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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  September 20, 2023 6:30pm-6:46pm CEST

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the lightest textile waste gets stranded here. all about the final stuff in the global fashion industry. fast fashion. watch now on youtube, the video stage are coming up today, a fake views problem involving leathers and investigators, and fines, faithful premiums and all that goes in favor of the ruling party of flooding. bucks . now this is newspapers and magazines, full list months ahead of a jump in the election. time to the main your weather pattern has returned to a shop, bringing with a type, temperatures and fitting livelihoods painting to new shots and time on the
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i b to expand a do welcome to the, the new news. a chart that you could join us a quote in bangladesh has sentenced to leading human rights activists to 2 years each in prison. fortunately for circulating false information, they load ram on han and the seat of being and non had combined effect funding for 10 years ago. on extrajudicial killings, critics say the training is part of a government, but um i have different actions based. yeah. the same government though is also being praised for its policies and use papers and magazines, through articles written the publicly by independent experts. but on, if the investigation is to be and not everything that's printed, isabel a bundle dish, it's getting harder to tell what's new. if it to print this information campaign
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has infiltrated nationally media. according to an esc be investigation. it's appeared in him to boost the image of crime and associated christina before the upcoming junior elections. the part of the these, these items present the governments narrative, the bangladesh is experiencing economic growth and expansion because i see all but there are many questions surrounding the start of which you won't find a dress on these articles. if be examined more than $700.00 articles, but negative feedback to the garden, guffman published in domestic and international new sites. at least 17 of the artist think links to meet the western and asian universities. but if these investigation found no record for them dirty job 3 is one of those findings. she has written at least 60 articles, but you ought to be for digraph is actually dr. for an indian, at the university of going in, in the netherlands, where she claims to be
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a doctor's researcher has no record of her mind contacted via email. the claim to are 3 was an alias to white security concerns might decline to explain the use of a fonts for the graph in september 2020. to find me that this foreign ministry issued accord for good call them is still count the negative public and against the government. use paper editor luke abuse, said he was hit by deluge of update pictures in early 2023. he printed some articles impressed by the academic backgrounds of the test, but eventually grew suspicious feeling that would be most maybe right this. let me great. so let me have me back in this age of this information that was information and provide them that ice would have been in it a lot of function as well. as december, i was shaking the identities which i did according to f. b. the government declined to comment on that investigation,
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rights to criticize efforts by having the government to stamp of political defense . but getting out in the aggressive campaign based on fig credentials is something, but even the most seasoned editors for not expecting. trying to read off a more context is out of ultimate nissan from new asia, out of the as an overview. how much control does the government already have? well, the national media, all of the semester media has the lowest libyan content by the government. that 2022 was based for domain dix confines to buy the product. so we don't products ivank to best solve this one country at 162, even below das here. and i've kind of done that nice organize it sounds, says the members and stop with us all the routing only body, often subject to that journalist they dislike to targeted physical pilots. what is, what do you see? i've had a sprint can prints out, get it out to thailand. salt in journalist or reports meet outlets to close in
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sauce, to hostile environment. the editor stick yet not to talent. anything that government says equity into the lives group. semi laws that have been enacted in recent years, so that exposure thing could lead me to the best freedom and to freedom of expression in bolivar is that government has the plastic on diversity, a law that was the editor used to edit. how does and intimidate journalist and human next, the defendants that we've had similar new law that author of us think is equally depressive. now they all position in the, in the middle of all of this has been crying file that it's being targeted by the government in falls court cases, so it can be weakened, easily or pollution, right? as you know, maybe i'll position veto seducers, i to members and human rights. the defenders have 1st knew what else the law suits better ports of them to spend most of that time in the courtroom. so do about half of the 5000000 members off the bottom of this,
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the main opposition being part the embroidered in politically more debate at court cases that posit claimed the most active leaders and organize this, cris dot jones, even hundreds off. this is equity into the new york times newspaper. political observers think about hosted out government has complete control over the investigative agency prosecution agency and that the to discharge it. therefore, it is very easy for the government to exploit its influence over the drive system through a startled hardware. the government denies thoughts allegations. but with this being the case, why is that even a need then to have fake right tops praising the government when it appears to be fully in control? good question. all the look of the media has been facing consider with fish around us. they're costing us tenure, the internet doesn't we do it has been playing a pipe, rolling, exposing the wrong brings off our government. the government wanted to find
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a way to conquer dos of reporting with their negatives. this holds off paid right jobs praising the government in english. if you're out online. and on september last year, one bottle of this part in minutes to use who to call in the foot board to columbus to conquer negative propaganda. we live with the time being, but thank you so much for joining us today. auto thoughtfulness, lum. rice. farmers in indonesia. i was rest job. i reason not being devastated by prolonged dry season. that's being attribute to the m. nino weather pat. done. which for lexi become more frequent and severe with climate change for the roads fault. biggest rice consume of these poses a major part to put together to drive dead fields with food from millions of mouths should be growing.
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farm is in west java have barely seen a drop of rain for months. rice crops the dying, and the ones that survive often have empty hoss. i don't know what i mean by what, in good condition. so we can get 5 tons of yield. but for now, we can only get 3 or 4 times they got bought. so i don't know, i got i got the letter that i was on. this be no rain. if there was rain, the amount of rice would be much higher and we'd naturally have fewer pests. i got on this use, particularly long and tosh dry season is due to the own name. you're with the pattern in the pacific ocean. the warming and drying effective el nino is a natural phenomenon. and because every few years but the humans into governmental panel, long climate change says the effect of extreme el nino events a likely getting much worse and more frequent with human induced climate change.
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this poses a major threats to indonesia is farm is and the millions of people reliant on the food they produce. the most of indonesia is 270000000 people. h rice as a staple food. the prices have risen sharply since last year. all right, and the hope now is impulse, you'd rise, the government must take immediate action to stop prices rising. the indonesian government has promised a multi $1000000.00 rice, a package. but scientists, one of the major rice producing countries across asia, also feeling the pressure from climate change. and these could further strain global supplies. so while in some countries, el nino is bringing allow me dry seasons in others, the weather condition is raising water surface temperature. as in the eastern
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tropical pacific ocean, one more water is driving a surge and the growth of plankton, the unusual increase in the organisms is causing havoc, killing fish, and other marine life at an alarming rates. the cheap green work to make for the spectacular view. like a closer look shows the water is dense, slimy, and smells of grass and big fish. this team of scientists is to visiting this the border of titans, eastern gen body proteins to collect water samples. they believe the back board that is the result of a heavy blanket on presence. increasing micro organisms stop the ocean of oxygen getting fish and at the breach of the plants and in the water eat so all of a nutrients or dies due to a lack of light the car because it's with n sync tennessee bed and
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a decomposed by bacteria that it's a bacterial decomposition to place oxygen in the water. this process is occurring and this causing a vast number of fish to die floating along the cost line on more than 260 must with farming lots. 80 percent of the funds have already been severely impacted by the bloom, the region and really produced muscles quite $1000000.00. but the figures are likely to decrease to see a fisherman. so trouble once muscle and always the fonts here. almost all the hopes he's checking have a bunch of dead muscles. in my estimation, i think the damage on my farm is no less than $14000.00 is i don't have just this one farm. i have others spread out there to. i'm a 100 percent certain that i'd lose thousands of dollars as for other farms around
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here, the loss is great. scientists, fate the increases blanked and would be the effect of climate change. and that exploding a potential link with the amino but the phenomena. bridge increase is what the surface temperature of the scientists tube the data, and the findings can be used to forgot to plant on dooms kind of head fishermen decide the best times to farm and harvest by defi, signs alone would not change everything. efforts to reduce the impact of climate change. if the only long the viable solution. right? yeah, i'm going to get everything is getting worse. if we don't change the way we manage our natural resources. if we don't to, just to way we live, don't include water or waste water into a river streams. if we didn't change for waste water management system at the homes, if it is not doing something to save the planet, nothing will change. but for now,
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fishermen and the money in life are forced to freeze the devastating consequences some that does it such a date as most orders from the beach on the, on the website, the denver dot com forward slash aisha read to you tomorrow by the time of change can be viewed which test the natural conclusion of the climate change, the age of enlightenment, 300 year old ideas be responsible for today's problem. and could they help us solve them? i believe our futures in our past. how significance of the beginning of the done as
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a series of the great philosophers to all present and future enlightenment says, progresses in our hands and that so it's we, it's up to us, our series project and an item in stock. october 5th on d. w. intensify the risks is lots developing. asia is facing from china troubles property sector. that's according to the asian development bank as trims regional growth expectations. really a more from the lenders. chief economist also coming up will take you to thailand or climate change is putting age old called donation methods of rice growing in jeopardy. of course cobra walked into the program. china, as property crisis, could spill over to other asian countries and hold back regional growth according
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to the asian development back. it says a face, a significant headwinds. if the chinese property market deteriorates further, and you reach as low as it will be voided by south asia, largely thanks to a strong public investment climate india. the abs 202020. the gross forecast by 0 point one percent to 4.7 percent. and it has maintained disclose, outlook for next year at 4.8 percent stores and returns to pretend ethnic levels in many asian countries. earlier i asked the asian development banks, chief economist of a park, how much danger and babbled chinese real estate companies like ever brand or country garden proposing? one of the concerns is that because a lot of households wealth is in the form of housing, we're starting to see price is actually fall into your to and tier 3 cities. and that could make people make consumers feel less.


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