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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  November 20, 2023 3:02am-3:30am CET

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this is why city denny and why many like me love it. despite everything, it is still changing. hello and welcome. i'm saw that got the body and you all watching eco india. and i'm sure much like my city. your city is changing as what some of these changes we might like, while the others not so much. some of these changes out of choice while the others are forced by factors like climate change, which are making our cities increasing or in the store to solar capacity is come down to me, all the 70000 megawatts. and why is this got to across different cities and villages across 7 states in the country so far that has been no sitting in there that has been entirely sold out. but not anymore. a 3 megawatt lawns in, in jazz, historic city of sachi, in the centre,
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more stage of whatever this is changing this sachi in month of the diesel is 1st and foremost famous sports, but this supers which make it a unit, schoolwork edited site. but now saki has another claim to fame, isn't guess 1st, solar city. it draws all its electricity from a 3 megawatt, sort of blonde, which cost the central government, the equivalent of some $2000000.00. in addition, that down is equipped with solar powered charging spaces, water kiosks, solar street lights, a new lead to dozens, rooftop solar systems. one of these is being installed on drop that on so that these, these are dialed and welcome to the johns to save money. now what's that god that might have a story that it would produce, speak a lot of energy, does it have to be 15 units per day? and i only use it $5.00 to $10.00 units, spoke to somebody, a 5 i thought i would give the rest the sound. pretty good. so i'll recoup the
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costs and we, i mean, i don't know why a lot of the guy he gets to see 500 rupees. that's about 6 utilized a month. he's hauled his electricity bills. the source of the project is based on a private public partnership model and visitor do use c o 2 emissions by some 14000 tons for you. all the public buildings in sachi, which has a population of 8000 now have rooftop solar panels. other states are lagging behind in combat as an a in a big state, like what the british been start, who felt so the capacity of imprinted, rented to was only about 460 megawatts. oh, okay. is it down to do $4.00 to $300.00 megawatts by brent doing? even though we do have subsidies and incentives available, say end of the national toyota program. but don, getting those in the right manner and investing in this thing, the consumer to red,
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mr. evans. and making them understand the benefits. so going for a particular solution is something that this be as a designated solar city, such as a showcase project and is a bind you in your new energy use. but the general public still has a lot to learn about solar technology dot that on so that the has many questions about his new solar unit. here to get up there should at least tell us how to clean it in montana. and how often do any we're supposed to clinic, the board, but they didn't tell us how already look, how much does the test stuck with don't you know, we've had a 2 years ago, the government loans education program in conjunction with the solar city project, the public has thought about the importance of saving energy, the goal of the new, but energies and also about the economy benefits. and the idea is that all the individuals are to be made aware of how to minimize your consumption. and
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is there any way in which you can use it coupons, you can design your houses, you can design your dialects in which you have a list of kinds of shut off energy, ph. d students and fall time store owner the costumer to bought in the outreach program. but he's not convinced that an online training is the best way to get locals onboard with both of those high performers. easy, but it was an online process. so some people have difficulties, even though most people are well versed with online processes these days. people in villages and rural areas, county, if it had taken place offline, more people could have annual, i think setting. but as i've been teaching people about renewable energy, getting them to change their habits and transforming down the size of thought, you clearly gone to happen over night.
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we had a lot of seen dr. a solar powered tv, though. well, him switching to an eco made sense because it saves him money. like the composite, there is a 50 percent benefit. the sooner than better, he's much more efficient then be that you got to be a cup of guy that was to solo baldwood. charging spaces was set up in sachi in july for the time being, the charging infrastructure is only so the main street on few people still have made the switch to electric vehicles. but experts understand the challenges and keeping side of the peak of pick to any time session course been not video process in what country is huge as and as you said, the entire country is a lot of times the shooting to wait stage defense. think those bits sections of society was done. dition and defense bid says a slightly, well, let's take the position that you that relatively more than bonds stages,
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the mobility and the industrial sustainability of the transition has been unfolding in such e. the mode is optimistic. now that it has its solar city status, it's looking to move away from fossil fuels across every sector of the economy and become a net 0 city. starting with the 5 mega bought solar blonde, that's with many supply, the agricultural sector. we are not investing on to only the present consumption, but we are also looking at replacing the complete agricultural comes on channels because in the long run we are looking for a net to 0 city. so this is not the 1st that the want to be declared as sooner to do, but we want to make it 1st net 0 city and about as the country's 1st solar city saw to you can lead the way for other places in india and also point out the main difficulties of cause, john splitting the project to a largest city wouldn't be
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a challenge and it's set for homes. beautiful gases, goggins. i'm water surrounding all of this. and what city are you thinking off? well, if you look up the capital of denmark on the internet, these images will pop up. looks beautiful or right. pretty perfect. why would anyone want to change any of this? well, he has why? on the 2nd of july 2011. this is what copenhagen looked like. dead jeff floated in the stormwater after the wants of the powers into a kind of brain. a quarter of the sign edition woke us. that's sick. in the aftermath. and one even died of a blood infection, but it didn't stop that in full out of the last 6 years. the city has seen i've known the cloud both, but it's conventional stormwater system con, do with new somewhere on the wall is full of similar stories and it's getting was copenhagen and leaving several cities around the world that i got
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a good redesign as climate change is making rainfall less to deductible and more dense. sometimes a brave, like designing playgrounds to flood. i went deep into the heart of copenhagen to find out how exactly you flung proof of city of this scale. if i was, it was 5 years ago, this 3 who don't have been to, but instead that may have been an s u. v stuck in congested traffic. this square is one over on $300.00 spots and copenhagen chosen for me cooper. it used to be a busy roundabout that has now become a wooded area in the middle of the city. it's one part of the plan to don copenhagen into a kind of giant sponge for the next 100 years after the devastating 2011 fletch. it's here that i met a young adjustments in the head of the cities cowed, both management plans. who do i mean that they wasn't able to wake up, call the system to decide to at that time?
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that's read a need for getting a lot of out of the city very fast. they ask for a plan how to do this in a table weight and to be expand to sewage system or could we do it? and i'll say, well be maybe they had the rain. busy that surveys so this at the same time, make a decision to be the waste for a more re in cd mall by to is it seems to get more meat and these are facing in the city. so yon scheme looked at the sound about into water cause the green component of the code plus management plan. invisible side control in plain sight. that's a small comp. hm. because the by more than an east of water continues to come. and the cost is. ready road here in a lot of ponds for hers in the, in this connected to the see these little link phones are being built on across the city to hold excess water from land phone. but it's not just on some projects a smaller but still hold water like green roof less noticeable a wide spread climate inlets and looks like ordinary drains. the bigger and in
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areas with the higher risk, all based on the map, young steam device of how the city is likely to flood in a code. both event, much of the 2000000000 euros given to the water department is going 20 meters underground into the backbone of the project. the tunnel. with this kind of dense of an area, you cannot solve the problem just the green solutions. this is jessica 1000 costs. we look for the city water department on a giant tunneling project. 500. you can do all sort of things on the surface and all of this you can remove maybe 3050 millimeters of rain. but if you're getting 150 or 200 feet of meters of writing, you need a big system. so really transport water away. there's no way volts. it can get into the hava without making a tell me like this. the new tunnel network is 3. me doesn't die meter and runs for 18 to them. it goes across the city. the donald's would carry water from the bones and the roofs to us the harbor. but they still have another function for the rest
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of the your to watch. so it can be stored here instead of in the sewage system and slowly release them to the problem that keeps the water quality in check. and so people in copenhagen can swim in the harbor. i'm the canal of system to the young and the tunnel step in again in the system. if you have a heavy storm wave stop cutting, floating industries, we just opened it up and the can, the transport all the water through the pumping station into the, into the hub. okay? so it will simply empty the strange that will still be watching the streets. i mean, it's not completely dry, but we'll go from from half between half and one meters down to, to 10 centimeters. essentially this maximum. mm hm. and how much water can this whole system deal with? the, the, the amount of water that can be transported in the system is determined by the pump station you have at the end of the pumpkin, the live at 20 cubic meter per 2nd. 20000 meters per 2nd. now, however, you will, expressive, and as soon as you have it, have
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a storm allowed and you stop getting walls of industries, it will stop and it will just keep em to the many cities are in the process of measuring that on sponging is not every city has as much free space so as basically our cost some a much more dense and still developing so many are calculating how to climate proof themselves based on their own differing needs. beijing, for example, has a water shortage problem. and if designs relies on retaining wall to china is actually leading the world with over 60. or if it's all the 600 cities planning a redesign, john joseph deallocated, nearly 800000000 euros for the project over 5 years. and has been green roofs and rain gardens. but it's still struggling with flooding and 2021 because it's not easy. the indian city of, of chan name on by and what to you, i holding against the setting during the month. so i'm water shortages for the rest of the of the 2nd part is not a problem or i am copenhagen has is really high what the table of so that's what
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the, every way, that's why i'm on a bus that's about i'm on my way to an old park in the center of the city, calling hobbin park and the integrateds bullets and green and great infrastructure . this path walks on 3 levels. the 1st is the rose garden under which water from the surrounding areas is storage. disorders can also function that as a risk water resource during the dry period for the cost to keep the cost of the product clean. if this storage tank is field, we'll stop peeling this pulse, brown c over here. this is at a lower level than everything else, so it can receive water easily and be filled up as soon as the water starts to overflow. when it could look like this. and then there's the one. when it is a mess of code, both a wall comes up here to close off this compounds. and this thing behind me will go into a giant basin that stalls the water out of a few of the projects have been financed
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by taxpayer money. but most of the funding is linked to consumption, to a levy on the water bill of homes and companies. and if it costs explodes too much, then we'll say, okay, we don't do it, but then there might be some more damages locally. mm hm. and you informed the citizen that they have to protect their feelings. but even with this much investment adapt ition to changing reinforcement only go so far with this kind of kind of be able to handle the worst case scenario in terms of flooding and stumble . you have to decide what kind, what size of storm and then will always be a storm that is bigger. this is that, so it's so is a probability and a so prediction of climate change. so how often will this happen? but there's always will be a rain fall that could be even bigger. so you never protect a 100 percent. but it gives us having protection from the front of a certain probability and then you would lose so much. so your investment is
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compared to your risk of loss and that's the size of the investment we're making. that might sound like resign pragmatism, but copenhagen's been implementing it's cloud based management plans for more than 10 years. other cities or know those watching very closely waiting up the cost of investing now to lower the loss and damages, climate change is likely to bring around the world. cities and 2nd level as are made for each of the new gadgets in the market. every few weeks and easy access to all of them. sounds exciting, right? but what's not as exciting is what we do with this e waste that is generated in the was the hard, largest generated or waste in know was in 2019. and even though a majority of this comes from the cities, only countries 3 percent of this erase is recycling to some extent. and cities don't even have any plans of fixing this, but not anymore electronic
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devices that have become obsolete at besides own a good things blonde and going but do in the state of them and non to key. and his themes take, get off the appropriate recycling and disposal. many users simply throw their own devices or even batteries into the normal trash with dangerous consequences. safe press on. they won't let the company i'm ask people to just throw away use this battery using their garbage thinking that they are smart inside of this. but if 100000 people did the same thing, they might, it would be 100000 veterans and a little if they reach the dump, they would lose the ground water to be a for dotted line and eventually infiltrate the product. the site that are going to do it on the land and buckets and it'd be consumed into those products. it would be very harmful, not only for human beings, but also for any livestock audit. marty, i do have them. i wonder why they pop eaves like what stored here is among the
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fastest growing the streams in india. according to the latest global, easiest, one of the more than 53000000 tons of eaves were disposed of worldwide in 2019. india accounted for more than 3000000 tons. and the amount is set to increase because new products are coming to market all the time with shorter use it cycles active as complete. or what do i want to move you to the demand for electronic devices increases in years boss. and you could use an electronic product, but at least 5 to 10 years, according to what nowadays, that degrees to one, yet, that's the main reason for us to get out of america. so what to do with the huge mountains of discarded appliances i push on to open, i clicked in splunk, the theme 1st thoughts the easiest by type separating household appliances from consumer electronics or another group takes care of all devises related to data
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processing. then the data on a certain date is the data destruction process, like stuff with electronics, like desktops and laptop, there's going to be data data. so part of our job is to destroy that been able to pick up some products like desktops and laptop desktop leaf up. toby spend focused many of the company process 900 tons of east las still bush month old number 10 says, speeding cycling devices to retailers, and who would see those views is one way to ensure more sustainability. but it's not just entire devises. back in bit it onto the market but also in the region compliments on value. there's all materials. 2 a gold, silver assembly and metals like gold, silver fill out the num, impala d. i'm not in high demand, but they are difficult to mind. so to meet this need to renew up in mind, other than that is we extract those rand matters from best products. and get them back to the market to get caught up in this process, we get some hazardous waste like lead fluorescent lights and see offending. and we
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have processes to separate and dispose of all of these types of to be able to separate those, which is different. india has now tightened up regulations for manufacturers. equipment now needs to have a longer shelf life. but specialist companies like percent all now coatings are essential for reducing today's mountain soft electronic waves. the status of the merits was all about cooling down the planet. and it has, since the agreement lot has changed cities across the was including side as it says . many cities have seen unprecedented high temperatures, even each week, including a city like fat as that has been encased in concrete. but our report headed to the fence capital to find out about the efforts of cooling down, cutting down c o. 2 emissions, and reducing equity. violent outlet is satisfied with
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this years being harvest on the biggest rooftop farm and parents. the whole low defense, you know, move for you. the most people who come here is surprised. they say they don't feel like they're in the hall to power. just remove them, they don't want paris is undergoing a transformation. many are sick of the traffic jams and air pollution which make the summers almost unbearable. the french capital is hoping to be climate neutral by 2050. so trees are being planted on public buildings and vertical force are cropping up. rooftops are turning into massive vegetable plantations not far from the eiffel tower, but on to our lives. rooftop farm is the biggest of its kind in europe. 1.5 picked
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here for the equivalent of 2 soccer fields. 250 grams. make sure you put the lid on probably, and their fruits and vegetables are delivered to a supermarket. that's just 2 kilometers away. short distances mean lower c o 2 emissions. it's a win win situation for the environment. but what about the quality of the products? and then bibble ends because on the one hand, the goods here to record because everything is post by but on the other hand it's a very polluted environmental. what do we have to admit? i'm not that interested in produce, has been cultivated in the city. i prefer fruit and vegetables produced in the countryside, but especially because parents is very polluted. the french institute for
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agricultural research is hoping to dispel some of the depths on this roof. there are boxes for fruit trees and a piece of fellow land to test what grows here naturally, christine oakley and the institute are looking for a way to promote urban agriculture. she thinks that that produce growing on parents ruse is harmless. some german colleagues at the berlin university discovery in about 10 years ago that as soon as you pass the 3rd floor, you're no longer in his own polluted by traffic. she says these roof farms also have an educational function. a c was for there at least 3 or 4 generations of urbanites who don't have any education or direct contact with rural agriculture. so most of our children, grandchildren don't know what cultivating the tomato or style it entails pretty much in center. that's play phone component to the rescue,
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the vegetable farm in the middle of a typical concrete desert in the paris suburbs. very good. how are you? the 3 of you go to work. i think they're a bit shy. that's what puts in the though he is less worried about air pollution, then the contaminated ground by heavy metals for instance. but he's found a way of getting around this picture that as the story was broken up, the lead was thinking slowly. especially if i don't use any plants i would retain it or do anything. if i don't use spanish labs lead as carrots or beat root that drop the lead, it was thing down with the principal pieces of who he has planted edible flowers. instead, he says that tests have shown that they have no lead residues and chips loved them . so that won't open for us, take a tiny little grain,
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it tastes like leaks that level. it's pretty incredible and we'll see what i don't see. i said, you know, many urban farmers are convinced that there are solutions to fight the problems that arise in an industrialized city. and the state is funding, visionary projects and farms all over france. there are already over 300 let me know tony and paris, but in all the big cities of france and even europe. there are more and more roofs being built. yeah, so many architect to are already thinking about how to use rules so that you taishan and create green roads, mental health. but for one day off that the digital visible alonzo ali and his colleagues are planning to double their rooftop space in paris. this is where they see the economic and environmental future we talk to our cities were
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developing and changing for the better by tons out of got us into this little too hot, but new to mess. but our cities are changing again. and this time around these changes actually do seem for the better. only time would tell us what you are telling me are any, what changes happening in your city? i would love to know. you can email us or reach out to me directly on my social media. i will see you next week until then. take care. good bye. and the most gosh, [000:00:00;00]
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in good shape. next, on dw, we love your at we lost the th. anything no mountain is too high. the road is too long and such a faithful, ordinary wheel of a specialist of lifestyle, 009. in 60 minutes on d, w, the comes out to the highlights new every week in your inbox, subscribe. now imagine how many portion of loads us are now in the world right now. climate change, if any,
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come from the stores. this is much less the way from just one week. how much was going to really get we still have time to act. i'm going to subscribe for moving. it's like the the world is full of dangerous. so isn't it nice to be safely tucked away at home? making notes? that's why most accidents happen. cuts poisoning and then the name, but a few rows, accidents, killing daily one and a half 1000000 people in a year. well lied, but accidents in the home claim, even more lights. so if someone's bleeding or collapses,


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