tv DW News Deutsche Welle October 5, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST
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the, the business dw news line from valen. thousands of civilians are killed in ukraine by every russian broke into time. your friends president savanski denounces the rocket strike as a brutal cross. and the climate scientist say this september was the address on record by font with a warning by one research, so that it's more than just a statistic because of the death sentence. so people are the closest slots for the norwegian play arrives. the on false is an else,
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as we know this is nobel prize and it's a ta for what the speed is academy say on a level 2 plays and pro is that give voice to the on sale the i'm a guy though. if is welcome to the program, which we start with some breaking news, at least 51 people have been killed in a rush and strike on the north east of ukraine. that's according to local officials . ukrainian state prosecute has a set. the aerial attack struck a village, grocery store and cafe in the countries north eastern proxies region. the regional governor said that many civilians with that at the time and our correspondent economy is covering this story from key official while ago. i asked him for more details on this attack. so at present there is talk all 49 casualties of an
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estimated 60 people present at the time in the shop and categories. you mentioned that we understand there was a wake going on a meal and meeting of to a funeral of a local residents. this is a tiny community of about 300 residents. so if you just put that into context, 50 destined presumed modesta to come. that really is a huge impact on a very small place. a place that comparatively have felt relatively safe. this is a part of ukraine that was re taken by government troops last autumn. and is about 40 kilometers from the nearest russian positions. so it's not the same kind of a constant danger that it pays like who can see it by using which is kind of within our, to the range of those russian positions. we don't know yet, which kind of weapon was used if this was a christmas all or if this was some kind of problem at the voting by russian plains . um, but for now the images are really doing the rounds of really stroking people here and you kind who kind of don't use anymore seeing these kind of mess,
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civilian casualties and criminal. so he's saying there wasn't no military target in this village as well. so, nick, you've been following this was since, since the beginning really in your experience, why target that village, which probably has no military value of the i think it's too early to tell. now how often in these places, especially those the front lines locals will tell you they have a feeling that basically any concentration of people be that a show be that that kind of humanitarian support center where things will jo, food is handed out. anything of that kind will attracts attention from the sky, especially from drones and will attract, find often enough when we get these kind of places. and capstone, for instance, just feel coats in the on the 35 nursing positions looks the kind of to monetary and efforts. okay. very secret till the last moment because people just are too fearful of turning out to collect some help if they know to the other side could have found out what's uh, what's happening where so it is still unclear for now,
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but certainly another reason people has to be very, very circumspect, become really there for us and keeps. thank you very much. the latest from the 47 european states, a meeting in spain for a summit intended to show solidarity for ukraine in the face of russian aggression . your current president for the mozilla ncp was welcome to in canada by spain's prime minister pedro essentially is the group is meeting as the european political community. and it's not expected to make any binding agreements. positive will be an opportunity for the landscape to push for more weapons deliveries and the pos to you if you and union membership. savanski made his page for european solidarity in remarks before the summits opening. dementia on this one we have that is to save unity in europe and i'm speaking not only involved the congress in e you is, you know, in all of the, you are of i thing that the, the biggest challenge,
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what will have i found the phenomena is all brussels bureau chief and she is and granada at that summit. and i also, elliot, what do you find in president can expect from this meeting of european leaders as well? he has come to granada, of course, at this very crucial moments because he understands what's happening. fears are growing that domestic politics in the u as stresses the flow of age to ukraine and also in europe. europe's units. she looks a bit frayed to around the edges. so that is why the lens keys here. and she told us reporters upon his arrival that what he's country needs and for the upcoming winter, our air defense systems to protect its citizens from russian attacks. and we can expect that to be on the agenda. the german government has already signaled that they would be ready to provide more such systems to ukraine. ukraine is also asking
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for german may tell roost crews messiahs german, the german government however, is a bit concerned as it seems that those to me size could be used to attack a russian territory. and that's why it's like, that's why it is rather unlikely that to a ukraine will get those christmas size. soon. however, the lensky is meeting here with the german chancellor. he's meeting here with the french president. so we will see what the outcome of those meetings will be. some of the tensions between armenia and azerbaijan, will they be uh, on the agenda there, as well as they are on the agenda. that's and that's the and we have to say that they do appear in the union is trying to maybe there are 2 reviews tensions between the 2 countries to bring them together to start talks. however, all those attempts have not been successful so far. the was not able to sway as
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a badge i as a vision of from launching it's offensive to take control all but now gordon, a car box. mr. lee, if was invited to participate in the meeting here in grenada ends to meet with the army on prime minister. but he declined to come, citing some anti as very sentiments, especially in france. the french foreign minister has announced weapons deliveries to armenia, and that didn't go well with the as very government. but there is still hope that you will be able to bring all parties together so that they can start talks to reduce the tensions o sound of a moment that in granada forest. thank you very much like summer, as the co leader of germany is a far it's a f d policy and has been hospitalized following an alleged violent incident. there
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were a few details about what exactly happens at the event and the bavarian town of ingles stopped on wednesday. a state election is to be held in bavaria this coming weekend . do you know, compile them of the altima and alternative for germany? poverty was as a companion event before being taken to the hospital or the remains and intensive cap. according to the policy, the incident happened to the crowd shortly before he was due to speak. public prosecutor's office is investigating. for more on that, let's cross over to a political correspondent, benjamin. as far as group of who's following that story, a ben d a f d says that was a violent incident. what do we know? the best so many question marks around the circumstances of what actually happened to this campaign really in bavaria. so that is still unclear. that's right. the a f d. a quickly spoke about a violent incident on that evening yesterday,
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but that is something that neither police nor the body guards to wear with tino cra . paula at that a campaign event. will people looking at this rally in the city of english that could confound. there was a brief statement by police saying that tina capella had slight physical contact with attendees, people's aware that he wanted to take itself, he's with him photography. but there was no evidence that he was approach or was attacked. he was on his way to the speech, he was supposed to talk that to speak to those. if the support is a guy that they are only a few days before and these elections and but very and also it has a he started feeling pain in his upper arm. that's what police sadie had to be given medical treatment back stage was then taken to hospital where he was on the intensive medical surveillance overnight. but an obvious injury was not apparent at that time. and that's the information that we have from police. so what's to tell us about his current condition?
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so he is still in hospital and a what's in the police and what people from the a if he has been saying the had of the m a of the and by various it will probably not be able to attend any other complaint events had of these in head of the elections that are happening on sunday, we have reason full suggesting that the fall, right the a, if the could make gains in by various states parliament. so he will likely miss all that if we look on social media, if we'll look at the a if the has been posting support at 14. 0 cool, paula. for now the investigation is and going. they took a black test from tina capella, the asking more people it to come forward if they have pictures, if they have videos of what exactly happened and to exactly find out didn't to be able to allow that. there was a 3rd party also, it was involved in this, in this and then yesterday, benjamin of r, as a group of political correspondents. thank you very much, ben. let's have
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a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. german police have rated the properties of a wealthy russian citizen, living in bavaria, and the case is connected to sanctions. and asset freeze is due to the most causes invasion of ukraine and those agency writers is reporting that's the only god. alisha was mama was the subject of the investigation, the special police you and have confiscated several luxury calls in the right, the mold and the $650.00 migraines have reached spain's canary islands in 5 large wooden boats over the past 2 days. so far this year, nearly $15000.00 migrants have reached the islands off the african coast, crossing one of the most dangerous migratory routes, the atlantic, most of them d prompted from synagogue. the desk toll from sorento flash clouds in india and has risen to at least 14 with more than a 100 people still missing the. there's also what's triggered when
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a glacial lake burst on the sheet of water flows. the downstream flats from heavily on like soft, become more common in recent years, due to global warming and to a brazil now where dozens of amazon river dolphins have been found dead. the rain forest region around typically like in the past week, according to a research group with the ministry of science investigations are continuing. but experts say hi, walter, temperatures relating to climate change could be to blame for the most of the scenes that shocked the locals. and scientists, dozens of amazon raven dolphins washed off on the shoals of brazil's lake to fee results minister of science research group recovered the 1st corpse on september 23rd. since then, more than $100.00 spent enrolled in courses have been found in the area. and i've seen supports with meetings, we have around 903 of adults and 500 to cautious. and then one week was already
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lost around $120.00 animals between the 2 of them which could represent 5 to 10 percent of the population. there was some amazon river dawson sleeve and the amazon basin and on, and they did spacious. so i'm a famous for the unusual features such as the pink color and long smells. as the research is say, that the cause of death is yet to be identified. or do this because there is no bottom within must said the investigation and this has not stopped booth. and the mice we are carrying out a series of analysis of the water quality and with them dodge of the animals that have died to middle off invited to try to understand what the real cost is. of these desks are doc, which it gives us. it gives a appointment, they look at things you but sofa. one of the main possible culprits has been named
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global warming. last week. the defense lakes temperatures search just due to 9 degrees celsius, 9 degrees hold to them usual san to say this tons of like into soup. the, those don't come through a nation list of, of the temperatures could beloved disoriented and in distress. unable to dive as the amazon room is currently in the dry season, this year has been harsher than before, and is expected to last through october. which could mean that these were some disturbing discoveries that to feel like might not be the last from a to and last month, september 2023 was officially the hottest some september on record. that's according to you climate scientists, the competitive cuz program has produced a study showing that the average global temperature over the past month was higher than any re quoted by the repeating space agents would be for the data also showed that last year, this year 2023 is on track to become the hottest year on record. one of the reports
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office quoted at this sentence for people at ecosystems. the report comes less than 2 months before will lead as meet for the global climate summons. and from what i'm no joint, collarbone tempo is the director of the company because climate change service at the repeal incentive, a medium range where the full costs. now we know global temperatures are rising, but what seems to be alarming experts with this latest data is the speed of the increase can explain what's going on. well this here has been a big, huge area clinic light. so we have seen the, we're missing the record, but this comes dr. us some of those records. so we started with the unusual temperature in houston as it, yes, april. and then we got a very important to reduce the ocean each facing the north atlantic north on the in the pacific. and then we got the were missed months of records entered i followed by the were mist focused on record. so in a sense,
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the system there is not the exception like this is a distributed people's records at the summit, but they need sales is quite exceptional because the no money, the difference between the temperature appeasement and the type, the typical temperature of september in the last 30 years is huge, he's especially not present in the network and never record is because of a large increase. but you were say to and the number of factors that contribute to this new record, which is the nino that is increasing the temperature of use in the pacific. and we know that the nino, which has sidney periodic, a sedation with attempted to the pacific blue, reached the maximum around christmas. but on top of a new 30. so i've really got the kind of system that is to a large extent due to the entropy attended conditions. so it's the number of factors that are competing. but these trends push us over over the age. i mean, what i'm, if i'm sorry if i, if i might interrupt you the,
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what strikes me if it, in, in recent months and also if i just look at this program today, we're talking about slugs in india with talking about dying dolphins in the amazon . the hold of september and reco, we gonna have a look at the ty, food in asia, arrive after interview, all these things connected. you think in the sense that i mean often we use the expression to be fine and try to tell you, but i think it's difficult to find a more l. ready depiction of these on truck 33 this year. so we are now. so september was 1.75 degrees above pre industrial. so we are way above the 1.5 degrees of the buyer's agreement or the destination of different. so the body department talks about the long term methods and we're talking about a much. yep. but in a sense, it's telling us that we are viewing anything we have seen. so not only in, in my professional experience of the last with years, but the no human leaving humans as a, as any eh, every experience,
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anything like that and possibly be able to push it a bit further. i don't think any, any, any time you know where you, st. pat's going to be either a seeing a temperature seemed to be one of the experiences now. so we are in the center of the 3rd through mtv present, the energy, the find, the system brings all sorts of things. so the buys and the sea levels, the increasing the density of the most intense precipitation the mentioning of the glaciers. the loss of these are all connected to the rising of the government coverage. now you mentioned the 1.5 degrees and governments assigned disagree. the global warming should not exceed 1.5 degrees celsius. is there still any chance of staying below that threshold as well? um we are this year uh so far as a little bit under a specific vendor. at the moment we are a 1.4. so at the moment it looks like it has been to the word mr. 9 month period. uh so far. and one thing for you is very,
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very close to 1.5 is not. we can those without the possibility that we may reach less than 5 before the end of the year. but i'm going take into consideration that a new is great, is quite then for the declaration that it wouldn't be structured, preventing zation major as it is here in spring is quite likely that next year or certainly one of the next few years wouldn't reach the one type a number of a normal so you should look at the definition of, of device agreement which off for an average over a number of years. we do expect the stressful to be reached between the next decade . no, by the 23rd. and so the question is not so much whether this would be reached, i think it is no given to reach and exceed the $1.00. but rather out the few of us to about $1.00 would be and no sooner would be able to record and go below $1.00 to get it. and dislikes depends on how quickly we'd be able to happen to have a nice already for them. you have reached the net 0, collarbone type of as
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a director of like comparing because climate change a service. thank you very much. thank you. thank and at least one person has been killed and more than 300 injured when ty, phone call, you made line full in southern taiwan. the island registered the fastest wind speed ever recorded as the storm, broad pounding, rain and storm winds. cooling means poppy and japanese. i see that i will take, it may have a company name what type of coin, new pack, plenty of bike as a tour through tie one with crushing winds of close to 350 kilometers per hour. have a southern pink dog county among the hardest hit the type food leaving a trail of destruction in its wake and hundreds of thousands of homes without power . there was an outage, then another one and then another one. then there was a loud bang. that's when the utility bought a fence. the wind was strong, very, very strong,
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and very terrifying. but it was orchard island where cornel really parroted teeth ripping homes to fritz. and she went through cars like choice cities across the country on virtual walk down this road. foreclosed school should plains crowned it in fairies forced to dock despite the damage. most escaped on hard for it. he's counting just over 300 injured as coin and continues on his path toward easton, china. the clean up begins likely just one of many as typhon pro tie one braces for a future of moist stream, whether fueled by global warming. and this is nobel prize in literature has been awarded to the norwegian or find dramatists the on the faucet. his work is among the most widely stage of any contemporary play, a ride in europe, in addition to dozens of supply his be 64 year old, has also written novels and short stories, children's books, and much smaller,
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and the permanent secretary of the swedish academy in stockholm said he'd phone faucet to and from inform him of is when, while he was driving in the countryside and that also have problems to drive home of the academy and stuck them set forth. it was on up for both his place and his prose, which it described as rooted in the language and nature of his norwegian background to use the academies announcements, a set of enterprise and literature for 2023 is awarded to the new wage and all of the young foster for his and over to phase and pros, which gave her voice to the unstable kind of have started se are from all costs a department to talk more about this very latest nobel prize coding. can you tell us more about for us and his wife? yeah, so he's, as you mentioned, you know, basically contributed so much to the literary canon is incredibly prolific writer. he's been translated into more than 40 languages. and some of his notable works in
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terms of fiction. or titles like melancholy or this apology series of novels. he's got a very unique style, very mystical, somewhat inc category and very influenced as he just said by the norwegian landscape. he's apparently the most performed norwegian play right after henry gibson. so that's of course quite a, quite a legacy and 2, very interesting things about him. at the age of 7, he had a near death experience. he was involved in an accident and, and he says that that experience really is what made him into an artist. so we'll probably learn more about that some as we go forward and know more about him in general. he writes in 9 or excuse another interesting thing that's called new norwegian. so that's a minority language, is spoken by only about 10 percent of the population in norway and it was developed back in the 19th century with rural dialects as his space was that in itself. it's really interesting because it's, it's very much a political but also a cultural act. and this prize seems to be recognizing that seems to be recognizing
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language as a carrier culture. i'm very interested in roger, but was he on, on your list of likely kind of, you know, he was indeed, but i definitely was thinking that his calling i got a soul's touch was more likely to win because he's 82 years old. he's large and considered to be sort of the greatest living norwegian writer and is reviewed by people like a call over close god who was also kind of being talked about who was actually a student of the a storm 1st of don't fall, say at some point so the 3 of them were being talked about, and so at 64 years old, the young fosters in the middle and he's the one that was given the place at the royal residence by the king. so i guess that's definitely a bit in his favor that talks about the people who are on the, on everybody else has list. uh, someone rushed to. why do you think he missed out again? yeah, well, he's been discussed for a number of years. but i think quite frankly, that the academy of figures, he was just too much of a risk and they don't like to be dictated to. so he's being talked about too much.
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that's almost a sure sign that he's not going to get it. he's more than just are deserving of the prize, but associated with so much violence. and of course, with so much political turmoil, it kind of has never really been a beacon of the statements on free speech and his regard before. and i think they would argue that's what their job, they're focusing really on the literary merit, which is definitely fair. definitely bear with rusty. but i don't expect deposition to change too much on that. the consolation prize perversity is that he's getting the german peace prize piece process determine booksellers this year. so he's definitely being recognized one of their friends very briefly. any other uh on the short list that you would have liked to have received it? yeah, yeah i've, i'm hope personal for leslie biased canadian, margaret atwood for the, for my favorite. and i think you know, last year is when there any of no, was only the 17th woman to get the prize since it, but it has been awarded in 19
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o one. i think they could do a few more to a little bit more towards balancing things out. so, but anyway, she's $83.00 and still going strong shop is a whip i'm. i'm assuming she's got many more years chance kind of answered that culture. thank you very much. con tasha us as i'm supposed to use uh foot balls, international governing body have chief on has name to morocco, portable and spain as joined hosts of the 2013 mens well comp. it'll be the 1st world cup posted on multiple content fif. i also awarded 3 of the tournaments, opening games to argentina, power lines and who are required as part of the global celebration of the tournaments. one, hundreds of us, all 6 countries would qualify automatically for 2030, for decision requests, fund approval from the fee for congress. next year. you're watching the news. here's a reminder of our top story, or at least 51 people have been killed and the russian strikes on the northeast of
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