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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 20, 2023 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, the news line from and then another phase 5 for the corner kind of by after 2 days of attach them as the by sean and schools of casualties ethnic, i mean is separatists and the distribution regions, site valves. i down there weapons for face talks also on the program, the credit and presence. a lot of me as an advocate address is a special session. all things un security council judging that russian would be stripped of its veto powers.
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the feel good. you're welcome to the program, brushing pastry for say the safe spot in the distribution region of the going are kind of back is holding after 2 days of fighting between as a buyer's john on san francisco. bay con median forces protest as a valid in the army and capital. yet, yvonne over the government's handling of the situation, accusing aids of abandoning armenians that they're going to kind of back is internationally recognized as positive as a bodies. john, even though most of his residents on ethnic albanians as a by john to control the parts of the region after world without media in 2020. now the median back san francisco have committed to totally desponding, the forces and joining the integration talks. it was there by john said it would not stop on the ethnic armenian fighters surrendered. gunfire and fear took
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over the streets of stip on record the main city. another no gun above. after a day of lumberman a ceasefire was announced regarding the balance of defense forces agreed the other by jones demand this arm, azerbaijan defense ministry has said to the ceasefire agreement also requires armenian armed forces to leave their comeback positions, and military posts throughout most of them are there no good above russia? one of the backers of the agreement said it's peacekeepers evacuated around 2000 civilians. the boss, they are fighting left a trail of destruction where it doesn't look at it. and hundreds of civilians injured. just pop in this process. the 3rd, what can i say?
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maybe i was very lucky that i'd survive another tomorrow on saturday. if you could see what was happening here yesterday was the 6 the level classes. so everything was covered with smoke. here in your lawn, crowds gathered to protest the renewed military operation. the big of a data trees internationally seen a spart of other by john, but it's population is majority ethnic armenians. it's been a flash coined between the 2 countries for decades, where the type of conflict is never far away. richard get a goes in is on media and american academic and political analyst. he's also the director of young media based independent think tank regional studies center. i asked him how secure nicole questionnaire as, as medium, probably benefit given that protests against him. i would say the army of government as a whole and the prime minister individually is significantly more secure and less
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threatened for the simple reason that this agreement was reached and find, find the arg union representatives from the board on colorado and much of the either in frustration is now being redirected against russia for its inability to enforce the pre existing ceasefire. and this army of government was also reelected despite losing the war in 2020. so there is a degree of self confidence. so, um, why has, why does russia appear to have the for sake and i mean, yeah, in this fight. well, clearly, roger is both overwhelmed and distracted by its failed invasion of ukraine. russia has also squandered the diplomatic initiative to the west in terms of engagement. what i do think our media has rather belatedly realize the limits of
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a dangerous over dependence on russia for are we near russia, is now a more serious challenge. open on the reliable sol, gold partner. they've been a long day and proposals for pace tools to try and solve this simmering conflicts and we have to talk is present value. i've heard about who's offered to hold the full weight and negotiations over the goal and i'm kind of back. those would include russia, i'm, what time can you be regarded as an honest broker, despite that support for as a body shop? well clearly know, in other words, dirty and to a degree based on its military, some ford crossover, john during the war and 2020 as disqualified itself in terms of mediation or brokering any diplomatic solution. this is much more i would say based on the political will of the parties direct parties to the conflict itself. the
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democratically elected leadership on the car ball and the on the board, terry, and also bridge johnny authorities. so it's not, it's turkey, old russia then who because space has been going on for ages. yes or no. in other words, the recent breakthrough when the post war situation, we see a degree of rare progress based on 2 developments. one is significant in western engagement. the european union and the united states are not mediating but rather more effectively facilitating offering a platform for our media also redrawn to form a noun shafter of normalization. the 2nd real development here is the direct dialogue between the board in a car box and the algebra. johnny authorities based on the necessity to respect and protect the rights and security of b,
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believe were the ard meeting in population of the car or bar, right? okay, well maybe that a good token, just thank you richard. i got to go get a go see him from the regional studies center. thank you for all a lot of minutes and as gets told, a special session i'll be around security council have to rush has invasion of his country is criminal. the crating president said moscow, his actions violated that both the norms of bull and the un shop itself. he said, russia it should be stripped of its veto power on the right, and by the russians, foreigners as okay, about wrong, wasn't the presidency seat is occupied by the country. so you and i'm positive, strongly protested that i'd scarce invitation to speak. a dw chief international edison richard walker has been following that security council meeting. welcome, richard, what's your impression so far? yeah, well you just mentioned that in the beginning of this meeting, you really got a strong sense of, of, of, of the tensions that are really
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a palpable in the chain. but the, with the, the russian ambassador interrupting the chairman of the meeting, the currently, the albanian prime minister and the rotating championship of the security council. to say, we object to the idea that florida means that lensky should be speaking fast and put, referring to rules that they claim it should rule that have. and this began a back and forth between him and the chairman the chapman saying, no, this is perfectly okay. and it went back and forth multiple times and turned into quite an angry exchange, where it took about 15 minutes or so before anybody could even hear what in florida means to lensky, i had to say, so it was an interesting total. so for the russians to strike, if they're looking for kind of winning any friends at the moment, this diplomatic circle, just sort of sitting there, arguing about rules,
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but over an address by the man whose country they are attacking it, it might not have reflected particularly well on them, among the others who were sitting there waiting to have the right. se, okay, of to a fire, restock. this was the lens east coast in person. the parents of the, even since the full scale invasion began with listen to some of what he said and then come back to you. most of the world recognizes the truth about this war. it is a criminal and unprovoked aggression by russia, against our nation, aimed at seizing ukraine's territory and resources. but it's not just that the terrorist strength is willing streets, aggression, to undermine all the grounds of international norms, manned to protect the world from the wars. and i'm grateful to all those who have recognized re rushing aggression as the violation of the un charter. such a sense that actual that is the rate of woke up. what did you make of it? yeah, well, i mean, so we've had quite a bit of this from the landscape before, of course,
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cooling this week from an invasion and talking about about the suffering that his country is going through. but what was quite interesting in this form of the un security council was that so lensky really straight up, got to the point that the united nations has been kind of crippled in its response to this will by the fact that russia, the country that invaded ukraine is a permanent member of the un security council and has a veto to blog said un security council doing. and the thing that it doesn't like. now this is brought him uh to, to say, okay, ukraine is now going to stand up and say that it wants to see substantial reform to the un security council. he went through a list of suggestions that he had whitening representation of the un security council to include a regents and countries that are not properly represented. and of course, this is a massive complaint, particularly from the global so that there is not a single country from the african continent with representation that this of a single country from south america, india, the most populous country in the world,
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does not have a permanent seat on the united, on the security council. so he said ukraine wants to see that happen. it wants to see a suspension of membership of view and security council if any country mounts aggression against another country. so essentially saying that russia should be kicked off the un security council for this happening. and that the un general assembly. so the wider a for them as the united nations with $493.00 countries that they should have the power to over time to veto if they vote with 2 thirds a to, to over time to be so. so i think here this is, but again, we're trying what, what he's trying to do is to transfer ukraine to experience into a more global experience. and visa messages that i think will find some more positive reception inc. countries with global sales which look at the un security council and things that doesn't represent well this is today and, and that they can see identified with some of the points that he's making that.
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okay, thank you for that database chief intellectual edison, richard walker. or that will take a look at some of the headlines making a single head launch of around the world. will start in the u. k, where the prime minister wishes to knock a said that he's country will delay some of its climate targets afternoon. most of the cabinet meeting is the soonest that you push bands on new gas and diesel costs from 2030 back to 2035. they also claim the climate goals that impose what he called unacceptable costs. so when people move is under a position low, make us an active is around 5 minutes has passed and low increasing prison times and finds for women who break the country. strict is lubbock, dress code is comes days after the on investigating the death of jean and mazda, i'm nina, who is detained 5 countries, most of the relative police for wearing a headscarf in properly attacking custody spock massive protests. dozens of wildfire as
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a building across australia is east coast as the country suffers an intense feat, wave months ahead of its normal hot summer a total of 5 ounce $9.00 price for oil of sydney. and so far it is a warning and becoming 5 season could be one of australia's west just weeks into astronomy of spring season and oh, really pops of the country sweltering. the south east coast is baking under an intense heat wave. temperatures and sydney have reached the mid thirties around 13 degrees above the daily average for this time of year. the of normally warm and dry conditions have prompted health warnings, school closures, and a total 5 been for sidney. so what's quite unusual about this hate that this time is the prolonged nature of it. we do often say a couple of hot days starting to come through during september, but the fact that we've seen so many hot days in
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a row hanging around 478 days across new south wales. and victoria is quite unusual . the heat wave is full, so fannings thousands of files. hundreds of fireflies as has been battling the blazes which have forced some resistance to evacuate the himes with winter only having just wrapped up the warm with paints and alarming pictures for the month. so he had an el nino with the system is now in place, typically associated with droughts and astray leah. well, far as he's born, it could be the worst season since the black summer, 520192020. that killed $33.00 people and destroyed an area the size of turkey. so it consistently what we are probably projecting for the summer is the strategy will continue to stay warm and dry weather. and it's really up to individuals and communities now to prepare for a summer if payton and fi has it's some respite,
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it's on its way for those looking to escape the heat. a cold front is forecast of cold temperatures over the next few days, but it's likely just the beginning of months of hate as a straining your p is for what will likely be a challenging summer. and i'll set you up to date. i'll have a world news at the top of the alex, coming up next on the w. 5. experts kink price on the bandwidth issues. government that better strategy has the details in use agent in just the, every jenny is surprises. me is gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police


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