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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  November 10, 2023 4:45pm-5:01pm CET

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for the german government is stepping in to reduce energy prices for the countries factories. germany's crucial industrial sector prices being rented uncompetitive by storing electricity costs resulting from the war and ukraine. of shots is government is extending a program of tax breaks and compensation for the most energy intensive businesses. however, new money will need to be found if the support is to last any longer than a couple of more years. but to understand the impact of the general governments tactics here, let's speak to karen pittsville, director of the 1st center for energy, climate and resources. thanks a lot for being with us. just tell us exactly how significant a helping hand this actually is for jim and industry basically doesn't change very much to the situation beforehand, but it changes a lot in the sense that some of the reservation that now basically prolonged would have run out pretty soon. and so the a that the companies actually receive,
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they will get in the future as well. so that is a relief. but it's of course not the same type of guaranteed subsidized price that the industry electricity price was promising. one of the key items here is to stop german industry becoming uncompetitive and failure to produce this to so think, well maybe we should be moving somewhere else. is this going to be enough to solve that happening? as i think we will not be able to stop the structural change from happening in any case. so that is one of the fundamentals that we have to deal with. the transformation of the energy system will have effect on prices and that will have effects. and on determine industry, and that will not be stopped with, for example, the industry bridge price as it was announced previously. so i think that is something that will happen and that's the question. how can we help industry best this industry that actually has a chance to state in germany in the long term?
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this looks like it's going to be the case of these measures 420242025 probably. but how long can the general government sustain this kind of financial intervention? i mean, the measures that they have announced now that basically ongoing on for longer than planned originally, i suppose to last for 5 years, at least the support for the power intensive industry. and then the relief of the poet tax, electricity tax that is so far, only scheduled for 2 years. so there is basically an horizon on the financial burden to the state. okay, capital from the if i sent to the energy climate and his office thanks a lot for making sense of that for us. thank you. now let's take a look at some of the other global business stories that and making the news. u. k . economy stagnated, in the 3rd quarter is high interest rates bit, the figure was slightly better than expected, as many,
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unless had anticipated the economy would shrink. the bank of england is raised interest rates voting times in a row to combat the inflation rate sykes. however hom, economic growth as they make it more expensive for businesses to borrow money and bangladesh. as government has again rejected an increase in the minimum wage for government workers on choose the government appointed tunnel, raised wages by more than 50 percent to a $160.00 or as per month. protesting common work is however, continued to demand more than $200.00 a month. so far, the purchase of the 3 work is dead and more than 70 factories. abandoned techies, parliament has this week removed coca cola and next slide products from his restaurants over this. suppose it supports the israel and that the conflicting gaza parliamentary source set. the decision was meant to respond to huge public outcry against the companies for supporting his route and didn't specify how. okay, to go to an s like support of israel florida take his activists have in recent days,
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past the public to boycott, various wisdom companies they do is endorsing israel's recent ex. well, that's good morning, this from my correspondence and it's done boy, yearly hon. yeah. and what have you been hearing about? exactly why these boy costs happening and how far they're likely to spread? please uh, boy cards campaigns, rob, i think, reflects on crows and trucks present ad one's growing anger towards israel and so west for us, especially. and at the same time, they are a reflection and the reaction to anti is really sentiment among the population. here in talkie anger over is there any bombardment of gaza and the rising desk pool among palestinian civilians. we have seen a call for bar codes, offering friends by local municipalities and universities in recent days, across stocky and when you walk the streets of some is simple neighborhoods. you
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see protest stickers or posters calling on people to stop buying from starbucks. for example, mcdonalds and pro government media here in talk you a publishing long list of allegedly pro is where any companies and products from coca cola and nestle to the medics producer lay eyes. or the sporting a manufacturer, a sporting goods manufacturer, or the task, or the south korean call manufacturer assume di, but in most cases it remains absolutely unclear what these brands and companies are supposed to have to do with the ease or l m. us war. it's not being explained at all, it leads to a loss of confusion over product origins. and many of these companies, as far as i can see, have not responded to these accusations, spots that seem to method less than perception. and many people i spoke to here in is symbol told me they support such bar called companions. let's listen to jesus.
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we can make our voices heard. was these play cards, football? otherwise nothing will happen. no one will hear us jones. i'm a shopkeeper and i don't want to sell certain products right now. to simulate it started, i try not to buy each riley products anymore, at least the ones i know. i shop more carefully. no. 3 months or yeah, i don't think it's rational to boy club, coca cola or starbucks. they have nothing to do with the war vs just no connection . you control you. i think people are over reacting, save, it should be searched personally, should look on your lots of different perspectives that but what are the potential economic impacts of you know, so many techs turning their backs on these brands, since they're going to be many political analysts and economists here in turkey actually say that such for cost campaigns make a little sense and may not have the intended to impact take coca cola,
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for example. it's an american multinational company, but the beverage is, are actually locally produced here in turkey. the beverages that are being sold here by thousands of truck is workers in more than 10 tucker's factories. so any boy called would actually home themselves and harm be already aiming package economy. so these boy called campaigns are considered to be symbolic, move intended for the population to somehow vince, their anger, president's ad one is very well aware of the anti is or 80 sentiments here, and oscar some initial hesitation after october 7th and her muscles atrocities he actually became one of the most vocal critics of israel's actions in gaza. he accuses the west of being complicit in what he calls massacres and will crimes talk . he has recalled it's ambassador from israel. howard one said he is coughing ties completely with his were a prime minister netanyahu,
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but still experts say that tuck in the end is unlikely to cut off its ties. trade relations, economic relations with israel completely, that is not going to happen at the same holds true for western companies, the us because of the role tacky, actually needs western investment to repair its crisis, written economy. okay. you, your hon and assemble for us. thank you very much. i no problem. so the world are still very much in need of ukrainian drain, but the countries farms still have supplies from the year before less harvest. sitting in storage. well, has meant that there's a backlog, that com be cleared on a totally optim ankle is always on the go. his land stretches of 1500 heck tours. and the odessa region has been a farmer for 30 years and thought he'd seen it all to call you the new york mobile phone during wartime, slightly experiencing now. no farmer can say, what will happen tomorrow?
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the problem is what this one, what does it keep with this is obviously that 2 weeks ago, he and his crew brought into corn, 3000 tons of it, except he's running out of space to store it on the food try to fix the problem is with just storing last year's harvest all this. this is 2 years worth of corn and what his life is. he brought me last year, ukraine wasn't able to explore even half of what was brought in from the countries field. then rush, i dropped out of the green export deal. meanwhile, and the $77000000.00 tons stood ready to be harvested. literacy. russia is using of rain as a weapon we can exported and this causes more problems. whatever little can be exported to ship out of the the new river ports the, the green is loaded into a river boats. meanwhile, the black sea, the main export hub, ukraine is trying to keep the green cory door open, but only 20 freighters have taken on the dangerous passage since august. the same.
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uh, it's so much more difficult than before the war which of course it is. but shipping volumes are gradually coming back since russia exit at the agreement. that the port infrastructure in its storage terminals under russian attack almost daily. every missile that hits strikes the main artery, a few trains economy. the country's grain is virtually needed on the world market. and it can be delivered, green prices and the country have dropped to the export risk of a mover and with exports down after the grand deal evaporated to income for the farmers this down as well as little as she 11. i don't know sick that will. now the united nations is offering health farmers like i'm not totally optim ankle are storing the green under these giant offerings. currently they're providing sun and rain cover for corn, wheat, and sunflower seeds. that's a decent solution for now, but it won't solve the big problem. is i want the world to know that
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ukraine's farmers won't give up without working skills for the will be one is they it so they are indeed cruise on our domingos field. so busy plowing, getting the store ready for next year's crump. reminder, the top business story that we're following for you, this our, the tenant government is stepping in to reduce energy prices for the countries factories ourselves as government is expanding a program of tax breaks and compensation for the most energy intensive. and so for me, in the business team here and by the head of the data we dot com slash business. so the data we and use youtube channel, you can also find us on facebook as well. we're on, there is data we don't business does that to my last one, if it is. so it's beneficial the
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5:00 pm
dw news line from the gods. his biggest hospital comes on to bump. baldwin, a muscle starts is blaine, is ryan and klein and strikes have not killed. mold and 11000 people also on the program, how russian state television is exposing the middle east conflict of propaganda accusing the west of war mongering. the i'm so go ahead. welcome to the program. we still.


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