tv Focus on Europe Deutsche Welle November 2, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm CET
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the world in progress as tough calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. the 2nd son of about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w cuts cost the hello and welcome to focus on europe. it's wonderful to have you with us. they have hardly any rights and are practically excluded from society for women and have gone to sun. life has become increasingly difficult since with autobahn took back over the country in 2021. many are trying to escape. zora is one of those will already managed together with the entire music school. she fled into exile and now lives in
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northern fall to good in the city of braga. she continues to make music from that. something that is absolutely forbidden. in her native country. the 16 when i scan to stan, played by an orchestra whose members were driven from their homeland. the young musicians are seeking a future in europe. the breakfast time in braga and northern portugal cousins or and for rita had been living here with their uncle since the site up down to stand and 2021. for the 14 year olds, it's important to stand up to the taliban spin on music. even from here in far away, portable thing i think is a lot of crime. it's like i think language and the feeling they tell them things with music. i think it's very important to play music. i would that one person that
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who's very lucky that others go, that they've got a so i and i can be the voice of a gun gills. despite their freedom in portugal, they both miss whom, on the way to rehearsal, they sing a song in their native language, presto, and the music steam. other students are tuning up. it's a major rehearsal for their upcoming european concert tour. portuguese conductor. tell them what are the sofa is impressed by his students. let's go to bar 63. specific that is sorted, audited all the daughter. oh, okay. the rails for the flight to go to music school in the country. and so it's very different for us here . so i'm learning from them to respect music more for them. it's a true at the freedom how liberal whereas we take music for granted himself. the
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director of the music school was on holiday in australia. when the taliban seized power from there, he arranged for his students to flee to portugal. there was no future for the school under the taliban regime is what i'm asking for money by the me that this is why did the banding music? i said there's nothing against music any so it's fee of the music can send very important messages to fall, fuck, quoted out of 5 dentist and music and a cease the people of afghanistan with a nation that uprising against the thought about the weight of the public music with their own seen. yes. which prize bombing we as tele, been representative to comment on this. but our interview requests, when i'm in search after the rehearsal 0 shows us pictures of the dentist in oh, this is the the place was born myspace. no, me ever my family. and sometimes i cries at
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night. no one knows. no. i don't like life to access my code. he said, yes. that's a lot for a 14 year old shoulder, a little later 0. his mother calls. she's still in the ask and capital kabul, hello. 7 hello. hello ma'am. how are you today? good. how are you? there was mother speaks of daily life in afghanistan. we're now even 5 year old girls are ordered to cover themselves completely. and we were afraid that everything's going to get even street. was
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no sign due to still making music then we'll have to leave the country quickly. zoo and for read it vividly remembered the day they slid down to stand their uncle to him, that all and his cellphone the all the other music students. last for the last ones, we were a big effect in the past. i only had some videos of our the choir ended tv shows. yes, it is. with the help of the portuguese government school director. awesome. that's a must, is planning to bring the students families to bronco in the coming weeks. that's $300.00 people, a big project around the $150.00 women for the safety. the women
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who knows everything the enough, get this done by any uniting them with the children here. we also add them to get the ending back. the orchestra has performed and been using several european countries, such as here at the prestigious victoria hall in geneva, switzerland, the black one, set. the test is a practice that come with zation from out of the country, which is the force in that science. it's also about this celebration of the victory of the asking people that this dates would be good and that's the message you can hear in their music. the to this is what the see but looks like off the bloss wishing the method use of explosives to kill or stun fish, but it tends to feel all living creatures within range no matter whether they have
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suitable for human consumption or not. which is why bloss fishing is illegal in european countries, but it's still being used along the coast of montenegro, alexander, vocal, which routinely heads out from the bulk of woodward on his boat to catch fishermen using it. but that's no easy feat since the fisherman avelo organize. and bloss fishing is a new creative business. a dive the films this explosion of the coast, montenegro stations with using dynamite again. and this is the results. the explosives is produced under warranty shop waves, not kill fish on see titles then tom that ecosystem type is a horrified, lost fishing puts their lives endangered to a stop throwing dynamite. you'll kill me. you feel the
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alexander brokovich has declared war on dynamite fishes. with his association stone and legal fishing, he gathers videos and evidence which he shares with the police. and he goes on regular patrols himself from the port of food that will stay the night at certain times of the year. illegal blast fishing wraps up when larger schools of amber jack and other fish come close to the shore. that's ideal for the dynamite fishers and when they can make the most profit just saying that they might, and i, which was alex found and his team organized. while alexander keeps watch the possible dynamite fishes that see his team members track illegal fishes activities online. and they coordinate, they work via cell phone, but it's no easy fee. okay i, they okay, go ahead and check if there are any, both the advice that goes on it and you only soon as unfortunately,
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the dynamite officials are well organized to have people pay to inform them when the car is approved with unfamiliar license plates. when the person seems suspicious and then they disappear, they will call in and says michel, danger on the number of dynamite positions active along the coast of montenegro. a local news outlets reported the to speak times about 50 kilos of explosives on use daily for the practice. alexander and his team post the findings on social media. if alexander reales in any of the illegal fishes that can face up to 3 years in prison months or keep going, keep going on to the new office mean those home town and it didn't make fishing village. this is a 2 year old says in his family that will always explosives on hand because his grandfather use them to fish. mean the remembers going out with him.
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as a young boy 20 years ago, a go out to catch squared with my grandfather. he always had time to mind with him . and when he saw a big school of fish throw in the bottom of the rocks, i'll show you where me lo says he wants nothing to do with this family tradition. still, he can remember what happened when his grandfather designated the explosive. a lot of simple explore. the dynamite designates near the surface and makes a big bang for the simple balloons of the fish explode the fishing plates and focus to the surface water on it for also most cannot know. so the really big fish sink down really cool. well jermel the what's the key right about that? so we would bring in between $50.15 kilos. that's a loss with fish selling. i talked to 20 your i was picking the graham. it's good money for the fishes.
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alexander brings the issue to politicians, to the ministry of agriculture. he meets the hedge of the fisheries department, but to on says on the bank, i'm useful thoughts this way that have been no longer drafting a new lawn, sea fishing and criminal regulations are our priorities. they have to be stricter and to the perpetrator. they have to be punished appropriately. and you know, it's a motor, midday costs and now they bought them, not the problem is that even though fishing with explosives is punishable by know, the entre convictions. alexander says police on that getting the resources to enforce the little the moment this country says enough to blast fisher's the whole problem will be solved within a month. but that doesn't seem likely for now, until changes are made. the dynamite fishes in this vacation paradise will probably continue, as will the destruction of the under warranty because systems climate change has
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made some of in your porta and dryer, including in the pool hot on mountains and southern spain. farmers who are having to apply all of the know how to keep the fees it a gated and for people like faculty it is, there's no how is wisdom that they have all the way back to the engine was been rated spain or 1300 years ago. and constructed irrigation canals and the reason i'm these remain highly beneficial for many follows to this day. i that awful perez is 95 years old, but he still lands a hand when he's needed. the hardly anyone in his village knows the old irrigation system as well. as he does the middle of it, go see the water and the canals was always the greatest thing for me to return to their fields with it. we lived from those canals and the,
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the, in the 8th century, the more is built a complex network of canals in the mountains of the awful hot, our region in southern spain. even today, the irrigation ditches are still used taco and his son antonio use the system to water, their pepper crops. so they're benefiting from the moorish legacy. now they had only got a system they left as something very important and the, even though the romans built irrigation canals model, if the higher it's perfect and they're not but many of the distance hasn't been used for years. that's why they're restoring them in cooperation with archaeologist, jose muddy and martine santos, he says the benefits go far beyond farming. not i get pretty kind of like a well, it's kind of like this one here are very important to the environment. now the
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thing creates life from being thought of some of the water seats in the end appears further down below. and then i walk about how about i thought the guessing seems that way the system contribute to greater bio diversity hemma different when i that i'm the rest of the network of canals prevents the water from draining to quickly water. that's becoming increasingly scarce. taco says there's no denying climate change anymore. yeah, yeah. who do i have it hasn't snowed in my village for 18 years. you know, 12 ever before. we always have to sweep the snow off of the flat roofs and onto the street. good luck, i sometimes we'd have snow for 15 days, 20 days a month for those days are over. reservoir show the notorious water scarcity. and yet spain is farming more and more tropical fruits, like mangoes and all the condos which need lots of water. as a result,
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farmers rely increasingly on automated systems that deliver water to individual plans dropped by drop the agricultural engineer, eduardo maldonado, says the old canals are obsolete because water seeps out in evaporates as it's transported at the river. i'm not going to go to put on the trip irrigation. what is the future? i feel and see what i have available. it's much more efficient and can be implemented on, you know, types of farms for saving the, that of the implant. i feeling to get people that go to deal with something tennessee will go with the houses to save between 40 and 60 percent of water and stuff for some type of input across the way. i was also an antonio warrant and pressed the continue to water. deerfield with what comes from the moorish irrigation canals, but they recognize that it's not profitable for big farming operations. although most of these days, a lot of one person has to do many jobs, all the ones who but that's the real reason why they're switching to automated drip irrigation because it's not because it's better know because hello my new book or
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somehow ocoee ologist view, the moorish irrigation ditches as being more contemporary than ever. and that's why they're trying to learn from the seniors and the villages of apple. honda. in general, the more redone the knowledge has been forgotten or st. and then what if we look at deficiency from several points of view and also environmental benefit, then the system is much more effective and also more tomorrow, especially against the backdrop of climate change today, technical julian deanna come fix, so they come to the magical cell phone and palace that there are fewer and fewer traditional farmers using the old canals. that makes it more difficult to keep them more so legacy alive as well. the season for the bill was young. people these days don't know anything about. it's rather not going to day old people stepped back and sent the young ahead. labor warrants loss. today. i'm still
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coming to work in these canals. got the age of 95. the but that's young compared to the more than 1000 year old moorish irrigation canals . so for pasco and others like him giving up is out of the question to so many jo, spending industrial, manually friendly neighbors for russians. the open borders provided a gateway to the west and fulfilment. the massive russian naval meant a substantial market right next door. but things have changed significantly, including in loveland drunk, the underwater, the water ukraine has completely shifted finland's political climate. and now finish politicians say russia is not the neighbor. they wants to good for captain yadi human line and would likely agree. he has known the board of reason for nearly 50 years and has never before witnessed such
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a crisis. like a spacecraft in the galactic dense, the coming up lies its cost on lake saima and the pay run to in finland. the excursion boat is cruising through the fabulous landscape of south korea. the russian border is just a few kilometers away. hampton. yeah, right, him a line and started out as a cabin boy when he was 15, but he's never seen this lump in tourism. like the one that's sent in since glad to mid to 10 attacked to crane the you can already tell the russians are here, since we're close to the border that all the russians mean they came to go shopping around town. you would hear lots of rest and speakers. not anymore. we used to have maybe 2000 russian passengers these days, so it's a few 100 at best to go. it's dropped significantly. which don't come at all anymore. the most of
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the russian vacation is on to loudon. russians who have businesses in finland can still enter the country despite the war a few years ago. and dynamics on different must go, we're fulfilling mentoring. they bought land here that's built on the day rentals. they promoted the vacation spot on the fresh forest in which business is bad. so those came the pen demik, then the war. and they haven't been able to afford help for a long time. they have to do it all themselves. the dream and the finish forest seems jinxed. we're talking about the car. that's the. so the thing that we would not do the same process, maybe to do something to do phone calls into the credits. if there's some lights
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going to come out like some funny things, i know this stuff, but we definitely will try to move silence and see them maybe something different and cause them to, to, to, to call them. so kind of life. but i loved to say because this because of some like a weak points. now they're hoping to entice people to clean the heat in central europe for a coolest summer in the woods. the finland necessity is the mother of invention. you can see it here in the supermarket to write on the russian border. there are products here, especially for customers, from russia to one now barely able to travel. but the supermarket employees are the ones filling the costs, fulfilling online orders from russians across the board. and then it goes through checking after checking goes to the packing. and the fucking truck comes from, i guess, storing the new rochelle,
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nevada and collects the goods exchanging russian roubles into your rows, happens at a bank in austria. the new sanctions could see the practice. stop at any time. the store. oh no mohammed davi. she says there's already an 85 percent drop in revenue, and the doubts were actually within the wall sooner. nope. nope. nope. i hope so, but i don't think so because the situation is too much complicated and knowing the russian mentality because i live there, my wife is russian, it's is difficult that they will be i mean you so much of on the summit of that sort of uh,
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not being broke, in my opinion, they are, they accept to suffer, but they want to fax it to me that they lose rushes will say, writes the economy of lots of money. not only russian businesses are affecting the finished tourist industry and the pay run to is dependent on taurus from a broad russian visitors on there anymore. so now people like cafe own, i a hoping that the whole things in joining nato will bring in new customers. people have to be in the, the ask you questions that is it safe to come here and, and a sentiment in general. and of course, come come to the, the to can really an area because we're so close to border. so nato is a visa promise for the defense and it's
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much easier to convince people to come here. now. the coming in they to member was a big step to finland. it brings us security guarantee on the russian border at the time when many doors harrell closing their o 8 no associates going down the sewing machine down to the russian city of people on the baltic until rusher and they did ukraine. this was a busy walked away with great economic importance. now the look, people's monitors out well most of the light of ships the freight has long since found out of reach to the baltic. beside me, i can now that once linked russia and finland is becoming economically redundant, life at the new native border is changing rapidly. to if you go to novice carpeted all slow, you can see the was famous painting the scream by edward monk,
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a bees with millions and very rather protected nothing. it is obviously strictly forbidden on security. both of those done got to make sure no one does, but had to answer them new, get almost the opposite experience here, a copy of monks painting on numerous other art mazda pieces have been brought together in a single space. and in those gallery, you can get as close as you want to the artworks amsterdam offers a wealth of busy. so new comers really need to stand out. here you can experience 50 of the world's greatest most or pieces of the it's as copies touching is allowed . taking photos is encouraged. there's no queueing for a sophie with a mona. lisa control, entrepreneur clinton. evelyn charges 14 year old, 50 for admission. take $1.00 to $2.00 depths, cost saving $90.00 days. you'd have to travel 30000 kilometers around the globe to
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see all the originals use. and here they're all available in one buildings. climate friendly to the field is quite good to me, enterprising and complex free. that's it. is designed, rembrandt from the 3 d printer can see it. i'm not sure a little bit of the magic is missing, but you can touch it and try to match with a real one. you can also immerse yourself and mondays, walter lady pond. you could call it kitch or celebrate it as arch for everyone. this, this bill for either way here for every one of humans. many people are reluctant to visit a classical museum. we make it easier for them and everyone who has been here loves it. every day of his either in hills or just follow the copies are for sale, of course, and think of the savings compared to the originals. that is that
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the minute 35, a c name group from ox smashes in j as well. and triggering more of the former prime minister who is almost blamed. should the yahoo resign? yes. do you think you will come 60 to 90 minutes on dw, the how many pushes start out in the world right now the climate change. if any home story, this is much less the way from just one week. how much was going to really get we still have time to work on doing
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flux, this subscriber for moving it was like what do you see? it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for you know, race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goals to help smart nature, the more likes watching it on youtube dw documentary, actually we don't have a choice. i think that we have little time list to save the planet. so we have to do what we can as fast as possible. we only have one generation left just 25 years to implement the greatest revolution. since the tune of the
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industrial and replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy around the world. is this really possible documentary renewables revenue jobs november 25th on d w the . this is the w news and these are the top stories. the flags have lifts up the night sky over the gaza strip as israel's ground defensive continues. these ready army says its troops have been so called gauze a city and are preparing to enter the mos run garza health when this recess is ready as strikes of hills of a $9000.00 civilians since october 7th. hundreds more. foreign passport holders have left garza through the roof of crossing into.
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