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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  September 26, 2023 3:00pm-3:16pm CEST

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i saw some services on dw, the, this is the, the news why, from the explosion as a few old f o, in the going, are kind of back hills 20 and injures hundreds. armenians receive medical care after the blast strikes refugees refueling that caused to joins thousands, playing the troubled enclave. also on the program, the international energy agency says an increasing renewable energy could help keep global warming under control. the
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i'm so gale. welcome to the program. at least 20 people have been killed in more than 200 injured an explosion as a fuel facility in the corner kind of back. people who are reportedly lining up to get petrol for that cause to leave the old place. the cause of the blast has been established. there is a growing search of refugees with the traffic jamming. the mountain rose out of the region. medius has more than 15000 people around the time of the regions population of flags since as a by john resume control a week ago. smoke rising over sta panica after a bloss tool through a fuel facility. people with queuing to fill out vehicles, to flee the brake re region wherever located has made fuels gas. separate as to, i mean, authorities say dozens of people were killed while hundreds of others were injured . that says, thousands of ethnic albanians are piled into that cause,
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leaving behind the homes and livelihoods with little hope. over time they fear for their lives, often to go on a car back was brought family back on the as a by jones control them moving to armenia. feels like the only safe option so it looks ok the thursday. we brought only this to the left. everything else behind everything. yeah. a 3 story house with pigs and chickens its own just everything we do believe so. but if so, for the guy who owns the place, but if you lift are not gonna know got a box, we belong to. i mean, you know, this is also our home. but why do they humiliate us like this? why doesn't the worst enter lima? so i'll try to tell whether it's getting them put on talks because you as advice on re, took control of new going to a car box and it's with the sold last week. it's the majority ethnic. i mean
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enclave within the internationally recognized board as of as a by john. in 1994, it came under the control of ethnic communion forces, backed by the on media and military as a by john launched a war in 2020 and recovered most of the territory lost in the conflict. and finally, last week, as by john, consolidate it control on the region. 5 minutes to nicole punch in the end of a media fee is for the lives of armenians under as the by johns control will be coming soon. cool for me now. so he's on the way, so that's happening just now. and it's very unfortunate fact because we were trying to to change the national community to that. but as a by john's leda is promising the safety of armenians. it almost, it is clear that people's living in the car box region us citizens of us about john,
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that regardless of the initial t. so the safety, security and rights would be insured by the state of us about john, around a $120000.00 ethnic armenians reside in the region. and even though the, as by johnny government has vowed to protect the rights of ethnic armenians. many seem unconvinced by that promise of john list, the niel. how is in the media in town to coordinate zillow near the border of as advise young you told me more about the explosion that the fuel data. yeah, certainly the latest reports coming over that are pretty high risk. you know, the initial reports a couple hours ago were 20 dead uh, or up to 300 wounded. and now we're hearing about there's up to another at maybe an additional $100.00 bodies that have been burned. so another a 100 dead from that explosion. and you know, they're that it's come to the point where they're air lifting the casualties out of their b, a helicopter the, from our from car bought, takes, and back to our media for hospitals. i also understand that lots of people are
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leaving to go into a kind of back have arrived event and coordinated so where you are, what is the situation that i or yeah, absolutely. i mean, i've been here since about 10 am to 4 pm local time. now, and it's just been an m, a steady flow of cars ever since, you know, coming from there, most of them, most college and with 5 or 6 people each, you know hardly any belongings with them. and there must have been 7000 more people that have passed through. and just the last few hours of they've been having they've been telling us that, you know, they, they, they had no choice that they did, they, they gathered up their things as soon as they are, there is a chance to leave that and that they go, the other option would be to live under a 1000 by the government then they left because they don't feel that they can live under a government that blockaded them for 9 months and then shot and bombs of last week . and so we've seen a long queues of cars along down the road that connects the car back to mania. and
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how many do you think a less and the own guys? the majority so that the vast majority still, you know, there's, i know i have the 11 person i talked to earlier today who left the gunner cards to pon, occurred uh, hours ago. and as i moved uh, as i moved the meter, you know, there's doubt that even if there's 1000 have come through today. you know, there's a still, i that just with a small fraction of the 120000 people, they're almost all of which are going to flee. good, so thanks for joining us. send you a list and they'll how i knew the media as advise you on board sizes around the process of most doors, making headlines around the world. china as well in the philippines again, when it's cold, stirring up trouble in the south. china say, that's what it comes a day after minute manila said it had removed the floating battery installed by raising the key for the painter fisherman out of a popular fishing spot known as the scarborough show. both countries claim control
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of the reef. one of thailand's protests the this has been jammed for 4 years for insulting the monkey on no, no impact is a leading figure in the countries pro democracy protests and it's called a full reform. so the country is a tough unless measure of stay, those. those who was convicted for a speech you made at the height of street protests in 2020 least 20 people have been killed a seduce me at least 6 people have been killed in 13, missing. following heavy rains and 9 slides in guatemala flash floods caused a river to bust its banks and the capital guatemala city, and swept several homes away. heavy rains, they should have destroyed numerous roads and bridges affecting more than 2000000 people in the country. to climate scientists, the sound of the alarm after new days or so, the amount of sea ice around on tied to getting records and low levels that won't
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this could have dire consequences for animals like penguins and could speed up global warming by reducing the amount of sunlight reflected back into space, but there is still some hope of the limits in global warming. i, thanks to a massive growth and renewable energy and climate and investment. as according to the international energy agencies latest report, the global energy wants doug said the rapid uptake of electric vehicles and solar power in particular is on track with 2015 net 0 targets. the i a says green investment still needs to increase dramatically scientist degree that limits involving to just one and a half degrees celsius is essential to avoid catastrophic climate breakdown as to environment corresponding to louise osborne. what other scientists upset about this? so it could have been reports that say that we would hit 1.5 degrees above pre industrial levels by mid, by the 23rd to use that if we don't take action. but scientists do still agree that
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we can prevent that from happening. um, the thing that we really need to do is cut carbon dioxide emissions. and the update on the international energy agencies report has set that waste set to peak on our emissions by 2025. we would then have to accelerate quickly away from fossil fuels to meet targets for 2030. but this increase in clean energy investment is definitely good news and is giving the agency and people beyond hope. so what else can we learn from the i e, i use at latest updates. so this increase in investment in clean energy was up by 40 percent over the last 2 years. this is a massive increase and the executive director of the win
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as far to say that sola is now king. and the coal is over bold woods. definitely. and has lot of been a lot of cost reduction in solar as a result of this. this investment in it and the investment has reached $1.00 trillion us dollars, but it will still need to move in double by 2030. another thing that the report has said that there has been an increase in the uptake of electric vehicles in almost all major markets. and these are a big step forward. so are there any challenges then facing the said green energy transition? there are big challenges and they come in the form of the geopolitical tensions that we are seeing worldwide. as a result of issues like the ukraine will now be international energy agency has said that the international community is going to have to find
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a way to work together to be able to bring down these carbon emissions. and to put problems like the war and other problems aside so that they can deal with, you know, what is big problem for humanity. um, other issues are uh the, the combination of electricity and making sure that the finance and resources are available for the developing wells. to also do that. how you louisa environment correspondent, louise osborne. so it's been more than a year since the death after a gene, a mazda, i mean, in police custody shawntice shawna spotlights on the dies situation of women in iran. but the strict rules on clothing is still in place and find that the enforced the w is math, an artist. you couldn't take it anymore and left. c doing what she lost most in public and without fear was i mean well bonnie: it's such a new experience that she's not quite
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a used to it. how might i like to have her? my heart is pounding. i keep thinking the police are about to come and ask what i'm doing, cuz i didn't even go need to provide these things classical, iranian music. and as i read a language spoken by people living in a bronze northwest, she has performed with the same as i to surround the world. but that's something she can't do any run. does she, clerics who, who the country comes with a female voice has to corrupting? and so she took the painful decision to leave home. i was heading directly to him and has the most important reason why my husband and i left is the difficult situation in a ron, a shot of who can't lead a normal life. and recently things have become even harder for society and people in iran in our head past. 7 7
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the shadow, you're taking our pay to get your thoughts for my language on a battery, a mazda, because of what happened to mazda mazda. i mean, no one felt like singing anymore. each cuss all over school. nana goes along with 2 other iranian artists. they move to germany with the help of a scholarship. most of the i'll time who was his scholarship, primarily offers financial support. i went out of my buddy, i got it. as you know, we try to save artists or threatened, for example, in the run of join us on that those whose lives are in danger and their country. what kind of speaking about are so they can continue their work as the was which they could not continue in their country on a tier. and then you're, as i thought about as low as you know, dropped the fund with a possibly as little, humble poem and color if we're not able to, to that fish. whether uh,
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fish for that, i mean for them. the old one was one of the starting from scratch and a new country is not always easy. but i mean bonnie is thankful for the opportunity the quote number. okay no that won't mean gloria. i'm a very helpful person. otherwise i would not have enjoyed life and the wrong thing is fun. but i know this year will be very hard. i have to learn the language and work at the same time, and i have to prove myself here at bits when i'm quite on 1000000000 just solve is going on for now. this office in exile is using her new phone freedom to make her voice hurt. the working dw, coming up next, a news asia, or what's behind
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a series of high profile disappearances amongst china is that governing amid entree leads the wants to be high? the sudden warming of ties between south korea, japan, i'm china, 3 countries, long as they have to mutual suspicions. but listen, john will have those stories on the more a news in just a moment. i'm get hot outside with hot move. well, these are the top of the have a good the we are all set and we're watching closely. we all seem to bring use a story behind the news. we roll about unbiased information all 3 months. done the
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discovery change your mind.


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