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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  October 28, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm CEST

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the same 60 minutes on d w. those to know understand can have a think like the volume just presented. do you have any news on instagram? no. follow up the so i to johanna is very scared to township than waves of history and fusion of these things together. yeah, food pain supports with a celebration, vibrant community. but 1st, we just cover an unusual mode of transportation called them a carl and booked on us. we see how fashion designer owns they get designs, wedding dresses with getting the fabrics and gotten up. and find out how sort of african onto like someone you know, that kind of pain. so her youngest self can dream. i'm sure the see the and you are
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watching after max the the 1st 3 do printed homes in kenya offering a solution to affordable homes. the innovative approach to construction office cost effective homes, and it's changing the landscape of housing the future of buildings. 3, the printed homes in kenya. training printing is a solution to clear the housing backlog that we face here in norfolk and in particular, in kenya, where we need to be is more than 2000000 housing as us we can speak, he's experienced a surgeon population. there is an increased push at to meet housing. the current estimates point to a short full of over $51000000.00. i've been housing unit. it takes us a couple of hours. usually these 2 sets of the printer,
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we uh movie its in the container. its arrived here in columbus, so we took it to tennessee. we are fluid the, the container we mounted. it took us roughly one day to have the printer mounted. and then what we did is just move it from one house to the other printing every time a different house. and even a couple of weeks we will have done with those 10 houses here. and can you say there is a desperate need for mass produced cost? effective housing and $14.00 trees in kenya has come up with an innovative solution that mixed the best use of local resources while producing houses that have an environmental impact that is 70 percent lower than conventional methods. we believe that the construction for the printing is a solution to clear, the housing and school backlog in africa. there's more than $50000000.00 houses that need to be built. building houses that are sustainable, that are resistant that are strong and foldable to the african people. we need
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those policies to the, the, the, to the printing process. he's very simple. we position a gunnery printer on where the house is to be bused. and we feed the pink. toby's concrete and the print hub positions and layers of concrete on top of each other from the bottom to the top. and you have couple of howard's, you have your was that i've printed by the machine, which is of course, controlled by your computer, which makes sure that the quality and the specifications of the building are respected. 3 d printing ink construction is a fairly new concept with houses being built in the us, germany and now across africa with 14 cheese the
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the so this is another rule of housing is also combining 2 bedroom houses and 3 bedroom houses. so me detached. so you have a 2 bedroom house on that site and then at a 2 bedroom house on the, on the site they, they have one loading. come on. what is beautiful? we have 3. the printing is that what you print is precisely the quantity of the metal is that who needs for the performance that you needs? we've got the building and we save every time we print, we say full teams trees. this is the starting point of a company called sections for the printing. it eliminates the needs for woods to meet for building breaks and, and also reduces the quantity of, of metal years. and this is because of that's, that's, we manage to obtain the world banks. i have c certifications for the green for 4 months of that project. that's, that's we're going to roll out. do you want to go and type for that's a 76 square meter house. you have the kitchen, the bedrooms. you have 2 bedroom for all the kids and the main suites bedroom for
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the parents. we'd be able to put a valuable inc. we've also used to a company in kenya, which is simon company. and we develop the team with them to make sure that the products on would be done locally with the local simmons, local sands. and the product could be reduced in terms of codes so that we can print a full they both to, to the canyons. the disk, so types of tendencies, actually phase one was we've the inch because of course we had to adjust the recipient to make sure that the ink works perfectly with these temperature. we have these beautiful sun that we have here. so we had to add that to the 2nd tenants or 3 phases of clothes, the printer today, printers all used in the control environments where you perfectly controlled and you really see the temperature and the weather conditions is basically what here we
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printed in on the real sites in real life condition, 3 d printing is a new way of working. if we can imagine that we can make it a suffolk is increasing, you seek, and the depth technologies that changes the way we do things. maybe we will find that we are able to achieve more of our dreams towards i've said to him on the day we're taking in a tantalizing, so it's a for me to at a 1st stop as a bowling so that it can save it the delicious, greasy god. com. so this popular dish, how do you work here? cheese explains how view is what is a good the and how does it come about? well, i've got the. 1 colors and so if you don't want to cope with bio code, but for the use at home, we don't know where to send it. but to consist of, well,
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a standard cut out basically a stain of color, which is the cheapest on the menu. it consists of a cut to bread and a live tube. sources. him it again, she's in a, in a, in a bit of sounds delicious. so i see that there's different variations. yeah. even though he explained the standard one, why is that? yes, we can't tell for everyone. we have the beginning because we have a dish, but the so we, we also k. so for those who don't you quote for you making me hungry, can you please get one to, oh yes. mm hm. before i try this to let's, let's go with them. let's get to the delta, and what do i know? which isn't a waste of what's ways unless landscapes with diverse wildlife slides in harmony, traveling one a month for a traditional can. you allows you to embrace mates, has tranquillity enjoy the new york design go down to in the north of boats. one, it is one of africa's last great natural centuries with its abundance of wild life
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despair. taquila marshland is a popular destination for safari tourist. you can discuss the nature without disrupting it by taking a local boat called. i'm a carter gets quantum doesn't pollute the environment. we joined tool guide shop at a local to learn to operate and makoto from his family when he was a child. if you want to self and electrons onto here anything. this i think, is the best or unique transports to use that thoughts and relax ation are quickly interrupted by nearby. and those are active tape up to 20000 square kilometer. ok then go down to is one of the largest and most animal rich wetlands in africa. it has been a unit as go well, heritage sung since the 2014, the delta is an especially important habitat to the animals that live in the water . in addition to hippos, there are numerous species of fish reptiles,
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and i'm fabian's, as well as many boats and mammals, patients traveling animal. colorado is no tony environmental friendly. it also has a long tradition. it's been a means of transportation for locals, for central. i'm coming from uh the tribes quoted by a which is the tribe event to this has a lot of times but, but before the inside use this kind of tons of what they were using. what required that off task, which we've made from the reads and pop ideas. however, modern mo, colorado, is that the tourist a made of find the gloss shop. i also gives these gas to johns to try steering, keeping months balance isn't easy, especially knowing that hippa swimming nearby. chapel works in the quiet private resides in new york event go down to run by natural selection. the company has a special focus on sustainability. so the launch is a balance with local materials by local designs. building with concrete is not
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allowed in the area. everything must blending with nature, tone, it's included. and they even have a view of a box staying that isn't exactly cheap costing at least $800.00 euros per 1000 per night. the price of the journey with a small bush plane is not included. they belong to come in now interested in knowing that when they travel they travel with. in fact, if, if we don't conserve this, they weren't in this wildlife to which day. so coming to um, to see 1.5 percent of won't guess the pain goes to communities and conservation projects like elephants for africa. botswana is seen as a role model in africa in many aspects. but it's good governance, the distribution of the diamond wealth and conservation efforts. there is also a growing number of elephants and the area research what lona said,
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who lotto is documenting them? essentially we're trying to build a like a database to try and help us finalize the social networks between the ovens. botswana is home to the world's largest elephant population. about 130000 elephants lived here, and the number is growing. but this doesn't come without problems. the elephants devastating the farmers fields. that's why an elephant of africa has built a massive electric fence around the fields. since then. no incidents have been reported back on the war to shut about cable and yet saw that also it has many stories to tell about the encounters with wild animals. so there's a difficult part of this. um, its whereby you come across like of associations uh end up being attacked by the hippo or sometimes to be founded by the efforts. and they know you have to think
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very quickly how am i going to get out of the association? living and working in this environment is a blessing for them. a colorado operate to his 5 children is still too young. chavez says, but he can't wait until he can teach them how to operate a car. then they too can show travelers from around the world. the beauty of the alcove and go down to the the beauty of the oak of bung with delta on them on carl is so unreal. okay, now that we've cases, so it's a score to list that the but in the vibrant food scene here with issues i am, as you know, word meaning burns to meet the supposed to get out a show for the i'm sorry, the sizes will be catching up with some local visions in so it's so heavy and what do you typically love about us too? so yeah, as an advocate you'll love to but i it's a, it's a mixed culture. we all love the fire food. can we meet eaters? so it's just a good place to get to get
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a morning noon and not really the thought through. but i and, and do you think, what does she say, you know, my experience is the greater presentations of who we are in the lives of south africans. absolutely. so it goes across cultures, especially now where they woke up coming. so what do we do is i think and says, i see you're ready for it. i see ready for it's for the book. i would do it now. yes, i am all about the food he told me about the she so now my the code, the but i'm here to so let's go i don't want to big. i mean, what do we have the okay, the b as in go on the on the video with local games, there was a crazy rifle control chart to create. i'm forget avoiding story, enjoy what i enjoyed the bad things done,
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and by no controls, by fusing local kinsey. what is the 6 fabrics to make visually unforgettable? bridal statement? one more convinced me to lend our fabrics and 5 and alberto going construction to the fact that we just one could promote meeting gone to fabrics as well as our new coal weaving industry and gardner. i feel like it's just about putting gone on the mob to our craft and also pointing towards the august in the unity of, of the good. as the guardian fashion design of was, specializes in vital, gone gone for chief course. and you need to make sense that we focus on the 2 main questions that i will really gone on, which is gone and we have to solve and taught it. and then your thing for the northern part always is the slow 5 weeks. like what i'm learning, and then we have the key to which is multiply, right?
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and so for our brand, because we are focused on working to move 5, which is a far as the met them create interest in i think of the size that when people seem to know the, even to put them together, all of them, it got even a gun it was taken to appreciate what this is in northern and as far as anything coming together. so in directly, you know, that's, it says, oh, you know, to get on this. you know that's, that's what we are trying to bring and control people's last session. since you have to care and i don't think to hide it, i think we should bring on when we meet our clients. the 1st thing we do is we need to find those as much information as we can. that is the only way we can say servicing and what exactly you want. so i do most of the listening and i just listening to the evening do 49 breeds real estate avoiding perfectly disposing. i need to understand them and ask them a lot of listings because a lot of them telling me that i don't know which one. i don't know. it's just
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knowing the right christmas as that thing that i could utilize something new, take it out, then let me see. i did to us to a point where your team events and so we with closely with clients and make sure that every single thing we see and agreements will be a doing and then be we are or happy. yes. and enjoy the rest of your days. i will, that is designs and gonna creatively and believe that dave is where the tradition of ethnic groups spotlights and both traditional, ethnic, that's us with a 3 k $6000.00 pardons and these same shows of the whites what did result in, in a couple of rates in fusion of cultures. so 1st particular, amazing offers that i am working on is part of the major polishan as whole piece connection that i'm doing. and then who we seeing actually came up all from a i have gone to a point in my life where i reflected and i'm like, look,
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i have been with i was to me, bryce in the industry and what was so many personalities and ask for like piece personalities, getting these shoots me and being with the vision for me to create a connection and or know my past fries because i feel like everybody to come see has a story to tell. and so i just copy, go write them into 12 today. marks a submissive one day, i suppose. it can be said that it gave the theme for an exhilarating sent for the ship sessions. showcasing, hey haile, anticipate the new by the collection i've been working with you for quite a long time. she telling me about this concept and knowing the kind of i basically all i can with we are not thinking about them. something very useful, something very via find something very touchy and something that is very marketable . you know, so we tried to play around with this, but that's all part of it is to, to make sure that the african payments both to life. okay. so that we are looking
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to portray, seek morning, futuristic and functional, bring this beautiful office to live. so let's do those guys through the collection. it's called the gym connection. so this was a pleasure. this is called in logic. and then what also inspires me is the colors. now, what can we, green, green is is next to him. and then the goal is statement is pull this out, the, you know, and these are people that they want to be seen. so these condo is, you know, put together plus, obviously out quite a mix of perfect blend of richness. you know, and so it's very easy to relate to these colors and also their personality that i'm trying to portray out to what you should be expecting from a unique bridle. a found god design. i like myself and my brand that we are going
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to be how schools meet in the flashing industry. we have full force coming, and we're going to make sure that this idea comes to state because every gun me in and as we pressing outside, gunner. and it's time for them to know that we have this, you will need the cup to these in coffee shops and in the mines becomes higher, being the parts of the unforgettable day in every woman's life. with the web. the out was beauty, as the gracefully worked on the out brings a maze, joints, old ones, they get noise, she has contributed to making their dreams. come true, the false hypatia and brings it up most as a function like look, oh, you know, the kind of arising johannesburg artist, specializes in contemporary minutes. media. hey, use of our clinic on lace paper adorned with clay or gold jewelry. until the 2023
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and the audience award. the meet book. oh, you know by got it contemporary mixed media, autism based in to how does that work? has featured in group exhibitions locally and globally in lagos, nigeria, and from paint. so from the way i assume this offering to teach. so how does the this is how she is re imagining the black female experience through what it's an identity that's so weighed down by all this does cool. it's like it always becomes political when it's a black woman, and that's so exhausting. when i go into a gallery before i used to feel heavy off to it, it's like it was always trauma based or if it's not like trauma based, just like exchange is virtual, extremely traditional. i felt like i couldn't see myself in that,
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and i couldn't see the woman around me in that. not to say that let's homeless don't exist in woman. she's not create life stuff like that. i just think that were multi dimensional and that should be reflected in the haven't go, not believing that aunt was to remain in the category of hobby book, only completed a year in architecture school before giving into a desire to study art of to secrecy. switching from architecture to a fine arts degree. she hasn't looked back since i think my frame it's, i think the only thing that i'm around for anything for me is it's autobiographical . but it's, it's, it's also like aspirational, the moments that are painful name is i would like to share with them or moments that i have already stated them. i've grown up in time since in a small town in eastern care quote that i started, i spend time in a village called them. i got an eastern case infinity township in cape town. and
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with all my interest, like going through home magazines, those i pick ups and families didn't look like me, you know, and i, so i just started to insert that it's, that's what i mean when i say, i think that's my understanding. can you look, oh, you prepays? hey candace, with lace fabric, adding a unique dimension to her work and an element of luxury, drawing the view into the subtly expressive world. this is interesting. i've actually never use something like this. can i actually have seen me, those of us children, maybe from the 5 will look like the film and but as it come close to and i it seems like there's actually like flowers inclusive. and i think that actually speak to lots and how women are, i think it makes my word feel like encountering me. there's like a soft, smooth, and just as swag about women that i really enjoy actually wanted to be
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a fashion designer when i was younger. so i central a lot, but i would like to like when the next one. so it's and then and naturally in school, when you're receiving praise for something you're interested in, it starts to grow. you start to feel like you're in the right place thinking thing . but then the turning point was that when i was in grade 9, and i had a visual art teacher at the time named wisdom going on. and he took eyes to assist studios for like a school to type of thing. and that was the 1st time i saw people who are artists who are living as i just remember. one of them was and my room and the other one was the lights been in the time. and they just have like, paintings all over the place and they told somebody, all this is going to show in your own. and then i'm going to go and i was like what? and so when i heard these people saying that they're seeing the rest of the world through, i was like, okay, i think i'm like, when this happens in the beginning,
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there were those misconceptions like you're going to. so painting like that's the thing that you're going to be doing. and it, i think in their heads it was like the immediate images, maybe someone and the side of the road at the winning or like somebody in a more like joining people like as they go. and that's why i've been a go. okay, so with the way that i've been navigating the industry is i felt like i really didn't have a choice, but to get this thing right. because of the way that my family thought about things being at the tobin. od fee in janice, but marks an important milestone for 1st. so i've exhibited in a number of groups shows before, and i was enjoying that because it felt like there was a lot of options that i had been studying in high school or through. i was just like my academic final career. and now i'm alongside them. and we see people doing solos, and i think that it's are incredible cuz it's not just like on audrey gets the
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entire space. it can become immersive. when you get to tell you a story like all the way through and in a way that you can control the booth next door, is not another artist. it's another institution. and that is very affirming. for me, i'm prototyping a new way of like navigating the odd ecosystem. because at the moment the institutions of how it's like these big wide 2 institutions are the ones that decide who gets to be visible and who doesn't, where story gets told. and what doesn't. and i'm trying to find ways of like breaking in to those things without being controlled. as look only continues along the parallel pods of her own black female lived experience and visual artist. she continues to take up space in those fees as you see her passion with the work. well
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that's it from us for today, please don't forget set us up on social as well for me and village as a street is good bye for now. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the into the conflict. so with sarah kelly in response to the militant palestinian group of mazda 6 have cost israel, sweden and the lover of viewing their non humanitarian aid. to palestinian. my guess is to be gone. complex own is sweet as yours minister toby and film as of environment of gaza intensifies how concerned is see that the conflict could spread
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in the regions conflict. in 30 minutes, dw guardians of truth. this time, excel gen, this turned into our meets the voices of the 3 turkey author. as the other one had to flee into exile. i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish government and sort of the guardians of 260 minutes on d. w. the actually you belong to the 77 percent comfortable. i just got on 65 last last those top 5 years,
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31115. we're here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from couple top fixed, a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's say together parts of our community life on the research is now on the base up level out from g. if you can see in the middle of the dash, because i'm such a organizing reconstruction to the for me, you houses and renewed the cost. it's getting cold. the rates of holding sign and the volunteers will winter season mission,
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kids particular seeing rebuild jobs, move indices dw, the this, these dw news live from building is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu stays the war against homos will be long and difficult. he says the 2nd stage of the war has begun and describes the conflict as israel, 2nd floor of independence. also coming off families of hostages, held by how much in cost and meet with. net and yahoo, i want the government to delay the military campaign. i'm doing more to secure the
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hostages release and these are all launches its heaviest attacks on gaza since the


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