility and the quality of ag,
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it's declined with the age of to 35 facility declines, small rapids late so it's better to stop the family earlier about that than like the woman is for to lucy is just one fact. so when it comes to fulfilling the dream of having a child, lots of the tips we just mentioned also apply to men of color. but in general, worldwide, according to a study from an as rainy team, the ability to procreate has full and among men what's causing it spam counts and men all over the wells have dropped as has the quality of spun they produce. those have fallen over the past 50 years. that's according to a new study analyzing spun concentration. but this doesn't necessarily mean all species is facing extinction. at least that's what the on a beam says. he's
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a urologist and, and draw the just adult say, who specializes in the male reproductive system. then we have this one up. if we want to know if we're going extinct, we can look at the birth rate, which has remained relatively stable over that period. and it always fluctuates a little, but it doesn't seem to have been cut in half the sperm concentration was in this study. it's been clear for some time that spun policy is getting worse. but this new study shows that since 1973 average spend concentration also decreased by more than 50 percent. but comparison between the board 3 studies is difficult. evaluation techniques with different back in the 19 seventy's. but that's not the only reason that i to the age of the subjects the men who are examined is very important in this study. so this means that a young man age 25 and 1973 must be compared with a young man age 25. today. the fact says this isn't necessarily compromised because
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nowadays children are born more often to older parents at a later stage in life. future, and that should definitely be taking into account lessons. exactly why spend counts the declining remains unclear. it's those that might be related to men's life styles, all their environment, including how much contact they have with pollution, pollution. oh, plastic was based exist using the archival. the most important thing is that healthy balance to live styles that you don't necessarily have to do anything proactively. it's like you should avoid certain things. that means all harmful substances as well as stimulants, such as smoking, alcohol is correct, unhealthy diet. but chemical substances at work might play a role, but it could also be that stress simply causes us to produce fewer than the poor quality sperm. there's an urgent need for more research in the field. every year over $10000000.00 girls and young women become mothers,
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while still in their teens and some parts of the world. it's not just on remarkable . it's practically expected that those younger rages, however, maternal mortality is higher. and many teenage mothers also face poverty and marginalization. but in the right place, if a very young brother is lucky enough to have parents willing to help, things can work out well. a thursday afternoon and brain and in germany, my age 29 and no way me age 13 are checking out the latest judy, tips on the internet just like girlfriends or sisters, but they're actually mother and daughter each. uh, so i was 16 and it just kind of happened. i actually, i didn't expect to the, to a know a means. dad is my boyfriend at the time. told me that something had changed with me. the point that we still have of august for him. this is your most recent and then i took a test and i found now i was pregnant and my 1st reaction was that i cried because
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it was such a shock, divide by the shoulders hawks buying to sell. no amy was born 3 months prematurely and delivered by emergency c section. she weighed less than a kilogram and needed mechanical ventilation. she was an intensive care for a month. at the age of 16, my as body simply wasn't ready for pregnancy. i had to go to the gynecologist much more often. i went to almost every week for checkups and also because i had already contractions pretty quickly. move in have to teenage girls and terminate. have grown less likely to have children in 2020, around 3000 mothers under 18, had babies. decade earlier, 4 and a half 1000 k for maya was lucky. she receive support and help from her parents right from the start. shut them,
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i'm fun. at 1st i spent most of my time at home me so how i went with her to the playground. things like that sitting at the money. but then at some point, i found a way to reconnect with my friends i'm supposed to, funded by months and with support from my parents. i was able to go out sometimes kind of a whole scheme, but things have changed and i couldn't pin. i had to get out early, take her to daycare. it was definitely different thing. and as far definitive on us it's not easy sometimes for 13 year old no way me to have such a young mother who won the highest so much at some point enough. it's enough questions like it's not really your mother or your sister? yes, it's my mother. it's not my fault. my mother is so young, but i wouldn't want to change it. it's beautiful and done. despite the difficulties maya never regret getting pregnant at the age of 16 device male consortia. at that point i was already very sure i wanted to go through with that something that
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changed my life in a positive way and i would do it all over again. and soon she, well, maya is mel expecting her 2nd child. 13 years after the birth of her 1st. so when is the optimal time to have a child? most would say there's never an ideal moment. there are always reasons to wait, maybe of what to interrupt studies or make things too tight on the financial side. sometimes there's no good partner inside, although that's a problem that can be solved. the fact the question is, what role does the father play and my daughter's life? i have to ask myself that. how do i deal with it? show off about a 100 and kind of as to off as a single mother. she had her daughter meet with the help of a sperm donor. she doesn't know the father. after her last relationship ended,
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the 34 year old made what is still seen as an unusual decision. we had new kids and we separated that it was always clear to me that the desire to have a child was very present and became even most so off to the separation preventive world. and i realize pretty quickly that i didn't want to just get involved in a new relationship. i couldn't. and then by chance i came across the topic of single motherhood. there's 2 foot um, often this team is what, what types of customers are considered this step for a year and a half. she found other single mothers to talk to many of them online. in 2021. she decided to stop waiting for the right partner to come along and become a mother on her own permission to come speak to me,
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it's very important to separate motherhood from partnership. during the process that led to single motherhood, i realized that i can be a mother, but that doesn't mean i have to be a wife will partner. i'm a new stuff is if all the problems i most with sperm from a donor in denmark, then 32 year old was artificially inseminated at a facility clinic. after 2 unsuccessful attempts she became pregnant. the 3rd time her daughter vehicle is now a year old. she's and it's greatest joy, even if life as a single parent isn't always easy. every house for the in the challenges have to do with bearing in mind that everything depends on me alone, a line for me. okay. so that means i have to function is most folks and i have to stay healthy life. and i also have to make sure that we have an income and so on. that raises the pressure. sometimes that makes it a little hard to catch your breath. us for an off um go much my michelle
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osmond best, but the 34 year old is not completely alone since the start of her journey into motherhood. she's had support from family and friends. i'm from the beginning. i thought wow, that's really intense, really brave. and i wondered if she thought it through these, but then i found out very quickly that she had given it a lot of thoughts and a 60 thought, it wasn't just a crazy idea. but that she had really worked hard on it and thought it through very carefully that good. if i lived on it and noticed that her concept of conscious, single parenthood is often still a taboo subject. one, but not everyone understands. one reason why she's literately very open to valdez levine. unfortunately, i've never had a negative reaction. noticed the whole of course, i don't know what people think him private women often talk about what the
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children's father is doing. and i'm always relatively quick to say that i'm alone with ha, a single parent, and that's very, very important to me that my daughter sees. i don't mean to see course of it. and there's nothing wrong with her as she grows up and that she can be just as open about it late. so the bond between another nearby has on question of lee a very special kind of relationship. and she's happy with her decision to become a single mom. many people would love to have children, but are unable to until recently, there was little doctors could do to help ben and 1978 louise, joy brown was born on change reproductive history. she was the 1st baby ever conceived to in vitro fertilization. it was a medical sensation at the time since then around 8000000 ideas babies have been born. but the method has some drawbacks. it's expensive to perform and doesn't
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always work. so when it does respect your payment, so if a joy this is 150 family twins and then 100 cherished. but it took a long time for domain and young students desire to have kids to become reality of dish on the, on the site. i'm trying to new for a long time that it probably wasn't going to work naturally. and after i met my husband, it quickly became an issue. as an altima, which was fear of somebody to finish phillips was the i didn't know what the problem was that we dealt with that very openly. it's human and i don't think it's a bad thing from 6 understand that don't feel somehow less masculine or anything. if you, if you want to have a child, you have to take the next step. so making this, let the couple to a facility center.
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