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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  October 9, 2023 7:15pm-7:30pm CEST

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the big noise outside a very much afraid yes. that's what she said. yes. as if she understood something very bad is going on well and actually i think, i think i hear in the background and we know you have a younger minor by john the v strongly. yet, what are you telling her? how are you handling this as a family? first of all, i am telling her the choose and we've no more a little to no, not a lot of the days that the just man actually it's not the only my mother and the and my daughter is oh so my nephews and like the x of my sister and a lot of people from the keyboards, the laws, a lot of old people and also young people and babies. and they are all,
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were all taken. we don't know where we don't know. we don't hear anything from him from them and anything from the government. i'm willing to talk with you uh from the lien. a. to ask you, please help us to have them. please help us to save them. we don't know where they are. we don't know what is going on with them, and we need help. we need someone from the international community to go there and to and to ask the, the theories to release young people and all the people to release the people. they're innocent. we need help as i didn't to you for my daughter and for my mom, but i'm, i'm, i'm doing these by for them and for everybody with him to keep know, please help us. can you, can you just do something?
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i don't know, i this is what i can do. i can talk to you and tell you this is a holocaust which is going on here. we are, we are destroyed. it's not. it's not the regular the you. how did you ever imagine, i mean, because you had a safe housing in your home. right. and your mother did as well. and i'm just wondering, um, you said that you had a lock on, on your say from your, your mother didn't. could you ever have imagined something like this happening that, that militants would be going door to door and your neighborhood? you know, you live in a war area. how can you live in a war area? you just don't know so everything is okay. you are, you know, the mind can imagine that stuff if you imagined but stuff, you don't change there if you and also i'm talking to you also.
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so i want to be thinking about what's happening with them. because if i always start to think and imagine what they are going through, i couldn't, i won't be able to talk, you know. hm. so usually in a lower area all the time, and you tell yourself everything will be okay. and then the worst nightmare is becoming true. you know, as jerry stamey into my home tried to open the door. we were my boyfriend, me and in my young daughter we couldn't breathe. we, we didn't know we, we were scared. and he set down, you know, we're still dealing with his gun and shoot everybody who passed from the window. everybody we know is the soldier. we heard everything. i
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can't imagine what is going on with my mom and my daughter and my nephews and all the people from yours. i, i don't want to imagine it's gotta be done. i just want to tell you, um, uh, you know, we really appreciate you taking this time to speak with us. we know that this is a very difficult time for, for you your, your family, um for all in the area who, who are going through these circumstances will follow up with you. um, we are hoping for the best for, for your mother and your daughter. no. yeah, um, thank you so much for speaking with us. we will be in touch. i wants to the words to know what is going on here, please. i want the word to act to do something to you in the red cross. somebody help us, please do something if you can talk with us from us. if you can talk with the soldiers and tell them to release the people, please, please do that. thank you so much for joining us to share that message. all the
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best to you. thank you. was my colleague sarah kelly talking to got it down. who is mother? i'm doza off the day kidnapped by how much? well, you're in the secretary general interpreter says, condemn the how mouse attack saying there was no justification for acts of terror. they also raised concerns about the report, the death toll in gaza from is riley retaliatory strikes i recognize the legitimate grievances of the palestinian people, us, but nothing can justify these acts of data and the killing may mean a deduction. obviously, vivian's i right to raise my call to immediately seize these effects and release. all last searches in the face of these unprecedented effects is rarely have strikes if bound. they've got so deeply alarmed by the parts of over $500.00 policy unions,
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including women and children, killed in gaza and over city 1000 injured. unfortunately, these numbers are rising by the minutes as use that l e o perturbation is continue . while i recognize you as well as legitimate security concerns, i also remind israel that communities for pricing is, must be called back to the district, the guard booth with the international humanitarian law. it's antonia detached. let's get more from dw special correspondent to abraham in washington. welcome and tell us more about what the secretary general said. a well, the secretary general was, i think, trying to strike a balance when it comes to his comments on this most recent flare up of violence. he unequivocally condemned the violence conducted by the militant assemblies group . how must, which is classified as a tear organization by the us, you and a and other thing that absolutely nothing justifies what they have done in the past
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couple of days to is really civilians. at the same time, he was sure to warrant that any kind of military operation taking place in the gaza strip. that has to take place in strict accordance to international law. and that means that civilians must be protected. civilian infrastructure has to be protected and he weren't against the targeting of a civilian infrastructure, like schools, mosques, or residential buildings. he also said, and i'm quoting now in his speech that the most recent violence does not come in a vacuum. and he continued. and i'm quoting him now referring to the 56 year long occupation that has no political end in sight. so he was also short to, to, to, to, to mention from his perspective that this is part of a much longer series of events. and that's for the cycle of violence to be stopped,
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as he said he also called at the cycle of violence, grievances have to be recognized. well, earlier today, america's the deputy ambassador to the un, i reiterated his country support for israel and wound about the risk of the conflict escalating. so let's have move in on the us response, please, as well, since the early hours of had this episode, this flare up of violence, this war and the united states, the bite and administration has been in close contact with there is really counter parts. president biden has spoken to a prime minister netanyahu reader reading the united states, a support for israel related reading that israel has the right to defend itself. and that the united states will provide is really with whatever it needs in this hour of need. the united states already gives israel upwards of $3000000000.00
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us dollars of military 8 annually, but the by the administration has also signaled its willingness to take on more requests for a aid the secretary of state has like and what is happening right now and is rid of so the 1973 human support board, but said that the difference between that war and what we're seeing now is that 1973 was a conventional war with armies. while this is it, her a series of a terror attacks the united states has also said that they have warrant other actors in the regions not to take advantage of what's going on right now in israel to advance its own do political interest. and by that they mean a factions in the west bank 11 on, and iran, which is a supporter of how much. and they've also moved um, carriers aircraft carriers and ships to the eastern mediterranean a let in all likelihood in a move to deter regional actors. and in that case,
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that regional actor would be wrong. and i, as you're speaking, we've been looking at pictures of the night sky over gaza based on life of pictures at the moment. i'm in the us republican. so of late at least some of the blind full of this situation. i present 5 and still yes. well, we have to go back a couple of weeks ago in september, the biden administration reached a prisoner exchange agreement with iran. so in exchange for a 5 american nationals who were wrongfully held in an iranian prison, the united states agreed to release $6000000000.00 us dollars of iranian funds. iranian funds and not us money. iranian funds that had been frozen in a south korean bank account in accordance with a sanction, a sanction rules. and in exchange for these 5 americans, the united states agreed to release these funds. they would be strictly used for
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humanitarian purposes. now, fast forward to this crisis, and we have prominent republicans, plus, notably, former president donald trump, saying that there's somehow a connection between what's going on, what, how much has done and these funds. but they're biting administration has a short the public that these funds have actually yet to be released. and contrary to what donald trump has been saying that these are us taxpayer dollars, these are not us taxpayer dollars. these are, in fact, iranian funds that had been a frozen so there is no connection. as far as the united states government is concerned between what's going on in the, in israel, who caused by thomas and the prisoner exchange agreement. additionally, the united states has said that there is no evidence to connect iran with what, how much is doing right now a contrary to some media reports that we have seen in the past few days. and of course, have close ties between the 2 countries, political social and indeed
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a familial. and what's being said about the american citizens in israel, i that go to are indeed taken hostage. we know, according to us officials that 9 us citizens have been killed in the violence and we know that some of the hostages that have been taken back to guns of some are believed to be a us citizens as well, or do oh nationals. but we don't have an exact number on, on, on the hostages that have american passports, nor do we have any confirmed reports about where they are potentially held within the gaza strip by the have must her thank you for that to abraham in washington. there's rel, says it's killed a number of insurgents who went to the north of the country from lebanon. israel has also begun to shall areas in southern 1100 supposedly causing some casualties,
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show offensive. so safety point, have a conscious lebanese or thoughts as of cold on the people in the area to exercise caution. a show kicked the outskirts of villages in the area spring in dw is that by root to bureau chief mohammed to try to welcome mohammed. i'm what more can you tell us about these to, is there any claims as well? so let me start with the latest developments from the bottom and a member of that has below any port to be died in his way of showing on given these 10 to 3 this afternoon. this could be a dramatic development on the the been east front. do you have any on group has been very clear about the retaliation and revenge in such cases. now the ease onto the mini is, is really borders that last it until this morning was preached in the afternoon. these fighting, the army said it had killed the infant traitors from the the been,
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he's borders a, a, an oxide be gay, the armed wing off the palestinian, this long, this organization, palestinian islamic jihad claimed responsibility for the operation that later this operation was followed by intense charlene, from his right, leads into the minis territory. an additional deployments are being supported now, one to borders of the troops and tags from the it's way to side. right? so the, these international calls for the violence not to spread, but already it looks like it's spreading. and of course, the 5th it has the crude attack is rolled from lab and support of that. but those thomas attacks what has been, what has has blog and say, as we know so far, that has the lies intentionally of leaving the situation up into old scenarios. if leadership was clear about not attending utah in this, a bottle so far,
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the escalation onto the minis front was a limited to even the killing of a has the law number. the, the retaliation may be within the a known a rules of engagement to that with his right about what guarantee is that the existing status cool will last on the border. i would say only has the law has the answer for this the, the, the group has its own assessment on the agenda and although has been less part of the government in, in the been on is military actions are never discussed in the cabinets. okay, thank you. for that in the how much it tried to baby to bureau chief. thank you so much. let's say we don't care and that has been holding a memorial ceremony and saying press for the victims off behind.


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