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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  October 24, 2023 2:15pm-2:45pm CEST

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zillow or broken house, unless some lights come into the picture. talk to sherry daniels from the emotional 1st aid group around. thank you so much for your time and, and helping you understand, helping us understand more of the work that you are doing. thank you. thank you. now and gaza is rails blockade of the strip is closing acute shortages in food medicine and and fuel. the lack of fuel is threatening to disrupt causes, emergency services, ready, stretched by the ongoing is ready, but the blood stained, wreckage, ambulance and gaza. this vehicle was crushed by the bloss companies really asked drake labels. one last purpose is we were running out of fuel. and so we have been taken federal and diesel from the damaged ambulances and using it to fuel the ones that are working in common causes ambulance
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drivers. emetics have been working around the clock and a great personal risk since israel began forming the strip. how much control health industry says that over 5000 people been killed in the bombing legend. so, but if you were having great difficulty transporting the injured also because there are several strikes going on at the same time that there are also a lack of communication. it's almost non existent. she was when i do that, in addition to it's back in pain is or as an forced to complete blockade of the gaza strip. allowing only a trick of aid since a how much terrace attacks on october 7th, the claims that how much is holding petrol is refusing to let in any fuel. as part of the deliveries with more and more ambulances destroyed and still running out. because emergency services could soon become defunct, at
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a time when their work is more important than ever. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making news around the world and soul says a boat is carrying a roof of north korean citizens has crossed into south korean war since the vessel was intercepted of the east and port city of soap tow. and those aboard have been brought to the safety of the passengers, allegedly expressed the intent to defect one person has died and 4 on missing off to our collision between 2 condo ships in the north sea. the accident happened 20 to columbia to the south west of the german island of helga lot, and one of the ships is believed to have sunk. following the incident, search and rescue as it is now underway. kentucky is president richard type ad one has submitted sweden's nato membership application to parliament. the one had previously objectives to the bid accusing sweden of harbouring members of so called
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terrorist organizations. hungry is now the only other native member yet to rectify sweden's request. now the nature of sex ray generally in stoughton, but such a day that the military alliance is counting on the to case parliament, speedy ratification of sweden's nice home membership. speaking of a joint press conference and still calm stilton bug said he was looking forward to welcoming sweden as a full nato allies in the very near future that's off to tuck. he moves forward the approval process, so it's still in the book, said nato. it was also committed to it's fight against terrorism, and he also addressed the hum us terror attacks on israel. eastern has the right to defend itself. in line with international law. the protection of civilians is essential on a welcome efforts to ensure that to many 10 aid reach this call. so we can cross
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now to a correspondent terry schultz, who is in stockholm. terry tell us more about what we heard from the, the nice his x ray general today as well. of course, it was a really big deal that secretary journal souls and berg is visiting sweden just at the time that turkey, the turkish presidents, air to one has finally submitted the ratification been to the parliament. as we know, this has been something that sweden has been waiting on for well over a year son, neighboring finland get into the lions already. so still summer was already coming to attend an industry for him here in stock. com. and it just happens to be really good timing the air. the one finally went through with this. as you said, the secretary general suttonberg told turkey again the time is now because of course it is not necessarily a done deal. you need the turkish parliament to ratify it, and then as i understand it from swedish officials, it will go back to president air to one. yet, one more time, it still needs one more push from air to one to finally get sweet and india
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alliance. so the swedes are definitely keeping their fingers crossed and holding their breath because it is not 100 percent certain that it goes through even now that it's gone to parliament. okay, presuming it does remind us of what tip the scales for the tech. here's your president, that's right, exactly, to, to allow sweetens membership of nature. he's under a lot of pressure and we just saw at the last meeting of the nato defense ministers in brussels. what i was told was an unprecedented amount of pressure on turkey to get this done, everyone's tired of waiting. they don't believe that turkey has any more complaints against sweden. sweden has fulfilled everything that was promised death in madrid summit more than a year ago. and so there's really been a loss of patients with turkey even now for its complaints that, you know, this weaving wasn't doing everything against terrorism. remember that just uh, uh, over a week ago there were swedish citizens attacked by this terrorist in russell's in
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my hometown. so definitely sweet and knows what, what terrorism is and is doing everything it can to fight it. that's what secretary general suttonberg reiterated here today and stuck on. okay, and what about hungry, which is still looking sweden's membership process? can we expect any, any sort of shift any movement from budapest anytime soon? so the 2 leaders today didn't have any timeline on hungry, but certainly president or bon, i'm sorry, 5 minutes or by his promise not to be the last. that hungry would not be the last country to ratify. and so now if turkey really is moving ahead, hungry needs to hurry up and was told by swedish officials that hungry head signal that would not be getting to this boat before the end of the year. and so certainly we must be seeing some movement in budapest if they're going to keep this promise not to be the last one. terry schultz proposing from stop. com. thank you so much. i the now the jim jones slot will actually it's the
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ukranian, the prime minister dentist somehow are attending a german ukrainian economic for him here in berlin today. you know, the event is focusing on rebuilding ukraine. a toss is obviously pretty challenging, given the russian attacks on the country all continuing due to intense artillery fire authorities in the southern ukrainian region of hassle and have now ordered a full evacuation of children. officials a saying that moving $800.00 children are expected to be moved to safe areas. ukraine says the russian forces have been showing civilian infrastructure the incessantly. all right, let's get more on this from up and the school correspondent m legal dane has been following the gemini ukraine form in the lynn for us. emily, should we expect more investment in ukraine as a result of this form as well? i mean, we've seen today about tons level of songs announced
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a 2nd winter package with 1200000000 zeros. and that includes defense systems as well as civilian supports. we're talking about 10 systems, we've promised another patriot system as well as another iris t system. and then, and all of this comes on top of the already 24, been in west virginia, here as working support on germany has already committed to new crime. but that being said, a estimate from the world bank suggests that new crime means about 400000000000 euros for its reconstruction in total about us something not individual states and public funds. conte comp finance. really, it's just not possible. so we may have private sector investments, and that's what this conference is all about really. right now as you say, this is a form this focusing on reconstruction. the wall, however, is still raging. so is it, is it timely or is it too early for discussions like this as well,
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the german government says it's not send, it really meant and it's about it. the government says new crime really needs to stop reconstruction. now, reconstruction is to begin now because as we know, russia tends to attack crucial and critical infrastructure in your crime. i'm for your crime to continue. it's fights on its defense against russia. it needs to fix things. um, um the spoken infrastructure, for example, electricity grids war to networks. and also, if you think about ukraine, refugees, you know, if they want to, over time, they need to go back to and if the russia has destroyed many of these houses, many of these homes, um 3rd means a huge reconstruction efforts to get people to be able to over times in your crime, the problem is just how is this going to be financed? and this, this conference really wants to promote and encourage private sector investment. so
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we didn't get involved because they also say, you know, it is not your crime says this is not hire savings investments. there's also an economic benefits for the, for invest for some companies to put their money and for construction in your crime . okay, so looking investment going forward, but just remind us how, how fruitful germany and ukraine's war time economic corporation has been so far. a sunday most of the 6 german ukraine business for him. and we've talked today about there are about 12 on the. a project for corporation. i'm searching more on the pipeline, but what i thought was really interesting today was that they announced a joint defense venture between the gym company called alignment tire, as well as the states are into crime states and defense company. now your crime is very keen to attracts defense in the defense industry to in your crane. i'm a, i'm, the type of boss has already also signal thoughts as you crane is interested in.
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that's a, that's sorry about the time the time is interested in coming to your credit man. i was very close to now in maintenance, but they are in the long run. wants to move towards the sun van production with a new frame. still the is political correspondent, m legal game. thanks so much i. are you all watching dw news life from violin, and here's a quick reminder of our top story today. how much has released to elderly hostages fee is really women with us. trump said to egypt and then handed over to the is reading military, the full being taken to a medical facility and telling me that husbands all still being held captive flight from us in the thought is all we have time for the stay tuned up next islands stone and children and look at how unmarried mothers have that babies taken away from them and gift adoption. remember also you can get your news around the quote on our website. that's the w. don't com
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. and i'll handle on social media at time on youtube. this kid, an invalid on behalf of the whole team, hand similar to the
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a list of bibles of an em thinkable scandal. as babies born out of wedlock, they were ripped away from their mothers by the catholic church and ireland. many of them grew up in her restrict conditions and a 100 stein and catholic homes from neglect. island stolen babies. snow stopped. next on d. w. the
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daniels in june. you belong to the 77 percent because i just got on 65 last last those i here's 3 reasons why 1115. we're here to help you make up your mind to the topics. i'm much up to you from trouble to fixing new culture attainment. let's say well, quote. these are the news on in the, in the news. follow the discovery. change your mind
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just to click away, find out best document, freeze on you to see the world, the subscribe. now to dw documentary the everything that he knows about his roots is inside the suitcase. paul redmond was born in an irish mother in baby home. just a few days after his birth he was given up for adoption. ready ready this letter is only linked to his birth mother. ready this semester is a personal touch. it's something she wrongs at something she touched. so it's,
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it's some sort of physical connection. the physical connection. it might not have a whole garter kiss, but at least you've got something to talk to in the halls somewhere else. these are the survivors of a scandal that is still rocking ireland born and catholic institutions and still trying to discover their identity and trace their birth parents the the seemingly tranquil town of tomb and western ireland. a place that and a car again, just can't seem to forget. this was once the sight of a mother in baby home run by catholic nuns up to 1961 unmarried women were sent here to give birth. the remains of 796 infants lie here.
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this is the, the list of the children who died in the home. here, john does mantell and he died 15 months. john, her older brother was born and apparently died here. and then there was william. what happened to and his brothers, and there was no official grave for decades. the nuns didn't just hush off the high rate of child mortality in the home. they also humiliated and neglected even the very youngest of children. and a still doesn't know what really happened to her brothers here. it's a very strange position to be. and because i have one brother here, i mean has a death search. so i'm not blue, but he's here. i have another brother who's dead. does you have a death certificate? no reason for that animal select believe he's here for the yes,
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he's not on the names of the 796 these 3 carmel larkin, walter, francis and p j have or t survived the home into the full deal for hello. hello. hello, walter, how are you? i'm with there. i just came in to add a quarter again met them 8 years ago, shortly after the scandal made international headlines. oh, i was looking at impairments because if they could be my brothers because the age pro 5 for see if you are filling in from a parents, i knew nothing about my mother's thing. somebody didn't tell me before he should have a p j have her to spend almost 7 years in st. mary's mother and baby home. then he was put in foster care. most of the other survivors were given up for adoption. so the kid all the office, i was one of the lucky ones. i was lucky, i probably would use board and maybe has to be a,
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be in the us and they survived. it's a frightening place. it's beside the said place because i could be in here is when this, what frightens me, what was going on in to was being practiced systematically throughout ireland. those were the findings of a report published by the irish government in 2021 and investigation into the countries 14 largest homes up to 1998. revealed that 56000 women had had their newborns taken away from them and released for adoption. the in the ultra conservative catholic ireland of the time getting pregnant out of wedlock was seen as a sin and castle pollard. there was also a catholic mother in baby home. paul redmond was born here in
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1964. the building is long empty. but the home dominates his thoughts. he wants to understand what happened to him here. that was, that was 58 years ago as a malvin saw, it brings box a lot of memories because this is where i last saw my motor for the last time. i've never seen or since the more than 4500 children were born in the home in castle college. a catholic quarter of nuns ran the institution from 1935 to 1971. paul redmond's research shows that the nuns pressured the mother's into signing adoption papers for their children. paul was separated from his mother shortly after his birth, and he was adopted when he was just 17 days old. that's a very mixed emotions going back here because it's where i live. start of my life
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color gone and one of 2 directions. one was to stay with us from the motor total was to be adult. this saw this place is like i'm a rail junction with 2 rooms or trucks and the old right golf. the more it was on my mind. why was i given away? what happened? is there something wrong with me? he now knows that his birth mother is called adeline. she was 20 years old and, and married at the time, her parents paid the order $100.00 irish pounds to make the baby disappear. of the if you are pregnant, denied, and then you were married. then you were just a horrible, sooner on the penitent, as they would do anything they called to just pull issue for loss. so it's important that we remember all these things and bear with this and make sure to future generations. stone for gas poll redmond has set up
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a self help group to make sure that doesn't happen. how are today he is arranged to meet others like himself on the side of the former home here. yeah. all right, for this you guys know re, you good to see you yet, so you guys are saving a small home, wants to give others the opportunity to confront their past. almost all the adopted children are trying to trace their routes. many do not know to this day who their mother was missing documents and the non stony silence also dogged lawrence cloaks attempts to trace his past. like when i started looking . and i got in touch with the nuns and they said it's very difficult. go back and look for your mother, like because she could be anywhere in the world. that's gonna cost money. because we lawrence received this letter from the religious order back then. paul reads it out to the group. this is time consuming and called the expense of sell. if you
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want us to go ahead, we would need help in that area as we are in voluntary society. well, that's the straight of law item, or not voluntary safe of hearts adoption. sorry, the sauce was a professional and registered agency changing baby, and they got they got money from the government to look after. for 2 years, the nuns kept demanding money from lawrence and kept finding him off. she was from the nuns only revealed his mother's name when he threatened to stop the payments. and when i was adopted, i was looking to come back and find out. yeah. and the 191991 race. i found a lot about 2025 years and i finally filed another 10 years after that was a long back. for a long time, the survivors were unaware of the scale of this inhumane system. paul found out that almost one in 10 babies born in castle pollard did not survive. ready
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literally right between a need are fee stores of those $245.00 form of burials and the $150.00 still by itself is about $400.00 pages. very dear paul has written a book about ireland mother in baby homes. ok, so is being adults digital slowly, 100 percent face, which are toppling families. have the adults fully faced with charged actual fabi either because they're gone. so with the volume is be easy to over. they do sort of feel a sense of kinship. and we all call one another, a creative mace, and the group is being a huge benefit for everybody. and if i people talk about the last about how has changed our lives and made them feel less lonely and give them the best sense of belonging to the survivors for yesterday's unwanted children.
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the, the mother in baby home in june was torn down in 1972. catherine corliss has a scale model of the building in her living room. the amateur historian brought the nuns, appalling abuse to light. she discovered that the baby's bodies had been disposed of in a disused sewage treatment system under ground. she had uncovered one of the biggest scandals in irelands history. when catherine confronted the authorities with what she has discovered the stone walls, nobody wants to hear bosses that fight everything to come out against me. even the
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people per, per treasures of course tried to stop me a call because the counselor did everything in their power to stuff me because they knew what happened at their response. but so they did their best to cover up while homes like whom were run by catholic nuns, regional authorities were generally responsible for their supervision. one woman against the church and the state assisted in her research by her husband, aiden irish media 1st reported on the scandal in 2014. catherine began receiving threats and that is still going on to this day. but she refused to be intimidated. interviews, i would probably got some, and tyler said that i had to do this. and especially when nobody was listening or want to listen, this is as if i couldn't just a baby so they become really babies to me. and just because to really just some of the work, the work in the park and, and i put enough understand toiletries,
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it isn't bad. they brought into the lord could not be in parkins. they wouldn't give the medicine, they wouldn't call a doctor. and they just let them die. i physical and her death certificates in particular, continue to haunt catherine. some records of the other mother and baby homes spacious. that's the that's for, for suffice stuff. some other with the told us to seek a birth of the baby dies and a set of tests that they may have been given to a couple from america or are elsewhere as quite possible. that's a lot of the babies haven't died at all. so this term provides the best or, or you think you're going with in the course of her research. catherine has made many of the survivors, her revelations, have changed the lives of p. j, have her tea and carmel. larkin. she's returned a piece of their identity to them and america it is for him. now he's
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a carpenter. that's where you type in bar and carmen here and then the charter. so you're now back here. that's that was a bit further say. and then yeah, your poor mother then after giving birth to to the left over here she was given 7 days rest with the baby. the notes the 7 days. so just and that was, it is open and do all the heavy work that's with populations. lots of some scrubbing floors student over time. yeah. birth certificates, adoption papers, letters for decades. the nuns and the adoption authorities kept all these documents under lock and key here. but he was afraid of the police, afraid of the religion, afraid of everything, day to control on everything completely. and the effect in that they didn't want us to do one thing and just hide over thing. it was another way of torching you. there was no investigation as to who did all of this done much while you, with the baby's pushing to the doctor your time. you couldn't take the knowns. i'm anyways, cause they have mess up amount of money. the government even were afraid to confront
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the norms of the church. they could get a top bar to store or celeste or in the waters, not in europe. so how could you, would you compete that you couldn't win, as no one was held responsible for the dead babies of june? the order is none that ran home only apologize in 2021 when the government published its report. and that report came too late for many of those affected who doubt whether the state is really interested in uncovering the truth. pga haggerty is now 71. he lives just a few kilometers from to a small farm. peach . it was just under 7 when he was fostered with the stigma of being illegitimate,
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has stayed with him his entire life. so when they came to my teams that someone's, i've got very difficult for me, then that's when i got the abuse from people that found out that i was born notices outside of wedlock, which is a big mark to send a volume that statement, just reject you back to you and just called your names for no, actually a reason. i couldn't understand why an old that's affected me growing up at the eventually then i went to a river to do away with myself because i couldn't take anymore life. life didn't look back on june and i still have that insight me all the time. like, you know, i really do the irish government has announced compensation plans, but only those people who spent at least 6 months and a mother and baby home will be eligible. pj, i have her to you is.


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