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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  November 8, 2023 2:15pm-2:31pm CET

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as together and we expect a discussion to focus exactly on this. how can these communities come together to overcome the tensions and be able to live peacefully and german fact that julia correspondent julia did show up today to go out. first, we'll have more world news of the top of the, the, enjoying the views, and come to take a look at this. out to the highlights. every week inbox, subscribe. now, the one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within re what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for in
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a race against time. they are peers and rivals, which is one daring goals to help smart nature. the more likes watching it on youtube dw documentary, the facing is definitely news aisha coming up today, talking about the issues of position and government face off position values to send into violent fashion with police, followed by mazda arrests. the opposition claims the government is targeting your for, for this oldest being for the country, 2 months before the general election, the find finish manager, welcome to dw was
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a chart that you could join us 2 months ahead of genuine elections bung. this is seeing a wave of protests from the opposition and a subsequent come on to practice. and nearly 8000 members of the opposition are in prison, of divine and classes with police in the past few weeks. the opposition, james, that can be no free and fair elections under prime minister shakes. i see. not of the a while. i mean need and it's also claims to have been deliberately targeted under her rule 51 year old. that was then begins most states. but there was it to his lawyer, the public as well, good of bungler, this mean a petition group, the bangladesh national spot, the or b and b, is facing multiple court cases. cases he claims are politically more debated. he has already been in prison 3 times during the last decade, according to him on trumped up charges. after discussing his options to prevent
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going to change the 4th time he hits to the talk. i'm a district court here that and many other political activists are made to appear before the judge, dean that the b and b worker fee have taken over their lights, leaving them no time for political campaigning or to you went on livelihoods. the shops that seems like it's have been ported out, have to be in court at least 3 to 4 times a week after i leave my home at 7 in the morning and it takes me 3 hours, navigating cuz traffic to get to the court. and after running around to the different courts all day, i'm done at about 6 pm. and by the time i get back home, it is nearly 9 pm. this leaves me with no time to make a living or spend time with my family. and this happens to me 3 to 4 times every week. what am i supposed to do in such a situation?
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the b and b accuse this, that reading of on me league of being behind the many thousands of court cases against the members. put it because fight the b and b c's is now being played out in the country. sports as the election draws closer, b and b campaign workers got the word strategy meetings the b and b's type thing to bike. what the word, unless changes are meet historically and a chance for hate under the neutral care ticket administration. back in 2011 parliament under the leading of i'm really amended as all, perhaps neither side is willing to compromise. but if that's the case, then the situation is likely to grow more tense and perhaps more violent in the end . it's the choice of the done, but as she's whether a caretaker government is needed or not. but the elections proceed under the current election commission. then the government clearly has more work to do to convince skeptics that the election commission will operate in a non partisan that. but the of army leg fee elections under its government will be
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fee and fear. it also saves the court cases are not politically moderated. and got the accused of the b and b of but it because violence and human rights violations. as thank you vision, slide many and bind, let these believe the future of democracy in the country of 170000000 people could be at stake earlier. i spoke to notify the editor of the new age a newspaper. i began by asking him if processed by the opposition b and p, we're putting the government under pressure. oh well, this is not just the b and b, b, b and b being the major part in that position. but allow, it's been 3 that are most of the opposition bought. these have really drawn development in demand of everything to pay. i mean, most of elections and they are at the same time demanding
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a resignation of their problem is to ship because they believe that and they all thought of darion about what did you get. sleep cannot have feedback and input reactions. so this not just being maybe either or less things done phase stand by doing factors. samsung them is that putting a lot of pressure on the government department to start to see now what it doesn't seem that the government is feeling depression. but as we see it, in fact, there are 2 kinds of oppression that the government is under. one is the united opposition boxes, all the depths of having this most legs, separate, separate backgrounds. but on the other hand, there are some you, joshua bishop, i was, i was just reasonable, but to be the wisdom embassies of
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a assembly after due to blood pressure on the government to have any boss vision with the education obligation. but it was actually a finding or delays of funding it will elections in the weeks about is that the kind of pressure that is going to work on the government, forcing the government to negotiate and the opposition as you put it well. and the government says very uh, government and they have their own bodies as well as a different sense of the really but you have this raising education. was that different? uh by so basically almost every day with sticks and stone. was it that was what on the other, the obligation which has now been a now been enforcing a broadband across the country is also continuously being ups up. so
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it's still to be seen engaged with that. whether the government really feels the pressure as well. that'd be government really listening to the popular opinion and changes position. i'm the one i live at the even the joshua forces they're living with it active leisurely. each game has them changed the 2nd most the police have with us to nearly 8000 members of the opposition. how does the government justify this? and is this even legal? what uh, thousands of religious allegories have been added to sofa. the reason 7 phone allegations of started a job set as the what the government is telling feet or what do you say as a bunch of just a vacation that be a as of evening on roughly and the out of some cases, the absence on the other half they think of what you should, 5 cheese,
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a baby that this is somebody with just kind of saying the government agent's antibiotic damage that engaged in actually you know, order to uh, in order to get the dangers. apologies by mister jake. has he not has seen impressive economic growth on the uh how lead to shape uh, does she have a significant amount of support among people? well, you know, the definition of being done on a bill of dish or was a washer paid. as we see the structure speed which stopped us had been erected a, some semester investor actually develop and tests taken blush, but there's a lot of inequality. so income diamond sector. what does it have been taking them to the street?
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they are in the move land for the 2 or 3 weeks demanding. that means a lot of waste that has not been resolved so far. this a stop shop for you to be on the bottom of the stuff of agent. actually $0.03 that we can uh, basically see general elections that have been shuffled for january. do you think uh, based on your long as in a bundle dish that they will be free and fair as well. we had a 2 elections in 20142018. the 1st one was why, but it by all the major point to go buy boxes and deposition down. and the government was governmental guys. $1156.00 out of a 3. i'm good. strong following with the and you can leave a neighbor without any type of contracts. so,
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but feed them up from the government can continue to be 2018 in 2018. that was in 5 years uh, trusted the government because government, they claim that they found that would be very reactions by doubles and bodies that prostitute a of observers that goes to washington, seen that there was highly legal action, but it doesn't aging to even the voters button, but the next the following bulls. and before the action that was that all the stuff that might show the pleasure of everybody that you know that we cannot have any testing is done when the children us. so they believe also that the government designed for them that if there isn't gmp and reactions that'd be, that would be in the end that i need is really when the bombs and the uh, the style reluctant, i must say, did you mean not to take part in the elections,
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evenings with government drives to the facts of the actions that brother had it in 2018 in 2014. we have business to read the she has been foundations on out on the election day on days leading to the have some dates where you live at the time being. thanks so much for joining us today. unless no company, if think stuff to south korea says john young as providing must go with a tiller. drones to help with. it's bought a new crane. the information originating from south korea, spike agency, talk of mutual cooperation. but the most quan chung young was farther afield in september of to north korean leader kim john wooten met vladimir, put him in russia. the north korea has sent russia missiles, rocket launchers, mortars and amo, according to south korean intelligence over beyond young steps up its ballistic missile program. north korea remains a potent threat for the west. the g 7 group of rich democracies expressed its
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concern at the growing closeness between p on young and moscow. what's going on? we also discussed the dpr case, provocative actions, initial launches, and dangerous dpr. k. rush at military cooperation were deeply concerned about what rushes providing, showing you in return for the weapons and munitions that it's getting from john young. russia is suffering to please at stocks of munitions and it's war with ukraine. and the transfer as could boost rushes for fighting capabilities. set korea's top spy agency, believes the north has transferred over a 1000000 artillery shells to russia. since already august the national intelligence surface estimates north korea as likely send over a 1000000 artillery rounds. and this is enough to boost rushes more fighting capability for over 2 months. the title is, are published. lincoln's next stop is side korea,
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washington. and so believe the north is trying to secure a strategic military capabilities in return for support for it spice satellite program. and that does it for today, it is most orders from the region on our website, the dot com, forward slash a share with back again at the same time tomorrow, we'll see you then to by the june of pursuit, i'm going to set them up on this move to live bands due to some of them in the system so that no salt protection without cutting down local mangrove for us. a big change for us on the national park and the people of the people is at the c panel, the co op next on dw, the
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words people have to say, that's why we listen. because every weekend on d w, the or did you want the recent e. c, a pin. 12 of the seas once find as you nice. they can time zone on line. once that basically means is on a lot, can be a cheat. when individuals walk together for homework, go on today will present a few examples of that. i am sandra 3, nobody out welcome.


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