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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 14, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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to this week the, this is dw news live from 30000, still missing and leave the diagnostic catastrophic flooding. mold in 5000 people have died and government officials say that number may be 4 times higher. lots of the city of done that has been destroyed off to to rental rains, opposed to dams, to boast. also coming off, king john own invites russian president vladimir, to visit north korea. the 2 latest plates, cooperation,
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and friendship during talks in russia's find the jared raid. welcome to the program of tardies in east in libya, science i fear as many as 20000 people could die following massive flooding in the mediterranean colony stole city of done uh of of 5000 people have already been confirmed. did survivors have described the fonts as being so nami, like off to 2 dimes, the steering torrential rain. most droids into the city of being washed away, making it difficult for 8 workers to reach effected areas. as a child pulled from the modern rubble, all that's left in this pos of done. a lot of her father survived the floods, but his helpless as his doors. his body is recovered.
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thousands of people have been killed and yet thousands more still missing. as teams search the wreckage for bodies. this is a disaster. my sister, when for children or grandchildren, a total of 11 people in disaster in every sense of the word. my nephew, my people, my family, the facing the depths of their loved ones. tens of thousands of people in dona and surrounding areas have also been left without homes, food, clean water or medicine. and anger is mounting. use of mismanagement, had left the cities infrastructure crumbling. the warrant due authorities for weeks know years that the dam had corrected it and needed maintenance. we said that
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nobody to listen to us. and now the whole of, during the slide it to me no more than a decade of conflict and no central government has left much of libya's infrastructure, neglected. the un recognized administration based in tripoli does not have jurisdiction of the flood he'd areas. the east is ruled by a rival administration headed by military leda holly for hosta, for legend attempted coup in 2014. why i had to tell ya to cut off by what some aid and foreign rescue teams have arrived, but with the country divided and roads washed away, international health is struggling to reach those in need. nothing is working here . no national authorities, nothing. have a look and do something about it. we're experiencing a great injustice to many survivors in done. i have been left to dig through the mud and debris themselves looking for their loved ones. the search for bodies
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has also moved out to see when many of the 1000 still missing were washed away. well on us l go, massey is olivia analyst. he gave us his thoughts on the slow response bind libby enough hardy's to it does struck me in many ways because it's, it's endemic of the systematic failures of governance that we've seen for a decade to rival governments that are perfectly happy to rule over the rubble whilst s as in sly underneath it, and i think it goes down to the core of what, what we've seen, the image is coming. i have done the people today waking up, you know, tired faces, month, all over the place is 3 days without food. water is on the station without the supply lines because of the supply lines that will keep. that's the, the 40000 that we know displaced from the city, almost all of the population that will keep them getting. they need everything. of course,
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they need international search and rescue teams. they need technical experts that are going to help them try to recover and identify some of those that are missing by 40000 people need every bit of help that they can get. and so was the officials that we know particularly those that were responsible for the collapse, but there i'm going to be national. i mean, lots of those officials may have failed out. now, if they made the courageous citizens that were in your program, that happened because they're the ones that driving the ambulances, the other ones that making the bread, that the ones that are trying to tie themself out, looking under the rubble that they need, all the help they can get and so when it comes to what the, what the, what the level governments can do that presided over this crisis right decade. it's the man made negligence as the man made incompetence, inability to war. and there were in citizens when they had the time, the hours and days before the storm is the libya they had the time to be able to go and warn, evacuate, try and identify a way in which to give the lives of the citizens that, that not maybe not the city structures, but i live a 2nd shots and they have and that criminal negligence means that the white people
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to be the custodians of today's coordination efforts. that should be the red crescent, the expedited libya is operating with this courageous stuff. the active as the volunteer is the bright people that stood in the city. they need all the help they can get. yeah, and frankly, the local authorities, the why, the ministration in the west, they can step aside. they've done enough on a sofa massey's thinking to us early on. now to morocco, way of rescue if it's all still on going off the last friday's earthquake. that sofa killed nearly 3000 people. an off, the shock shook. a village near the santa as emergency responders searched for survivors beneath the revel. soldiers and i'd work cuz i'm making a way to remote rural areas where entire villages have been wiped out. dw correspondent, i mean easy if using our cash we off pain if help is now reaching these remote areas. some of the hardest hit areas, villages such as me and paula antique,
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have finally started to receive the much needed aid. others are still completely cut off, and that's because of these long and winding roads that sometimes are unaccessible because of fallen rocks that are across the road. and it's not black and white as well. some villages which have received a may not have received search and rescue teams and sometimes the other way around . so it really is a constant struggle to keep the 8 flowing. don't forget, a lot of these places are now without water and very desert, the areas and some places are without food. and these materials need to be constantly brought up even on a small mountain road that has finally been cleared. you just can't get the amount of trucks up there to deliver these goods that you would need to sustain a population of a village if they don't have food and shelter. and don't forget that this is mountain this region. so the temperatures actually can get pretty low. so it's fair to say that no one really has an overview of what the situation is in the mountains right now. but of course some villages have started to get that 8. i mean, he says,
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let's take a look now at some of the news headlines. police say at least 56 people have died in the fire in an apartment block in the capital of vietnam. how noise? thousands of us were injured in the blinds, which started in the parking area of the building. police have detained. the buildings are not accusing him of finalizing fire safety regulations. the italian island of land producer is under a state of emergency enough to a record of 6000 migrants arrived within 24 hours. many had been transferred to sicily. as the islands reception center only has a capacity of 400 land produced the easily south and moist island and is often the 1st quote of coal for people crossing from northern africa police. in argentina, i have seized over $200.00 nazi books off to writing a publishing house in buenos aires authorities arrested the only know who was printing the anti submitted publications out of
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a hind displaying and nazi symbols. vi lights anti discrimination laws in argentina, which is home to latin america's largest jewish population. well, north korea's leader kim jong own has invited russian president vladimir persian, to visit his country. adults in russia, both late is a great to for the strengthening strategic ties. the us in south korea that north korea could supply arms to russia, which is used up much of its, i mean, nation stocks in the war and ukraine. your husband raising his loss to friendship for sure. but i would like to make it because this is a future strengthening of cooperation and friendship between all countries, between the russian federation and the democratic people's republic of korea. the meeting between north korean leader kim jong on an russian president vladimir putin, wasn't able to meet 2 of appreciation to college according to i'm gonna show how to
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get that was comrade clinton. we've just had an elaborate discussion about the middle tree and political situation on the korean peninsula. and then you're going to have come to the conclusion that we need to further intensify strategic and tactical cooperation to ensure safety guarantee a long lasting peace, both in the region and the whole world. the to lead is each becoming increasingly isolated on the global stage. but looking to show that they have each of those back kim jones on the, on the line to ongoing support for russia, against what he called the thrust of german just forces against its silver into the united states as well on to that north korea could be preparing to supply russia with military equipment to boost its capabilities and ukraine. the pack took a tour of rushes, the stuff me cost me dry and the country is most important. rocha launched into
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on the less believe that north korea wants russian advice on how to improve its own rockets and reconnaissance satellites. for russian officials down play the fact that the summit could be a cause for concern for other countries. but that will do little to come, west and fee is about this flourishing friendship. well, how concerned should the with be about this new cooperation between russia and north korea, diarrhea adults. that cove is with the real c proliferation nuclear policy program . he's had to take a as well, i think it so it's certainly a science fair desperation on the part of russia that turned to korea to and originally the state. uh, probably i'd choose why it was a buttons this actually asked us to do you think it might be doing
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this is entirely surprising. turns to iran to supply it was one of the issues. so is or sorry. so the just and so it is. it is concerning, certainly, and also, you know, there's the discharge. leaders are um marketing. darya tells the color to the, well, the telephone in power, severe restrictions across staff can society when it sees power to use a guy that includes a strict band on music. many musicians, flight the country, now a musical exchange project is affording some of them the chance to play alongside musicians from germany. any ron? this music leads the way collectively, musicians from 3 different orchestras may 1 workshop bodies off monday. for me,
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i can national institutions, music, rainy, and musician russian cra, funny from the baron, born. so you'd academy. and elizabeth reuter from the gym and useful restaurant, found it all. braga in the north of portugal, is a place of refuge she left afghanistan to escape the taliban and has been living here for a year for parents, state and afghanistan. it's a traumatic experience, which was compet from music, was to get the right. uh, when i came to portugal, i started playing violin again. it was giving me the feeling of strength, even with my family and friends, being in a bad situation. because i have to make up all the musicians play together. speaking the language music, the side of the mac, the, the i noticed that we magically started to get him to the same service and energy to mind the truly connected piece pump several times while we were playing my skins a whole to help you out in the suitcases in the beginning,
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nothing seemed to be clear. but then we started reaching the point of understanding . okay, to do it slightly, the piece was taking shape to kyle and everyone knows what to do. like that's a good experience. i send a request better than mine vac, so i is to move music is my to is can anything with me so me them was i can use it to express and also write mine and come uh and also to can we not time to know something changed composer and conductors submitted some awarding references. improvise sanctions to find a common sound. the. it's a new experience for most of the musicians on, they're very open to it as a, as a service shuttle. it's not so difficult that we need to struggle kinda because it starts with simple steps and then slowly it comes to gets a piece by
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a delay via telephone. we're all on a level playing field to me and provides ation happens in the here. and now we're all experiencing something new to augusta and the evans is a type of the noise in the evening. it's time for an excursion in broadcast filled with memories of the day after. so break my colleague rob watts is up next week, the w business. the version now understand can have a think like the vice president. do you have any news on instagram and follow up with evelyn charmaya. welcome to my pod cast. last matters.


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