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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  October 29, 2023 3:15pm-3:30pm CET

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work that aired friends wrote on x, we are incredibly send by the to soon passing of matthew perry. he brought so much joy to hundreds of millions of people around the world with his pitch perfect music, timing, and ride with his legacy will live on through countless generations. up next sound documentary taking a look at the effectiveness of anti depressant pills blended there. the g is taking a scene in the middle of the dash of the current and sasha organizing reconstruction to the beach. but it's getting cold. the volunteers of winning when to freeze the emissions, kids take notes to rebuild thoughts, november 6th on dw,
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the antidepressants are stopping me from throwing myself off the newest clips. it's good stuff to get them in. i do anything to go back in time and not start taking those or anything. yeah. i just switched the slips and it hits. i wouldn't give up taking my medicine even if i have 2 years without any symptoms of music coming to up to the edge depressants don't solve problems. they just, none of them. whose name is the main problem is that many people wait too long before they gather enough confidence and try and to the presence shot is just wrong . distinct are harmless, it's fine because they really can't do immense harm to come. must be shot when it
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comes to anti depressants. who's right and who's wrong? who do they help? and how dangerous are they really the he said ok, stop taking them and i did. and that's when it started fluid. so the cutoffs i felt like my body was under a men stress looked like. so it was if the devil was always chasing me, i have nothing helped with the stress. and these types of i still didn't look for it sort of shaking happening, but stuff because i just couldn't stand at the record. so when i'm on the slips, every cell of your body is wrong by terror and it just feels like you can't cope with it. to tackle, you just can't bear it, but it doesn't stop for
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a minute on and on and on it on cause. so i was gonna try to invite the invite to invite the doctors eventually real nice that mary's anxiety began when she stopped taking anti depressants. her body was in withdrawn and still is aston bus monday. you 1st lane your own mental state. i wish it to me. i'd never have thought that stopping my medication could have had anything to do with it. this time that i'm kind of this would, it means no one told me about side effect the long term issues or problems, getting them up. last one of them. i think i said it was never mentioned either. hopkins came out and just i just thought that if the doctor gives you something a medication that is available in this country by prescription, it can be that, that for you. so select the, the number of prescriptions for anti depressants has gone up 8 times over the past
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3 decades to about 1700000000 daily doses here enough to supply germany's entire population. for 2 weeks. the professor tom sure wants to know what's caused this mass of boom and anti depressants. he's one of jeremy's leading researchers into anti depressant cubes. he's also a sought after expert when it comes to treating depression. as a psychiatrist, he also studies whether people are being treated according to the latest recommendations the this sort of see how you're taking out to the presidency name correct on wednesday . and what are you taking for the faxing and not faxes and the fax. and that's why that why don't you start taking antidepressants? do you remember the phone book on and bullied at this? is it as well? so yes,
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several that's in our family. i couldn't be happy anymore. are going to dismiss, literally sign me. it's going to feel like a fog, a difficult question, but i'll ask it anyway. what helps the visual effects and a conversations at the clinic or something else? or i don't know why. so unless it's think about both i think but and also cuz of in the vaccine pulled me out of the ho lots of talking and meeting people also did i started feeling better this? yeah, sure. okay. it was 5 years ago. yeah. my provocative question. why are you still taking the effects and i see is names for 5 because of my psychologist chapel. we've often discussed me giving it up upset some countries when sees and she says you shouldn't stop too quickly. exactly. yes, they say that following a 1st severe bout of depression, a 12 month course of anti depressants should suffice. under way past that,
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it would be a good time to stop at some upsets professor sure advises, against taking medication longer than necessary, not least because of side effects, including weight gain and sexual issues. but he says, too often prescriptions just keep flowing and i get this. i have a nice day it's give i'm calling yes. nice doctors think they're safe if they recommend people keep taking anti depressants instead of as i didn't need some vitamin d i to the placebo hot, it also will call me that these are lun, sorry, that's the last thing factor you see reflected in prescription numbers, you're going uh back well, being much i don't think you can save this huge rise in antidepressants. prescriptions is largely because everyone with depression is finally getting diagnosed and treated. and so, and how, how i did it because he told me to call him with the i can see it if you haven't,
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that goal was tied in most cases of depression or just like to model it's cases. and you really shouldn't automatically treat lights. depression with the medications, the hyundai this issue, it's like i eat, i drink, i take my tablet, is that my as part of my daily routine? it doesn't upset me or bother me, that'll be taking medication all my life and he's supposed to be. so if it doesn't affect my quality of life, it is clear to me because i know these pills gives me a quality of life. well that they can restore it as the vs. them some stars again and even be the most eccles them tomorrow, take over the casinos from live sick and has been taking anti depressants for 23 years. she lived in a group home as a teenager, after her mother took her own life. depression appeared later in life, the cheapest kind of fish i was in my mid thirties when i have
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to give up what i thought would be my life. and then i suddenly couldn't look forward to anything, but i knew a depressive episode could totally turn my life upside down at any time. come cut from corston. pasadena needed several years could stabilize her mood, not just through medication, but also with meditation and psychotherapy. the is vice, best buy me a. but those key factors that can and lead to depression and play a role in mine and what is being decided is one of the experiences or events in life that have contributed to me about suffering. depression, they proceeded if he's, without the tightness or, and that's the of the, is the in balance of neurotransmitters as in the brain in the home. that's what casino was repeatedly told in the hospital. one of the transmitters beserra tone
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and it transmits information between brain cells. the serotonin hypothesis says that if levels are too low, transmission fails, and that can lead to depression. that's why almost o antidepressants increase the concentration of sarah toner between cells. the theory as a simple one, the more sarah tone and you have, the less depressed you are the, that's a sign of done. it's a convenient type offices. and it's easy to understand because you have a simple, apparently biological explanation. and can say, i have a certain tone and deficiency and explain for doctors. it also makes the consultations much easier. listen, you have low serotonin and i have a drug that will increase it and it makes for an easy conversation to head on. so i think that's why it's so persistent and widespread. the problem is it is totally completely wrong. and yet the internet is awash with reports,
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claiming sarah tone and deficiency causes depression. even though studies have failed to prove the hypothesis. no one actually knows what goes on in the brain, june depression, and how anti depressants influenced the psyche. but science rejected the 3rd tone and hypothesis long ago. feel it absent are. many doctors will say they don't know if it's true. that's best because they have their doubts. life is, would you notice that there are loads to completely reject this simple explanation of dependency? we can yeah. find these i can actually have on fox the i to open in time for germany is the sight of a bi annual convention of the german depression age foundation. people with depression and their relatives can come here for advice and talk to others about the professor ortega as
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a psychiatrist and chairman of the foundation, it's financed by donations and public funds. he got his turn to the media to increase public awareness of depression. the most, i repeat visitors at the convention, which includes everything from musical entertainment to yoga tense and personal towns. the central piece is a series of seminars focusing on depression. it's causes and how to treated correctly. thanks on came for. no. did you ask the general public $95.00 per samples say,
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depression is a result of personal tragedy over work relationship issues, the discounts? that's what people believe this is of who's gone and that's not quite wrong. but the significance is massively overestimated them on the bit because you only see depression as a result of difficult life circumstances. some people tend to reject medication at the same time is blaming wrong decisions and try to in it's not that back on the i me to come in to, to name and people obviously aren't willing to try medication if they think their relationship is to blame. and to, to it's only when they understand, but it also has links to the brain that they understand things better to see that and less than it's a relief for many to realize that they're just unlucky. they're predisposed to this really stupid illness. and now they have to try and make the best of it, like others living with for example, diabetes often was paid the campaign for years to increase the use of anti depressants. let's
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just talk about the people are usually skeptical because i often find an exaggerated skepticism towards anti depressants, so i don't see a risk of them being taken widely at an increase rate or frequency service. i think the biggest problem is that many people wait too long before they decide to try the problem. i know many people who say that was the point that their life change was eva conflicted on song of these and type of thing. my leave on the slide is helpful for the patient that i've met so many people who missed out on thriving because they rise garron because they were told antidepressants aren't any better than a placebo or that they will become addicted. people are told all kinds of things and are scared much more than necessary, as new to guest. many attendees have personal experience with antidepressants. just give it to the search engine, did i admit antidepressants helped me then when i was really bad either. but i
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suffered a lot of side effects and pretense was the most unpleasant side effects of the names and the invoking. and my emotions felt dulled and i couldn't cry. and i didn't feel like me any more smooth distribution on the spanish. in naples, the side effects were very strong on the side and it took a very, very long time for the actual benefit. if it took a lot of patients that month to month lease, i would good. would you take any depresses again name? yeah, yes. i think i would sure fish a but perhaps with better supervision and may be a bit more well, i was lacking advice. really see the best means you might think here you're pushed too much towards drugs. truth, maybe i'd like to hear more about subjects like spirituality, meditation, and all those other things outside the mainstream, those 2 months it can be dismiss one business male to my thought. they were pretty
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weak here this morning if i was on it.


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