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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 12, 2023 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w news. why from berlin? thousands of people trapped in gaza hospitals. i made heavy fighting between these really forces and home ons, doctors at several hospital se supplies have run out and aid workers are warning that patients and staff will die. being crippled facilities without a pause in the fighting and at a summit in saudi arabia,
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arab leaders call for an immediate and to israel's military operations in gaza and reject it to the justification of self defense. and a volcanic threat in iceland after a clutch of earthquakes, the country braces itself for a huge reduction as authorities declare a state of emergency and prepare to evacuate a town near the capital. recognize the welcome to viewers around the world. unlike local medics, a heavy fighting between is really forces and a mos has trapped patients and thousands of displaced people seeking refuge at a hospital in garza, the palestine red crescent society said their emergency crews at l. codes. hospital are facing blackouts and intensive showing in the vicinity the you ins, world health organization expressed alarm at the situation in el she for hospital
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medical staff dare say it has run out of water, food, and electricity. israel said it had clash with a mouse nearby, but not fired on the hospital. a document all montgomery is the regional director for the world health organization in wisconsin. he told dw what the situation is like at the chief of hospital. we are getting reports from our office there in hudson that they have not really money to do in order to get any communication for the last for depaula's was that teams, they had an issue policy thing. but according to the board, you know, they are stating the tax offset adults, but they've been doing this at home depot the hospital, which led, for example, the last the tac last night. you know, let him to the casualties and get some of those people to check on something that was to be done as well as making the ice. you were the one that bishop died or was
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under ventilator. and the service is really what options there because of the lack of the viewing, as well as because of the direct attacks you know, of some of the buildings do. there is no clean what's on the door on the services as well as moving the capacity. you know, the, i don't know, but i think or don't use the whole, but i think with north caesar and they are really facing a very bad situation. derrick hospital again, awkward montgomery regional director for the world health organization in wisconsin, speaking to dw earlier dw special corresponding to abraham is in jerusalem and joins us now. a, these really are me said it has agreed to evacuate babies from the l. she for hospital. what more can you tell us? that's what they've specifically told us. michael is that they will provide passage from a she for a more self words is within the gaza strip. they said that this is a,
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was at the request of the management staff at she for hospital. the id is, has provided a statement saying that it will enable the passage from treatment and in for it. and in fact, 2 other hospitals. they said that is really officials have spoken with the manager at asher for and have indeed provided us with a fork recording. that is the, that they say is the phone call between that is really official and the manager of schiffer. and in that phone call, the is really official says, you will not be bombarded from air. you weren't able to take that route to safety. that is, according to the phone call that they have provided the idea of has provided us. they've also provided a map of that route, what they have and provide us and provide us with what's very unclear is what, what are the logistics of such an evacuation when we're talking about premature babies, in that case, that actually need to be in incubators. what, what does it mean, or what does it logistically look like to evacuate?
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such a vulnerable and such venerable children in a very narrow, narrow, a small piece of land that has been under near constant bar boardman for over a month. now the other question that is out there as well, where are these patients suppose to go when we know that there's a general, as we have heard from the, from that w h o, guess a earlier, where, where should they go? they obviously need to be in another hospital that is well equipped to deal with a such a, a vulnerable patient, a group. but it does maintain that how much has a shift as it's a headquarters, that there are how much as militants and terrorists underneath the hospital. that's why it's so important for them to be able to evacuate civilians from there. but the doctors and the nurses who work at that should not say that that is not the case as we are keep saying again. and again,
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we are unable to verify these contra claims because we, as journalists, were not able to independently get into the gaza strip and see with our own eyes. and what exactly is happening there. a, we understand the situation is dire at other hospitals as well. what are you hearing? well the main issue, is there a lot of issues, but a major issue is the fuel situation of hospitals in the gaza strip on or no reliance on fuel to operate because there is no electricity. and so the fuel is needed for the generators. in addition to that, supplies are, are very, very scarce. and also these hospitals double as shelters for civilians and not just patients. they are asked capacity or even over capacity when it comes to the number of patients they can, they can, they can treat, but also people are going to hospitals supposedly because they are safer than other parts of the strip. so we can imagine that the situation there is very dire. we've
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heard from doctors that they're unable to very bodies. there's no electricity for, for, for a to, to keep the bodies at a, at a suitable temperature until they can be buried. that's all according to the doctors that we have been able to speak to and, but we've heard reports from in the past days say a back to you in a moment. first developments. so regarding these really hostages is really media or reporting progress in a deal to free some $240.00 captives believe to be held in gaza. it's been 5 weeks since they're abduction with little known of their fates. the want action across it's right. posing that protective to put the street from top to the warranty government to secure the quick feelings of hostages, effected by a mazda on october 7th. don't think any other country in the world would have got
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women and children babies, civilians, innocence, for being kept as hostages in gaza right now and for 35 days. not one person from the red cross has been allowed to visit with them. and let us know that they are okay and give us the sign of life from any of them. i cannot do much smaller demonstration, a group of his trying the activities of boy put an end to the award in gaza for the sawyer. i think the do right now beyond me that will say, so for me, they go for guys the next couple of this for the government, picking power indiscriminate killing of civilians
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and against the war and working force against that, do month for the sci fi has been going from citizens across the world, and also from boy lead us on friday, french president, a model or did background said there was no justification for the civilian casualties in casa and called on, is trying to stop it's bombing. and they asked to day was we so is a good time on bumping of civilians. some guys are gonna go down because the doors remarks have not gone down well, but this strategy prime minister benjamin netanyahu like a barrier regarding the french president my crone. i think he did good thing was, well, he came here. he sent a floating hospital. so it's good to him. but if you're asking me about mcluhan's remarks, he made a severe mistake. it was a factual mistake of showing up the by an immoral mistake with the, the old gosh. it is a mass. not israel,
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preventing the civilians evacuation mission more now. israel is telling them to leave him 0 effort to come off your site in a minute. let him, that's it. why it strikes me to ship this item and that it's not changing it strategy. there are many voices at home who believe a c fighting gaza. me has bring back the hostages. a abraham still with us, of course, from jerusalem. a, a on saturday there were protests, recross israel to call for the hostages release. what are they asking for the from the is really the government, or they're asking them to do whatever it takes to bring their loved ones back. michael, i mean we are entering now the 2nd month where they have no idea what is going on with their loved ones. i've been at some of these protests and i remember speaking to a woman who's nephew is 19 years old, has asthma and she has not heard from him and has no idea of what is going on with
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his health situations since he was taken by him. us on the october 7th, a terror attacks. so there's, you can imagine the psychological situation that the families are in, that they're saying to the government, whatever it takes. i've heard of people's telling me that any negotiation around a possible cease fire, or if possible, humanitarian pause has to be contingent with the hostages being released. i have also heard people say, our government should do more to try and, you know, strike a deal about a possible prisoner. it's the prisoner exchange or an exchange between the hostages and posting in a prisoners. so there is a but there's generally a feeling among the families of the hostages. but i've spoken to that. the government is simply not doing enough to bring their loved ones back. abraham and jerusalem, many things is always aired
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. leaders have called for an immediate and to is really military operations and gaza, rejecting israel's of justification of its actions as self defense. these womic arab summit hosted by saudi arabia as birds, the international criminal court to investigate war crimes. either choose israel of committing in the palestinian territories. leaders have called for an end to the siege of gaza and a hold to arms exports to israel. but the leaders didn't approve collective economic and political measures against israel. let's go to a joe, joe, coffee euro c o of golf state analytics, a washington dc based geo political risk consultancy george road, saudi arabia and israel were on a path to normalize relations before the mazda attacks. on october 7th, run reported leap funded and trained him off for those attacks. but they were, they were at the summit with their saudi counterparts in we are. what do you make
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of this? well, there were dozens of error and as long as the countries that took part in this summit, a study review yesterday, and there are huge divisions within the wireless nomic world when it comes to relationships. it is real relationships with us. some of those countries have norm lives, relationships, it is real, others aren't hospital terms with israel. also, some are very close us allies, others are hostile, were the us. but what we can say is that all these countries were unified in opposing israel's road. behavior. opposing is really war crimes and this reflects the fact that throughout there were countries in muslim countries, the palestinian issue is very important. and the leadership in all of these countries has to contend with public opinion. and they need to split statements and
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attend summit to reflect that they have positions which are in support of the palestinian cause. the closing statement from this react summit has condemned israel and called for a cease fire. what else did the leaders agree on as well? there were a number of points they made really calling for 2 state solution, demanding that are gaza. westgate not? the separated in this, a 2 state solution. calling for a few minutes here in a to come into guys, a lot of points like that they agreed upon. however, the leaders of the countries which attended this, somebody didn't react yesterday. we're not able to agree on concrete actions to take against israel. offer example of tyria advocate is that all the countries participating commit themselves to having no diplomatic relations. this is real and
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courses your viewers know. countries such as the u, a, b, among others, normal lives, diplomatic relations with israel and they were unwilling to commit to this separate of ties with tel aviv also, some countries that participated were advocating that they use their energy clout, their investment clouds, to put pressure on the united states to shift course, again, there were some countries there that were not one of them to sign up for that. again, some of those countries are very close to the united states, very dependent on the united states. they were unwilling to commit themselves to actions. these are the washington that could revive, created some attentions in their relationships with western powers. you assess, you political risk for a living, what's the risk of a broader regional escalation? well this is what many people are understandably,
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extremely concerned about right now. i think as israel's were on the gossip pro


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