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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  October 12, 2023 7:30pm-8:01pm CEST

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the chance again, but only if the crime is addressed under power, train to takes his phone civility for his action. what about freedom of the price and freedom of expression? god uses truth starts october 28th on d, w. the you watching the news from bell in my name is good. how the office use the latest on the top story. the unfolding events in israel and the gaza strip is really as strikes have been bachelor and gaza for a 6 day. the un says at least 340 people of the 340000 people have been forced to leave the homes that with fears of humanitarian crisis, growing palestinian authorities and causes say the death totally exceeds 1400.
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israel says it's getting targets linked to the terrace group. i'm us after it's unprecedented attacks over the weekend that kills at least to. busy $500.00 people in israel, a mazda is also believe to be a holding scores of these rarely hostages, and is vile. the fast to victims of the i'm us, tell her attackers to now can afford. and so just to show the boss many done here in the festival color, she was gone down to know night talk to age 24. the grieving family and friends, parents weeping for children, suddenly callously taken from the batch. the shock of how much unprecedented attacks is rapidly morphing into anger.
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now, just a week ago, israel was a divided country. now it appears united in the face of what it series as an existential select. the crisis pump did prime minister benjamin netanyahu to put aside political differences and form an american sing, government encouraging centrist for my defense minister, penn. again, it's not useful. any other states of israel wouldn't be the strongest stage in the region, but there's also a seat reserved for opposition later. yeah, yeah, lot pete retreat semester thing on the as well as border with gaza, the defense minister spelled out the government's intentions in no uncertain terms the icy, so gaza will not exist on all baldo, the i d, f. we the story from us. and we really don't have we lost
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man with the blah, the fall children on his hand. as politicians come together, take on him. us young use riley's ever turning from all over the world to report for duty in the military was as a medical student. in lithuania, i cannot sit here and study medicine. while i know that my friends are fighting and my family needs protection, this is my time. it's my duty right now and southeast asia to be part of the legal for asian. this happens. it needs to be part of this significant times. and these are as is rails western allies, also valley going round like u. k. so in secretary james cleverly seen him running for cover during a red light and now the world watches on hoping diplomacy. moving out.
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meanwhile, israel says there will be no schumann, to terry and break to its siege of gaza until all these really hostages. i'm afraid because i was lacking electricity after it's only power station. ran out a few, many of the hundreds of thousands of displaced people inside guys up a seeking help from the united nations did up in use, visited the family and one you and facility where assistance is 2nd to be stretched to the limit. in the coming days, they are 13 in all whom honey algola and her immediate family. they found a degree of safety at a un run school not far from the egyptian border on the 1st day of the world. so what is what we saw on missiles flying over our head? most of our neighborhood is dangerous. it's on the eastern side and we were afraid to stay home and god knows how we got out. but we escaped are circumstances are
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difficult and well, this is not a solution as the children need milk and diapers. under a can offer us anything. highly of this is our 4th day the school. i have high blood pressure and diabetes and i can't get medication. but that the hundreds of thousands had fled like on the honey, i'll google os family most but not all before their homes and neighborhoods were reduced to rubble as real as retaliating for the cross border terrorist attacks and hostage taken by hum us the israeli defense forces say they are focused on how much related targets under uh, the united nations relief and works agency is providing shelter in space is like this. it's tight and getting tighter. but for whom honey l. google has family, it seems safer than their home. and when that god, that can be on the, they were large numbers of palestinians in number schools. we provide them with health care food and we provide clean water and also psychological support. we
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would like to know the, the numbers a growing hugely here, one was capacity is for a 150000 displaced palestinians. and beyond that and it is a big problem, a financial problem. the problem with absorbing all of these people got the results of the problem is the people needed to help them, you know, beyond the limited space and they un displacement centers. each of them is impacted by as real as complete siege of the gaza strip. it's cut off food, water medicines, and electricity. the people that were living in a safe place, the war broke out. the strikes began without warning and we were forced to leave. we booked about 7 killing agents until we arrived. you hoping to find a safe place. it's not like that i'm looking at and this is not suitable for living . there is no board and no food. the sewage system is broken. it's not suitable for live. and that's the. yeah, that's what i like. boom, honey. oh, google and her family will have to get buying in a 6 meter wide room as they wait for an end to what could be come,
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a drawn out siege and war. as sarah davies is a sports person for the international committee of the red cross, which is providing aid to civilians in gaza. and she told my colleague, sarah kelly, a bulky schuman and terry and situation. thank you so much for having me. yes, we do have over a 100 stops currently on the grounding data. unfortunately, the scenes that they are describing to us up there was a very big we are seeing neighborhoods reduced to rubble. um, we are seeing hospitals, you know dated with 32. well, we're good from these on possibilities there. fly as you can smell smart in the. yeah, you can taste the dust when you breathe in families frantic. people are lining up outside grocery stores and bakeries trying to in so they can, can have some get some supplies. it really is just a homework on imaginable. the situation that they are currently see. what is the
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situation with the power generation, especially at those hospitals. and the supplies in general, because we, you know, we, we have heard, there has not yet been a successful effort to establish a humanitarian poor door. how much time do you have for people who, who need medical assistance so well, we know that people, as you said, do have generations and they are using ours. we have also, i of the international committee of the red cross distribution fuel to support these efforts. this is a temporary solution. eventually the fuel will run out and the generators will no longer be able to look. when this happens, hospitals will unfortunately, how far were estimate your off from that? do you have? do you have any estimations of how far you might be off of that we've, we've heard, you know, some say that it might be just a matter of hours as we are there are quite
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a few conflicting reports coming out. i cannot speak to the specifics. we know that yesterday they were quotes regularly because a power plant was shutting down. we have already distribution fuel. we will continue to do, sir, as the situation allowed. but what we need is a 1000000000 and that protection their essential services to be at the forefront of this conflict. what do you fear for those civilians? if this block a continues a aid and supplies are not allowed to get. i'm not able to get into the gods off. unfortunately, we will start to see things like medical equipment and food clean board. all. we know that the facilities, the water facilities in the waste water facilities impacted by this lack of you that that creates more problems that creates health issues, environmental issues. it really will turn it twice. minutes, herring, catastrophe in the situation. continues as it is, what's your message to the international community today?
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how cool fast and farmers is for respect of international humanitarian bo, this is something that we are reiterating to the, the policies involved in the conflict. that principles of proportion distinction and in the course in the heart of hell onto the back to billions. they are not part of the fight and they deserve protection. sarah davis international committee of the red cross spoke person, you're joining us from jerusalem. thank you so much for telling us a little bit more about what your organization is experiencing there in gaza. and that was my colleague sour kelly, interviewing sir davis of the international committee of the red cross. to now try and transfer the thoughts as are for the standing and present bottom with a boss to clearly condemn the mazda of tax on israel, calling his silence sofa, shameful speech to the german parliament shows also pledge to support for as well
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as a german is foreign minister on the, on the bad bulk announced she would make a saw a day or 2 visits to tell of these on friday. so it took center stage to send a strong signal to israel. these moment at this moment there was only one place for germany at the sight of as well. that's what we mean when we say that e's real security is a profound commitment of the german state. the roman history, the responsibility arising from the holocaust before makes it out of the last thing task to support the existence and the security of the state to base roger scott. this is an interesting tri state. there are thousands of germans in israel, including many with dual citizenship and thousands of these riley's and chose live in germany. several germans also among the hostages, taken by how much warning of the danger that the conflict could take on the
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original dimension shots come down the road over here on, on the initial investment without. so ronnie and support over the last few years, how much would never have been able to execute these unprecedented attacks on his way to the territory. the jubilant statements by top representative sophia ronnie wright team and by some other government representatives in the region of despicable leadership in toronto, shamelessly revealing its true face and does confirms its rolling cost in cost. shrugs also comes in the silence of the palestinian authority regarding the turbo tax wagner. i ask myself, where is the key condemnation of the terrorist violence by the palestinian authorities and vice president? my who the boss decided by him to say your silence is shameful to this day and we will re examine now in tight development
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corporation with the palestinian territories and the autistic will be with around the project support piece in the region. and so the security of israel, of desktop, some of the best ones with whom i need to have our humanitarian that helps to ensure the survival of the population and the goals and stress components with food and basic health services. and they come us on the other hand to has nothing to offer besides public, to mind, suffering emissions or by choice. how did the discussions with visual on a peaceful solution to the conflict would continue the job in doing so? i got and gone off. i've spoken repeatedly with these re lead representatives in recent years will so with members of the current government, i have always raised points of criticism. the settlements policy, for instance,
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well, the receding prospect of a 2 state solution, but nothing justifies even remotely. the violence against innocent men and women on nothing, nothing and to justify the terror of homeless choice is 6 to hold multiple choice on the middle east. and the coming days, including with the in the are of katara, who's in berlin for state visits. the car, as all keyboards near the board of his dogs, i was one of many targets is by the hamas terrace. around a 100 people were killed and thousands more taken hostage that most residents of the community for young families with children got food, houses, wrecked cars, and families is killed in the homes. these really minute tree reclaims the cause as a cable. it's from us. 3 days off to the militants 1st stormed,
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the village knew that goes the buddha, where they began setting fire to houses indiscriminately shooting residents and taking thousands of people hostage just normal citizens that want to take their breakfast. and this all of these children and they cut some of the heads. it's worth 15 to see. it's very difficult to see that. but we must remember who is the enemy and what the ocean mission is, the justice. where is the right side and all the world needs to be behind survivors . it's be a tackling clause. i have been brought to kibbutz trying new tele vive residents here. a trying to help them with the grief and to process what they experienced.
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they came into every home. they came in to every, every room, every place. eh, those they couldn't to take out and murder. they would burn the house with them inside so they can die. they shot children, babies, old people anywhere, and no one was safe. and that the 1st victim was a 9 year old woman who was sitting on the porch. so let them come in and she got shot and we were in this panic room for i think about over 30 hours. and then they broke uh, windows starting, it started shooting everywhere. i think at some point they saw at the door of the times it is unclear as they will be able to return home to call as a small community described by a resident as a piece of paradise. no noise in ruins as us president biden was speaking of the meeting with the leaders of america's jewish community. many american jews have close ties to israel and are deeply upset about
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what happened dw, went to meet some of them and hear what they have to say. the, these are days of morning for the american jewish community. the united states is home to the largest jewish population outside of israel on this night that the nation's capital hundreds gathered to seek comfort in one another. the, it's communal and we're all grieving together and we're all trying together to music. i sing one of the rabbi said we need to sing and i thought, yeah, everybody here has an attachment is real like we for example, our children go to camp, which is really counsellors. one of them was killed. we learned this morning. so, you know, everybody's been touched by it and it's a very difficult time because there's no question. the american support is crucial
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. president has been unequivocal in his support in somebody's use, i think, set the tone for all, all politics and, and, and every corner of united states by using his disposition and being so resolute. israel is america's closest ally in the middle east. the u. s. was the 1st to recognize israel states and it was on those close ties that president joe biden drew upon in his message of unwavering support. i for israel, from this moment, we must be crystal clear. we stand with israel, we stand with israel. and we will make sure 0 has what it needs to take care of, and citizens defend itself and respond to this attack. and there's no justification for terrace to that end. the u. s. has dispatched it's the navy's newest and most advanced carrier. the us, as gerald or ford,
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to help ward off an escalation of the conflict, advanced weaponry has landed in israel as well. but beyond the necessity of supporting a strong response, analysts barbara's leaving says she hopes that behind the scenes calls for restraint. and the importance of preserving civilian lives are being made by the administration has done a good job so far of conducting the atrocities that were committed calling them pure evil in this hour of israel's extreme need. i am hopeful that they are also private messages that are being sent to the israelis not to let their desire for vengeance overcome both their morality and their strategic thinking. because there is going to be a need to pick up the pieces when this is all over. and there has to be interlock orders for the as rallies, the united states and others to try to restore some kind of calm and to project
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some kind of positive future for the palestinians going forward. otherwise, we're going to see this, this are a movie over and over again. for now, although the ongoing horrors we heavily on the hearts of the jewish community, there's an attempt to here to stand united. i'm sorry, in greece, but and who for or international reactions to homeless terrorist attack in israel and the israeli bombardment of the gaza strip have shown the widely differing views of the conflict around the world. in indonesia distorts the food is dry and it's getting from the us. hundreds of members of different this time they've got the outset of us been busy in jakarta to protest demanding. and in 2 days, during the air strikes on the going to some strip. somebody as oppressed people,
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palestinians most defend the country, striving for their nation's independence is a duty. therefore the palest in him people's resistance against israel is justifiable. the on on the streets of to occur in bundle dish. more protests around a 1000 members hoping to slum is through sound good slogan for the palestinians. palestinians must have the rights and lands returned to them. they must be compensated to all those who were killed in the past should be compensated according to atlantic, serial. welcoming them on an end to the night time attacks on palestine.
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they have also been brought palestinian demonstrations, but really just clips and buckets done as well as start in the poses of mind. so we can start with them. speaker support for is try a strong do showing the deep divisions being exposed by just conflict in support. like here in australia, the a such a traumatic way for all of us, but we're so aware how much more traumatic explain to the people as well and how to brighten for what's going on. and we send that praise every minute every hour, every day, to the people of israel, and all the people that have been long and arrange it and keep matches. the mice, terrific situation in new york city with the largest jewish community in the world outside of his writing. many got the installer,
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data and in june housing, those remember they started, he's been in the homeless at dec federal good. and i hope they find a peace agreement because this situation is not good for any of us. settled. i hope it will end as soon as possible the because 2 populations are suffering good and is ro is truly suffering and aggression. never seen before doing. it might be somebody ma, here in to the people headed to richard for those who strategies who read off the lights as the word crap, let's get to conflict that shows no sign offending scroll down a bit more into those reactions, particularly from that age up with a beer strategy from a dw news a bears. how would you describe the reactions to this conflict across asia?
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i think overall there is a lot of concern in the region amongst the capitals in the region as to how this conflict started and where it is headed. but a lot of this concern is also being manifested in the form of support for one side of the other. so example, you look at countries like in the single and the philippines who seem to be family on the side of isabel, particularly for india. it's a method of contact endeavors and being against terrorism. and you also see that the 3 countries in particular are also aligned to the united states. so that is another thread that is interesting. on the other hand, you have countries like me saw in the report we have in the new show bundle vision focused on where the proof on this time sentiment amongst the people is so high and as always being so that they appear to be firmly on the side of the understanding and ballasting, and right, and then you have some countries like thailand, for instance, which appear neutral and remain neutral now, which citizens of which countries do we know have been caught up in this conflict?
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thailand? is one of the worst effected because thailand has lost some 21 national sofa based on latest reports, and there is 11 nurse both who appear to be in the custody of how much i don't know . i don't, there's many people know this, but there's roughly between 450230000 pioneers those who work in israel. so it is so, but the hostage issue particularly is a big problem for the part of government trying to bring its citizens back from gaza. and well defined government has already done is trying to bring back citizens from israel. who would like to come back to thailand and then you all to having the same and citizens of countries like different opinions in india, there's something like 30000 filipino, those who worked in israel and the government to set up a task force to coordinate with filipinos, the, the indian government has, uh, setup uh as talented and operation and assaulted efforts to bring back any of the $18000.00 indians who would like to come back to india. and then you also have china, which is reporting a pre,
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if it's nationals have been killed in these attacks in israel, utah, you just mentioned china, but what's china's reaction in general? i'm going to, chinese reaction is very interesting that the, just a few days back that com and restrain deposit all the newton statements. and then today a new statement appeared in which it appeared that china was offering itself as a mediator. and it's really not a surprise because china has been aiming for the position of a mediator, an honest broker of thoughts in the middle east to try and media not just between these varies and the finest. and those with home china does have good relations. in fact, in june itself, china assigned a strategic partnership with the 1st thing in the product, and you'll also have good trans initials with the is there any is as well. i'm trying to investing billions of dollars over more than a decade in infrastructure, particularly is around. so you have china trying to take the position of an honest broker and try and move the us out of its dominant position as a mediator in the middle east. and that is what,
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how the chinese statement should be viewed, your strategy that from dw news as well. thank you very much. good. a still watching the time it is continuing coverage of events in gaza and israel. and of course you can get to meet your mornings at any time on our website. it's dw adults . com. i've got offers in the berlin and i'll be back in a few minutes. the thing super intelligence and artificial intelligence. do you think that is a threat station manager? and the problem is as while knowledge is power, this is just is true today because it was before, but how does knowledge become insight? searching for answers. the project in like the in 15 minutes on the w to the points strong opinions, clear position,
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international perspective. how must her attack on this really is the largest mass murder up to since the holocaust city, israel's president, it has cast a long shadow worldwide. how will it change the middle east? that's our topic on to the point. to the point in 19 minutes d. w. the daniels and june the you're going to the 77 percent to come to i just got on $65.00 last last those top 5 years. 3 reasons why 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so
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i was hoping to talk to you from campbell, fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's say together, nick always talks about community life on the surface of this research is now on top. practices types do shapes of west the use of africa. how do we change the adapt to make it, meets with congress these creations? together they exclude the contradictory nature of the 0 century as a teenage girl. and how these police can be changed. the start filming us. plea for new prospectives starts october 20th us dw, the
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. this is dw news, live from bell in the us, secretary of state, commit small, military and financial aid to as well as any blinking isn't till a vase way tells prime minister netanyahu. israel will never be alone in defending itself. also coming up united to in response to the a monster attacks, thousands of israelis had home to fight as the families of the victims say goodbye and germany's trust that were left.


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