tv Close up Deutsche Welle October 17, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am CEST
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7 percent in 60 minute, phone d, w. we've got some hot tips for your package. the code is to affinities, check on some great cultural memorials to be w travel. we got the patrick bonus, and her son is of my college. it's his research and to funky, focuses on the use as the material of the future. using my celia and the spread like network of fungal roots. he's growing the slips that today he's bringing here to try to tie piece to that. how is the time will vironment is crying out for biodegradable materials and in that are less energy intensive to produce
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energy in things he's present to you today. he is a bree search of deep and his fascination with funky vmc, montalvo. you can see a cloudy growth here, so in the future, i liked to see the fungus fill up the whole dish. so this is the one we'll use. the patrick mona is a plan in, even if he likes to use an old fashioned hand costs. he's researching the way, funding could change on lines this industrial area an image because a, some of the sun used to be the size of a vist coast 5 a century. it was the largest employer in the area until the sun went bankrupt in
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2009, leaving the ground heavily contaminated would sink. if he wins the remediation contract, patrick luna intends to solve this contamination problem. we funky the tombstones that the, the state of our planet, english and the state of the ground is willful. and it's getting worse that a lot of soil is degrading and it's loaded with heavy metals, especially in urban regions. autumn. it's all about finding future oriented solutions. patrick moon is facebook foraging spot is on the other side of the sun. here he can gather what he needs for his work. sunday, which could help remediate the contaminated industrial area. the deities involved copies mission. i often came walking in this wood is a child of it's where i grew up 9 fall cities close. my father is also in my
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college just on the from the research here. a few me gave him of the some vague i learned a lot from his internet so that he sparked my interest in nature to solomon hanging enough to these mysterious organisms and not the plants. no animals, they form their own. patrick moon is picky about his mushrooms. he needs special types of special tasks. the top gets most today today. i've still got 2 or 3 mushrooms on my wish list for material development. antique clue. delta gibbs. there are 2 or 3 types of bracket . fungus, i'd like to find now to use in my next few months work next and thought, oh no, he gets lucky and finds again, no damage, which is just right for his research. he's not keen on the idea of ordering from the on the internet. the look on local funky just worked much better in my lab,
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the funding you called i just anywhere the i'm the cost is to use this for even you here. i've never worked out why you can help you, but for me that's what works and think. so let's just manually luna used to be a joiner. he also studied product design, but now he devotes himself to funky research. the, the best finds from his research have multiplied to you in his lab using a nutrients solution in a petri dish compared synch british things. when you talk about funky, most people think of mushrooms, you put them, but that's just the fruit body that grows above the ground, like an apple on a tree, cut to 50 fifty's and the root body is the reproductive structure, right? then the actual funky is a huge network of my celia. i'm in the ground in bold and bidding. his goal is to
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breed fungal, my ceiling. i'm here in the lab as it forms the basis of his work in the audit and all to see all of them choose those one was in the fridge for 6 months in hibernation, as it were. can you now it's slowly growing of cool so that i have to intervene and time for it to thrive. that's what we're doing now. and then i found my favorite time and they were all growing uniformly of excel. much have a look showing me and my mother and i just recently moved into one of these labs on the edge of the sink contamination area he wants to remediate. he's been carrying out preliminary tests for a while. this aquarium allows him to examine the results, the city, the shape stage. you see this reddish layer we see here is the soil heavily contaminated with zinc and hydrocarbons also shed often healthy for different types
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of funky, which can neutralize and thinking hydrocarbons. so you can call in and also shut off. we're using 2 different types of fungus. we've already reduced the pollution levels in half a year when to didn't get into it and he transports the results of his experiment out tools. these beach logs have been injected with my celia. i'm from king always to mushrooms. it's now growing all over them. the task of the fungus is to absorb as much think as possible and transfers into below refutes me to the so funk of my celia is such a large network roots. and it's like the roots of the funky here on the old here on the surface. it looks like white matter. patrick noone wants to find out which funky works best with which plants and bacteria to reach the best results on the sides of the, his conducting power,
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little experiments with willow plants which have proved successful in similar trials. the trips of the roots deep into a kind of fungal brute, so called liquid my celia, to get as much fungus as possible on the young roots. the interaction been work similarly to the beach locks. the vi thank the holdings and seen the willows extract this thing from the ground, but often, but they need the funky to do so to speak about the funky past those inc onto the trees. through the roots has been done decent synchronize on the building. a 3050. what's the trees then concentrated, enter the leaves and the branches right then on the internet is at least 2000000 spaces of funky exist worldwide. many living symbiosis with certain tree and bacteria spaces, according to estimates on the one percent is known. so it's time yet funky,
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determine important processes in the lives they are increasingly in demand, especially in the biotech sector. the hope is that the new materials based on the phone go my c. m could replace less sustainable materials. the scene of a, from the found who is the institute for applied pulling the researching potsdam, has been eagerly awaiting this package. it contains and let the substitute mushroom leather. this has been dyed and waxed a just a set stuff. this is a fungal material i sent for processing. my gosh, the main task was to dye the original color. you know, they did a good job of it or found it could be turned into a hand bag or something similar. so now i'm talking about, i'd say it off, all that kind of scheme of the use of these fine fungal threats to create the live up. his goal is to produce it on a launch scale, substitute live the is an increasingly high demand in the textile industry. in the
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production process, he makes use of a special property of the phone go my cnn. the fine routes did not grow in a linear way, but in a 3 dimensional jungle forming structure that can hold carriers substrates together . how does that looks good? so the customer will write the purpose of flux and the screws relatively quickly and doesn't really need any light and people die. we had the idea that we could produce the materials without using too much energy and resources to find much volume has materials, which ideally are recyclable and contribute to the circular economy that isn't caused off. i mean, it's not like the usual linear economy where you take something, use it, and then throw it away. in terms of texture, it's much like animal that, that this bag is human, the show piece. mushroom and at the products of actually being made from
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tyndall to fungus for a long time. in romania distribution still exists today, but the material is comparatively red. so production is limited to the wants to change that diagnosis and that's why you're thinking of it further on this in the course of i'm going to produce larger quantities so we can produce more quickly. i'll send that out who don't see and can, but it can take years from just like this to grow until it's finally ready. it's done hype, emulation of the basic formula to the material is simple in a book, as we're trying to nutrients such as will go serial starch to the phone, go my ceiling. once mixed together, the growth process is triggered. the result is quite remarkable. this is what the strongest length it looks like in its full state. it resembles a huge list on, you know, the level has matured and the innovation room of to just 2 weeks. a much faster
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process than with kind of hot united healthcare. it looks pretty good. what kind of actually sliced you can pull it off quite easily. as you can see, we're not as far as like the substrate to hanging from the mushroom leather slips tot a data hang heavy. it's data. he's constantly refining the recipe. now it's up to mom, i've tried a few different substructure combinations and it's always exciting to find out how it works. this is the model. it can be easily peeled off. how helpless is probably the material has turned out. it does not how soft or hard it is for me to hop on past. all is an exciting moment of the month to month. it's important to kind of seen a book that his product is 100 percent organic. in the material test, the mushroom 11 now has to prove that it's durable stretchable and 10 resistant
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he's looking to optimize it as much as possible. industry specifications of fairly straight. so it's a good result. we can work with this. yeah, yeah. this is, i would assume the great thing about this work is that so much is still a noun. you can be experimental one for life and take fun. yes miss. i might discover a fungus that is an ideal as a leather substitute for that. just best to get the might be able to break down a plastics. for instance, i'm a plastic up on hold on to invest model. there's a lot of potential importance out there was still so much to discuss about funky new ways of working with them and benefiting from their affects or imagine all the time. for example, in medical research or in agriculture,
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the in the son, patrick luna, is mixing up a special recipe. the carry, a material is a hydrogen made from potato starch, this top and he's strong. this will be used in a vineyard where one make it has hired his surfaces. mission mission here, just this 1st i'm mixing the liquid my celia, i'm of 12 different types of funky for the find some citibank, together with a hydro channel which is able to store extremely large quantities of water. 17 lots that suspension at the z and run winery, increasing the dry. someone's opposing a big problem for the wine girl is they're looking for ways to counteract whether extremes calls on the climate process. patrick moon,
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a sprays the my ceiling. i'm solution from his lab onto the roots of the vines. the idea is that the funky can use the low my see little filaments to drove water and you trans, out of the depth and support the plants in times of the draft that you put onto him. is this except extremely effective with the young plants? i mean, broken in a dry summer when it doesn't rain for 3 or 4 months and it, it, you can say then sometimes up to 30 percent of the plants died. if they don't get enough water phones and was initially going, you can be, they sit there and called in such extreme situations. funky can provide the winemaker nor a branch, mutual cause of the winery from his father. when planting the vines, some rose would not mike arise because the liquid joe had run out. we will have
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different speed visible on see if you can see a difference very clearly, i would say and so a lot of them didn't thrive. the leaves are much lower than the others in this plot folder. that's right. because i'd say one in 10 didn't thrive if it's in sales could fall. and yes, then it happens that replanted in plots 1819 months of life. but we didn't think about michael, rising them, and it can be nice mid august because he didn't get the we can still do it now. holy, that would be great if it's still worth it to loan. you know, let's see. she was skeptical at the beginning, but now nor of branch made is completely convinced by the phone go. sheila it's, it's of, it's obvious that it's really helped other people. of course, there are lots of other factors that play a role to i'm convinced by this whole system. it's been to definitely, so they've been gone since it's the email success for patrick
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man from trunk will likely soon to blame. micro biologist best to ensure that is another fan of funky. he's found another useful them not yet food. he gained his bachelor degree and then found at a stop shop. the truth, fungus works, just like classic styrofoam is very shock resistant. we are making use of its properties and we thought, why don't make a bicycle helmets. idealism research is one thing. launching a product on the market. is it not so? will it succeed? bastion to the develop the project with 2 colleagues, the institute of biotechnology. it's a technical university and in a center of funky research assistance of water. this is our incubating report. everything grows is in here, but here we can see the different stages of group this is just being inoculated, and you can't see any of the whitish congo. my celia and growth yet don't back hand
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by when it is growing completely after 2 weeks. as we see here, this is completely white, and it's already a solid and biased 20. i'm off lucas funding and then pass from the waste agricultural materials formed the basis for a home which show once again, the team, the focus has proven particularly suitable. it grew through the substrate for 12 days before being chopped into small pieces as to how many of us so we have the for actually shredded my silly encompass it. here is some of the fungus is prestone everywhere onto these individual particles, and i fill it in here on that and then it carries on going on next step. you know, if i touch on some further details in the spaces between, within my sylium and at the end, we have us form like material for a helmet. let's try to have the lid is put back on and the dish is put in the incubator room to finish growing for another 2 to 3 weeks.
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the past gene schubert has already gone many of these almost common bad like samples. the slices of fungus will later be used to test the safety of the material that should be 9 to, to soft know, to crumpling. how exactly is the product optimized? the positive is in. just we see here that it's slightly whitish oliver does. hatcher ones for us, that means the shock absorbing properties of the fungus are evenly spread. i can shop from hot tests, almost one infect. i've always has to make sure you do a proper job. so you can produce and sell a product that meets the quality standards office of credit invest credited spend at all. because sometimes bastion stupid works closely with an industrial
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partner. the company use x is interested in his products and ski whole months of being discussed as well. as bicycle helmets, initial tests of certified materials, excellent impact resistance. but a number of issues still need resolving. styrofoam requires a lot of fossil energy bond, it's water repellant and durable. fungus based helmet has to compete with that as well. i'm here by st. size of here we have a sustainable coating stones and um we have already done test with the coating on our helmet and time to make it whether proof that me to even get tough estimates. um, but we haven't yet tested what happens when it comes into contact with sweat for a whole year yet. and then yeah, long sized tolvine booked. but these are all problems we can find solutions to. hopefully not, but that's who gets the hardest news on fungal based building materials could massively benefit the environment. the construction industry has an enormous c o. 2
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footprint. so there's a lot of room for improvement at an international building competition and focus how university change presenting environmentally friendly building methods and materials that work is in line with the use green deal which aims to promote a circular economy professor de cable from the call through institute of technology and his team have come up with a wooden house on stilts, intended as an extension to an existing building. table has been working with fungus based building materials for a long time. the panels to sound proofing and installation, for example, diesel fund. is this raul is 100 percent suitable for the circular economy? and so you can see either you can reuse it afterwards. plenty of all he does. you can chop it up again and add new fun gets bores and anointed one to 2, or you can con,
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posted all she couldn't accomplish to you. so this is how we want to build and futures shots, but we don't want to put more pollutants into our environment that's going forward . building should be seen as a store of materials operating and cycles that succeeds. it will be the end of our resource problems and put it in the on the table hopes that more attention will finally be paid to the many potential uses of funding. in the long term, he's convinced that sustainable building materials can improve the climate balance . the, the bottom right is the potential uses of funky in the future, are incredibly wide range of holes. we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg right now when it comes to understanding, exploring, and making use of them. these updates for students who are flushing fuels. let's put some of the cable in his team. a working hard to ensure that the environmental targets sit by the you reached the thanks to their innovative use of fungus. they,
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when the building competition info, patel green to you. and this time, the green deal actually wants the construction industry to go completely circular by 2050 movies. and then we need to do more research to increase the percentage of organic and ground building materials, including fungus, to get to the why on there's so few fungus space of products on the market. so thought best into bitten belly and has one possible answer. his helmets with an in a shell of fungus will not be produced for the time being then what's going on. so i guess applicable was a box at the startup project for now, due to patent problems. it was in the service. we knew that patten's exist in this field script, especially from the american company inclusive on. then we did some research and it showed that these patents are very cetera. oscar so we would infringe them. we
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didn't see any way of writing that really phillips and button on the, on the phones kind of because they didn't get to him again. he has since closed down his style shop function, saying that the payton's already awarded effect almost every development in this field. the payments were like very generally to materials that are self supporting and held together by phone go my ceiling in apparently, 9th and my ceiling and know the substrate use to know individual manufacturing steps was specified in more detail. sometimes i find you and i think someone had a very good patent attorney who wrote a very good patent for the company. so yeah, who just attend scheme as with us that's have 1st glance. it also is super innovative to someone who isn't very well versed in the subject and put another chief on that. and it did a student complex and brought to the not just the use the right complex words. and it also has incredibly innovative and relatively pacific. but it's only when you knew the subject matter that you realize, okay,
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almost everything is covered by this patent. our kids this yeah. a fast, i live semester and architect us. ship it down to the loan with this problem. he sees large parts of the industry affected by it. let's just do everyone who wants to produce my silly encompass it's commercially, has to deal with this. i think global sales. now that's a side us. so you either find an agreement or you don't do. it's a tall job. what i'm on the list of items. i am the, the 1st patents will expire and if you use some research has planned to sit down before launching their own work. patrick noone is work in switzerland could also be hunted by existing patents. how does he feel about this 90 9 am yourself to protect my opinion on
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patent and i'll use that. they can hinder innovation, delay innovation. and actually i think these novel materials should be spread by open source, the all and so 9 yourself. and so the way fungus itself spreads me this, the beauty house cooling, fortunately, moon that has spread his risk soil remediation. his 2nd main stay is free of such restrictions. unimportant, amazing is taking place. today. scientists from zurich of come to an on site appointment at the industrial wasteland. m a broker to accompany the project. patrick luna and eric cruz, the managing director of disco. squeeze him, appealing ocoee who is jointly responsible for the remediation. explain the situation. one of the month effects you can see that it rains last night. you can see the puddles that self compute. the biggest sink contamination is actually in the puddles. this is the, the good news that come from, you know, to me, it's
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a specialist to the environmental office responsible for the side must now decide how to remediate it. the aim is to use the funky to lower the contamination levels. the parties involved estimate will take at least 10 years. the project also has financial advantages. if everything goes well, it will cost just interested at the conventional remediation. according to every cruise, you have an alternate full, we're not planning to build on this area in the next 10 or 15 years. so i thought this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to take advantage of this method. thus we owe it to the next generation, but if we do this well here, then it's a job well done. that happened with all the schools come off. it's a specialist agencies get their approval launch scale willow planting will take
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place soon. the willows have so far proven particularly suitable in interaction with the microns or funky. the contamination branches could then be rigidly cut off and that in germany to research projects of already underway to remediate soil with funky, it's best, the best way to fix this problem. i really want the problem to be solved and then because with conventional sort of remediation, the problem is that it might be nicely labeled and reduced pollution and but then it in the landfill. so the problem is not really solved visit or a car, and i can't have a clear conscience about this here. if it's been removed from here, it's still waiting to be solved somewhere else. it's quite simply our duty on sort of a priest on that symbol. so how patrick lunacy that he knows there's still a lot to look on about funding. is there a personal view is let's think of any nation if we don't learn to
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live by natural principles, vpn is i don't have much hope for us and say she say she wants. yeah, this is so that's how i see it on it. and so without from the shelf, we won't make it to you, it's the cost divide, so thank you will do their thing with or without us. only the question is, do we accept the role of funky and use them? you'd say i want notes as a board. so do we say, let's drive off the edge of the cliff on getting caught in on. somebody will survive either way. they do too, but hopefully it's patrick bruno and other experts continue with the plan during work. we'll soon be harnessing the potential of funky to address global challenges . the
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hello and welcome to the 77 percent. and then in addition, we're going to talk about the relationship. and of course great. we also wanted to find out what a trustee fulton we sell that and what makes relationships, what he lets me is the me and i, let's see the 77 percent in 30 minutes on the w, the lower of the goals. so often if the fatal attraction tens of thousands are drawn to the more attaining and desert to dig in treacherous mind and risk airlines every day. but for them, hope is greater than c global.
12:00 am
in 90 minutes on d w. well then progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. that concerned about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w postcard, the this is the don't use and these are our top stories because the health industry says hundreds of people have been killed in an explosion at a hospital in kansas city. the milliken group home, us says, and his radiators try cause the blast. but his radio authorities have denied involvement saying the hospital was hit by a rocket misfired by palestinian militants. palestinian leader must be the boss has declared 3 days of warning for the dead. german chancellor or
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