tv Syrias Ticking Time Bomb Deutsche Welle November 18, 2023 8:15pm-9:01pm CET
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a bass so him as soon glorifying that and violence. these are the children of ice as members. they growing up in a refugee camp in ridge of ne, in syria is, is a violent environment. if you leave the children back here, then you can say, this will be the next generation of prices, right? this? oh, whoa, is the largest of the camps in the region and it's considered the most dangerous in the world. and whole will turn into a ticking time bomb for further and future terrorist organizations in 2019 cody slid, forces succeeded in taking back the region from isis rule, but the militant group remains as france becky, back o j headed vista for that. oh, how can we put an end to isis control? the 1st off uh to the organization and ideology still exist here,
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including in the prisons where it says terrorists of being held since the end of the fighting by the autonomous code is government the controls northeast. in syria gym and is it can, does that has that we have about 12000 isis prisoners. most of us economy can cope with that on its own. the codes who live here feel abandoned and they run the threat from the neighbors. the turkish president re chip tight, add one say to a terrorist. turkey has launched repeat the defensive seem or java that's fine. mccurdy, still make it based in brussels together with google on a curtis journalist. i'm traveling to read java in northeast and syria. often many attempts we finally been given permission to visit some of the most dangerous places in the region. we want to find out what the legacy of
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the fight against isis means. the ridge of a and it's people it's october 2021. we've just across the board into syria. there's no mistaking how dangerous the situation he is still is. a suicide bowman has blown up a truck loaded with explosives, very close by shoreline drive, a village as us to move on as quickly as possible. ac is the 2nd attack shallow and used to be in the syrian army. during the civil war, he deserted and fled to the cookies regions. there he joined the militia. he's an driver and 40 god. and he's heavily armed.
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people here peaceful. pro government so long as it's in control, but lead support isis of it came back, the office still peace, the town of committee sleep directly on the syrian so it gets pulled up. this is the home of the autonomous administration of northern and eastern syria as well. as java is officially cold, not long after the start of the syrian civil war. the codes who lived in the oil regional faced set up an autonomous region and declared sale through. but it's not especially recognized by the government of syria, or indeed any states the road. java is a thorn in the side of turkish president ad one in particular. you hum ahmed code
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president of its executive council explains why those are the 2 key. what's the quote, how do you the most often, how well, since it's the foundation and 1923 to the turkish republic call has denied the very existence of us current of the so the, the government is afraid that recognizing kurdish identity in turkey co, a good week and turks as an ethnic group and divide the nation, most of them up to community digikey past you other day. you to the, the fun in this money. but here in rose java, the native language kurdish is taught in many schools. so the key i need to stick you, bear with me. turkey does not accept that the holding the ticket with that it's why it's fighting against us sort of because it fears that the kurds in turkey might then demand the same should even try etheridge, who would say mano,
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can you deal with edwards main accusation. is that right java and it's militias. a realize that the p k. k. the code is done work as policy. he classifies the militant code, each group which is now based primarily in turkey as a terrorist organization. as to the a you and the us, i'm thinking good them it that age and the so p k. k was active for enroll job for a long time one, but in the 1980s the movement spread here. the kurds in syria were oppressed at the time and had no right 110 of them pick it in the serious goods. now, rejecting association with the p k. k u is shown, then you ruge on. but when you did a real java is forging its own. pansy, the economist administration,
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and the p k. k are not the same to pick and give the back of the, the codes here in re java have themselves loan being threatened by terrorism. and we instrumental in ending as tara in the region, the we're on our way to meet and there for us. um it come under the code is dominated military alliance. the syrian democratic forces the sds, before we left, we had to hand over our mobile phones. it's standard practice precautionary measures since took each combat drones began targeting. could each come on this let's keep that. so j head in the for the i'll have that we can we put an end to i asked control of a solver. but the organization and its ideology still exists here, but it's still active. it's still carrying out terror attack it assume to 2000
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bucks and not just against armed forces to get in, but also against a civilian miscarry. we want to visit the territory once claimed by isis before it was ousted by co despises. we travel to rocca, the former unofficial capital of the islamic states. the evidence of the destructive fight against the head is he's everywhere. the rock crowd became the purest example of this kind of fits ideology. isis have this public be heading, you know, these terrible pictures that reached us from america. they had a school system where they were looking at the children and the right ones. would they be trained to become leaders later on the not so smartphones would be trained
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to become suicide bombers. and yet they used black. com for their own propaganda, especially to the outside world for trading this as the paradise point of calling for muslims all over the world and muslims, brothers and sisters, to join the kind of fit to build something new. that was how life has managed to a tens of thousands of foreign sizes. i'll drive it tells us that rocca is still on the safe and judges us to leave. what's become of the terrorist malicious vices after they were defeated. thousands of them were imprisoned in prisons like i'll seen a 12 surprise we granted permission to fill them inside the prison. the j. o is a breeding ground for isis. explains come on the gym of people. so for the terrorist, and he's on easy a bounce out visit, the security situation is to tense,
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he says, and we sent it to my hands are shaking as i hold the camera, the roar of generations, these everywhere, and the stand she's on bearable. jamal shows us around. suddenly details are still feeling a door opens and i see hundreds of isis prison is crowded together. many of them are injured. some are missing limbs. the space that held in is cramped beyond the leaf by 2 and my camera back on as we into the in summary is just one straight to here. of these ices prisoners, the doctors, they treat thousands of inmates in return. they have a little more space under, we're allowed to live together in this room. and for us, the use the campus of ship is we set up these prisons under difficult conditions.
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we weren't prepared for what happens after the victory against i s. and the battle of goose and we suddenly had to taken more than 5000 i as fighters fish has odyssey and domain dice. and i guess 10 the i says prison is cook their own food jim owns as quietly not to get too close to them. tc is day, most of the tank coast with boiling cooking oil we take into the main wing of the prison with the inmates exercise time in the yard is about to begin. come on to jamal, allows us to go up to the watch tower to film. gould on, however, is told to stay out of sight. she's not wearing a headscarf, and jamal is worried. this will provoke the prisoners. most a foreign jihadists who came to syria via to key to join isis. how did you wait to
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see something, or you just make your flight to check if there's someone waiting for you, he will take you, and then you will take you over the bottle. so it was something very easy in the, the gods that were welcoming you, dest, they're not stopping you, they're not good for me. that was something which i think was politically and the benefits of turkey. most of these prisoners have been here or in other prisons in the region for years. no one knows what awaits them amid the sun, since the young man in particular continued to radicalize g like you know, gosh, there should be available as a new generation of isis as emerging here. as one of these people have been imprisoned for a long time flask if they call themselves a spell or caliphate to the cubs of a caliphate. they were child soldiers between 13 and 18 years old when they came here and how much this thing done and all the prisoners indoctrinate them,
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turned them into committed. i. spiders. they are extremely dangerous. you have to do tests that can cut that i've had good, the prisoners do it as a reaction. i don't know which kind of reaction, but it's different from one to the other. maybe 11, he really, he really has a vengeance. maybe one us, the able to become more uh, more extremist, you know, maybe some people, they will get crazy. they will lose their minds in the prison. you know? so it would create many bad results. you understand as more the, extend our, the presence in this business. this will make more problems in about a month. our goal is to return the prisoners to their home country to sleep. but as long as they are here, we have to make sure the presents are secure. the inmates often take tunnels to try and escape with the columbus wood that is coming down the stairs to enjoy them. the
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attempt at escapes are common. the majesty so far we've always managed to support them. we always discover the tunnels in time that the while i'm the, you're behind the bar. even the most important task with your brothers, we will never forget what i'm literally to you is our duty at the we have a king coming coming. we don't know how much longer we can secure the presence of what we have hired more guards, but that is not enough. we need a safer place and have a better monitoring system on them until their home countries take some basketball . come cut the fuel fee in spades. yours the
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legal lien, both in brush of 2 parts. their own jihad is there, you know, and some states, especially my state, for example aust, i'm not willing to take the responsibility for the citizens and they hope that if they box them there they will somehow disappear in light of the conditions here. some human rights organizations have referred to these prisons as a new guantanamo. do you think we shall fall will become the next one. tell them oh no board. i'm not able to give a rusty any of you know? yeah, absolutely. non shaking. i'm going to send him over to g a because the prisoners were set up while fighting was ongoing. we set them up in former school buildings homeless getting keep that stuffed young, get it metal or because we know that the spiders home countries don't want them back to this. but that means these countries have to help us create an international tribunal within the 3 or the 30,
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or they have to pay the cost to hold the highest spiders. here wasn't a problem. any you sonya white book, which i gave up to tier 2. we have about 12000 isis prisoners here, has a real job as economy can't cope with that on its own equipment to kind of look over here over here on which i'm going to go ahead and i'll visit to the prison ends abruptly. jamal thinks it's too quiet and something must be about to happen. it feels like the calm before the storm. we have to leave we want to learn more about the following to gain strong assessing range of what traces has it left here. we had to combine a new the to the syrian border. it was here that bias was pushed back for the 1st time, the beginning of its downfall. in september 2014, the jihad has launched a massive attack on the city. the code, each point is put up, see us resistance, the east met house on organized the defense of the city.
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how about uh, set it does say all the might be, it is good. isis going through the taxes from 3 sites and we wanted to push them into the city. it's narrow street to see that because that's where we have the best chance with the modest weapons we have. we look must see that you've shut the. we learned that people here are especially proud of the young women whose forward against isis in was java y p j, the women's protection unit. so the female advocates within the y p g they had a very important role when it came to the bed of co, bonnie because these women are very dedicated. they know when ever they are being captured, buys fighters, they will be violated, they would be, wait, they would be killed. so they the very committed in this fight. we meet one of them . fuck my last and i'm in the bathroom. today she helped support others
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wounded in the funny thing. like many here, she's still haunted by memories. the good and the basically, they kept shouting. if we catch you, we will eat you the will cause know all the time they were calling us names is your whether you like it or not, you cannot escape fear in battle. how did you become? and that is why you mustn't turn it into courage. and faced it, his head on, you're aware that the people who live here depend on you. if you give up and they will suffer for the me, they will be hurt. that's why you have to fight. as i'm sure you will get the measure georgia for the show to receive the why was always just able to become so powerful in the 1st place. and what role did neighboring turkey play and it's rice, isis, a tech, the kurtz to take over coal burning truck. he was standing by not helping the
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crowds because it was kind of in the interest for years. chucky had let, is almost hide this from all over the world and how does tied to some, all levels of, of using the turkish 2 in border to come to syria, to join the estimates groups there even isis. so this is what we call the hottest highway in 2014 venue as far as president joe bind and commented our allies in the region where our largest problem in syria and the church present early. one told me as an old friend said, you are right. we let too many people through i ran the ice has campaigned, 40000 foreign fighters jihad is from a 110 countries around the world. all came and a series of fight in that war. and they all came through turkey was in turkey, more than any other country to have them sealed their border and they would not do it. they said they couldn't do it, but the minute the occurs to parts of the borders totally sealed with a wall. in september 2014,
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the us decided to provide military support to the could each fight against isis. at the middle of the was of vision. it was an alliance against terror on behalf of all humanity loma. that's what made it unique that no one ever would have expected the kurdish people's defense units and america to join forces. you get help loading the truck. a medium i'm did not get here. i think we can see we defended the world is what the prices have been successful here. how would you on the posting, we've danger to the world and they've got to see them. that's why the world supports us today. there was a thing of the 3, a get us funding, the quantity that the income bonnie alone more than 1000 decode experiences with killed. the
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we drive through an area with the finding continued loan off to the initial victory . it took full years to defeat the tara militias. the international alliance played a crucial role. so the americans turn to the students democratic forces, and the s t f is made up mainly by what did you fight us. but the rest, some of the minority groups, christian groups militias, but included into the s t s. so they became the main ally of the wisdom on to ices alliance. you know totally bit 2017. they succeeded in defeating all i succeed, rucker. 6 after 4 years of brutal occupation under the so called isis kelly rocker its capital is livery.
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the americans announced they would train a force sushi 1000 strong to god the syrian to teach buddha to prevent choices from returning. to each president add one, reacted angrily and threatened military action should good service and a lot of america is building a terror army along our border because it's that we must destroyed before it's created zillow. the global markets were java now had to defend itself, no, totally against only says, but also against the threatened invasion by texas. the toki showing me, boomed towns on the border, including offering the attacks claimed some 1500 lives and more than 100000 people were displaced. but the could,
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each majority militias continued to find the march 2019. with the help of air strikes carried out by international coalition forces, by goose, the last ice of stronghold was captured. the general no rose general mosley commander of the syrian democratic forces. i'd like to offer a statement on behalf of the government of the united states. we congratulate the syrian people and particularly the syrian democratic forces on the destruction of isis is fraudulent calibrate the ration of isis is remaining territory and eastern syria. so he continued to threaten the tax on the road, java, and cold on the us. so me to withdrawal at the u. n. in new york, president ad one presented his plan for what he called a peace,
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colorado in northern syria. an attempt to control an area that makes up a large part of his java point in the 7. and he's gone into the says, the sort of, you know, we must eliminate the p k, k y p g terrorist organization in syria. their territories cover a quarter of syrian territory, yet these are ruled by a group that someone to decriminalize under the name syrian democratic forces up the well, just limited in, in the sense that we are proposing to create a piece, corporate or 30 kilometers wide and 480 kilometers long and resettle 2000000 syrians for turkey. bear with the support of the international community. john, in the fall of the idea of creating the secuity zone, alongside the token, see and border self, a double goals. first of all, he wants to contain curtis autonomy on the suicide of the board. the 2nd goal is to
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reset the student refugees inside syria. because turkey has taken in almost 4000000 soon refugees. it's a huge burden on the society. the idea is if he controls these border area so you can send some 1000000 students back to these areas. which would mean that you have some kind of an estimate convincing that because these areas wouldn't hesitate that curtis population, tens of thousands of them, had to flee from the children's interventions before. and now he wants to reset the main, the arabs syrians to that area, which will definitely not help within the ceiling society to reconcile until this together peacefully. in october 2019 us troops made a surprise withdrawal from result of a on then president. trump. saud is the move left to people in the region desperate joy to get those public. she
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would she could jani what to. yeah. and with the new quote, suddenly they just left and the crowd of people said, well, could we kurds have been betrayed again. it should not have happened to your america had the power to assert itself against turkey. for the sake of all the victims that there could you $21000.00 soldiers of the syrian democratic forces and not one american soldier was injured during the normal. that's the state we were in the truck with the hot to immediately off to the withdrawal of us troops, turkey launched its 3rd invasion, a verge of dumps, operation piece, spring by ad one. according to the un, more than 100000 people were displaced today, many of them still live in refugee camps inside their own country. the worship
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connie camp is home to some 16000 internally displaced people who is a tech, the tech just we were homeless. slice here without children service, you might them, there's a ton of it very, our children are growing up in a wilderness. how did you live like dogs here the, the music comp done today had a mental health and there are 8 of these refugee camps in the regions. the u. n. hasn't yet supplied any aid to the caps. the syrian regime is blocking it. we have the un can only health through the syrian government, which prevents aid from reaching these refugee capitals. the on the, on the often
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a tunnel. these people are not even recognized as refugees. they're getting no help whatsoever. she wants us to, even though they have lost everything and it does nothing, it is an atrocity. bought a keep good look. a good on the full extent of the problems with java is facing is becoming clear to us. but how exactly can the west to contribute to greater security and stability in the region that can come easily. we have, let's do carry oma. that could have a video for 2nd. there. for us to go back and have the dba. and we've told them this has ministration of cold on the western alliance to establish an international tribunal. it should be here in northeastern syria who couldn't because ices terrace, committed their crimes against the people of this region. but unfortunately, because everyone has abandoned us and we've been left to deal with a problem alone, it's a ticking time bomb,
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a living catastrophe in chromebook. i've never paid it a time bone pieces that's also taking in the camps with the wives, children, widows, and orphans of ice is fine, says leaves in a hole there a willows of $50000.00 of them, all of whom are unable to leave the, which deem it to go to you to see on what you meant to good to come by 40. it shouldn't be any worse. the whole camp is the most dangerous camp in the world of breeding ground. for a new generation of terrorist issue, we have no control of the account. company is controlled by isis. that big control . i'm gonna take the control dash to we may tell, wait a whole we've been given permission to film. but when we arrive, the gods tell us it's too dangerous. before they can list a scene to the camp,
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they have to find it difficult for us. and that will take a while. in the meantime, we were allowed to drive through the camp in the car. in a matter of minutes, little boys gathered around the car, calling us names, swearing, ashes, and throwing stones the this is a brutal place to grow up its state and the violence ideology of isis. a code is god who does not want to be filmed, tells us that the young children in the can make just as a, as if they'll sleep. that's correct. they shall have heard that she's an infidel, and that they will avenge the death of their parents. the children begin to challenge and oh, yes,
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bethel him. by seeing that one day they themselves will also become jihadists and sacrifice the lunch for the profit the we have to leave a whole. so now we drive to camp roche, 3 hours away. we're allowed to film here and some residents have agreed to talk to us. the camp is divided into one is occupied by extreme missed women. some assume have carried down to tax themselves. the other houses families who don't belong to wisest or have renowned states audiology. you haven't been to folks come back to me. i made a big mistake. it was wrong to come to see me of it so that i could pay no, i, betsy, our country should take us back to increase on so that we can start a new life. the visas we
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dad, she tells us that she took off jose alone, international women's day. women who take off, then he kept a threatened with being burned alive. we dad has 4 young children by to jihad his father's. this camp is no place for children. there's no education, this is a violent the environment and this is nothing for the children. no one of duties. so children, if you leave the children back here, then you can say this will be the next generation of ice, the slightest. oh there and fucked him of any money on, on. hardly many children are smuggled out of the camp and given to isis in the 2 ears the to the you're doing this is how they recruit child soldiers, vargas and doctors. it's hard, but i tried to protect my son from the radical extremist ideology and the cancer needs to scan. it will be in this, on the scene, this little video watch or,
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you know, we told that these women are only a small minority among thousands of capture dias, women. they see themselves as victims of vices and to no, i haven't been involved in the crimes against syrian and do rocky women and children. women loyal to weiss is on the other hand, often hide children whose mothers have died simply to prevent them from being placed in the care of people. they see as infidels. we drive to one of the orphanages with children who could be taken out of the camp leave upon a or homes. they often don't even know the nationality of the children. we provide them with a good upbringing, education. we can do that to what we worry about their future with what will become of them and the stuff was not
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there. all right here. thank god. and how much is 0? you take care of the children who was and they said they could depend on it. they did these on. yeah, i loved them as their mother would. and more of that when they shouldn't feel that they're not loved. i manage them. i mean, we may count way back to our home and on difficulties waiting for us, and we were allowed to enter the camp with the camera. the whole is a known home to a large number of hon. cool. isis support is. it's reputed to be a haven for radicals and fanatics. this is the most dangerous part of that trip. as a whole has turned into a city and it has turned into a small kind of it because it consists of 3 parts. and you've all key celia and
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it's a national part with the most radical isis, nimbus being the internationals. oh no, we are in sight, the whole come on, we're about to arrive at the mark. now this good fair had takes us to the part of the camp where the foreign women and their children leave. these women have phone to hard line group national. we only want the law of god, sure, re a to apply by a judge all the children. here are the new soldiers of isis. you sit, the did very be, was found this morning for the every day. something like this happens here. we're able to put on the side of the baby was in a plastic bag and the trash. and then many bad things happen here. the medication
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doesn't mean that it won't just woke up well, mine was killed. that's all these threw her into the sewage system. and i need to many atrocities how come, but if the chance that option i'm not, i'm on, let's go to the more it visa card. isn't that dangerous? no one. that's why i'm here. this is the campus market. it is organized by the residents themselves. i'm try talking to them just only 110th. i know that they've been forbidden to talk to us. i didn't. yes, the it is very difficult to control to contain the living conditions unbearable. it's very dangerous to leave foreign ices. none of this and that can't,
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especially children because and whole will turn into a ticking time bomb for further and future terrorist organizations that good reading much from and for the i'm a fish motor american in the how long did that, did you see the 2 years and versus, is that an idea of us before and the next one? some of them are armed man, just like getting it. and i got it might suddenly come out to shoot and run away, but i did it. whatever this is, what happens and it's the same thing, isn't it too dangerous for us? yes, it's getting dangerous. the market is getting too crowded. it's no longer safe here . hey easy, that's the ha of the they some we know that we know that the groups and a whole are well organized and are also receiving orders from outside. they have contact with the outside of the and communicate by cell phone. they've had well, what to the trouble, i think were changed when they get orders to attack and kill people can telecom for
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the weekend. how many questions change, even when did you see every day people are count there that where the foreign women live, a new generation of terrorist is being raised? what the credit that you know, what they have to do, we believe that they will be much more dangerous than isis. it sounds to you or what that can help you from an early age, the being fed radical extremist ideas to which but they are released on a hunger for revenge, unless feeder, that'd be kind of equal. and outside of data sharing, the i'm, the children are being groomed to become new fighters to the people health and the camps and prisons are making long term plans. and they don't hide that fact. they say we're coming back and will be even stronger and off with the music on the this
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video. she is the message that the islamic state will live on. it shows the flag of the caliphate flying and the can, the inc. fortunately and all of this turkey is helping isis, the most typical and austin in yeah, the there are many illegal cells that help people escape from the campus every day. there are attempts to escape from the account and those who succeed lead to try to print, but if it didn't take a certificate of often there smuggled out with turkey's help, the in response to key says it only helps people who need to be rescued leave. i'll hold its domestic intelligence service only comes to the rescue of foreigners who want to be
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returned to their home countries. our impression of, i'll hope, is that it's both a refugee and an internment camp. a threatening atmosphere was palpable in the cab . original of a field, highly folded child. the legacy of isis here in the region in january 2020 to shortly after out truth many people's was the is came true to i, a suicide bomb is blew themselves up outside the scene of prison videos from inside the prison circulated on social media. we definitely can see that this was a very veil, organized uprising and it was an attempt actually to take over the seat. deed was not just an attempt to escape from prison. why in the suit,
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in democratic forces for up against these faces uprising who has to come to a key continued to use dead thrones against the sewer in democratic forces. so that even attached coordinates for the driving for how to fight isis in the, in the code, each military managed to regain control about that we weren't only targeting the prison. they wanted to create chaos in a hole in the hospital and rock a region isis referred to the 2nd tell us that they wanted to retain control over the entire region. because of the $370.00 forwards, he had us to reported to have been killed in the fighting and many
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a believe to of escape the command a demo. the god who showed us around the prison is one of the $77.00 prison stuff. who were executed and then we hear that set up the caregiver from the often each was also killed in a turkish drone strike. to a case regression is also increasing income easily. we s else experienced and the tech as we were leaving the office around or to on september 20 2022 president ad one again addressed the un and again, he stated that there is no difference between the kurdish military and the terrorist. p k. k l. troop lift is convinced that there's
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a real danger of an oasis resurgence and root. java is being left to deal with this threat on its own. what is the codes can no longer keep points is under control. the repercussions will likely be felt in europe to the the is it ok? or can you set on it? so we have to try to send it to this person. you have, you try to predict to people in support of feeding and someone to design it to your doctor, mrs. from johannesburg, to homes, with autistic joy. and every piece is infused with the capital's history of feedback. 30 minutes on the w, the
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this is dw news lie from berlin, guides us home, us run health ministry, it says more than 18 people were killed in strikes on the job and the a refugee camp, including at a school run by the united nations. the un agency for palestinian refugees, the names the attack saying the school was operating as a shelter for displaced people. 100 to flee the i'll she, for hospital in gaza saying they've been ordered to evacuate. israel says they're leaving of their own accord. and a memorial to.
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