tv DW News Africa Deutsche Welle September 1, 2023 11:30pm-12:00am CEST
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of what secrets lie behind things was discovered new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating world heritage sites dw world heritage 360 yeah. now this the state of the news africa coming up on the program, 1st mitchie and now the bon way will the army sees power next in africa. the qu into bond is the latest in the spring of military takeovers in africa since 2020. we offer a world expect once treated this uptake and cruise and who will be next. awesome, coming up. mays is a staple food in kind of a climate change a is bringing drought shows make the growing season. and also leaving the prop roxanne in the much concrete as her new varieties can say the farm is this office
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can you launch is the biggest full meals program in all of africa starting and i wrote it once to provide daily lunches for 4000000000 primary school children the hello i'm christine will do i it's good to have your company. and now the african leda toppled by the army. whose turn would it be next? the full of the bones, lita, ali bungle, has wrestled the continents autocrats and democrats like camera room and one to both made hiring changes to the top military within hours of the crew in liberal and they have good reason to be nervous since world war 245 of the continents 54 countries have suffered, attempted clues, and ministries. hey clovis,
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on the rise again. now, i'll be asking an expert what's driving this crew contagion. the 1st, here's a look at events in gabon cube, and in scenes from the street since a cabin, a capital after nearly 56 years from the family who the political dentist to reserve a certain, but own presidential, republican god, the down to so much time. many are excited at the prospect of change model. we've had enough of the p d g party and they've ruled us for decades. people if they never won any election on this. i mean, if it makes you hours later, the army named general bruce on a, d and d, my cousin, a phone goes as a new transitional president. if the 2 is successful, this will be the 6th african country where the military has ceased power since 2020
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. how sick president i leave. i'm going to have to claim victory and last weekend's elections. but me a minutes off is when was in that senior military officers know the results and stage to put now under has the rest funds. i released the message asking it well for help from echo onto the president of the n. i'm to send a message to our defense that we have ordered. we're going to make notes to make noise for the people here, off the rest of the many and gone hurting the change in leadership will bring up the i to future. and so now the international community currently works on the site to the cooling couple on is just the latest and the stream of recent military takeovers on the african continent. 5 other countries in the region have
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also seen cuz most recently initiated last month in 2022 booking, a fossil sold to coaches in less than 9 months. and in 2021. so dense, prime minister of the handle was ousted by military force, the same yet gimme and money experienced their own. cuz the task and for more on this, my 1st guess today is john chon, at the carnegie mellon institute for security and technology. welcome to data of the news africa, and you've published fascinating research into all clues, worldwide, going back to 1945 and africa, as you've observed, is the global. if a central please don't want to just start by telling us more about your main findings professor yeah, well the 1st thing i'm important finding is that not all kids are the same. so when we talk about their being the resurgence of cruise in africa,
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there's actually been multiple research and says, because we can distinguish between on the one hand, for example, we're seeing change twos that seek to say over throw democratically elected government. as recently happened to niger or leader were shuffling twos that in fact, are trying to preserve the incumbent regime like we saw in chat just a few years ago to try to come to tab the deputy machine continue empower motors such. so there is a lot of variety of shoes and that actually makes it more particularly difficult to gain traction to say in general about what are the causes. for example up the recent qu, wave in africa. but that is, in fact what we, we try to do, right? and as you've highlighted in your, in your research, there were frequent crews in africa during the cold war era. why was it so as well, there are lots of reasons that go to structural factors,
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including the problems of democratic developments of the following independence, poverty, low levels of education week, the democratic civil societies, as well as a particularly mental, some ethnic politics and many countries. so that in fact, the state became a prize for many different ethnic groups and a business individuals in africa as well as other regions during the cold war that, that made uh cruise a particularly attractive option to try to seize power as well as rents. yeah. and then there was this decade right uh, from 2007 to 2018 where you point out there was not a single coup attempt in africa, but then in the 2 years from 2022 to 2022. there were 11 qu, attempt attempts, now add to a new share and the bond that takes us to 13,
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what would you say has sparked this resurgence of cruise? i think it's, as you quoted, the 1st thing we looked at was did it have something to do with the global color pandemic? because the way it really started to take off around 2020, at the same time as depend on it. and it turns out we didn't really find much if any evidence of that in fact, if some of the more traditional suspects that we think are most closely associated with their surgeons. so again, poverty dilemma as of democratic development, of course, in the various cases in west africa, which have been the majority of cases prominent as well as long as i'm starting to use have also played an important role. and how much of a role have outside influence has played france and russia the role that they are playing? and in some of these countries, do they have a part to play, or is it solely local factors?
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well, outside of actors have a role to play. i don't think they really have much of a causal role sort of triggering the recent cool resurgence there have been you know, reports that don't go back in a group, you know, being an important matter. and some of these countries, of course, france and the united states have also been active with military training. i'm still on to oppose these honest insurgencies across the so help. but i don't think it's any of the outside actors who are quote unquote to blame. i do think that it is largely local and regional dynamics that are at play here. and so we're based off the now 13 cruise that we have seen in africa since 2020 so many of them have had public support a point to initiate and to the knowledge it's been gone. i'm just one did of the ones that we've had before. these 2,
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what results have these military takeovers had have a delivered on their promise? uh, well not all of them may have the same promises um, but for those that did promise a quick return to elected constitutional democratic rule, those promises have largely gone unfulfilled. and although a number of military winters in the region have made promises under pressure threat of sanctions or actually impose sanctions from echo los the united states, france and others of or you know, once sanctions are lifted, promises are often revoked. and so we haven't really seen a successful returns of democracy in any of these countries. purposely you say that the response uh by the international community to a who makes the difference. tell us more about the response to cruise in africa and
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how that's impacted military june test as well. of course, uh, 2 plotters have to be strategic if they want to seize and keep power. and so one important factor in the calculus of a to potter is to gauge what they think the international reaction will be. of course, if a hammer of sanctions comes down and makes it very difficult to stay empower. and so the idea of trying to launch a few in the 1st place is reduced. so active diplomacy by the international community to uh, either reversed cruise which is very difficult, but more likely and all of these cases to try to shorten the duration of post qu, regimes is, can play an important role. that kind of active diplomacy was much rare during the cold war, which of course made africa a more permissive environment for cruise in that period in the post cold war period
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. uh, antique qu, norms developed especially in regional international organizations, such as the african union. and echo laws as well as with other a 4 and 8 donors. and so continuing to uphold anti coo no arms, i think is really important to ensure that hopefully we can see the resurgence of who has come to an end and continue democratic development in the region. this uptake uh, in cruise that started in 2020 all we likely to see that continue and, and could you talk us through what you mean by the phrase cool contagion. unfortunately, i do think that we're going to continue to see co activity and africa as scholars of curious when we talk about contagion, we are really thinking of cruise, almost like a virus, how they might spread from one patients to another or victim to another.
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and the question is, is, is to activity in one country influencing or making to activity in another country . more likely. and it's actually very difficult to say whether, how the extent to which that is the case and the reason to wait. there is circumstantial evidence of contagion, we know, for example, that there um, some of the coup waters have trained together and in paris for example. and so that there are some personal connections between some of some of the crew leaders. but there's definitely no smoking gun avenue in this. and so you know, building, i mean, absence of that one might have to assume that local domestic factors will still be the dominant one to activity moving force. you said professor, that countries with the recent cruise or at risk of falling into the crude trap,
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is it possible to assess the criteria and say which country might be vulnerable in the future? it is very difficult. i am working with some scholars and such as dixon, machine learning departments, here at c, m. u. to try to develop coal, discuss a new forecasting model to do exactly what you're asking. unfortunately, it's still a little premature. we're not quite ready to launch. however, having said that, it, it is logical to assume that country is that look like those that have had cruise recently in terms of structural factors, should be those that are most at risk. my brilliant colleague, kelly bar to us, for example, thinks that paul p a. m kam, around uh, should be quite work like, i'll go and his father is a long time dictator and the country that's quite dependence on france. and
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you can imagine that a hope he'll be taking steps to try to secure his rule moving forward. yeah. and you mentioned good one day. did you see this one coming up? i did not. and but that's the thing about cuz uh uh, to be successful. you, you don't see them coming up very, very easily. so the fact that us who is in the region, what happened yes, quite likely that this particular to would strike upon and be led by the head of the republican guard in the wake of a recent election. uh no, i actually didn't see that coming well set fascinating stuff. perfect. so we appreciate your time here and data we can use africa. that's john chin at the carnegie mellon institute for security and technology. thank you. are
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now in response to the clue initiate a month ago. the costs broke of african states has impose sanctions and that means provisions are getting scarce in the land lock country. now to a barry is a city on the niger river, just 120 kilometers north of the capital in them. and as our next report chose residents, they are feeding, they will fix up sanctions. 7 7 down with a cold us least and wants to write to us and to levy a furious for them. it's clear who is responsible for the dire situation sang since impose but it to us in front, a close ally of the over the phone government the with very happy that the minute truth taken out. in fact, over the last few years we've suffered so much because of regional insecurity. had their no job. we've only lived on agriculture and outcasts. oh, wow. yeah. but then the terrorist took all the animals and killed on men and sons
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having the home. and the government has done absolutely nothing about it. you know, the, but i mean, i do in the, at the local market. customers can still find staples, that price, but fewer and fewer people can afford to buy them with, you know, what we really want. now that the military has taken control, is that they go to the shopkeepers and get them to lower prices. they need to have pity on us. going eco was say they're going to do this or sash. if the generals really low phonies year, as they always say, then they should at least lower the prices that the bill was the facility priest, the spring of the $391.00, a one we price, the gods that the high prices will come down with that. so then we can go back to our old prices then our customers will be happy when they take,
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i mean, even people in a good salary like n g o worker tell you who am i to us traveling to make ends meet every week you sense of back of rise to the campus within the m a to see, to extend that family was full wives and 9 children who is lucky to be getting any advice, its own moody. all right, so as we import hearing these year just isn't getting to us any more. and if you talk with us here, there's only local rights for new share which isn't enough for everyone to do. the look kind of on demand is making the price shoes up even with the local rise every week the price goes up by $25.00 francs about cost. i think the best thing for us localize is clone just to kind of way to away from the market on the 4th of the night. although the price for his club has gone up by summer evenings that kylie says he's not the one making a profit. which of of government is impala?
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that was the high cost of rice is not directly related to the current situation, essentially, but more to the availability of fertilizer as well as diesel to run the pump, the irrigation r plantation important to wherever you look the streets of the once bustling town are empty, tray, it has stopped to every small harbor where no goods are coming in. the situation is getting worse every day. or the next to gonna we may have is one of the most important food prompts spots unpredictable with passions driven by time to change or making it increasingly difficult for farm is in africa to plant erode grains, coal slats, and droughts in quick succession with a very short growing season in between this year, the reins that usually come in april failed, putting farm is months behind schedule. and then in august, hey,
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be waiting for it. the north causing flooding. dw mets also reports from gun is northeast region. never moves that any sound good, a subdivision what become the yams, and so we have these degree of the season are completely gone. most of them is corrupt, is rotten in the flooding water. a lot of them has what, as you go see, and what that is. got it, everything that we know 11 that the left is not what we are picking. not the flooding means the comb. how set to jameton right out of the hospital days? very little does is good to eat? no, no, no what? i've got a that way. i'm sorry. we don't have any alternative. i'll pay, you know, school fees, feed in the family and also leaving something for images is like diseases and auda test ellia, do you see the assignments had commented themselves lucky?
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what would the ways of the april give them reason to hold for a good half list, but it don't pour in august worst a we those hopes and much more. besides miss rose bridges, homes blown people. yeah. we're dependent on this. he has harvest now and across the lead from everything has been washed away. models was when, oh much for the water. hundreds of people like that because not in gym by the last couple months. he says that if hell does not come, he may have to leave. well, now we're looking at about a minute. this kind of dissolved that has never happened to us yet. to do it. i know it's so strange to see this in the village where i was born in the woods. i came into the rooms and got unit. i'm back and people had up to here, but it might be either i've never seen this kind of thing before. like i was that it was only one back, but plummet. change is also schultz and india growing season in bringing drought.
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these chris challenges for corrupt read this. here, do you have been waking to produce new varieties that much will quickly induct totally the dryness in areas where the season has become shorter and what retail must terminal growth. some of these eli, my turing varieties, how find this to be resilience and to be able to cope with these problems. we have also developed and we legal rights if that's a job totally runs any time. indeed, each time we did crops grow a reputable a drawing to show that really season before the droughts test and the reality is confronting farm is here. yeah, yeah. and it has on try out the new varieties 5 years ago after diseases became unpredictable. i then got from for you and you continue to follow the old site and then you'll miss the season to put the bottom bottom. we thought of the scientists
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innovations. we don't get lost as your source. both drop toilet runs and any maturing varieties. he says he's getting better yellows now. and then he did, we did was he used to plans, as he would live to see what the problem is using the new varieties to and finally to kenya, which has one of the strongest economies on the african continent to yet many kenyans stuff of poverty. and hunger, even in the capital, nairobi that's way africa's largest school meal program has just been launched. the goal is to feed 4000000 primary school children. acosta of canyon children are living with stunted growth due to mon nutrition. this new program sits out to change that we have this report from one go primary school. in the canyon capital with mariel, miller takes up the story as the filtered
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window usually get this excited at a petition visit of these ones attempting the name of never please. governor johnson psychiatry has turned up with a room school meal for them. so they're very happy. they bought a food. very happy. go very odd. but it's good. at least it's not a little. each 10 has may, will just be meds. rubies, given the hopes, the new school year program were put, an end to hunger and the school year. together with a non profit organization, food for education, the city has built 10 environmentally friendly kitchens across the capital. they're aiming to feed health a 1000000 children and they will be alone by the end of next year. it's part of a nationwide at the, to more than doubled the number of children receiving school meals up from 1.6 to 4000000. when completed will be the largest school music program on the continent
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to do with lab. that's all a to the new public schools. i'm going to be eating food in speech. there's a lot of new school development. there's no doesn't roads and buildings development means investing in over the assets. and our biggest asset is all people. and most of our children in the rubies poor is neighborhoods. many children simply don't go to school because they have to work to earn money for their food. often, it's just one meal a day. rising food prices have made much less. the cost of mays meal staple has doubled. 8 well could say that a quarter of canyon children are living with stunted growth due to mom attrition. but even some of those being given food at school are still going hungry. oh, it's been very difficult because some children will eat a portion of their food and take the rest home. well, because i don't have any food there. so it's important because i'm only concentrating costs if you eat well there's, i haven't eaten con line. they sleep in class and you know,
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my local class. now parents only have to chip in for us since for me or the government has located 36000000 new as donors for the program. and that is likely to have enough schools expect a sharp increase in student enrolled. right now we have uh, around $4700.00 the apple we expect even then on booking, also double. and you can see the cd to that we have maybe the government can look at it. that's getting hot by local facilities that many schools already have more children than they can cope with that the government has and vicious plans. he says, up to $6000.00 new classrooms will be built over the next 3 years. for now, children here know they'll have a warm meal every day. yeah, and they should continue this even in the comtesse, you should do the same. i am so happy to be
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and that is it for now be sure to check out our the stories on dw dot com, forward slash africa were also on facebook and on twitter were always keen to hear what you think about the stories were appalled, one and the ones that you think we should be covering. i'll see you next time. it's by the, the, the
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i wish i could have done more to save. you just click away, find the best document on you to really see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive now to dw talking entry line rivers created isn't by a most of full spring, most of how is it gonna be trees displacing? now it's up to $1000.00 races as well, so in their day and is for sea. forest fires, evaporating large amounts of moist good fields or in the
12:00 am
old. we can be the generation, the ends that feel good. malaria must die. so millions can live the this is data view and using these are our top stories. a super tie soon has hate hong kong and the southern coast of china with ard. he's of issue the highest level, whether warning with wind speeds, increasing and heavy rain lashing the city workers in hong kong stayed at home while the start of the new school year. was pushed back all available shelters of the city of 17000000 are being opened.
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