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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  October 13, 2023 7:02am-7:30am CEST

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next stage of the war, the intensity of his really airstrikes aimed at almost targets already of unprecedented levels in the past 24 hours. the number of people who have been made homeless and gaza up 30 percent. the un warning of a disaster in java in the making. at the same time, america's top diplomat is attempting to pull all of the parties back from this perilous precipice. these regularly used the palestinians and their neighbors to bring gulf in berlin. this is the day the you may be strong enough on your own to defend yourself, but as long as america exists, you will never, ever have to come us is isis. and just as isis was crushed, so too little from us because we saw a shopping video and it just to confirm the toilet thing. all the dfacs where it's
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hard, we are more aware. it's hard with the i don't want way of defending our home city adversary. state or non state thinking of taking advantage of the current crisis to attack is don't also have coming up another did and or the only way out the border crossing between gaza and egypt. just how wide will the egyptians open the door for palestinians trapped inside for active we discussing this with our as really and our egyptian counterparts. we support safe passions for civilians. civilians are not to blame for what have mazda is done. they didn't do anything wrong. and we continued to support the past with our viewers watching on tv as in the united states in to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with 2 messages for israel, from its most important ally that you not it states on thursday,
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us secretary of state anthony blinking arrived in tel aviv to offer america's unwavering support for a country reeling from saturday's unprecedented terror attacks. america's top diplomat stood next to these rarely prime minister who was now leading an emergency war government. and he laid out his plan for something resembling a possible peace, a call to israel, the palestinians, and their neighbors to reject the hate of a moss. by putting their shared humanity. first is everyone listening. we'll discuss that in just a moment, but 1st is re lease or bidding farewell to the people. they lost in israel, the 1st funerals, the victims of the hum off terra attacks. here, a full and soldier here. um uh, the festival go gone down to to know might potty age 20 full
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grieving family and friends. parents weeping for children suddenly and callously taken from them. but the shock of how much unprecedented attacks is rapidly moving into anger. now, just a week ago, israel was a divided country. now it appears united in the face of force it sees as an x, a central threat. the crisis prompted prime minister benjamin netanyahu to put aside political differences and form and emergency government. including suntrust form of defense minnes stuff. any guns that do not use for the state of israel wouldn't be the strongest states in the region, but and a seat all service for a position need a got a lot, pete. as israel continues to pace,
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the number of soldiers deployed. the defense minister spelled out the government's intentions in no one such. sometimes the icy sold garza will not exist on all baldo. the idea will destroy from us and we will hunt down every last man with the blog will fall. children on his hand. as politicians come together to take on him off young these re lease, returning from all over the world to report for duty and the minute free because of a medical student and left dwayne yeah, i cannot sit here and study medicine while i know that my friends are fighting and my family needs protection. this is my time. it's my duty right now. a backpack in southeast asia to be part of the legal
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formation that happens in these right. we part of this is significant times and these red it looks likely that the operation could soon include a ground. defensive is really tanks and ahmed vehicles continue to arrive at the border with gauze. the overhead board is the former speaker of the israeli parliament that conducts it. we asked him how his country is coping and we asked for his thoughts on the government's response to the atrocities. it looks know that the strategy of israel is anger and revenge. and i do not support need to anger, no revenge. as a political advisor. yes, there is a lot of sort on this in this society. there is not even one home that doesn't know . somebody didn't lose somebody at the last. somebody has people hosta haven't kept, wants to do, is in gaza and the sole role is, is so they've been so profound yet he does not justify for
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means and going off to the leaders of hamas and the soldier with how much it's a digital my dog is going against an innocent population in masses in a kind of a collective punishment. the answer is no. so whether i am a simple civilian like i am today or putting it, it could be there, like i used to be like value system is the same. and then these are to be folk and you know, since people are to be engaged with the process of peace, many of the government does not have. second thought he does not have an adjacent receipt for the 1st bought. israel says that it's aerial bombardment of johnson is targeting how mos units that lead saturdays attacks. but the air strikes, they are devastating to this very densely populated territory. and concerns are escalating of a humanitarian crisis in the make. agony fills the air.
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these people are desperately looking for survivors, while pulling bodies out of the rubble. dawn has brought the side of new destruction to gaza with entire blocks raised by overnight strikes. manage the houses of my family, my neighbors and mine were hit. i came out of the house to find my children injured . a whole square was completely destroyed. visa, children, children, they show no mercy. the palestinian territory. one of the most crowded places on us has been under siege since saturday, and a new constant bombardment is rose fast. it's hitting targets linked to the terrorist group, hamas in retaliation for it to tax over the weekend that killed more than
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a 1000 people. the army has deployed the 10s of thousands of troops to the border as it prepares for a ground defense if the pressure is steadily rising. so far. the entry of food, water, fuel, and medicine into gaza has been halted increasing concerns about a humanitarian crisis. jordan has sent its 1st a package to gaza, but israel as energy minister says that will be no break to the siege until the dozens of hostages health by home us are freed humanitarian aid to gaza. no electrical switch will be lifted. no water hydrate will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the is rarely hostages are returned. home communitarian for humanitarian and nobody should preach us morals.
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as the situation escalates, diplomats are seeking to stop the spiral of violence and the release of the hostages held in gaza. israel has, of course, closed its border crossings to the gaza strip. that means there is only one other thing of radical option for palestinians to leave gone to the roof of border crossing to egypt. the egyptian government is in talks with the us and is real on the way humanitarian aid to pass through. but it won't open core doors for palestinians to leave god for more on the role of egypt in this crisis. i want to bring in says binder he's advocacy officer at the think tank project on middle east democracy enjoys me from the us. denied says it's good to have you with this. um, do you see a scenario in which egypt would open its borders to gauze it to allow refugees to escape yeah, thanks for having me. um, i think, you know,
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one of the lessons we definitely should take away from this weekend has never say never uh, as you are saying that the preference i think of the egyptian government is to not allow refugees to, to come into egypt. and instead to allow humanitarian assistance to flow into gaza in the ways that they have done in, in previous, uh, sorted escalations of violence like we're seeing now. but at the same time, i also would say, you know, this is not unique to gaza. uh, egypt is not necessarily wanted refugees coming from sudan down and its southern border. yeah. to it's west. and so i think it's a bit of a pattern in terms of egypt and, and, you know, it's in, in their defense to degree. they themselves are suffering severe economic crisis.
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inflation is that it's highest levels unsustainable that and so it's a real difficult time to be in egypt. and so having a burden of refugees flowing in is something that would uh, you know, be quite difficult. is this the just a about economics? i mean, when we look at tomas in, in johnson, we could imagine that if the rougher gate were to be open and you had this for the palestinians in egypt. but the government in egypt could be concerned about the bozeman brotherhood, for example, um increasing it strings in the country. and we know that that is something that the current president of egypt would not stand for. i mean, there, there are political and ideological reasons for keeping that gate closed, aren't there to i think, you know, the egyptian government is definitely emphasizing security concerns from us. i would say on the muslim brotherhood inside the country,
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over the past decade they've essentially been decimated. uh, the brother themselves for decades. it it'd be sort of the core group have uh, you know, distance themselves from violence and been opposed to it. you know, there's certainly splinter groups and in so far as i don't see a real actual threat. uh, in terms of that uh, it least brotherhood uh, actions inside egypt. now obviously if from us operatives were escaping that's a different scenario but, but i don't think it's, it's a real concern in terms of the brotherhood. would you say that egypt? maybe i'm is telling us that by opening the border and the allowing palestinians to enter in mass that would harm the palestinian calls to have its own state. i think you've seen some, uh, some instructions emphasize this. but i think palestinians themselves have also
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emphasized this. the right of return is a major issue for palestinians from 48 to 67, and on and on. we've seen where when palestinians have left palestine, they've not been able to return. and so i think it's a legitimate concern among many uh that if they were to leave cause they would not be able to return your secretary of state and to be blinking. i'm. he is in the middle east with his team. what can be achieve in egypt? and i'll put it in another way. is there any chance of a negotiated settlement which does not include agent, you know, i think the secretary and uh it is there. now we're seeing the secretary defense is going to be there tomorrow. i believe that they're trying to show their steadfast support for israel, that they have their back no matter what. and that's sort of what they've been
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emphasizing. uh, i think certainly you know, now that he's announced that he's extending his trip to other countries in the region. there's going to be other priorities uh, helping, hopefully, uh, you know, they should mandatory and crisis in gaza and doing whatever they can on that front . i think in terms of egypt, we should expect there to be a role. there tends to be one, there has been one. and in previous moments like this. but he's also not just going to egypt, he's going to some of these other countries in their region because they also matter. i think one should definitely look at countries like the u. a. e and others who signed the abraham accords. it'd be expecting and almost calling on them to be doing more part of the abraham accords when it was sold, at least here in the united states,
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was that these countries would now have more of an influence with israel. and now seems to be the time given the vulnerability of civilians and in gaza. so finder with the project on the middle east democracy seth, we appreciate your time and your analysis to night. thank you. thank you. of the and now to the man daring to give diplomacy. another try is really is preparing for a possible ground assault against promotion and the gaza strip. at the same time, us secretary of state and to the blinking is it is real to show solidarity within anguishing ally, but also to sound out diplomatic possibilities. listening whether or not is real in the middle east. still have an ear for piece from here. hold on to jordan, we're on the with his majesty king of dollars and the cost, and he is already present in a boss. and then over the coming days, we'll visit with leaders and saudi arabia, united, our veterans, egypt,
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and cut her across each of these engagements will continue pressing countries to help prevent the conflict from spreading. and to use our leverage with them us to immediately and unconditionally release the hostages will also discuss how we can continue to make real our affirmative vision for region that's more peaceful or prosperous, more secure, more integrated. and in fact, that is the choice and the choice in some ways has been made even more start by the actions of mos on saturday. one she is the author of revenge, a story of hope which she wrote after searching for a palestinian gunmen who shot and wounded her father in jerusalem. a woman well qualified to talk about what we're talking about tonight. miss bloomfield, it's good to have you with this. you spent 20 years as a reporter in the middle east. where do the events of the past 5 days rank in your
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experience? well, in the words of the secretary of state, you were just feature and it defies comprehension. we thought we'd seen it all and did the 2 words that keep coming back again and again. and these broadcast is unprecedented and barbarism of the if you look at the scale of the is really response so far. how do you think v as really strategy will evolve more? well, they've got to present this as a word necessity. the end game is to erase her mouth, but you know, how do you go about it? it has to be, uh, not one of blood less than a basic survival. i think what was so traumatizing for israel is that the check on saturday not only was a check on borders that it was on the imagination. it went to the very heart of what israel was supposed to be. it went from safe haven to slaughter house. and so
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they need to show strength because this is all about it in a word deterrence, but it can be brute strength and have to demonstrate sophistication and strategic for thought. i remember speaking 2 years ago, the head of the most side, and i asked of that retaliation when i was reporting my book revenge. and he said to me, we retaliate. you choose the strategy, you choose the battlefield and you choose the time. now what so complicated now is israel has no choice, it's all the, it's upon them. they're, they're the masters of the preemptive strike and they're playing catch up. and the palestinians involved here, i mean we've, we've heard warnings of collect the punishment for the palestinians in the gaza strip. we've noticed also this week that when palestinians have been interviewed, it has been difficult even for moderate palestinians, or their leaders to condemn the atrocities carried out by him. boss. why didn't you think that is or you know, when i, the shooting is the state department,
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senior advisor and secretary carries is really tough in, in team. we were dealing with concrete issues, tangible like border security, refugee in jerusalem. but the intangible of, we're just as challenging, if not more. and what i mean by that is narrative. there's contracts and history to this conflict. it goes back a 100 years or thousands depending on where you'd like to begin. if you take it all the way back to just as if you'd like and sometimes the decides, get trapped inside their own narratives and it, it eliminates the possibility for empathy. and empathy really is the way for me we, we heard a very nuanced message from anthony blinking today that support for israel. at the same time, we recognize that palestinians have legitimate aspirations not to be ruled by him off. and the us will work with those in the region committed to that and to piece is that the message that benjamin netanyahu wanted to hear?
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well, this is this a security blanket. it's a fine bare leonard and i apologize for my pronunciation moment. he landed in israel and he said, i am here s x ray state. i'm also here as a jew, my step father was a survivor of athletes. so i think he establishes credentials. what he was saying to the prime minister is, i am, i am one of i am i am you, you are me, we are, we stand together. and after that he said, you know, talk about the atrocities he talked about israel's right to defend himself. but he also said how israel does this matters. we are the same morally and we expect that of our brother in arms. and so i think that he, i think that he sort of established the right to demand humanity. and also yes, sewing the seeds of peace. look where the secretary of state, look at his travel itinerary, it's egypt, jordan, you, a cutter, saudi arabia and beyond. these are the seeds of peace because then in the crazy, upside down world of the middle east were often does lead to a greater piece. yeah. and, and perhaps perhaps anthony blinking,
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who is the right man of the right time in the united states is, you know, has been largely absent as a mediator in the israeli palestinian conflict for the past decade and a half. what chance does the, by the ministration have to restart those talks as well? i think there's great opportunity and there's also a narrow window because there are the realities of the domestic politics. we're walking into, you know, where it work we're approaching and election sees the national elections, presidential race. and nobody wants to run for president with 2 wars ready that you train. and then there's also the middle league hostages. just bring back, you know, the nightmare of jimmy carter and an oil prices back in the seventy's failed presidential candidates don't, don't. uh, you know, you're not looking for a war or for an oil prices. all of this friends that unless there can be a quick resolution this week, we've heard that numerous times the path to peace and a 2 state solution will be re discovered in a future minus home us and
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a future minus nets in yahoo. do you agree? well, i mean, i think that toby, many resignations and political upheaval, natania whose political career started if you were a callback in the seventy's with a hostage crisis. right. there was the hijacking of the planes went heavy and his brother was a military hero, was part of that rescue. he died and it turn yahoo star rose. unfortunately, i think it wouldn't be, you know, going on a limb to say that this is the end of his career ending also with a hostage crisis there, there need and tragic bookends. what about the people sending it to me to do? who is mentioned yahoo going to call that if he wants to talk with them. i mean, we're are the palestinians who can talk to is real and have legitimacy among their own people as well. the palestinian authority, you know, they are the ones when, when they go shaded the oslo accords. the 1st time i was sent to gaza for the
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washington post was in 1993 where i, i interviewed hamas leaders. they were literally sitting in the streets in the dirt bemoaning the end of their movement. this was 30 years ago. um. so i think that because they felt like the housing authority had said the imagination of, of the past and new people and represented them. so when there is opportunity, when there is hope, i think that there are, you know, there are plenty of leaders among the past and the people who truly represent the desire to live as 2 people side by side. that was never the case will come up again going back all the years that i've been meeting with them with their leaders. it was always mass similar. it was, it was a religious war to, to occupied the entire all of palestine. i got a bit about 20 seconds left quick. let me just ask you of talks between netanyahu and mock mood, abbas and bringing peace is, is that possible at all? well, i think right now nobody's talking, right?
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there's, there's going to be fighting and the dust settles and then you figure out where you stand for these railings, they need to really show show strength. as they emerge from this was able to sort of re establish their sheen of deterrence, their swagger, i think they might be willing to take chances for peace. but right now the is really, i mean they're really, they're on the road. we've seen it before and they're on the roads, just punching. but right now it's, it's gloves or louisville to joining us tonight from new york city. ms. bonds that we appreciate you taking the time and we appreciate you making this talk happen. i know you and it's been a busy day for you. thank you. glad to be here. thank you. or the day's almost done, the conversation continues online. you'll find that on twitter either and dw news, you can follow me and bring golf tv and remember whatever happens between now and then, tomorrow is another day we will see you then everybody the,
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to the points strong opinions, clear position, international perspective, how much terror attack on israel is the largest mass murder up to since the holocaust says, israel's president, it has cast a long shadow worldwide, probably change the middle east. that's our topic on to the point to the point
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next on dw, back into the conflicts with tim sebastian. the middle name group, i'm off smashes in days. well triggering more of the former prime minister who is almost blamed. should the yahoo resign? yes. do you think you will force conflict in 60 minutes on dw, the oh. the vin limitless freedom of the online young north koreans fled to south korea, where they realize the dreams of the coming social media start to detect is we posted up in lives under kim john,
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but then they disappeared without warning. need to reach to us as a north korean public on the video was happens from those korea love starts october 25th on d w. how must tell her attack on israel is the largest mass, murder of jew since the holocaust says, israel's president, what he called this country's darkest hour has cast a long shadow worldwide. the assault on october 7th is prompting comparisons to massacres, perpetrated by the terrorist group isis. a mass fighters killed more than a 1000. his release, including babies. children were old people. they ceased an unprecedented number of hostages. so far at least a 1000 palestinians have.


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