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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  October 27, 2023 6:45pm-7:00pm CEST

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spelt as an aggressor in the international context, russell was to play an important role in the piece process again as a mediator who traditionally has good connections to both sides of the conflict of israel and to the students. just based on what you're saying, because the restaurant does have, as you point out, a ties with all the key players, these around iran, syria, a modest but as to into thought a does about show really intent to use this influence to resolve matters on more for its own self interest. me. i think russia has definitely been using the east context and to last come makes no secret of its close ties, especially how most interestingly is it traveling doesn't to pull him off at terrorist organization. at these context has been intensified recently and how must be present that this came to most components more frequently. i have it pulled up on face myself as a corresponding to moscow just a few years ago. and yesterday, how mostly that came to moscow at because it actually foreign minister said that the meeting with them they discussed is that
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a lease of 4 in hosp the just of russian hostages. if it doesn't, cheap as a ministry statement called thomas and his logic resistance movement and found mosley the hotel, the most corruption school, the member of the political bureau. but of course, iran is also very important alive, rational, which also with a who also plays a major role in this conflict and the wrong deputy for the minister also arrived in moscow yesterday. i'd like to speak about it on as well. but just to go back to hum us or be understand rusher as meeting how mosley does now, and they are in moscow, but russia has been meeting them. i'll see those way back since 2006. what is the interest during meeting with tomorrow since then? as well as the rest, as official attitude towards the israel, of hosting and conflicts has changed over the decades and also to the, to the how most but since how most of one of the election in 2006 is the policy and territories. the kremlin has constantly improved relations with hum us and the current conflict is, of course, also
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a good opportunity to reinforce the gremlins and the american course since october 7th. and the russian leadership has not explicitly come down thomas attack instead, emphasizing the info, unfulfilled rights of, of his team and so forth. and it has clearly blamed the united states for what is happening is the least he could use them of ignoring the interest on the other students. and this is exactly the same, not to the crime that is using and ukraine. and it says, russia protects the interest of the people to their 1st and foremost, the russian speaking population of the don't bus, which is cited by the, by the natal bind by west. this explains to the purpose of the so called special mood operation. not russia, as you are new to, to also has close ties to it on all concerned. should one be about these dies in relation to the current conflict. i think process relations with it on can be both a blessing at the congress. it will be a blessing, a prospect uses its influence on iran and cost for restrain is
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a conflict. i can imagine that most of would like to have a di, escalating, effective as well. not at least in order to stand in the international spotlight is like would be the box. it's also unclear whereas moscow actually has that much influence over around and there is another element to do this because i'm not sure it has been active in the middle east. inducing tara's, particularly when it comes to supporting the government of stadium, president bush shut out a sub, but aside from hispanic, to support the treatment has also been using this information campaigns to bolster as a government is that a danger? but simulate this information. tactics could be used in the garden for between these develop i'm us, as we kind of expected, i just thought it's very clear that this conflict is about the battle of propaganda . and as an example of just a few days after the conflict start that it was at polk about the western weapons. for example, i logically used by almost some claims that to the weapons came from ukraine
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afterwards, or west of naples states. they have supply weapons, all of us to say, i know these weapons that came from russia because of their options, kept track of these weapons in ukraine. so we are experiencing one propaganda battle, often another one. and we simply have to be very careful and always check the effects we leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for joining us today. you need a shuttle. joining us from rico, thanks so much. i some 50 for the more than 200 hostages. have a captive buy from us. from thailand, thailand provides almost all the foreign farm labor in israel as part of a 2012 agreement. but the is really government, the ty hostage, just taken back from us. we're backing in funds, you have a does a strip. it seems of devastation that the could boats berry and southern israel after the terror attack. by him, us government kills more than a 100 people. here among the many tie migrant workers,
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ties of the largest single group of foreign debt and missing after the mastercard. with 24 confirmed killed and 21 and accounted for a quarter of the more than 200 hostages held by him. awesome guys are ty, ty, lounges, organized evacuation flights for survivors who tell of a desperate struggle to stay alive. and the hidden a small room with 11 other people can hardly breathe daily. we took turns breathing through a small hole. then 3 to 4. how mosque guys came back and they tried to unlock the door, but they were too long. so mean they tried to open the top one. we all helps to hold on to the bottom long. i'm glad they started shooting through the door, but it was to think and then is really soldiers arrive to help you. i have time. i'm provides almost all the foreign farm labor in israel, but $30005.00 work in the countries vegetable fields and dairy farms. to me live,
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i'm the only my know i talk to so by my family back up i, i won't return, i get my time going up. i set it down at home and a lot of things are still bad. my mental health is still bad. but again, i'm around 5000 ties working in the area worst effected by the violence. one of the hardest hit agriculture larry is, was that the near all as couplets for ties were among the 100 people killed or kidnapped. this is randy volunteers. if i step in to keep the milk supply going, most of the south of the dairy farm or highlander, and they were massacre systems specific like the service that came in, they killed everyone. there are fears that have ties choose to stay away long term . it could have a devastating impact on the user id economy. for many from thailand staying away is not really an option. often they'd have to borrow tens of thousands of dollars to
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go to israel. these ties may have escaped the government, but now it's a tough choice between staying safe and securing their livelihood. and the, joining me now for more context is pulling up for your g a video button. yeah, she's an assistant professor of anthropology at the non pond on university in eastern time professor. do you ever have one? yeah. how has news of tied casualties in the how must i attack being received in thailand? because the policy ends on early october of this month, right? as the northeastern religious, all the ties, the since we are so sorry to hear about this news is a bad news actually. i think we will. so talk about the incident i, as i heard that maybe try my friend because as bit, especially from my phone tag that's happening on probably lives in the dog is all
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kind of then they have, you know, bad locks and they will cost hospice. and some of them uh, uh, lucky to come back to the countries, but a lot of the populations they uh, in the uncertain condition we, we, i still hold that they are we, we free. right. so how important is working in is the red tie farm workers. as you know, you have to understand maybe and working in the north eastern region of thailand, we have poor condition. we don't have much opportunities to make a decision. uh, maybe in con condition is so difficult even to do a good culture even to be as arise from a we have be niblet by the ty, stayed and done,
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talk about the social world, but we are very poor. we some of those resources. that's why it economic reason drive that my friend because to go far away from the countries and decided to go to the middle east to find another job to find, to me live and stay and the money back to the countries which is thailand. do you think that following this attack or this that are attacked by how mos tire workers? we reconsider if they should go and work in. is there any given the dangers that thought about that about them over there? you know it's a good question. i've been asking, and i, oh, if i have a chance to meet up with all the time i brand brokers who just back from the middle east, especially from israel. you know,
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some of them that can be divided into 2 groups. the 1st one will have a culture with the nicotine incidents. they would not be side to go back to israel by 4 doors, who is still a seat for uh, new live pro. still want to get a high income to work in the middle east. they still want to go back to you. so right now, you know, as we speak, there's at least step 50 full tie walkers who are being held captive by a mas. what is the tie government doing to get them back? i think the tie government led by crime and he's both said todd to be a student and all day happy that i think they try so hard to try so many try now. so many ways to negotiate, as i think they try to use 2 different levels of because the quotation,
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the 1st one is far more diplomatic negotiation. and the 2nd one, which is the prime minister and minister of the following fast as i spoke about to the media as to the time media is actually that the thai government also try to use the informal negotiations. try to send the representation to off the tide. government back to is are, are a because she be representative of the have moscow. right. we're live with the, for the time being and hope that has been a news full time migrant workers and their families in the thailand. thanks so much for joining us today. with all of that context, i'm is put an entry variable. now. thank you so much. i and that does it for now those more and the israel from us, well on our website,
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the w dot com and on our facebook and x pages, you can also turn into voting coverage of the war here on the dw news tv channel. i'm going to expand the g into 1000000000 thanks so much for watching to buy the
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tall engine. yeah. how's the bills using 3 d printing pre printing do this solution here. the housing back club, the 3 phase here in mexico basis, construction methods, time saving, cost effective results. friendly welcome to a home house of not press 3 megs in 30 minutes on the w most stuff or come out to the father of the turks. he created a modern state, but his reforms remained controversial to this day. who was the man behind dispersion, revered by some cursed by others, altura the father of modern in 75 minutes on d w. ok. the task is changing. 6 years ago we said it conk attorney was,
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but it does guardians of truth. this time excel gen. this turned into our meet the voices of the 3 turkey officer as the ad one has his 3 into as i knew the police would search my house courageous people are trying to stem of the turkish governments all sort. tammy cool, also did the chance again. but really it's a crime is addressed and the path of trying to take responsibility for his action. what about freedom of the press and freedom of expression? what about parliamentary democracy? to the situation is very serious. cutting as writers not only weapon is op and guardians of true dogs. october 28th on dw,
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the business dw, use mine from the gauze. i hit by, moore is ready to be drawn. dragging training ministry says ground forces best buy fights as jets and drones at thomas targets is comes i had of i'm expected invasion . i'm as rocky, a test struck a residential building in tel aviv injuring several people using sufficient joint calls of policies in the sizing to allow age to reach gaza at stump shots of calling for us.


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