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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  October 14, 2023 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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real one week ago compared to what they're thinking now. this friday evening, almost a week after they come off terror attack israel as a nation in morning and a nation at war. today, a head of a likely ground evasion, israel's military ordered all residents in northern garza to evacuate to the south of mazda ordered residents to stay put and become martyrs. so now what last saturday began with a massacre, it is real. how will this saturday be? remember, i bring golf in berlin. this is the day the we all us, all the civilians in garza city to both salt garza, turbo. she liked from bosh, deliberately target civilians. but democracies don't. we are going to be
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side almost 8 plus 12 jo from us at $12000.00 from us military. this is a time for resolved and not present. the comma floss of the pharaoh is deceiving population . therefore we need to separate them. this is no time for neutrality or for false equivalence. also in our coverage this half hour, we return to the scene of a massacre, a music festival in southern israel, where her mos militants killed more than 250 feet full. we saw the bodies everywhere, some of the clothes, and some of them killed from gunshots and they offer me explosions. the i've worked in this for a long time one and, but i've never seen anything like this before with what solution to see this here for. it's like a holocaust on the can. more commercial for to our
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viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day with an order and with a wish. today as more as really troops took position along the border with gonzo, the is really military issue to demand to the 1100000 residents of northern gods that move to the south. now, they are reports of people quickly packing their bags and trying to make their way into the crowded space that is southern gaza. there are also reports of reluctant residents who were told today by him off to stay put into ignore what him off labeled israel's psychological warfare. what was all signs pointing to an image that is really ground evasion of gaza? the us continued. it's 11 our shuttle diplomacy, us secretary of state antony, blinking, met with leaders from the policy. no forwarding, jordan and guitar talks aimed at finding a way to reverse the escalation before more civilians dot. we have this report
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go on, breaks and gaza to a wave of aerial bombardment, biology of explosions, destroying buildings in the region. and today the attacks came along with unofficial loading. as he is rarely, military, continue domestic and tanks and troops near the causing border a head of an expected ground invasion cold. so this some 1100000 people located in garza city to relocate to the southeast within 24 hours. this involves a journey across the bodyguards of wetlands, the river dividing the territories north and south and so the x, it just begins causes and civilians and you and stuff like started moving as best they could out of harm's way over and then you today we do not know where to go. there's, there's no safe place. we know that no,
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we do not know where children are. we do not know what to do and we have no food or water top. i'm appealing to the united nations in front of the un building. where do we go? where do we go? i know ruth had the you and said moving so many people in such a short period of time within one of the world's most densely packed areas would be impossible. quote, without devastating humana tavian consequences. the clock ticks on the world house organization called fixing mandatory and access to gaza to be reviewed. it warms the israel totes with located and continue. bombardment pushed the health system to breaking point, lacking a central supplies and electricity. and we need to provide medical services and so on. that's what i would, i would also ask for one is to protect civilians and 2nd to provide them with the support they need be trued. medical services supplies as
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well continues to insist that she's just doing everything it can to minimize civilian suffering. but for the people of cause, a time is running out as well as safe places to go. and and in the last 24 hours is really ground. troops carried out what the military is calling localized rage inside the gaza strip. israel's chief military space person said infantry and thank you and it's entered, gaza to locate rocket crews, to destroy weapons and to search for evidence of hostages. the announcement did not immediately appear to be the start of a ground. defense is real. as you may recall, has been massing troops along because a border in preparation for a possible offense. all right, we want to get some analysis now with military expert, marina moran. she's from kings college, london marine. it's good to see you on this friday. do you see these localized read
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says israel's military are calling them? do you see this as a possible 1st step of the ground invasion? good evening brand. um 1st of all, yes, these localized raids can be considered the so called shaping operations. in other words, these raids should be preparing the ground offensive and should increase the success of the ground defensive. and of course, we have the hostage situation which makes the military operation and gases and much more difficult. so the idea is to locate and to try release the hostages as well as destroyer from us as equipment. and possibly we can the hold off from us in that region. and we're talking about specifically about the massing of troops on the noise and part of gaza. so we assume that the military operation, if it is to start, will be starting from the north. there is no question that israel's military is far
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superior about the numbers and equipment compared to anything that homos is working with them. but it isn't really a factor when we're talking about a being and one of the most densely populated places on the planet. and we're talking about urban warfare to oh, it's a good question because as we have seen recently enough, ghana, stan military um, as a bri or a to in terms of numbers and support already in terms of technology. miller, technology doesn't necessarily guarantee success. and this is what we have seen throughout the military history where rec, back, malicious, and came to be more successful than organized state forces. so this will be very difficult for the id f. and specifically, because as tactual peroration so, which used to be cold calling the insurgency operations require not only military scale your operating and in down sleep populated urban areas. so you have to be
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very discriminative when it comes to using force in order to not to shoot civilians and in so they did. the operation itself will be very slow, very painful, costing a lot of lives. and it might look like going block by block street by street. so in, in those terms, what is royal needs to ensure is that, that doesn't alienate the boldest damian and population while conducting this operation. well in addition to finding against the mos in the south, israel has faced an outbreak of violence on its northern border with living on sunday, the around the back hezbollah group has fired precision missiles, as well as rockets and is really towns and military positions. israel has responded with a barrage of artillery fire on southern loving these towns as well as saves that 3 of its fighters have been killed. has beloved is a sheet in political party and the militant group, and it is
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a sworn enemy of israel. but where did they come from? what did they want and how powerful are they now? it was in the chaos of lebanon civil war. and the 1980s that hezbollah emerged as a shadow faction, funded by iran. the group filed to drive is rarely forces out of lebanon, and carried out bombings on western powers, like the us and france. after the civil war, lebanon's militias were disbanded, except for one has blah, blah, is basically a political party with the military when it is by far the most influential policy independent with significant support among the public. the parties says its origin aged to fight these way. the organization of $1011.00 on the 1980s, but has since said, it's a mist account of what it calls west and pre domination and extension of the party
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remained committed to the destruction of israel. western intelligence say the group carried out bombings on his really targets in argentina and britain in the early ninety's, killing an injuring scores in 2006. the group sparked the 2nd 11 and war after they objected to is really soldiers and across the border range. and killed 3 others. $1200.00 lebanese mostly civilians and $158.00 is relays. mostly soldiers were killed. at home has black only grew in stature. the law has dominated the east political feeling for the past 2 decades. its leader says it has a fighting force of some 100000 men and tens of thousands of rockets at its disposal. the groups biggest backer is here on who according to the us, gives it $700000000.00 a year to fund it. so patients money to use to send several 1000 fighters to syria
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in 2013, to support the charlotte sods regime. underlining the groups increasingly powerful and divisive role in the middle east. that as well as support from it on the group is a member of the so called resistance foxes, along with trophies in yemen. the popular mobilization in iraq. how most of these, let me, she had independence to me instead of 3. and the cdn received by germany, the us and others of designate that has the law as a terrorist organization. now again, is rarely forces in the north or on edge. as has the appears paused to step up its attacks. alright, named dart is a senior fellow at the washington institute where she focuses on she a politics throughout the middle east. it's good to have you with us this evening. i want to just ask you about hezbollah and is real. we know that they've traded rocket attacks this week has bullfighters have been killed. that said,
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how likely do you think it is that we're going to see this conflict? turn into a 2 front war if you will, one with garza and one with 11 on hezbollah in the north. yes, that's me. the question that's, i don't have anybody's mind today is that this so far has been a very calculated engagement between principal on history on both sides actually has. the law wants to still keep playing with it. and you know that the rules of the, of the companies that has been set after 2006 war there hasn't been really any serious um, a break. and that the concept to the, the engagements a couple of the classes that have somebody has been engaged in with this really long the border has never been beyond the, you know, attacking in the north, the military post side sir. but they, they are trying, they're trying to stay the, we are part of this war. they want to read the benefits of this war, like it on
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a busy new one, a, b, c, d. or what is it possible deniability, where they can say we are not really your target. so what they want a day is like basically this says, this isn't the reading strategy of denial of, of deniability. and this specific for where has the last thing you've been investigating, because this might change any more or less to make sure that you don't keeps the ads that, that, that you don't have. it's proxies maintain the ads that they have a gained in this more so far, which is raising this out here on deal responding to is really exposing is real and weaknesses. and obviously things are 3 away from normalization in a way from less than opening up in the back to the range and ads and drug resistance, narrative gaining the popular support that they needed. so this,
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this is the main, this is a big win for as long as you want to know, but it's also a very risky game for her beloved today. if they do not get involved and maintain desk calculator engagements with israel, they will be able to maintain these games. i should the as to their advantage as of the same time iran below to be able to hold this very strong pressure card, which is how full of precision, besides as a 111 on as a strong card without actually using it almost a week since the home office attacks the death tone is real, has risen to more than 1300. many of those killed were attending the tribe of nova music festival and southern israel when he was over, hundreds were dead. others and been taken hostage, dw corresponded tanya cramer,
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as soon as this report on how events they're on folks they even just 5 kilometers from the gossip or the public always was working as a bar tender at the festival that missouri was great to people with dancing and smiling, you know, peaceful people. and then the rocket started, you know, firing going us at the moment we were doing so anything under the cover of the and this as shown here, recorded on a cost dash camera. how most gunman broke. so the security fence which separates the siege of causes truth from israel and started shooting. we don't know where the terrorists are, the some of them are here. some of them are, there are some of them i here. well we, we didn't know what to do. luckily you're there is a small dry river, so we just loved the car and went to the river and thought some bushes. headache survived many others didn't. this is what is left for the kids about 260 people and direct others to gaza as hostages. the fate of some is still
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unclear volunteers from this our co risk your organization search for victims mobile phones to help identify their location. they got a little 80 when we arrive to the around the wall and all 2 in the morning. they show up after shot that after similar to the pool, we saw the bodies everywhere. some of the cold and some of them killed from gunshots and excel from explosions. the i've worked in this for a long time on them, but i've never seen anything like this before with what function to see this here for. it's like a holocaust on the can mod commercial. the sort of the military us still searching for militants that have been more infiltration since. and the area has not been entirely secured. we know that there's still tears in this area. so that's what we're still clearing. the entire field, it's going to take so much more time,
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but we're doing it. and we still find tears that are running around in this, in this area. the unprecedented, have raised many questions about how this happened. the responsible one, scroll the intelligence we're responsible for the defense. we requested ourselves, we would risk rich own and everything that we understand why it's happened to us, but no, it doesn't matter. no, it's better when we need to fight, we need to stay focused. for now is, well, it's united and what the government called its war against thomas. but india is already replacing, grieve over this failure of intelligence. if you're a secretary of state anthony blinking has wrapped up talks into char, his latest stop in a series of talks with counterparts from the region in a bid to prevent this conflict between is really him us from why they his middle
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east tour began this week with the stuff in israel to show support and to discuss hostage negotiations then with onto jordan, we're blinking also we met the palestinian authority president is 5 day trip, include stops and gulf era of nations as well as egypt. we can gave a press conference with the guitar, you prime minister earlier today. here's part of what he said, united states and cut her share. the goal of preventing this conflict spreading. we discussed in detail our efforts prevent any a state or non state. we're creating a new front in this topic. we're also working intensively together to secure the release of positive learning, american citizen being held by a mouse and gather i am grateful for the urgency the cutter is bringing this up to
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my colleague richard walker is here in the city with me. he's been following this shuttle diplomacy by blinking, and i guess we could say top of his agenda, securing the release of the hostages and making sure that this conflict doesn't get bigger. that that's right, right. and if we look at cuts of where, where, where he was on that stop this kind of shuffle tool that he's doing around the region. kind of has a kind of track record is being something of an intermediary. and some of these, a diplomatic outreach is the us has done, for instance, with the taliban in afghanistan. they had offices and cuts. that was a sense of negotiation between us and the taliban. and in this case, also how much has offices in the high in the, in, in victoria capital and the guitars have been trying to do what they can to facilitate some sort of exchange, to try and get some of these hostages out of that. well those ec atari primacy, in that press conference, was them coming expectations of in thing happening in imminently, in terms of regional escalation? i think of course this is a serious risk that the united states is concerned about. of course they've got the
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wellbeing of israel really front incentives that priority. but if you look at these goals stays like catch all that worried about it too. particularly the scenario. you know, kind of worst case scenario where you have a really big regional boy involving it wrong golf stays lake has a really risk of being caught in the middle of a conflict like that. so there's a major interest the in trying to do whatever they can to try and keep temperatures down in the humanitarian situation and gaza. he also physical these questions about that. that's right. so, i mean, you can see in blankets of parents here that the united states and also other western countries are really trying to work align here. they are, they are really strongly expressing as he pretty, it's a israel has the right to defend his people of, to this extraordinarily brutal attack by hum us. and even that it has to do to, to do that and do the same time. but evidently wanting to try to dissuade these writers from potentially going to far in their response. not there
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a clear alarm bells being run around the region, but also the united nations. an off to this warning from used by the military to the people of northern gotta get out in 24 hours because probably we're going to be coming in the united nation saying that that's dangerous. that there's potentially simply a possible united nations refugee agency acting. and goals are describing goals and that was a hell hole. that's a un agency using that language. so there's the carries a risk for as well. of course, that if it is perceived as ignoring the rights of civilians in ga so that, that it risks losing some of the international sympathies that understand what has gone to it off to the events of last weekend. so and the u. s. is of course line some of these lessons in terms of how you act, softer and the trustee on your soil in the off to most of 911. when, of course, you know, they went towards that kind of still and they went towards the rug. i think most
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americans would probably say some of those mistakes in the, in, in retrospect so i think you'd get it from the toner blinking, saying that he's urging these various take every precaution to protect civilians. i think you can tell that, you know, the discussions going on behind the scenes or probably even more emphatic the, that the americans want to prevent these ready from doing anything. the cost them some of the moral high ground that they have. richard walker richard excellent analysis. thank you. good to see here. in this video, it would terminate. foreign minister on the bare box has also visited israel. she stopped in the southern town of that table, which was overrun by her mazda millward since last saturday. and during your visit, the foreign minister spoke with family members of the german citizens who are being held captive by the as long as the militant group there buck said that her mom is holding the whole population of gaza hostage in the past. you can type the
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sessions on. mama is now deliberately infringing itself and gaza and using innocent people as human shields, which it most up to give them to become us is taking the entire population of gaza hostage is not out. it's tunnels. weapons caches and come on seems as deliberately located in homes and supermarkets, universities, and perhaps even hospitals. this poses incredible challenges to everyone who wants to fight tiara house. was the german foreign minister speaking there and of during her visit to israel delaney bab block, met with families of german citizens who were being held hostage by a moss family member. say that they've been assured that the german government is doing all it can to help their missing loved ones. speaking to reporters,
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families said that they urgently needed information about the hostages and hopes that germany would use its international leverage. to find the relatives that stressed that time is of the essence in securing the hostages. safe release and not interesting germany. israel. interesting business. sorry. the baby's, the politics diplomacy. i understand. i last night we met today with the minister. she was very understanding. he told us that germany will do whatever possible for her to do in order to make a citizen come back home of almost one
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week since those terror attacks. by whom moss israel is now and more with moss. the day is almost done. the conversation is, continues online, you'll find us on twitter, either dw news, you can follow me if we're in golf for tv. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day, have a good weekend different. the
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. the 2nd may 2 different visionaries with a project get involved to create a future day experience that eco india. next on dw, the new will tell you the bottles
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