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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 20, 2023 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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of the this is dw news live from bell in the u. n. c. the mullins causes for to be opened as a piles off antonio. good terrorist says food supplies must be sent immediately to the besieged territory. so far it's not clear when they'll be allowed is also coming up is rail keeps on pits as strikes on the go, the strip of a nice officer. it attacked the densely populated area in the south, come off media, se several people were killed or wounded in the last and pleading of a safe for ton of hostages. more than $200.00 people for the doc said by from ox
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during the terrorist attacks, friends and family of us can be. is there any government to prioritize the release the i need to put in the can and thank so much the thing with us. the un secretary general, i'm telling you a good terrorist has visited the rough uh, border crossing between egypt and garza. he called for it to be open so that age can reach, palestinians of all there is currently experiencing severe sausages fuel food and medicines. united nation says more than 2000000 people are all at risk of dehydration and hor, simple and diseases. aid is currently piling up at the border, but it's not being allowed into the territory. the united nations is cold to aid, to return to pre conflict levels. that was 100 trucks. a day. speaking of the board
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of crossing the u. n. chief said the difficult situation required, extraordinary humanitarian measures. and unfortunately, these is not a lot of money. many that it will price and it's, it will put, i should be in the water zone. and that is the reason why i have appeals part of you manufacturing ceasefire. not that i can see that the manufacturer of the ceasefire is a pretty condition for the manufacturing delivery we don't pump. the bottom is because the people twice, 1st because of the war and 2nd, because of the lack of humanitarian aids. but it is clear that too many that ensues fire would make good savings much easier and much safer for everybody that's got more now from kareem algo hari, a den list who's now in the egypt capital in egypt, capital cairo could see cream,
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the you, and had the cooling for the roof of crossing to open for aid, y is opening this processing so complicated. the weather hope was of course that the good. what of course it is opening when a toyota tennis is there and that was the original idea, i think. but the, there is sitting, some struggle going on, it's back on the between the u. n. is really egypt and how much it will have to coordinate to this opening a to know that it's only the agreement for 20 trucks that can go into the office. but the, on the different sides there is like hundreds of trucks. and it lines up is uh, up to $3000.00 tons of 8. and the talk is now that you shipped wants to have like a much bigger proportional aid coming through. they want the, the asking for a sustainable, a delivery to the gaza strip and not only 20 trucks on the other side to the is
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really to us to, for guarantees that the state is not the ending in the hands of homos. and somewhere between this point said the hosting got stuck. okay, and of course, you know, for a to cross the border, that's not the o'neill stickle is it? how hard will it be to actually deliver it to those in need? i think extremely hard if there's not a humanitarian ceasefire because when this negotiation started about opening the roof of border crossing, egypt demanded at least the temporary and cease fire for several order for several hours. in order to bring this, you want a tearing the 20 trucks in that it was not agreed upon in the they just of course going to be a huge issue. once a is a border crossing is going to open, which we is going to expect is going to happen in the next 2 days. so maybe all right, well that's something that the korean mcguire into unless reporting from egypt,
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a capital cairo, thank you so much for the updates. just causes hum us run health ministry has released an updated desktop. it says, but at least $4137.00 palestinians have been killed. i'm fussing thousands have been wounded and is really strikes in gaza in the 2 weeks since the hum us terror attacks against israel now of the night is ready. forces kept up the pressure on the territory, including in the south where israel had told gardens to head for their own safety. how much real kits shot back into israel as well as the noise. and all of this is paulette indians. wait for relief efforts to begin to cross the border from egypt. they are ready and waiting. a percentage of these aid trucks is supposed to be allowed through the roof of crossing the only crossing into gaza. not controlled by
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his wheel. 20, you know a trucks regatta, 2 and a half 1000000 people need assistance. 20 trucks is dropped in the ocean of need right now. i'm guessing on the other side of the roof, a crossing there is may him and despair even of southern gaza is where it is. we'll told the northern guidance to go for safety sake. heavy air strikes and con eunice in the south meant the overflowing nicer hospital, took in even more wounded for critical care. there's no safety, there's no way it's safe and go. so how does it so you have to be ready to dine and to just stay in your house will be when there is a threats originating or uh, being conducted against israel from the south. and we will strike absolutely is wheels. army will soon move into the gaza strip. israel's defense minister told the
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troops massing on its border the oh my god, the i promise you that whoever sees guys are now from a far will see it from the inside. good luck. oh. and is really ground operation will likely focus at 1st on the north with some us expected to put a fierce resistance. all of that pushing even more guys in south were in need of food, water, medical supplies, and back on the other side of the roof. a crossing 8 supply stream into a nearby airport, destined to joined the backup, waiting to get into southern gaza. the german foreign minister and the bad bulk has called for the immediate release of hostages, held by have us speaking off to meeting me. things would be, is really leadership. she said israel had the right to defend itself, but she urge the protection of civilians. she also announced that germany was increasing its humanitarian aid to gauntlet by 50000000 years cooling the situation that catastrophic. that book said she would extend her tool of middle east
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countries to attend a newly announced peace summit in cairo on saturday. and she also called for com, in the wake of disputed information that spread rapidly following the explosion at a gauze, a hospital on wednesday. which i know haven't we all have seen the hardware, those pictures of the dead people in the hospital, in gaza, be comfortable in golf out to the hospital. it's need to be protected by all warring parties. they must not be a tech to say any one. you do have some fun you mind on the system that blame against various access on the basis of social media posts, which i put together very quickly spread seriously in this used as a tool of propaganda. cindy evidence provided by israel costs very strong doubt in the theory pro real good. good by. how much on the to be the house. why yesterday it wasn't jordan, seeing how this guy warrant against blaming one side without clear evidence to 6
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coupons for the international community. it's very important to carry out a profound install ro investigation is i think, wouldn't leesha winters. all right, let's talk more about this with the w. use melinda cry. now, senior political, i'm, let's get to see you. melinda. we just had driven for an minutes to speak, and they will start to you about what she said and the tone she struck. well, she's calling attention to a huge issue, because in a tinderbox situation, like the one that we have in the middle east, not only in israel and the guys but across the whole middle east, this information social media that jumped to conclusions. that really is pouring fuel on the potential flames, and we saw that happen after the attack on the hospital when some media, including even reputable western media, immediately to come us claim that it had been propagated. the attack has been propagated by israel at face value. and with attribution said,
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uh is your is where it was behind us and once something like that is out there, it on the networks on the social networks. but also in the media. it is very hard to walk it back with the kind of firm evidence that she's referring to. we do now have pretty clear indications that is what makes you heart failed racket as rocket sent up by them was probably behind out attack. but the action on the streets is already there. there is already now massive protest across the whole middle east. and that kind of a dynamic is a dangerous dynamic, which is why this form of this information. all of us, including we journalists, must be very, very careful at this time to be sure of our fact and to really limit what we reports to what we can verify. right. let's talk about later, bab books visits to the region. she's in israel. she'll be in jordan and, and she was in jordan and she's traveling on to 11 on can you tell us about how
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specific goals on this mission basically 3 goals and we've talked about all of them and to show hostages. very, very top of mind for her, she has met with the families of some of the germans being held hostage at least 8 . and everywhere she goes, she says basically she is leaving no stone unturned to try to ensure that they are treated with humanity and also released. so she said she is working tirelessly to maintain contact with their counterparts across the region. and germany has good contacts in the region. germany has shown absolutely steadfast support for israel, but it also has good contacts to into, to a number of middle eastern countries. and she is absolutely using those as is chance the shots with reaching out to egypt to jordan, to katara the a mirror visit in here last week to meet with the chancellor and to 11 on where she is going after this trip to is real. she's going there later today at
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a time when her own ministry is telling the germans to leave lebanon. she's going essentially to issue a warning, not only about the treatment of the hostages, but about the potential for regional conflagration, for a terrible upheaval across the region. if actors like, is his bola, the militia in that's based in southern lebanon as well as iran, it is the proxy militia for iran, the weapon of choice, as it were, if they get into the fray. and she had a very clear warning today to the ron and to his bullet to stay out. so that's her 2nd reason. and then her 3rd reason is humanitarian support and germany has, in fact declared that willingness to provide another 50000000. but the question of how it gets into guys, as you just as you discussed earlier with tanya kramer, that is, remains a very thorny issue, but was in israel last week. she's back again now. as you mentioned, trump lasalle,
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it was also the, obviously a very keen sense of urgency here for her to be coming back again so soon after her 1st visit. absolutely, and that is all about the potential for regional conflagration. a clock is ticking here, and we have seen his ball ascending missiles across into israel, which is why israel has now evacuated. another village in israel near the border with lab, not enormous fear that his folder could jump in. and germany has played a mediating role in the middle east. in the past, there's a historic tradition there. it has helped immediate prisoner swaps. it has helped to conduct negotiations with iran in the context of the nuclear deal. it was the one in 5 plus one. if you remember where the powers that negotiated there with iran, so germany trying to make the most of those channels of communication. that's why she's going to 11. and that's why she's staying on to attend the peace summit that
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has been called a short notice by egypt. she'll be going to cairo tomorrow for that, and i think there's a sense here that working together with other european partners we've seen where she's so not go to saudi arabia. we've seen the friends prior that done president my call, also traveling to the middle east. all of them hoping to get air of support to try to essentially limit the potential for this to escalate and also to keep together a group of arrow countries that had been looking like it was ready for rapprochement with is real. she said today, also directed it is real, don't lose sight of that as it is important not to give from us what it wants, namely, a loss of those relations. those budding relations with arab countries with neighboring countries and also a loss of humanity. she said that as israel prosecutes its attacks against hum us,
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it must be so careful not to lose its own. just humanity. i did just want to ask you, we heard her announce the 50000000 euros in aids, the civilians in the gaza strip. do we know how that will be help? how that will be used to help release the numerous suffering that is happening right now? well, it certainly will include these key goods that are desperately needed by the palestinian civilians who have mast in the south of gaza. so that means food medicine, water, water desperately needed. apparently the un is warning of a danger of dehydration on the part of a 1000000 people in the south of, of, of gauze. and now the big question is also fuel. we heard the un secretary general speaking earlier about the desperate need for fuel in order to allow the u. n. release agency in gaza to distribute aid including the aid that germany would be sending. that is one of the sticking points. one.


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