tv Eco India Deutsche Welle September 1, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm CEST
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how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these, the modern men. because if we do too much of it all wrong, we mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary. the change is the only constant i'm to keep up with. this is rapidly changing was that needs to be constant learning. how do i come? i'm saw the got the body and you're watching equal window. traditional sources of likelihood. oh, ways of life and knowledge are, are falling short in the face of climate change,
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which is creating unprecedented scenarios. and knowledge in all stages of life is the only real hope. since we are talking about knowledge, what better place to start, then a school i studied in daily and environmental science is what a part of my cred credit at all. do i learned quite a lot, all of which was limited to a classroom. but there is a school in quinn, the door, which is changing all of this in very interesting ways. is what a nice change in a sort of learning and a lot to do these 5th grade goes at b as g. a kristin, i'm with nursery. and primary school in quinn, but all of looking into the schools gotten today well, she already knows fully around the support along the other one be used. dante fits for making juice. it has and jordan, kidney stones eating a banana leaf is good for you all hell. part of the one i live in that the ceilings were donated by and n g o in 100, over a doing
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a small ceremony. environmental education isn't that great into the curriculum? here, starting in kindergarten and the machine, this approach helps them understand the practical application of what's below income happening in addition to raising their awareness about the environment. part of the order for meet the young ladies the, the school which is located in the fall risk of thumb is not within international sustainability school. the concept was developed about 30 years ago by the foundation for unbind mental education in denmark. the center for enrolment education in india has been a fucking organization since 2014. so the idea is to bring an environmental education into schools and make it a fixed part of the curriculum. the school is you can apply for the international green flag. distinction for sustainability in india, in the schools, dental schools and tom and another with participating so far, the generally working on no 5 teams each other identified as part of the uh,
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in the agreed school program. and these themes into the working on what or do you do shows the biodiversity base management has been living and trying to teach. and it's the idea is to look at $2.00 oh, there it was, went in, not at these 3. all these issues, 40 or more than 7000 kilometers, are raised students in a home economics class at the august sunday school in been in all cooking brunch. the students offered a bidding for future vocational training. some students have spoken to dive in, pamela, and can only here to live, or not at all. the students using comedians that the organic and regional of whenever possible, environmental consciousness is also part of the coloring of the training. well, most as much from this one, you have to really break it down piece by piece sometimes,
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but i think we manage it pretty well. plus the students are quite capable. so surely something will stick august. the school is also an international sustainability school. there more than 50 of them and building alone. the schools have to reapply for the title of the federal bench. did all one of our colleagues from buttons, son at administration come by to us as to whether or not we can keep the title? scott: this is task i know who does he can often be. first of all, it's very important for schools to just get started and choose 2 areas to take action and which are selected from a list of f, the cheese or sustainable development goals, which is very current onto. and of course, it's very important that the schools actually take efforts to do those things. that's a whole guns. allstate, this chord doesn't seem to run out of ideas for project. the students need some kind of supplemented decision about and 37 tips to
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a competition. so it also includes subtitles and signed language, making it more accessible to people who she's good stant young people are also taking initiative and setting organic dishes on the cafeteria. the different fed dumps of the school kitchen as part of their lessons the school gets also tend to extensive gardens. it allows you young people to learn how to be responsible by looking off to the properties animals themselves. you get lazy and every day and organic give us rolling results of feeling the effects of climate change. some of those are getting hotter and dry out of here and it drains less than it did in the past. the situation isn't
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much better in the quinn, but all the cities also look at it and tell me a lot of and thanks to environmental education, students did understand the cause of this causes places and vigils like my doctor got to mit, which leads to funding in other countries as the mountain water flows into the oceans and then that's getting warmer in recent years, i'm of the land landed on me is getting more hot. and when i feel that i do realize that the claimant is changing, being that they're not in the, this is in a few years, we may not even be able to live the way we're living right now. the environmental education is a focus of the lessons here. the students become invested as a spread information about sustainability throughout the world. the concept isn't essentially the thought on sustainability schools. what is that challenging for teachers? and so for this is kind of almost puddle. i hope that instead of a challenge, it's simply becomes except in practice. one of our aim is that even our students with special cognitive needs sort of can experience region ality mc finality. and
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that they can grasp these concepts with their minds, hearts and hands on to thank you. the approximate num um it is easy for us asians, indiana. and when we start teaching tutoring about plans on the planting family and the unemployment in elementary school, not everyone's, it's included in the syllabus estimate about which makes it easier for them to accept and understand the level of inquiries this greenhouse effect. there are over 60000 environmental schools more than 80 countries worldwide, both for the the millions of the students from the coming generation. when one day dream of that then the generations before them was green jobs. the oddest yourself, especially in a country like, you know, which has a boss, employment speaking population. i'm in the next couple of decades,
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millions of such a lot to be created. and the majority of these really comes from the solar energy sector, which is south central generation, nearly 3260000 jobs by 2250. and why millions of jobs will be created, millions of employees and also that existing jobs. and this is where i'm feeling, i'm feeling we've become very, very important. let's find out a little more about how all of this will be done as this transition happen. in daily, you know, cartoons opening up for the day. she's going to have her own materials recovery facility or a motto. just a few years ago, she was working on the streets as a waste because in all kinds of fed up. so now she's especially happy to have her own business. he's the see if i the benefit of running an em out of his dot. it protects me from the rain on harsh conditions, outdoor, what goes on,
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even in hot weather and during, during the season. and that the but to start a motor, if she had much to learn how to separate the waste, who would take it for recycling? and under what conditions, how to negotiate with business partners. jen then thought her the rules, the environmental and you fights for sustainability and social justice by helping people escape regardless employment. her new job has changed during a copy of his life. helena, that's among the but of the day i see the difference before i had to ask my husband for money and had to be very cautious, one, spending every cent. now the way i look on save and spend has been transformed at the time now and get kind of to you some of the by so no cartoon makes around $10000.00 piece per month, roughly 110 euros. she's just one of close to 50 for most base because now owning
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their living this week, this means she and her colleagues about of the green economy, environmental protection, the sustainable use of resources and renewable energy use all these areas, brothers, new employment, opportunities, and exposure expect that india would need more workers to fill these jobs in the future. we have estimated that a gotten clique wrote the workforce engaged in the wind and this order sectors that $1000000.00 additional job of capacity would be added off without what $3.00, millions. by 2000 to ask them a hand and we finished his engineering degree. he owned an extra qualification in the field of energy management. today he's working as a consultant at a big hospital in debbie who's follow consumption is far too high. i the to low blonde. he arranges but medias modifications which would save the hospitals. lots
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of energy in the long run on the main energy these days either do the necessary equipment or do do units. and oh yeah. devin 5 number of to debit line has a modem. what was the other 5 g 3 deluxe on the, at the new zillow's here in the area of building energy management. the need for skilled workers is already great. data analysis and artificial intelligence should help make structures green, but specific training is required. as all the dodge booth boats for deluge department of flores, she own her qualifications during a state funded training program at n g o, the wood wildlife fund. today she is mapping and aiden daily's, freedom of low, the gardens, later, this sort of pet to determine the best habitat for such
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a blond and animal species. but her new knowledge is useful in other areas to i've used that i'm on the same thing with like, oh, and the insides are for the stay the all that, that or live going all over the board. the sources are, uh, are they are, they are located and the vet are door like climbing things like where they can of the more diverse sources can good, easy access to the fire or incident if it happens. many projects come due to development projects in the lease on, so i have to check that if it is coming into the for the stadium or not. so i'd be not to boot the extra training. his paid off g uninsured was her training officer at the time. he tells us that such programs have more than 2 quotes on the bottom. suppose find a new job afterwards. max must have gone into this search
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and put the money into the beauty organizations. like city and the blue to blue if has joined in various projects, then various research institutes have joined and forest departments. that is the major place with these guys go and board watches, joint protected areas as guides, new sources of energy, bring with them new challenges for the labor market. so workers who are prepared to keep learning new things don't need to worry about their jobs. there should be plenty for them to do in the future. the what does nature give us us for the air that we breathe at almost everything that we need to sustain our life. but that is a more direct connection between our biodiversity and all that can be traced back to the nearest medical store from your house. last bills and sit ups are designed
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from nature before that which is suggest shields in lab. i'm finally into waters and projecting odd. why would i most of this is important for the health of our planet. i don't have to smoke up like this could kill you. it could have once upon a time. now we have penicillin, an antibiotic that saved countless lives, like many other drugs used to treat malaria pain and cancer. penicillin was made using substances that come from nature. but we're losing plants, animals, and other species way too quickly. it's not only destroying our chances to find more revolutionary drugs. it's also wrecking the acre systems that keep us healthy in the 1st place. by of s t, the plants, animals, and other elements that make up nature is behind many more drugs than you may think . around $0.70 accounts. so medications alone based on natural substances,
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we have medications for heart disease coming from like the fox glove. we have medications for cancer from the utah tree and from the may apple. that's cassandra quays. she's an estimate of the nest and wrote a book, pulled the plants on to we're looking for a new molecules for nature inspired by those medicines that you have been used in the past and continue to be used by people living under different paradigms that medical traditions around the world, people all over the world have been using nature directly to shield themselves for thousands of years. that's like text from fig trees to treats intestinal power sites in the amazon and meanwhile, used to treat skin disorders in india. an estimated full really, and people still rely primarily on natural medicines. but using natural remedies and nature derived medications is becoming more or more difficult and thoughts because we're quickly losing bio diversity. the international union for
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conservation of nature has assessed more than a 150000 species as part of its read list, which attracts the state of by it of s t over a quote to threatens with extinction. the 2 things that couldn't bite of us to the most, and they didn't even have a state and land convention. that's email mccullin's professors by defense t at oxford university. and it's not just clear it's of land for us to raise biscuits, glenn, for food, for lice to eat and clements at the oceans. i should also say for feed, we chopping down for us over fishing, our oceans, where heating the climate introducing invasive species on polluting the planet. in short, we're messing with the inch co balance between different species and ecosystems, where rich by diversity of different plants and animals depend on each other. so the survival. we may need just ecosystems to be healthy and working. not only do
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they provide us the medicine we need when we're sick. they also keep us healthy in the 1st place. just to give a few examples. trees and shrubs clean or by absorbing harmful substances outside pollution kills for 1000000 people every year. a boston university studies found that up to 38000 deaths could have been prevented, and the largest us cities alone. if they have been more greenery than the soil. the microbes in it provide the nutrients to grow rooms. 95 percent of food according to the un, and that's what lends to remove harmful pollutants from the water. entire cities rely on this like co, costa and india. around 750000000 tons of sewage and wasteful to pumped into the wetlands on the eastern border of the city. and the waste is purified and use for fish, fruit and to grow vegetables. all use of natural resources is at least in part,
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the reason why over the past 200 years of rich life expectancy for humans all over the world has increased. but we're pushing nature to file. we're using more of it's for solar system, the s can regenerate. so what can we do to save by adversity and keep humans healthy? clearly, that's no one solution, but there are different ways to protect regenerate unsustainably, manage a car systems. for example, re wilding or rebuilding cost system, reintroduce things to be fees that have been lost from particular regions or forestry is another example. so instead of completely raising land for agriculture, using the native trees and shrubs to help grow crops, things are moving in the right direction. global government 1st committed to protect 50 percent of land and oceans and to restore. degrade is not true areas by 2030, but these promises needs to be turned into action. if there's anything that i've
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learned in this journey is really that human health and planetary health are intricately intertwined. you can't have one without the other. if we look often nature, it has the capacity to help us even more because they're all species like c sponges, for example, that are already being studied and could provide more drugs to treat cancer. and scientists are also looking to plant species to treat the bacteria. no resistance, we on to buy optics like penicillin that we discovered almost a century ago. it's an upset race against time. finding the cube before species go extinct. focused on saw some of the worst and most disastrous impacts of climate change on its people and its economy. this last you with the was to be the was saw this last and it's showing them the case to create a climate fund. so has such countries,
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but the 1st step in going back in climate change is educating and informing the citizens about it. and that stuff is light from elementary school. was done in southern focused on it is one of the most populated and also one of the hardest to be in the country. come with them preachers often 1245 degrees celsius. the people here are at the front lines of climate change to help them adapt to dramatically changing for the buttons. looping public schools are taking action as the idea is to raise awareness among teachers about the impact of climate change. so the contracts for the knowledge to a new generation for housing for public school teachers are being trained on the subject. something new and focused on because you're a school teacher, but he is a trainer. here she's explaining the science behind that regarding jobs. he tweets
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and flats that already making some legions on. inhabitable made me going to have or lucky son didn't yak, it will stop and boxes done is among the boards top 10 countries most affected by climate change. but last year, the flood skewed more than 1700 people could definitely be getting lots of that john, more money or more than a 1000000 livestock was queued on. the economy suffered lots of talents of these as an under developed country buck assigned less resources. so important to focus on preventive measures of it this week on course the sandwich, a stick it 100 rehabilitation give, but say for maintain the curriculum is based on what's known as the green book for the it's for color full text book, published by the education department past opened jobs and has been distributed to more than 250 public schools in the book store to 7th grade this, it puts into perspective the challenge is post by climate change and also offered
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loop and nice solutions to tackle the crisis. but before they can discuss it in the classroom, teachers then folks need to be brought up to speed on the subject line. we can't do it, i guess that i don't know how to log into it again. the training helps us understand how the climate is changing. the given because of the greenhouse gases and the consequences. we are facing diversity. well, how much is the model and whatnot, but he has task is to involve students and teachers in the graduation of small for it is on school, the premises, they follow them the document type, a japanese done techniques that can quickly establish an open forest ecosystem. use this locust blonds and he repeats the processes through which ford is naturally the genet of put the mature mailbox for this has to put into, to bring temperatures down by up to 2 degrees celsius and no to sit in with them
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different, especially in some of you have been taught over there, so good luck to you in the call to do that, i'm pretty sure it is higher than i'll do it in the me of i'll keep for this reading numerous small green spaces like this could be very fruitful and tackling the effects of climate change, the affinity both for flex uh for letting me to do the fun addition to the crying to the school life is the kitchen garden activity. 151 is just like this one, have taken root in the region as part of the curriculum instructor teachers and students on the entire process from planting to harvesting and activity that excites the students. and the best part is cooking. today the glasses learning how to make the deepest tried to shift buckets done according is something everyone enjoys, even on a hot day. as a meaningful quote,
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the book used quit. what's the, the mean guess thoughts, student loan to tell the story and the develop an attachment to it, the, the non how to non seats bought in the blonde and watch the process of flies bloom and bridget gabor's phone. but it makes the children very happy and many things that knowledge home with them and wish you guys had a field that open and what only got there or but hosted with junior nikoto. maybe pity is choose course to model. organics refuse doesn't go to waste vegetable people are mixed with storing and dried leaves to make organic and gardening. those peak on both to compose. it's been used as a fertilizer for the me out ocoee for this and the kitchen garden spaces. ma'am ad details have shown us how to keep the environment clean and use vegetables and fruits that are best aside, free to say had one of these that has been good to that. uh, that is other than just a lot more trees and reduce pollution. so the environment around us is clean and we
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get more oxygen or have ms. other that i'll see this time. it's time to go back inside to the customer. but anyhow, she wants to just, we have to make connections on climate change. interesting. and interactive students are encouraged to ask questions and to be different issues. and that allowed to get creative as to worked with them a tedious for the generation experiencing the effect of time of change. first tons of fun for the school with the comes to in and i think we're hands on learning enough and hope for the future as to the future of this one would also decide what this future looks like. so many stories of hope today, but you will let me know what did you find most in sliding in today's episode. and what would you like to see more of? you can write to us or reach out to me directly on social media. i will see you
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cooks thoroughly to kill microorganisms. keep food at safe temperatures, cool to prevent bacterial growth. use safe water and safer all materials to avoid congenital food producers are the ones primarily responsible for the safety of the people. but you can protect yourself and your family from diseases in the home by applying the 5 keys to see for use them. you also have a role to play the,
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this is the, the news lies from the ukraine says it has developed a weapon, able to strike targets deep inside russia. presidents landscape points to an attack which destroys russian military planes. 700 kilometers from the pine in boulder. also coming off china issues the highest level of weather, warning, millions sprays full the super tide soon so many businesses and transport lanes, clothes, and some cities delay the start of the new school year. and as extreme,
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