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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 5, 2023 2:00am-2:16am CET

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launch now on youtube. the this is do you got your new life from balance, a deadly strike on a school in northern godsa, the u. n. says housings of displeased cousins was chest hurting inside the school buildings and the intense south side. also coming off the u. s. 3 states support for your monitoring for those and the fighting box business agreement with out of commission calling for steve filed secretary of state down to me, blink, and says that would only allow her most militants to be true. and housing
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joined pro palestinian valleys across europe. here in berlin, there was a heavy police presence to deter any anti semitic, or anti israel inside the i'm the massage s while welcome to the program. the united nation says the school it runs in northern garza has been hit by an asteroid. the loss control has ministry fest 15 people were killed in dozens, one dead according to the un agency housing the future use in the region, thousands of disputes, palestinians with sheltering. and the school with buildings is jasmine of trees, looking into what happened and will allow more people to evacuate to the south of casa, a sense of anger and despair. it is palpable in the aftermath of this round of his
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way to extracts that struck you and run school being used as a refugee shelter at your body. a northern gaza. i was standing 213 bowman's happened. i swear i carried the body then occurred to decapitated body with my own hands. the where should we go? they hit the shelters, people on the street or hit the walking dead since when does it become normal district shelters? this is not fair. you walk in the street to get hit while you're carrying a dead body to bury the head of some of the israel defense forces conducting what they called targeted incursions into southern gaza as well as pressing ahead in the north remodel house. about if we've had hard fights inside the guns, a strip we finished and completed the in circle meant to be sure i'm going to keep idea of forces are operating from south and north of kansas city and entered,
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populated areas to do so. seemingly with kansas city entirely surrounded is miles, military announced a 3 hour window in which people could leave along at about creation. with some of those who tried playing it was impossible to set up the road was damaged because of the bombings and stolen dead bodies on the street. the maybe they've been down the street for 2 or 3 days. so we turned it back at high speed because we felt like it was a trap of the middle. one of the israel claims to have killed several have mass commanders and say it is making significant progress is radio. socrates also still telling people to move south where they say it's safe. probably no less up in the bombing. many palestinians fail, that's new, it's safe to go. meanwhile,
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us extra upstate down near blinking. that's 3 state of support for humanitarian pauses in the fighting. bought to rebuffed cause for a full seas file saying that would only allow hamas to regroup. lincoln has been holding talks in jordan with adibly to us, hoping pressing for a complete stop to the fighting. a rare open display of disagreement. the trip to jordan has revealed the chasm between american support for israel and arrow countries outraged over the siege and bombardment of the gaza strip. the egyptian foreign minister urged us to secure a ceasefire to out of her. i emphasized the importance of achieving an immediate and comprehensive cease fire and god without any conditions or restrictions. do not have been outside. jordan warrant of escalating hate treads in the region. muslin permission to wish for other human values, dictate that we work for peace and we stop this, not this and we do not allow for
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a for the very dangerous the human eye zation that we see us secretary of state antony, blink and warrant the deceased car would only allow him us to recruit instead, backing smaller scale humanitarian pauses. we believe progress can be a critical mechanism for protecting civilians of getting aden. we're getting fined nationals out. i'll still unable to israel, which he subjected to defeat a moss. but israel has already rejected the idea of any ceasefire without the immediate release of all the hostages. far bloom and followed as the medalist time left on a female follower johns hopkins school of advanced international studies in washington . i was told from conflict and 2nd trip to the region in the space of a month has been any more successful. or, you know, i would just say that 90 percent of the policy is showing up. so he's here, he's invested skin in the game. he came primarily to deliver
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a message to the is rarely and to receive the message from their state, right? the message to the israel is what it's time for united carrying far as the method she was receiving it as your report showed from the r c's. but it was time proceeds by or so in that respect, maybe the messages you know, didn't align. but one way that i do think is very successful, not only showed up physically, but emotionally, there's passion and commitment is demonstrating on the part of the, by the administration. you know, when he, he blocked out of everything in israel, where he saw the videotape of some of the atrocities that were committed. he actually, he loves this at least on, and he actually signed before him to get space because he could see that he had taken his breath away. that was important for the israelis and the house to the inside of the arab site. you know, we talked about how hard it was for him to watch the images that we all just saw on your report. suffering children. yeah, she said when i see confirmation suffering,
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i see my own children. in other words, it's a strong identification of both parties and i think, you know, the timing of this, he's not there necessarily to get results. he's there, you know, like i said, to deliver a message, i would say the warning stays, not the consequences phase. i think there are small victory, though, along the way. he did assure that the region, the region that is not about displacing the guy, the talk to me is, will not be displaced permanently from their homes. because this is a real fear in the, our region that we're looking at another like happened as they call it in 1948, we're costing me permanently lost their place. so that's an interesting point you raised about him showing diplomatic as well as in most of the presidents. but he's also facing accusations like the one me by jordan israel, according to georgia and is committing wall crimes and gaza. how does he still go forward with mediating in a situation like that? well, i think what he's trying to do is at the side where we agree and you can hear him
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say, here's where we agree. okay, we, we read that we need it to match or in cause we need to talk to these rather than he did about limiting or, or completely abolishing the attack by sellers in the west bank. we all agree on minimizing the regional and minimizing the cost of suggesting to become a regional more. i was talking about sustainable piece. i mean, this is the 1st time you know, the last several weeks right here, the buy in ministration, talking about a 2 state solution again and again, i think by emphasizing the commonalities, yes, they don't agree that right now is time proceeds far. but the way he framed it was by quoting one of the leaders who said, just the other day, we plan on watching october 7 again and again and again. so i think by using his own language, i guess, you know, to defend the idea of not calling for the ceasefire. now was his way of trying to me, you know, the are stage or key partners right for,
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for any final piece of resolution. unfortunately, the change rather than costing to keep them on more. so i think that that's the strategy will be our speech, our boy playing and, and they are yours, have their own domestic conditions used to work with. right. and you know, the others are dying and god, this is, this is their models and arrows. and this is a situation where, you know, below a sticker. then if you're talking about regional economic prosperity, that mean following up here is at least for now. okay, thanks. so much for that in and out of for some of the lease tablets load up open filed thank you. you know, actor was so stage strategies across europe demanding a ceasefire. and guys though in the u. k. houses came to london, surprise us, crash the bond to stop to the fighting. it was the 4th street. we can drive you cents a month, plus tax and started on october 7th. lots crowds also mosse to fat. us to show this or the data to you with the people of god them, children, berlin,
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thousands to thoughts and have demonstration on district police supervision. statements being assigned us emetics, anti is red or glorifying. violence will bend. a tedious bill is a free speech demonstration for palestinians, but it turned out to be one of the biggest pro palestinian weddings in germany. since the october 7th terror attacks. thousands turned out to defend free speech and protest against the bombardment of gaza. no one deserves to suffer like that. no country deserves to be destroyed. some blamed israel without mentioning, come us, who's the occupying power. it's it, isn't it? who's, who's had a, a cj on the gaza strip. cease 2006. how those took
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a more balanced view the how much you had? yeah. how mazda attacked israel 1st, but this does not give is real, the right to bomb the entire, gotta stress. got it, some of the sort of ideas. the guns of it was the whole world is probably in most and they have not found a solution for the palestinians, kind of the palestinians living dining area and they have nothing and cannot live like ordinary people mentioned in previous pro palestinian ready some gym and you have seen anti semitic trends and, and the environment pleasures at this time there was a heavy police presence to discourage any defend, while some part of the demonstrations have been banned over the last week. this demonstration via behind me was allowed bible in state officials. but under a very clear conditions, no anti semitic shots, and now inside is really statements such as 9 israel, dr. texas with big it's internationally recognized for days. they have some they
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haven't been fun individual cases where these complicates has not been met. but police officials told us that the back estimates always did stick to those foundations and that it was mainly a peaceful demonstration. the wonderful you got football now and one of the biggest game syndrome and foot board, the costco. once again, buy a new and it came out on top against floor will show adult wound in a one sided match, the barbarians. 110th of the last 12 fixtures against that are of literacy . adult men versus bon. unique is never a game you once a nice, even national team coach julian novels man couldn't stay away from this one. the winter of this particular class. the cool within the weekend and 2nd place behind leave is late of twos in the states was set. and it took by and just full of
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minutes to take the lead, lead wise on these cooling, of funding dial opium, a condo in the box, the frenchman noting home to school his 1st go the season during wake up. cool. don't mind. know that they heated it just full of minutes. slate to is on a square, the hurricane to swap home with the fact post by and to neil up the some to his touch. some is on a go. the move started before the germany, when a cool it's up to provide the kill a boat across the books. it wasn't until the 2nd half the dope and fashion they genuine scolding jones. marco roys is shot, had plenty of power, but it takes more than that to beat ma'am? well, no, yeah. and don't when the punished again soon off, the hiring came with the simplest, finishes to make it 3 meal. by an out of sight, by the 72nd minutes. but there was still time for one more cane making it full. now when he stood,
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boone is that you have to make a good campaign. that's now 15 goals and just 10 matches by and the button is league is rick with signing. proving his wes when it matches most full until the final school. a dillman to victory full the visits his by and move to points behind late accuse. and while don't man's title hopes take a devastating blow. now there is still one team challenging buyer and for the tyson . however, because in one the 9th game of the season and a 5 full trailer against hoffman high, the match features some incredible end to end action as both sides traded eye catching strikes. including this effort from huffman hines on punch stock bought, the mass was decided in the 70 at the minute. when alex prue, my last called his 2nd go to the 3 to when keith clever cruising top of the table,
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2 points ahead of by and and with that you're up to date. but do sticker on for the portal, which takes a look at the beautiful project, cordless microns hoping to settle in so many places. that's up next. don't forget this morning was one of our part dot com and to follow us on social media. i speed up your new number such as well. thank you so much for being with us. the cartridge category issues or thoughts save the image. so many portions of lots of turn out in the world climate change the story.


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