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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  October 18, 2023 1:15am-1:30am CEST

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but living in the guys that isn't by us, the people they are queuing for brands and other centrals. we'll be hoping that is really prime minister. he'd shots his words as resources and about their territory run ever lower. right. you are up to date coming up after the break, dw business with kate ferguson on problem for really us for mean to team in berlin . thanks roger. take care the sometimes to show how that you out to the highlight for sure every week. nothing, not the one of main kinds. oldest ambitions could be within reason. what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world
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for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature. the more likes watching it on youtube dw documentary, the how close are around the tides to how much of the devastation, conflict continues to unfold, and israel and gone. the questions are being asked about how the terrorist group was able to fund. it's a thoughts we'll speak to an experts also coming up when amec wasting seems like the only options will take you to guatemala, where an n g o is trying to give locals a reason to stay on deep and the waiting for another line 6 to life is kind of of cultivation as part of
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a plot to crack that on in eco problem. this is the w business. i'm k for from the thanks for joining me. as it is, i have 10 days since terrorist group come off launched its attack on israel. thousands of people have died and the result in conflict with a shocking scale of hamas was initial, a sold raising questions, not only by the capability of his riley defense systems, but about how, how mosse could access the financial resources needed to carry it as and the aftermath of the mazda talk, there was initially confusion about whether the european union was planning to suspend the development age to palestinians. you officials laser clarified that no, he monetary an aide would be suspended, but that development aid would be reviewed. that's taken, listen to how one french politician expressed his views on the international responsibility to crack,
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then on those providing funds to terrorist groups. beautiful. we must cut off all development age to those involved in financing terrorism. and we must impose sanctions. we must impose sanctions. penalties must be imposed on states like the rond katara, that finance terrorism. the females released alex, you'll see that that's own in on one of those countries. he mentioned iran, a staunch enemy of israel. it is known to provide funds to him off, according to 2020 estimates from the us state department. iran provides about a $100000000.00 annually to palestinian groups, including him. off with one is writing security for us recently telling boys here is the figure had climbed to about 350000000 in the past year. are now to talk more about this. i'm joined by cars are robbie and ron specialist and i
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r g c research director ask united against new fit around 8 non profits cover up based on your research to what extent on how does iran to fund hema was important to understand the as a 100 publishing the wrong, the regime in around is the primary ministry. financial, logistical and ideological suppose to all of the i'm us terrorist group. and if we take a step back, i want to unpack the nature of this relationship which really started to flourish in the early 19 ninety's we so and promised minutes. and it's being sent to that. and on to on the go training by hezbollah, about oil side of contingent minutes was being sent to turn around. so when the guy missed sol, training by none other than the so called go to solve the of the uranium ballistic me saw program. i ology. see, come on to, to run e mail. if i've done how much the officials are also being on record at
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underscoring the fact that they sophisticated smuggling, what good is on the ground in gaza was the product of the late i r g c. but suppose combined cost them so they money. so one of the mechanisms to get this kind of material and financial support to the terrorist organization, how much is through the sophisticated underground networks? it is route which is real, has tried to, to counter, but there is no doubt that this has a radiant fingerprints all over it. and are these tax dollars or oil income that iran is easy to find to hum us? how does somebody actually reach them? so it's a combination of bias and i think the oil revenue is really important. hey, it least it oil revenues since coming all of the by the ministration the white house have searched. so we have seen the radians be able to explore concept investments, put it around $3000000.00 barrels of oil per day. so that's really levels
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a pre sanction. so the us administration hasn't been enforcing sanctions. and d, as lambert public has been taking advantage of that. and this is consistent by the way, with the surgeon funding that we see for him us as you had mentioned this year in the past year, we have seen it writing in funding. we have seen funding bought via the i r g c increase from around a 100000000 dollars to 350000000 dollars. you put that against the backdrop, by the way of all changes to the i r g. c's. don't train changes to the i r g c structure and you can get a clearer picture that clearly indicates that the islamic revolution, the gospel, the i, r g c has at hand not only and giving a green light to the recent terrorist attacks, but also playing a rolling strategically at close making these attacks. the cars are briefly if you
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kind of what role are crypto currency is playing in this movement of money? yeah, correct. so currencies have plays an important role. iran is actually a credit, so mining hub. so i think the crits are out of it is important. they have been on record, they have spent a lot of results, the radians to try and use scripts like card c as a means to evade international sanctions. but also they use traditional forms of, of exchanges such as have all a banking and for a network of regime facilitators. oligarchs that are spread over over the world, including in europe, by the way. and so far, these operations have gone. how long is it going without much uh, without much limelight being some of them? then i think the us, i'm the europeans need to come together to set up a task force to identify the rainy and raising facilitates is not least the oligarchs who are acting as these that facilitates is across across the well not
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least in europe cult robbie. thank you very much for your insights. thank you. the united states is home to an estimation, to 1800000 people of guatemalan origin or from the scars by the experience of poverty and crime money left in the hope of securing a brighter future. now and edlio is seeking to give washing mullins, a reason, just a it's all begin with just a handful of chicken. now. rebecca paris counts $300.00, but 20 year old is raising them for x and meet. she's part of the indigenous group of the maya. many of whom, unpublished, and yet she sees for the future in guatemala, in the us like us. you said frank, you can generate income here, not only into united states does a paternity here at home to be, but sometimes i just need someone to support that. if you are in your own stages,
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the n g o safe, the children is offering such help. they have supported by the government and so for us in court tomorrow, we have a shared interest in keeping people here. currently, 250 people and 7 villages, a learning how to food use and market agriculture, oil goods, tv that is, our works tries on the account to the ongoing migration to the us. the, the idea is that people can generate much more in kind of here, and that can be more profitable for people to stay or see gas. they proceed to the bank. i pay the assess, acted on this opportunity, thanks to pump the single mom of to can not only take care for family, but also pay 6 employees. you know, to some of the other double business stories making news. just engine maker. rolls royce is to act 2500 jobs worldwide as part of
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a corporate over hold. the company suffered under travel restrictions during the cold with 19 pump damage. now, interest rate increases have added to its low as the company, housing disclose where the top cuts will be for around half of its $42000.00 workers are based in finance. climate ministers says the southern damage close to a gas pipeline on telecom cable connecting finland's office. sonya earlier this month was caused by an external force stressing the no blame would be assigned before concrete evidence emerged. investigator say the damage could, has been the result of deliberate sabotage. and as to the netherlands know, a country famous for throwing cries to, it's kind of as a field coffee shop. but here's something that might surprise you while the sale of weight is tolerated, supplying it is actually illegal. authorities are now trying to address the contradiction by experimenting with a system for licensing cannabis growers. that of which are reports
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a country to its image, the netherlands has never been the kind of best free for all mass cultivation and supplies. still illegal purchase and consumption is tolerated in so called coffee shop site. this one in prevent where the onus says a license legal supply will allow customers to know exactly what the smoking most important thing is that will soon be able to use a 100 percent fuel cannabis. because the cannabis that we're now offering sometimes contains pesticides. some agents to increase the weight, you don't know. and if we can soon saw a strong legal produces, we can test up products in a lab. and then at a given moment, you know, for sure that there are no pesticides or for an agents to increase the strength. the dutch government is handled and licensed to 10 grow is to sell that product to coffee shops intend to municipalities. the project will run for 4 years after which
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they'll assess the results, the hope, a reduction in drug crime and improvement in public health the neighboring germany is also partially legalizing. the bill spearheaded by the health minister is currently making its way through parliament and the screws onto the team of funding kind of based companies here are pleased about legalize ation. let's say international narcotics regulations are complicating the process of regulating the supply of cannabis for recreational use. so it can trade for medical purposes. that's an exception. so for example, the product we bring it with the american market is canadian product, south african product, and south american product. however, if germany would legalize recreationally, then we couldn't important because in that you're not quite as recommend just not allowing it to build up a cool deviation industry in germany will be very expensive, would take very long. and the example of canada showed it is also not very benefit
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. so because a lot of companies and certainly those up then you have an open supply. and then if you use it to everyone goes bankrupt. and that's also that difficult. germany and the netherlands are slowly inching towards legalization, but in the face of complex legal structures, rather than copying full runners like canada or in the us in the we, the policies, germany and the netherlands of rolling their own. and that's all we have time for from where you can always check w dot com slash business. we're on the dw easy to the tunnel as well until next time for me and the entire team here in berlin is bye. take care the,
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the lower of the goals. so often if the fatal attraction, tens of thousands are drawn to the more attaining and desert, to dig in treacherous mine and risk their lives every day. but for them is greater than feed us. next, on d, w. ready for an underground upgrade. big data and quick cut instruction side of the same moms belt tunnel. this 18 kilometer mega project will connect germany to denmark, from 8000000000 euros a real deep sea novel made in germany painting 16 minutes on d. w. was credits lie behind these discover
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new adventures and 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage dw world heritage $360.00 now the casualties of experts in the us to helping ukranian p seems still only one wide. china is known for babies. a mist fading to materialize, the and the glints of gold thousands of risking that lives in the more retaining does.


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