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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  October 16, 2023 4:30am-5:01am CEST

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we're bringing an environmental conservation to weiss with learning passed by global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for the these guys have blood running through their veins to be with a no frills circulatory system, which would never be able to cope with our high activity levels. and that's why we have to our heart has to keep roughly fine leaders of blood constantly pumping around the body. but there's a risk of system overload. if we do sports in excessive heat. if there are blockages in the blood stream or when it's highways turn into varicose things. but
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1st, let's look at how our circulation actually works on this episode of in good shape. the a cell can be a pretty demanding customer. in addition to being constantly tucked up with energy, nutrients, and oxygen, it has to be updated about going zone in the body and requires protection from an betas. at the same time, the body has to punch up any damage, but also taking out the trash generated by the cell. now multiply the process for several trillion cells and you'll begin to see why the party has such an expansive supply system. kept up and running by the heart, which in turn has not one but 2 circulations to manage with the right ventricle medic is it to pumping blood to the lungs. that red blood cells absolve oxygen from
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tiny essex. the all the early. the oxygen binds to an red cima globe, and proteins. the blood flows back to the hot find the left atrium on into the stronger left ventricle, which is when things really pick ups teen speeds of want me to per 2nd on mall. the blood is dispatched to the rest of the body virus law, just archery. d a or to like whole major blood vessels. they also has a layer of muscle cells. this gives you the ability to alter its width and in the process of regulate the pressure and flow of the blood to various regions in the body. but the primary source of nutrients for the blood is the intestines. so they also come from the stomach and liver the a cellular liquid part of the blood. the plasma is tasked with transportation and fat response glucose, proteins,
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and victims across the body. as well as information in the form of chemical messages. after being seduced by the pituitary, thyroid under general glands on the test diesel ovaries. hormones are distributed throughout the entire body by circulating blood where a cell has the right receptor, the home, and those don't con and stimulate growth. for example, all influence the cells metabolism, the, when the bodies such as damage any leaks have to be plugged as soon as possible. conveniently, the circulatory system. i did stereo punctuate packet in the form of, from the sites taking care of and welcome intruders is the job of macrophages and other white blood cells. and p lymphocytes which create antibodies for all to raise our can to blood highways. the competitor, reese,
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i'm more like country lanes. some is it just a 10th of the width of a half oxygen and nutrients make that away from the blood to the cells by a range of channels integrated in this cell membrane. and it's way past the blood picks up c o, 2 and other waste products. some of them can be recycled, was the rest of filtered out to the blog by the kidneys and disposed of via you are a nation. c, o 2 is sent back to the heart and then the lungs on the circulatory cycle begins once more. in order to keep this highly sophisticated supplies that of going to haunt beats over a 100000 times a day. the system insures the older body cells get what they need to function from the tips of our toes all the way up to those insatiable cells and membrane professional athletes. sometimes train and hot weather. studies show that it helps runners, cyclists and rollers to boost their performance levels improves the
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blood flow, which makes more fluid available to enable us to cool down by sweeting bucks a positive impact is minimal. and is outweighed by the risks involved when amateur athletes train in the heat. or even when the sun is blazing, goes ahead. some people just can't get enough exercise, but take care because heat mean stress. and sometimes the body is unable to cope. my to a slide is an emergency physician who's seen all too many cases. yep. it's called the 45 cardinal from them. no, that's fine. that's fine. just 2 days ago we had a young fit patient. it'd been out honking even off to myself. i'm not be, so hipaa come most and then we have to have him picked up after he'd collapse with excruciating headaches for them. the ball on this didn't 5, but was actually in his case the cause was sodium loss of insides from his body of
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law sold as a result of the heat. and he hadn't been drinking in a fluids. and it's not a typical case. many people who do spoke to even notice the body's warning signals too late. oh, they know them get lost on i'm for this because it happens because of fluid deficiency and crumb dropping blood pressure and exhaustion stuck ash up from venice cause they should be on if the result is a serious sodium in balance in the blood. this can lead to a cute condition, such as brain swelling that can actually be life threatening, done public thinking that many people underestimate the high temperatures also means serious stress for the hot and circulation. the body tries to maintain a temperature of 37 degrees celsius by increasing the blood flow to the skin. the sweat produce the evaporates, helping to cool down the blood. additional stress to the body due to supposed to
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exercise means that more blood is also needed by our muscles, the blood pressure and the major arteries then drops. meanwhile, the hearts has to be fostered, foster in order to pump enough blood to the brain and other organs assuming the same intensity of tibits each, the pulse can be $15.00 to $20.00 beats per minute higher. and that also applies to healthy, very fit athletes. it's something that by no means everybody can taken that stride on sports medicine, specialist catalina vac my stuff. so if you don't mind, it's not an issue for most people. but for those with pre existing conditions, the elderly and people with risk factors, it can become a problem that's kind of simple, clean down. in some cases, that can eventually mean cardiac a red, mia or circulatory collapse, or heat solar and decreases with age. most of the members of the scene is football
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. club, a 70 all over. so don't stop the training sessions until the evening when the temperature has cooled a little. plus they deliberately shift things down again when the weather is on one side. attack, take the benefits the circulation and helps to stave off each stroke that happens when our internal cooling system breaks down, the body continues to heat, help with its temperature rising to an excess of 40 degrees with them. so, so mediately noticing that hit slack the end because the stroke tends to develop in stages. it doesn't happen suddenly, we get warning signals, acknowledge them all, several by name con does pink and it begins with dizziness and headaches and a loss of concentration because it doesn't come in and can result in this orientation blurred speech. i or even a complete inability to speak with these kinds of optics, so i couldn't get anyone exhibiting such symptoms during intense heat, should code for an ambulance without delay. as always,
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it's best to prevent things getting that bad doctor's advice, seeing he is in particular to go easier on themselves. then he took this even so peaceful jordan walk in can be demanding. so how about one is really stroll instead? i'm not going to mind to ball or calisthenics in the morning and evening, but there's no need to leave that activity completely. that's because it's hot the most pricing to revise unemployed cases. just incorporates a couple of rules of thumb and you can keep on working out in the summer as well. possibly do for live capture activity according to the outside temperature. avoid direct sunlight and do sport in the morning and the evening. take drinking us, but not too much. and keep an eye on your left for like levels and include enough break calls and i'm, i'm good in the field. the scene is football team have taken those lessons on board, not least because for them. the real aim of the game is to enjoy themselves.
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long journeys can be sitting for hours on end and cramped planes, or trains. obviously uncomfortable. dislike standing for extended periods is to and both can be dangerous due to the higher risk of from both this. what can help compression stockings, shrinking enough fluids and regular exercise, or even going for a walk for paul. so putting your feet on now and again. the risk is then lower, although unfortunately not gone completely. so i have started experiencing problems with blood clotting after she'd had nice surgery, left leg would swell up and turn blue whenever she stood up. initially, it was unclear what the problem was. i'm going to shoot us an, an absence in naples now when i went back to the doctors, they weren't show themselves, you know, why? so? and they said it was still due to the knee surgery, but nobody had any real idea why it was blue and swollen. so kind of look, this is what you're saying. yeah,
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that's cool. physically be called an expert in bhaskar medicine. those symptoms are always a sign of danger. when i, if i, the one like a smaller and the chances are quite high that it's a deep pain thrombosis on us are buying a, this comes about from blood clots forming in the veins, which obviously isn't good business as such as small. the clotting is in itself, of course vital. i saw it without it. we would lead to death after cutting or something. yeah, for glued even going to products. blood clotting begins the moment a blood vessel is damaged, blood platelets. so from besides, stick to the edges of the injury, changing both the form and function. they then attract the plaque gloves and after clustering together form a plug that seals the blood vessel. so since recovered, put in her case, there was too much blood tossing and a vascular system stuck on top of about a week and a half off to the knee surgery. i felt this intense pain in my leg the don't to
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them basic. he found out that it was all due to some basis. they bandaged my entire like up and put me on bloodstained is approved for the not mean from both. these can come about when the blood is flowing too slowly. all, when it's too sick, leading to costing on damage to the end of one of the blood vessel as happens with the auto. sclerosis starts up the trusting process from the sites, then attached to the injured area which activates the recruitment of additional fiber and proteins. and particularly no time a clump of cells in fiber and threads is formed, it slows down or even stops the flow of blood from bosis. from those, these can be localized or only superficial, which is that 1st relatively harmless. and if they continue to progress and especially when not treated, they can potentially become life threatening but disease. so guy. liam's could finish it as was the case which is on i'm seeing us on
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this. i was having real difficulty breathing one evening and we had to code for an ambulance at the hospital. they eventually diagnosed a pulmonary embolism. physical state of florida. the cloth in salt lake had become detached and began moving through the bloodstream eventually and got lodged in an archery and how long it's coming. the cloths for me in the legs in pelvis that lead to a pulmonary embolism. the blockage means that the area behind it is cut off from the blood supply. china, emily, you have smaller and listens that going noticed this. and then there are really large symbolisms. they can in fact be fatal when the arteries in the long are completely blocked. the t a and and don't want somebody to conflict for like that and quin involved in this case the invalid did not take the 10th of that was the blood clot dissolved, but she's still on prolonged breathing difficulties because like around 6 months
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after the pulmonary embolism, i was still finding it hard to woke up stat cases. i did notice how i had left that, but everything's okay now and i can go up. there is no problem published. i saw a seem to have made a full recovery until she noticed an odd looking swelling and a leg showing me not from both as again this this will help dental. i pressed out the door. it has to investigate further. i ended up getting an em all right and left. the scan solve the mystery. the main vein on the left of the pelvis was severely constricted. it was being squeezed by the overlying entre diagnosis. my toners and drums to the quotes on the overlap leads to the vein being compressed, the all good it see is and here we can see the vain having been flattened by the artery running over it. the venus revitalized, there's testers. i'm the compression of the iliac vein slows the flow of blood back to the heart and effectively in it. so at any slowing of the blood flow means that
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there's a high risk of blood clots, for long as i'm to proceed on voice lazy, cool for good cleanser. in order to remedy the compression dollars, pelvis was fitted with a stent. quotes its job is to keep the alien vein open and that's prevent any further from both. these things have now returned to normal with the 5 times just a memory. and one of the final happy that it. so like the now the best thing is that i can be with my pony again and everything's back to normal. obviously those will do what a great invention. legs are great for running. even a female is leave us for dust. with enough practice, we can use them to stand. although hopping around is cutely as this is not something that you can train for. on the dancing front, however, if there is no beating us. and we can even stick shoes on the ends of them.
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sometimes the links cause of serious problems. netscape, it's ok is right now, but it's less than the summer. the area gets really hot and very sensitive when you touch it. my legs swells up and feels very heavy to share. i'm fluid a vanessa name on has varicose veins. all veins have the task of transporting blood back to the hops in order to ensure that the blood makes the top that they have valves that prevent backflow, dots, if they widen. the valves can no longer close properly. the bloods collects in the legs the vanessa name is 1st symptoms appeared in a twenty's 4 years ago she decided to have surgery on her left leg with a method that's been in use for over a 100 years. the diseased and therefore redundant vein is extracted while the patient is under general anesthetic in a procedure code,
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stripping the most of the whole long do you have to weigh a compression still kings for 2 weeks until the healing process is complete. they already restrictive and uncomfortable, but it's something i would do again in order to be free of symptoms that have quite as focused as of cost name. the only trace of the condition that's left of the small scars, the stripping was performed by investigator surgeon, will tell you, stuck who sees and lots of patients in the twenty's. when should they consult to delta? then you put them on as soon as they noticed symptoms like swelling like this for in the summer their legs will go heavy and they'll have the constant urge to put their feet on this. and so those are the 1st indications they can start by putting on compression stockings when they're sitting or standing and see if there's any release or it's not a team of people. dentist told vanessa layman has come back to see vascular said, you know, to you okey doke now because of have right leg except that this time she doesn't
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want to have the var coach vein extracted a t i t t the, the alternative as possible as a laser or radio wave procedure. instead of being removed, the vein is burned from the inside the front. i don't understand that the recovery is quicker, there's less bruising. you only need to take a week off work, and there's no general anesthetic model and for the off did the examination. however, the doctor recommends a set adoption. this is a slightly uncommon to result. you have a perforate or vein in your right leg, which branches off from this deep vein here. so we'd like to perform a foam square, a therapy here today. the procedure involves a phone solution being injected into the side branches of the vein in order to glue it together a fuss,
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the size mist prepared. while the patient has given an anesthetics, that means she can hear everything but feels nothing of asking a surgeon no injects the solution into the varicose veins. as things are about to get bloody with showing the institutions and the extraction of the vein in black and white. so there are no real prevention options there cause things happen. but what you can do is to say swim, do regular exercise and drinking up fluids. that that helps a little to prevent it getting worse and above all, to prevent discomfort for quite a long time. slot tied to 20 minutes. late to the surgery is over. the patient will have to wear compression bandaging for the next 14 days. we meet with her again 10 weeks later. since about 16, i'm very happy with the results. i know the sick and heavy legs and the war to
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retention on no longer problems. it's less noticeable in the winter. but in terms of appearances, i'm really happy to be rid of the varicose veins to come so i'm, i'm, i'm buying those design. this guys got to have high blood pressure, right. think again, because the link to a red and face is a common wrong assumption. as this, the belief that drinking coffee leads to high blood pressure that is correct for 20 or 30 minutes after consumption. but that's it. what you hear about salt however, is true. less salt intake helps to lower your blood pressure. and there are other ways of keeping it down to a healthy level that do not involve popping pills. some people choose classical music. the others a lazy afternoon now and then there is meditating to
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what does the 3 have in common? they can only have to bring about a long term lowering of blood pressure. each may be coming to use non medical treatments are extremely effective with high blood pressure like hunting, you can cure a range of forms of hypertension just by making maximum use of these options. and demon, i'd do similar dis, typing locks in the high blood pressure come to coming stream. the dangerous, if not treated in time to come from the american exist for many years without being noticed, and then lead to end organ damage to the heart brain. and the kidneys and the symptoms are non specific, headaches, exhaustion, and low stress capacity. so it's not always as simple as a patient saying they have high blood pressure and have to go to the doctor. oh, trouble. i'm new to connect with some odd skin. and today i've seen the contents um on an increasingly frequent basis, he had difficulty sleeping with sweating at night be assumed,
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it was connected to stress from his job as a self employed electrical engineer. so he just put up with it 50 states, one is hard to if it was eventually discovered, doing a routine checkups that i get done at my doctors every 2 years by him house. and he diagnose high blood pressure and go to the most it see it just kind of by immediate reaction was no way they asked employees repeated measurements showed that under the se, my tell them that high blood pressure, not just when he was under mental physical strain his doctor prescribed him until he pretends his medication. but he also had to reduce the chronic stress them is causing the high blood pressure. the key here is the ultimate make nervous system. it's sympathetic power, sympathetic divisions handle unconscious tasks such as breathing hot right and digestion. the sympathetic system runs along the spinal cord, becomes active when low in distress or excessive pressure,
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and responds by emitting a range of signals to raise the blood pressure. as the hot beats faster, the veins are subjected to increasing strain. the counterpart is the power of sympathetic nervous system. when it comes active, we can relax and we generate. the vegas scene here in green is its principal nerves responsible for taking the body to wind down with the pulse. now slowing again, the pressure in the veins drops in all binds twice. we've cut, in the case of uncontrolled stress, part of the sympathetic system is constantly in action which leads to high blood pressure. so the answer is to find a way of ensuring that the stress is no longer a permanent fixture. and kind of, these are stress. it all off dies in too many cases, all the patients are given or a bunch of pills. escape not tradition. of course. there's excellent anti hyper tension medication available. hi, dr. is mike try out 4 or 5 different ones with the patients. but i'd say from the
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very 1st bill, the aim should be to make effective use of non medical options. resubmitted coming, tourism for phone guns, gets the attendance among those options. stimulating the senses with a walk in the woods to tweeting of birds and the smell of trees all i deal for activating the power sympathetic system stringent pound. forrest bathing isn't officially recognized almost therapy. there's a similar effect from listening to classical music. taking a brief midday, not on doing regular breathing exercises. studies around the world show that they owe account to the overactive sympathetic nervous system. and in the process, low blood pressure exercise is a huge help in the bottle against high blood pressure, where the rates of the relaxing old modem funding variety, big enough for me that was suppose we assume that every former sport is positive, it will meant that it initially increases your blood pressure level,
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which is normal physiologically. but during a subsequent arresting phase, it drops the way below the original level. oh my god does outcomes. new rules and advanced fema thus tries. you gung thought of to turn to yoga, started from old, relaxing the exercise is a good for his blood pressure assigned to the fact that it's to, i'm guessing, maybe there's a meditative component of the core element of yoga. and this yoga says, and how many understand is a physical exertion box here? if i do call, and we also have a technique for coordinating everything with the breathing, this is the only optim takes me, came together. these 3 elements have a pleasantly relaxing effect on that also lowers the blood pressure and they would email things and difficult. andrea thema also goes out and running 3 times a week after learning to pace himself says pulse while running doesn't exceed a $140.00. and he's closing in on these big goals, so it is medicinal intake down to half
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a tablet. so blue cloak is like blood pressure is far lower than it used to be. i might not be in tough fit shape, but i'm getting the of the vehicle from running to yoga or a walk in the woods pills on the sole solution to high blood pressure. and things that help to lower your blood pressure are in general. good for your cardiovascular system that's on from us for now. see you next time the
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5:00 am
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holding law and justice.


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