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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  November 13, 2023 3:30am-4:00am CET

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the prices, categories are thoughts, they will crazy. the ever heard of power opposing. it's the idea that in a search it's cost you can make you more confident and willing to take risks. sorry, i said it's nonsense. but what is true is that a slump cost you can dump on you and that would lead to pain. especially in the box . it's more about how the mind is connected to the spine and what really helps with pain this week on, in good shape. the
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play stuck is adverse to brett, so a fish and of course, mammals like separate whales. we humans around the brits, but in some ways we're in like out you pollution re relatives. one difference is that when we wilks, it all stemmed. we use the spine to support top bodies vertically rather than horizontally. and that's not really what it was made for. the spine is made up of $24.00, individual vertebrae plus the se, crum, which is attached to a tiny tail vestigial one. it's called the cook 6 at 1st loans, individual budget breaks. look a little strange, but everything in an on one serves the purpose. the loan plunges act as an cuz for ligaments and muscles enhancing the strand. this gets the spine a huge range of motion. it can stretch bend till even twisted around it. so next
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this so everything runs as smoothly as possible. elastic individual disc made of connective tissue containing college and located between the vertebrae. but perhaps the most important feature is a whole 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter. when lined up in spine, the holes form the channel for the spinal cord sprouting from the brain stem and running downwards. it bron she's out between individual vertebrate and to the rest of the body. that and this transmit impulses telling the arms and legs to move, for example, or carrying sensory impulses like pain back to the brain. when horizontal, the body's weight is distributed evenly among the vertebrae. it's roughly the same system is used in bridge construction. but when we say to cool, stand the weight of the upper body presses down on the spine like a tower. the vertebrae in particular to cope with a great to load. fast post you. sudden movements or lifting heavy loads
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can damage the intervention pool disks. and even push them into the spine can now, this can put pressure on the notes of the spinal cord. quotes severe pain, but taking it easy, lying around or not moving much isn't good for the spine. either a common cause of back pain and neck tension is weak or under developed muscles. so it's important to train you back muscles that can relieve strain on the good to break into vegetable disks. looking up right, isn't a bad however, it pro evolutionary advantage is the biggest is that it freedom of hands and they've allowed us to do things that out of the brits of never dreamed of. the a bull is something many of us may not pick up much on like of cell phones,
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even though they cause us to hang our heads, which overlooks the neck muscles. instead of the usual 5 kilograms, the cervical spine is exposed to $22.00 kilos of 4. when the head has been to 45 degrees. and it was case scenario that can lead to what's cool takes neck just like lifting heavy weights or twisting to rapidly cause to slip this a problem that even the younger people sometimes have to cope with. finally, back on the road for years, lucas becca was unable to cycle the reason one herniated disc after another because lucas such severe pain that he was scarcely able to work to on farms was fast. i had only localized pain in my level back guns and for long some for log
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on and it all slowly shifted to my buttocks, my legs on the car and suddenly sitting became a problem for them sits. and the mobile, they just no longer worked really just mr. k paused, then when i started to need to take breaks and walking along additional insensitive of somebody in the end. and things got so bad that i could only sit the 15 minutes at a stretch of dots when it was clear to me that i wanted to surgery. when do slips, discs requires surgery. the inter vertebral desks are elastic shock absorbers that line between the bony vertebrae. they have a gelatinous enter layer surrounded by a fibrous outer layer. if that ring tiers for some reason, the jelly light interior can escape and squeeze nearby nerves. in some situations, a herniated disk can quickly turn into an emergency when the perfect solution, cuz when patients appear with legging process, meaning they can no longer active the lift their foot. for example. it's an urgent
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indication that surgery is necessary and should be performed within 20 to 48 hours of the upsize, the labels that pop from the symptoms of process. so there's also a relative indication for surgery and patients who have chronic pain is possessed, especially when it last longer than 6 to 8 weeks as well. at that point, surgical treatment should also be considered to apply to the top people who should like with lucas back on 4 months ago, he had an operation on his slipped inter vertebral disc is attending physician. so no other alternatives. temere, i images revealed that in addition to a herniated disk that had occurred years ago, lucas now had a 2nd one in a bad location. it was pinching his cyanotic nerve, which is why he felt such severe pain in his leg. what the surgery for a slipped desk involve, the link to material has to be removed in order to relieve the pressure on squeezed
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nerves around the spinal cord. the operation is not risk free. using a microscope, the surgeon has to be careful not to injure any delicate nerves. things appear to have gone well for lucas. since the surgery, he's been mostly pain free. and that includes when the doctor presses on the joint off this killing clicker to test a couple hard when is non invasive treatment enough? numerous studies have shown that a 90 percent of patients with slipped desks pain therapy and physical therapy. you can also take care of the problem. the damaged disk can regenerate in the 1st 3 months. the body resolves the herniation all on its own. you have 10 hm. and young patients, i'm discounting actions often have a launch fluid component. so in those cases, the chances are good the how many agents will decrease significantly in size simply
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by drawing out a little bit and figuratively speaking. briefcases was in patients with herniated discs, physiotherapy help stabilize the spine. that's why lucas back on now also has 3 sessions. a week was coming in a mood up and the physical therapist doesn't just focus on his back muscles. full my bunch of preventive menu to disk or to treat one after it has occurred. you should definitely train the beat, muscles running up and down the spine was glad to work. but these are also very important to, to strengthen your abdominal muscles. and also because they often we cause in the back muscles in the lower abdominal muscles. in particular, the training that to us by the 20 at the bad lucas becca also has to work hard on the leg that was effected with regular exercise, he hopes he'll be able to prevent slips disks from ever happening again.
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the. the people in pain often need distraction to relax while back problems are often caused by a lack of exercise. might there be a way of addressing both issues at once? a german research team is looking into the r physiotherapy out of the on the cell. yvonne has suffered from back pain for 2 years, and so far, nothing has helped. so she immediately volunteered to test a new treatment option. headset on, i'm driving. there were 2 avatars in the virtual world. one demonstrates exercises which atlanta imitates. a kind of radar device determines whether she's doing them correctly. one click touch on going visual feedback. so you can concentrate completely on the exercise can really work on it and how it's meant to be performed all the time. i can come to suspend it. if i were doing the exercise
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in the regular way, i wouldn't have this caused some feedback. i might get feedback from the physiotherapist from time to time, but i wouldn't have this chums to correct myself for the done the physiotherapist step on to that and, and shows the senses of working properly. and the instructions are accurate. in fact, therapy performing sequences of movements correctly, it's very important. as i'll see in front of it's definitely a way to look at a home as well, following the program of physical therapy that's already been device for you, but without the physical therapist presently suffice. task by this is assess pressure type. the idea is to disrupt patients from the pain using a playful environment to change how they perceive that and bodies this inspect the address to totally wrong. you need to keep moving to the but do it to measure the amounts within certain limits. don't do massive numbers of exercises today. if it
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stops you from doing, i need to. all right, so it's about staying active in this system makes that easier. is this team the study has been going on for 2 years? if the method prove successful, it will have an impact on the entire field of pain medicine. by a question quickly, smith, when it comes to chronic back pain. the problem is often that patients avoid movements to cause that scared of the pain that's triggered by them. often at least to a more general avoidance. so i can see that you can call me when dining programs like these be all up. so we've developed to can help people to reduce this in addition about performing a movement in time to alternately enjoy doing it to the 5th and just don't get it because it's fun to work with these apps. it's these on the north side. uh, piano sellers, i is now having fun with the new treatment method as well. and the study is even receive 250000 zeros in gemini government funding. the pushing
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yourself is one thing, but know your limits over 70 percent of people with back pain also complained about having too much stress. and just your brain is constantly on high alert. the muscles in your body will also tend so full of assigned to alleviate pain in the back. it will make sense to treat not just the bodies, but also the mind with behavioral therapy. for example, men in the looking whole used to run to catch the bus. despite hvac tank should get stressed out and increasingly tens. luckily all that's now in the past. after a lot of hard work on her part, i feel more confident, most stable. i'm not paying for yet, but i also know what's good for me now. physically as well as mentally a cup on this reason is it started with severe back pain over
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a year ago. for an m r i. she was diagnosed with the displaced the depressed adult to advise the top surgery a procedure involving spinal fusion. she was 47 that i can say, as it was horrifying, just as it was like there's no escape from bank pain except through surgery. but i didn't want to believe that so low, i felt i was too young for the front, especially on the field. she decided to seek a 2nd opinion hoping to find another way to relieve his chronic back pain. also feeding specialist the cost and be she had gave her a thorough examination and looked on her m a. i scanned the also diagnosed the displaced village of breast. but his experience indicated that it wasn't in the main course of the back pain and thoughts as you go from 10. well over 50 percent of all cases, the structural changes that you see on the scans are not the main cause of the symptoms. patients and worry of course they can see the changes on the m,
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r i or other types of scan, but the cause of the pain is often quite different. that's where the psychological element plays a leading role that's on the dispute, the musicianship, complimenting as fees and visual, or psychological mother. and you look on whole front thoughts. she would have to do physical therapy, exercise mall, or get massages. she was a little taken aback. 9 and so me, it wasn't about my mind. it was physical, it was my back. i wouldn't have thought of psychotherapy to her to pick it up. that reaction to the connection between mind and back pain is something unaccountably, in the depth comes across frequently. in her experience, people tend to focus too much on physical factors misses and humans on machines. we don't function on a coke, we will buy coke. we will basis many factors influence us, including the fact we have a head, a heart and emotions. they all play a role and have to be taken into account when assessing pain. because pain is
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complex. pain can also be caused by psych logical stress. the body is put on the muscles tense up. nodes are stimulated, pain is an early warning system. but the nervous system can become super sensitive . paying then loses its morning function, no skin go rogue, constantly transmitting pain signals. the body remains in a state of alarm. the brain becomes fixated and a pain memory develops. the result is a vicious circle. stress causes pain and the pain causes even more stress that leads to a signaling cascade. so the pain is proceed with ever more intensity. the patient grows anxious and avoids the pain, and avoidance tends to accelerate the process of the pain turning chronic opposite . yeah, no. but how do you escape the vicious circle? what's called multi modal pain management can be a solution that involves talk to
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a psychotherapist. i'm physiotherapists working closely together and developing a treatment plan in 3 areas. medical treatment does your therapy and psycho therapy on the lot to plays a key role. psychologist katelyn should legal knows how low back pain impacts on the mind. this is this thing. we know that after about 3 months of the brain literally starts to learn pain. the brain become sensitive and label set and movements as the cause of pain and potentially dangerous certain thoughts encourage us to avoid doing things. so we don't do them in the future. scientific studies show that chronic low back pain can also be treated with psychotherapy and one mentor analysis researches evaluated almost a 100 studies with over $13000.00 participants and found behavioral therapy to be the most successful treatment. physiotherapy combined with psycho therapy
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achieves the best results and then on the look and health is trying that approach. she wants to use like a therapy to get to the emotional and psychological rates. and the problem in therapy, she realizes how much pain is dominated her life to 3 practitioners consult frequently during the multi modal therapy which lasts about 3 to 4 weeks. here, progress is often surprisingly fast. to kind of go back in often the patients often realize after just a few days that they focus on reducing stress and what link stress with pain. then they can also reduce pain by reducing stress, etc. and kind of to go to the bottom, the god multi modal payment of the 2 weeks ago. the death of a parents unloading this junior coby 19 pandemic put under a lot of strain and she's had lower back pain for years. i should say, when i'm stressed out, when it is an acute problem,
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you know i can switch off then i can't sleep well. and the next day he gets off to a new from woodstock because i'm exhausted. i find that even more to put been the working off. may i have it towed fear of pain is one aspect, fear of movement is another video therapy. tim side task 1st tries to discover where the 58 rolls, physical and mental blocks are. often people are afraid of causing more damage, likes a few, or this could slip or a nerve could get damaged. it's our job to dismantle such solid patterns. how to play with the 0 therapy daily for several hours. not passive, but active circuit training. and if you go movements again to everyday life, the sweeping clearing out shelves, painting gold, drawing out what works and what doesn't here it's ok, but low down is really bad right here. building a muscle, re gaining confidence,
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practicing how to consciously face the pain is compute from either some people, dodge tasks, others over exert themselves to ultimately the key thing is confronting people with what they can't do anymore. and i don't like doing anymore and getting them to sense to how much does it take to get better in this area and this is everyday activities is no good to bother. also takes part in groups like a therapy sessions that she started to understand more about what her bunk pain has to do with her mind and emotions. as far as i know it's allowed to hurt. but this training helps me to attenuate that pain. and i can handle it better is convinced that i'm at home again. that's also the case with melanie. look at home. she doesn't get her box dress around anymore. now she is in control of the pain, not the other way around the noise. it's giving me a new way to grow more relaxed and approach things differently. and
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in 2020 nearly 600. 20000000 people worldwide suffer from low back pain by 2050. that number could exceed 840000000. according to one study, keeping an asian on africa, i'm most frequently affected, work habits, excess whites and smoking on them, the risk factors for about the same sentence that we can change. sometimes that caused by luxury and joints. when is that between us i know is out and about with our little daughter, the 30 year old sometimes forgets about her chronic condition. but as soon as she picks up sophia, it's there again a surge of pain in her lower back. christy smith got really bad after i gave the stick with having to constantly lift her out of the car or out of bed or change her diapers and being suffering from serious lower back pain on and off for quite a long time now. so i finally told myself it was time to get it seemed to by adult
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to own sabrina. if i went to a local orthopedic clinic 2 weeks ago for an x ray today, she's meeting her consultant, doctor kristof divide. the image is reveal that she doesn't have a slipped disk and the pain isn't radiating from the spine to from what's called the posterior superior l. e. x, by any is its bony prominence as a kind of joint. most people have never heard of the sack ro, really act joins or s side joints connect to say, chrome with the philly and the blade shaped pelvic bones to the right and left side of the spine. they are held in place by tight ligaments and can only make tiny movements. however, the side joins transmit power from the legs to the spine. so they're under a lot of pressure. displacement or dysfunction, inflammation called sacral. lee itis and osteoarthritis contributors,
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severe pain. women who have given birth are affected more often finished on the shaft during pregnancy. hormonal changes close that created the outcome, the bodies, other joints to loose and enabling a child to pass more easily through the best canals needs to be the body, then doesn't completely return to its pre pregnancy state device. and so problems often remain in the area of to woodside, such as localized paint, unrestricted mobility. besides the orthopedic specialist employs a test to make sure zip clean effect knows pain is definitely being triggered by the sack row. really act joint points on these and smith's so to do this pain publication test, i take my hand and pressed it here. does not hurt, does it? yes. is that the pain you feel? yes, yes. yeah. come on. so aside joint this function appears likely. besides loose ligaments, it can have other underlying causes. a design is difficult to do him. good. one is
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when your joint gets stuck and does, which can happen. for instance, when you mix of steps and your muscles aren't prepared to absolve the shock rate on this comes when it can be helped with manual therapy with which it was and come another important causes thing to our legs and bind to somebody. it's coming for them to different lenders, either structurally or in terms of functional leg lender. and essentially, i can count if i constantly extend the need, for example, cost of a tough that interferes with the force transfer from the legs to the loss of mine by the 2nd row alia, joint legs have different lengths or a crooked spine. the team at the joint clinic can analyze what exactly is stressing this, that grow really act joined with a special video scan technique called for the spine measurement. cipollina effect opted for it revealed it or sign really is slightly crooked. and carrying her child on one side and her loose or ligaments for increasing the
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pressure on her cycle. really act joyce, which is probably block manual if they're a beacon health doctor ava. it applies pressure in short bursts and targeted spots to release the joint. and then i do feel some relief, but it still hurts me as i think the pain is more from the pressure fits. it did help as part one to prevent the joint from getting blocked in the future. so between us like now now wants to try to stabilize her pelvis with physiotherapy. regular exercise provides the long term stability your back needs, but the why it is also important and even simple exercises can help. here's one that tim recommends. hi, what come to a great exercise for
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a spine which is of course the best phone us in our life. an exercise is called the windscreen wipers. ok. thank you man. lion us don't like one me up. know, raise your hands in this position and you pretend to be the windscreen while, but right now the rain is light. that means to twitch to the last, slowly and twisting the right slowly to always as far as i can until you fear to stretch in the side of your spine. and know what you liked. this exercise, mobilize and strengthens ligaments and muscles around the spine. that cheap and flexible at the beginning stop was 8 to 12 repetitions
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make sure you don't get to cram and or twist within your comfort zone. hope you enjoy trying that one out. that was in good shape for this week. see you next time, bye for now. the
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. the specialties. so it's little unusual sized with luxury and flavored with the types of. i'm telling mary excellent. they're all they actually setting up your up to save. in 30 minutes. d, w per 1st child at 15,
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and her 2nd 1017 fits all 2 common in these teenage mothers need special assistance and find that at a non profit is it supports young mothers on their difficult for relax, logo in 75 minutes on dw the many pushed us turn out the climate change the story. this is much less the way from just one week. how much was going to really get the we still have time to act. i'm going
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this is data between use line from the coming up. this al mugosa hospitals unable to provide care. world health organization tells the deputy that more than half the medical santa is indeed the sage listed in surgery. and not functioning properly. the largest one at the center of the funding con provides dialysis, and other live citing treat also in the program opposition to a controversy of amnesty in spite hundreds of thousands joined nationwide, proud to.


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