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tv   Kick off  Deutsche Welle  September 19, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm CEST

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because you can deliver in ways of matter to people's lives. a partnership for global infrastructure and investment addresses the enormous need and opportunity for infrastructure investment and lower middle income countries, particularly in africa, latin america in southeast asia. through strategic targeted public investments, we're going to lock them norbish, the amount of private sector financing. the g 7 is pledge to work with parties to collectively mobilize $600000000000.00. is it for structured financing by 2027? united states is already mobilized more than 30000000000 today. we're credited a race to the top projects that have high standards for workers environment and intellectual property, while avoiding the trap. a bunch sustainable that we're focusing on economic gardens. womack maximize the impact of our collective investment and deliver katya
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punch of results across multiple countries and multiple sectors. for example, libido carter would stand across africa and the western florida bank goal to the d . r. c. does and be a boost. the original connectivity and stress, a commerce and food security and i have some other ground greg data for right now. so the g 20 connect ended to connect india to your through you a saudi arabia, jordan and israel will spar opportunities investment across 2 continents. this is part of our effort to build a more sustainable integrated lease. it demonstrates how is there a greater normalization and economic connection with his neighbors is living in positive practical impacts even as we continue to work, charles is forwarded just and lasting peace between his re, these railways and palestinian to states for 2 people. now let me be clear, as none of these partnerships are about, containing any countries are about
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a positive vision for our shared future. when it comes to china, i want to be clear and consistent. we seek to responsibly manage the competition between our country. so it does not tip into conflict. i've said we are for de risky, not the coupling which i will push back on aggression in degradation and defend the roles of the road from freedom of navigation to over flight to level economic playing field. that helps save card security and prosperity for decades, but we also stand ready to work together with china and issues. we're progress hinges are common f. nowhere is that more critical than accelerate the climate crisis that then the accelerated crime occurs receipt everywhere. rucker brag the heat waves. united states in china while fires ravages north america in
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southern europe. a 5th year of drought and one of africa. tragic, tragic flooding. the libya, my heart goes out to the people of you that's killed thousands, thousands of people together. the snapshots telling urgent story of what awaits us if we fail to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and began to climb approved for world. for one day. for one day, my ministration, the united states, has treated this crisis as an essential threat from the moment we took office, not only for us, but for all of humanity. last year, i signed in the law in the united states, the largest investment ever anywhere in history, the world to combat the climate crisis and help load the global economy toward a clean energy future. we're also working with the congress to quad drupal,
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our climate financing, top developing countries, reach their climate goals, and adapt climate impacts. and this year the world is on track to meet the climate fund, the client climate finance pledge that made under the parish agreement, $100000000.00 to raise collectively. or we need more investment on public and private sector, like, especially in places that have contributed so little global emission phase. some of the worst effects climate change like the pacific island united states is working directly with the pacific island for top is nation's adap. build resilience, the climate impact even as we need the effort to build innovative new partnerships to the tactic, global challenges from all sides. from the 1st movers coalition, which is mobilizing been, is a private sector community in the private sector commitments creating
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a market demand for green products, new carpet and trans sectors like concrete, shipping, aviation, and trucking. the agriculture and the vision mission for climate which is rated farmers in the climate solution and making our food supply more resilient climate shocks. and the global, that same place now endorsed by more than $150.00 countries which expands our focus beyond our carbon emission chargers to reduce the potential greenhouse gases in our atmosphere by 30 percent in this decade is all we've done our capacity. we need to bring the same commitment emergency to emission, as we work together to meet the sustainable development goals and 2030. these goals were adopted at united nations in 2015 as a roadmap for improving lives around the world. the hard truth is for decades of
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progress was last ground these past years in the wake of covered 90 conflicts and other crisis. united states committee to do it as part, get us back on track. all told the 1st 2 years of my ministration. united states and invested more than $100000000000.00. to drive development progress in both trade, food security, expanding access to education worldwide, strengthening health care systems, and fighting disease. now we've helped mobilize billions more in the private sector investments, but to accelerate or forward progress. how does the standards development goals we all have to do? we need to build new partnerships to change the way we tackle this challenge. unlocked truly is of additional financing for development. drawing on all source, we need to fill a gaps and address the failures of our existing system exposed by the pandemic need
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to ensure that women and girls benefit fully from our progress was also do more to grapple with a debt that holds back so many low middle income countries with nations are forced to service on sustainable debt payments over the needs of the wrong people makes it harder for them to invest in their own futures. and as we work together through covered global sharks, united states will also continue to be the largest single community donor country donor of humanitarian assistance. at this moment, i'm on power well need and the world folks cooperation partnership, a vision of the case to progress and the challenges that affect us all the baseline for responsible global leadership. we don't, we don't need to agree and everything to keep moving forward on issues like arms control,
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a cornerstone of international security. after more than 50 years of progress on the non proliferation treaty, russia shredded longstanding arms control agreements including announcing the suspension of new star and withdrawing from the conventional forces in europe, treating our view, it is irresponsible and makes the entire world, let's say united states going to can you pursue a good faith efforts to reduce the threat of weapons of mass destruction and lead by example, no matter what else is happening in the world. this year? we say for you discharge, at least the last camera committee, this is us stockpile. fulfilling our commitment to our, to well free chemical weapons. and we came down to d. p r. k is continued violation of un security council resolutions. but we are committed to diplomacy. we bring about the new causation on the korean peninsula. we're working with our partners to address a ranch to stabilize and activities,
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the threatened regional and global security, and remain steadfast and our commitment that around must never acquire nuclear weapons already as any of our institutions. dr. create a new partnerships that may be clear. certain principles are in the national system . are psycho sacrifice, sovereign, territory, integrity, human rights. these are the core tenants viewing charter. the pillars piece relations among nations. without which we cannot achieve any of our goals that has not changed. that must not change. yes, for the 2nd year in a row. this gather dedicated to a peaceful resolution. the conflict is darkened by the shadow of war and the legal war, conquests wrong without provocation by russia against his neighbour,
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ukraine. like every nation in the world, united states wants his word and no nation wants this word and more than ukraine. we strongly support your credit and its efforts to bring about diplomatic resolutions delivers just the last 2 piece. russia alone, russia alone bears responsibility for this war. pressure loan has the power to end . this war means is russia alone. this stands in the way of peace because the rushes price for peace is ukraine's capitulation, ukraine's territory and ukraine's children. russia belated the world will grow weary, allowed to brutalize your credit without consequence. but ask you this, if we abandon the core principles of united states to a patient, aggressor, godaddy member state and this bobby feel confident that they're protecting
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your law. you're trying to be carved up. is the independence of any nation secure? i'd respect we should just be as there's no, we have to stand up to this day, get aggression today and deter other would be aggressors tomorrow. that's why the united states, together with our allies and partners around the world, will continue to stay with the brave people who are crazy as they defend their sovereignty. santoro, tory on integrity and their freedom. the, it's not only investment ukraine, but in the future, every country. it's 6 world govern by basic rules that apply equally to all nations and uphold the rights of every nation. no matter how big or small sovereign
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territory and integrity, they are the fixed foundations of this noble body. and universal human rights is north star. we cannot sacrifice either 75 years ago, universal declaration of human rights capture the remarkable active collective ho. i say that he had collected hope, drafted by a committee representing different regions, face blossoms adopted by the entire general assembly. the rights contained in the declaration on the mantel and enduring. while we still struggle, paul equal, unavailable rights of all, they remain ever steady and ever true. we cannot turn away from abuses whether and shing job, toronto star for, for anywhere else. we have to continue working to ensure that women and girls enjoy
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equal rights or equal participation in their society that indigenous growth, racial, ethnic, religious, menard's, people with disabilities do not have the potential stipe as i systemic discrimination. the l g b t q i plus people are not prosecuted or targeted with violence because of who they are. these rights are part of our shared humanity or absence. when they're absent anywhere. the last is felt everywhere. they're essentially the advancement of human progress the previous together are follow leaders. let me close with this. this inflection point in history. we're going to be judged by whether or not we live up to the promises we made to ourselves,
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to each other, to the most vulnerable and all those long haired for world recreate. because that's what we're doing. well, we fine with ourselves. occurs to do what must be done to preserve the planet, to protect human dignity, to provide opportunity for people everywhere under defend the tenants of the united nations. we want to answer that question. we must add, we will road ahead as long and difficult, but if we preserve for severe and prevail, if we keep the face and ourselves and show if possible, let's do this work together. let's just let her progress for everyone. that's been the arc of history for the good of the world is in our power to do it. thank you for listening because the you
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watching data reviews, and we just heard the us president joe biden to address the un general assembly in new york. he discussed as expected as many, many topics that ranging from the war in ukraine at to food security at 2 relations with china. and i'd be marching in here with our chief international editor, richard walker. richard, tell us, what is your main take away from what we've heard there from job i. well, i think maybe what struck me the most is, is the difference compared to his speech last year in terms of how prominent a role rushes for on ukraine plays in the speech last year. it, these came very early on in the speech, and i tell you that in last is speech. no fewer than 12 mentions of ukraine 19 mentions of russia during the course of his speech. and what we just heard that
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that was sent me a section on the on rushes invasion. a section really trying to appeal to the well to say this, this matches to you and not just to ukraine. this is not just the west business, but i think if you look at the, the, the way that is being scale down compared to the rest of the speech compared to talking about climate change. so we can about development talking about representation of bodies like the united nations, whether they are really fairly representing the global south developing countries in the world. i think you released so a bit of a shift from really making the, the rushes war against you prayed the absolute center piece of his speech to be one factor within his speech. and i think that reflects something of a, a shift in the global mood that you are hearing from a lot of countries in the global south where they are trying to make the case that there's been almost too much focus on the war and you train and they want that the focus of the world to shift to other masses. what the west is trying to say and what you had by them saying there this and this little section, this,
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this does last as the rest of the world. and i think we'll be hearing more on that from florida. mr. lensky, that was ukraine. present himself later on. well, he wants to shift it away from ukraine. we noticed that he did talk a lot about climate change, the climate crisis, food security, of course, all linked to tell a little bit more about what he said on those topics. yeah, so i mean, a climate change. the administration is also being briefing quite a bit, leading up to this, you know, the united states trying to stress the progress that is made on climate change. but i think there are a few bucks here to, to be associated with that. on the one hand, some of the steps that the, the buys in ministration is taken to try to address climate change a, causing some tensions among west and partners. so they brought in legislation called the inflation reduction. that was that she mostly phone focused on trying to get low comp and business going in the united states. there are concerns among western european countries to germany as a, as a, as a, as a big exposing nation. and that is kind of a protectionism under another banner so,
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so there was some tensions with between the united states and some of his partners over climate. jake, also there's going to be a climate summit hosted by antonio guitars a tomorrow is part of this you in general assembly week with a, he's trying to get countries to step up the commitments ahead of the next major global climate summit. this to later in the year, joe biden will not be attending that, and i think there's some disappointment that he wouldn't be showing his face. richard, we're going to go to uh, our colleague, janelle do malone in a moment. but before we do that, let's take a listen to joe biden speak on ukraine. russia belated the world will grow, worry, and allow it to brutalize your credit without college credits. but ask you this. if you're a bad and the core principles, a lot of space to a page and a dresser, a good i remember stage and this bobby feel confident that they are protecting you for
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a while. you're trying to be carved up is the independence of any nation secure? i respect to the suggest, the answer is no. we have to stand up to this negative aggression today and to to our other would be aggressors tomorrow. that's why the united states, together with our allies and partners around the world, will continue to stay with the brave people who are crazy as they defend their sovereignty, santoro, tory on integrity and their freedom. the us president joe biden speaking there just a short while ago and following from new york is my colleague at us. correspondence you now do my own, janelle, tell me what was the main takeaway for you from what joe biden had to say at the un general assembly? no, what i thought was very interesting was how he structured his speech and started
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with the caught with the war in vietnam. he started with history. he talked about how the world was able to move on from these divisions and from these riffs. and then he practically ended his speech for the crates. so he took the vietnam and he took the ukraine as the book ends for his speech, and talking about how these were occasions where the charter of the you and sovereignty freedom and human rights were for hops. not for perhaps not how for not upheld were not were taken for granted. and we have an opportunity once again, as the universe not to as well as the world not to grow weary, not to grow tired of the conflict in ukraine. and this is a message that other leaders have been repeating as well saying dots off. russia is simply waiting for the world to grow weary of the conflict. and if it does and dealt with in bold, in other duct tutorial,
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regina's other redeem stuff perhaps. so want to take away sovereignty from smaller, perhaps more vulnerable nations. and i think this is something that was very much focused on his speech, even though it came to the end. but he had a line to walk here in terms of trying to show that you could be a leader not to deal with ukraine, but also through the rest of the world. and they think this is the reason behind why he decided to mention good law on top and you create in the end while dealing with all the world's problems in the middle tanks for now will be speaking to at, to arrive to the afternoon and evening as you follow at events there at the un general assembly among those of course we'll be hearing from the training and presidents as a landscape. and here the studio with me is richard walker. richard, one topic that we were talking about while we were watching and then the jump died at me was of course the relations with china, us china relations. and he said that he was seeking
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a way of responsibly managing ad, the competition. so it, it doesn't tip into conflict, something along those lines. tell us more. yeah. so i think it's also interesting in this case to compare what he said this year to could, to what he said last year. because he did say when i come to, when it comes to china, i want to be clear and i want to be consistent. he said i and he had a very sort of pretty short but, but kind of trying to kind of a lower the temperature. i kind of message where he was saying that we didn't see conflict with china and we are not seeking to d couple from china. so there's been this kind of language about whether the, the american economy west and the commission completely sort of break the links with the chinese economy. go that wrong way. and he says, no, we don't want to do that. the new password is the risk to kind of take the risk out to the relationship. so he said that, and he said that none of america's partnerships which has been working on, for instance, the quote in asia, which is united states with india, japan and australia working together that the partnerships like that's and also
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about containing any country this has sent you the message coming from china that they view the united states just trying to kind of drum up allies to, in coal, to contain china, to, to, to stand in, in the way of it's rise. so the chinese wouldn't necessarily believe what he's saying that, but it's interesting that he's his message that was sorry, motor racing. it was trying to say, look, this is the kind of thing i'm saying. and it was pretty similar to what he said in his speech last year as well as saying that we do not see conflict with china. and i think one thing really to will chat before in the next couple of months is will she just paying the chinese preston go to san francisco for the summit of apex of the asia pacific need this summit, which is due before the end of the year. in san francisco, this being expectations that he will go and that he will hold the summit meeting with joe biden. deb, there's uncertainty about whether that will really happen. but if that happens, that will be a major event and potentially an opportunity to, to really kind of cool things down between us in china because they have become,
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of course, extremely huge. it's in recent. another area that i want to briefly speak to about is this expansion of the un security council. tell us a bit more about that because biden seems to be very kind of determined to get his way with regards to this well, a bit. he wouldn't necessarily say he's determined to try and we don't know what way he wants to get. so he's he but he repeated this. so he said this for the 1st time last he said the united states wants to see reform a few and security council. this is something that many countries have been calling for for a long time is very obviously a rhetoric of just off the 2nd level. you just have these 5 nations to the part of it. the most extreme case of the kind of lack of representation has to be the fact that india is not a permanent member of the security council of the now the most populous country in the world has no see that the anti comfort, confident of africa, has no representation on the un security council,
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the anti continent of south america. likewise. so it's becoming almost impossible to, to come actually say, no, you and security council is fine. but what do you actually mean when you say you, we want to change it? we want to reform it and, and that's been one of the problems with calls for reform. a few and security council for a long time is that lots of people have different views about what it could, what the vision could be. but broadly, there many close to have more prominent members, more members that might have, you know, this veto power to kind of stop and to, to stop the vote going through. but who should those additional members be? and add who with the cabinet members who are on the security council support, that is all up in the but job i'm at least rhetoric. he's saying that that's something he wants and that isn't his self important. and we'll be following all those events. that's right. the afternoon and evening here in europe in time, of course at chief international editor,
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richard walker with me here in studio. and we'll have plenty more on dw news from the general assembly later. and today when you christ president savanski takes to the podium and of course german chancellor at all of shells. so plenty to discuss. richard, i think. so we'll that leave it there and we'll be back again at the top of the next or a. don't forget, you can watch the live stream on youtube. the
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prices category issues or thoughts say well crazy. the filter manyels and didn't hear you belong to the 770 percent because i just got on
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65 last la, it's joe said i yes. 3 reasons why one, why don't you tell me what to think. we are here to help you make up your mind to the top because i'm much up to you from trouble to fixing new culture payment. let's say well quote, devastating causes soft worldwide deforestation in the rain forest continue, carbon dioxide emissions have risen again. the young people of the world are we, what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the make up your own mind?
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maybe the 700 children are arrested every year. israel pod line again, tell this to me, and mine is the most common reason throwing stones we 2 to form a prison in the army officials. unicef has accused israel of crimes against humanity is the day started september 30th on d, w. the
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the, the, this is dw news life from berlin, as or by john launch is a tax and the disputed region of no go or no car of us are median medius. as the regional capital step on occurred has come under bombardment. azerbaijan is demanding the withdrawal of armenian fact forces also coming up on us president joe biden addresses the un general assembly urging world leaders to come together to strengthen global alliances, to not boxed down to support in their support of new crime.


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