tv DW News Asia Deutsche Welle November 27, 2023 4:30pm-4:46pm CET
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from done not spawn, but this is derek. g leads to higher unemployment and slows down. the economy was the card you've reached the 300 trillion that that trump stuff. december 9th, on dw, the this is the, the menus are you should have coming up today. then sam s, china sees a search, the respiratory infections paging satisfies the rising cases on not because of a new pathogen, and the w a to agrees, but it's china prepared to handle the spike. and it really hit record he's, i'm making it dangerous. see john needs to get to the new sure. the tougher little premium is funding against receiving them. we school wide and the possible solution could read the
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find that is by major. welcome to the the news. the chart that you can join us showing us is a search of respiratory infections across the country is from common viruses and not a new pathogen. the surgeon infections, particularly among children, had prompted the world health organization to seek more privacy from china. the search has the to seems like these from a hospital in beijing. hospital admissions have increased nationwide, but the chinese apologies of blame despite only increased infections following the lifting of go with 19 restrictions. it's the 1st for winter chinese citizens are facing since those restrictions were removed. yet our code to him, he has more and more health officials have been saying to see what, what do you do to a circulation of multiple pathogens, acute respiratory diseases in sean, i have been on the rise, go to your own region,
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should coordinate the medical resources for the implement proper diagnosis and treatment systems. so do you, do you mobilize resources across departments and hospitals, people and enhanced the role of regional medical consortiums and attributes 200 and jody basketball and off, i'm corresponding 5 young credits, my address and you know, from the aging fabia and how concerned chinese citizens with the spike in respiratory infections i would say, especially concerned chinese parents, why? because so many of the pneumonia cases are affecting children the most. that's why you see a lot of children's hospital overcrowded and behind me there's also one in paging. a children's hospital which seems quite busy, even though much less crowded than, for example, on the weekend. but yeah, when the spike in respiratory illnesses of 1st occurred, i think the public debate was really very um, emotional and people have already because we were not sure whether that could be
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a new virus strain, etc. now that this does not seem to be the case, at least from what we know, that at this point at the public debate has shifted more to a practical advice. for example, people on online platforms, they share what to do, which medicine to take at which point to go to a doctor, etc. and what you also see is that in the public space, and people are increasingly bearing mass, but just to be really clear, we don't see any penny. i would say this is nothing compared to what happened exactly last year when the government suddenly lifted all the 0 cove, its roots. at that time we really had an emergency situation. now i would describe it as a severe test for the health care system, but not really a big pendant among the general population. is the government prepared to handle this spike in the respiratory infections? well, i mean, the government just announced that they want to build more fee. the key next to, you know, handle the cases. and you could argue the yes,
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this comes really relatively late. and i mean, the situation we're having right now is not come as a surprise. we saw that in a different countries that the 1st post pandemic winter was a tough test. the burden for the health care system. and i mean, this was especially to be expected in china where we had one of the most strict um yeah, uh 0 colored woods. so now of course, um this is a big test. this 2nd key um, green light, especially last year a lot of the resources went into um, you know, the lock downs, the current team facilities, etc. and that is one of the side effects. most of the public expenditure towards the health care system generally slow down. so i could expect that now, especially with a rather precarious economy situation and the it was the number one priority to invest in the health care system. the chinese government strong, sped, and see in communicating information about the corporate 19 outbreak has been criticized. is it doing a better job now?
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i would say mix cigna that we're getting um on the one hand it is quite unusual for the w h o for the world health organization to go public in the us trainings government to come forward with more information on those. um uh, spice and hospital cases. that on the other hand it seems that the chinese government has failed to all the relevant data, at least from what we know. so, um it is, i think too early to give you a final um conclusion on that. but yeah, i mean, in the system uh, transparency is not really incent device. so i would still be skeptical. but um, at least from what we know um, that doesn't seem to be any new um, pandemic coming at. no new virus trained has been discovered yet to leave it there with the timing. thanks so much for joining us today. 5 year on the credit card reporting from badging. the innovation police and fishermen have begun footfalls on the shoals of archery province to prevent ro,
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who can get references from arriving from bangladesh. the past few weeks of seeing hundreds arrive and rickety boats from refugee camps in cox's bizarre to audrey province. here an initial welcome by indian nations is slowly wearing seam, dw correspondence, shut them a single, long reports relief after 14 days, etc. together with some 200 other rolling, your migrants, shahid and his family have just arrived in a cha, indonesia, as most western province. they are now being held in a temporary shelter in the d, not far from where they're both landed. uh, modem window is either like when i was on the boat, it was pouring with rain. the wind was blowing hot to everyone got wet. when the sun came motor clothes go dry and went on like that, over and over again. i was afraid the boat would sink, but just pray that we could land somewhere there will hang. yes,
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mostly minority who fled from you in mart, neighboring bangladesh, shaheed and his family arrived in a bundle of dish kemp 11 years ago. but the conditions in the camp were becoming so in a humane. fisher heath's mother and her 3 sons risk, the perilous crossing to indonesia, a journey that almost cost him their lives, of the numbers. and if we had stayed on that boat for another one or 2 days, my children would probably have died. we hadn't eaten anything for 10 days. so one day, i pray to god that if somebody had to die, let it be me, not my children. and so now the people of archer has mostly welcome. well, hang your refugees. but recently the number of the rifles has risen to magically increasing tensions in the region. this boat at bmw and beach carrying hundreds of migrants was pushed back to see twice before finally being allowed to lend. after a 3rd attempt yeah. might even have it also not been on. yes. i hope they go back
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to that run country any. i don't want them to move to of a positive option. i think about it what i'm, what we hope for local governments or central governments, how i got to see so that the hinge of that one to enter a cia. i'm not left on the school to what the problem while on the, on the, you know, back at the shelter some 140 kilometers away. shrike's mother and her sons are hoping the local government will let them and their fellow refugee stay as night falls, google fishermen report that another 2 boats were spotted, etc. and for more of your joined by deputies, your director of human rights watch phil robinson. phil, what is making in the nations on entre so, resistance to accepting, go ahead and get references as well. i think the local authorities are higher in part because they've been getting little or no support from the national government
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in jakarta, which has been consistently shirking its duties towards receiving refugees and asylum seekers. so the ad so nice. i've been on their own for quite some time, and actually even some to prosecute it for helping roving about people in the past . so i think right now it's a reaction as much towards roving it as to the national government and indonesia, which has consistently been a difficult part or that has been more inclined to think about pushing boats off rather than helping them. but so in to be sure isn't a signatory to the 1951 refugee a convention good took off a simply say it won't accept anymore or he can get references and student legally be correct. well, i mean, they would be legally correct and morally wrong. uh, you know, there is a expectation and a moral duty for governments to receive people in distress on the c panel. you know,
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the fisherman of actually understand that it's, it's a puzzle to us why the government of indonesia doesn't understand. you know, the interesting thing here is that in many of these people who are writing actually an entre from referencing the rowing go where they're actually end up staying in a long term. many of them in turn will lead indonesia. and go to malays here because that's where they're trying to get to. so it's very, very disturbing that indonesia is taking this kind of attitude because, you know, with thailand pushing running the on malaysia, pushing on and off, there's no other place for these boats to go, you know, made donation actually, or the last hope of the rowing us and many of these rang your offerings quoted conditions in camps and bond leathers. but this is an old issue. why does it continue to remain a problem? well, it's quite clear that some young,
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more military who has no interest in having those roles who are in the camps ever returned to me. and they have uh, continuously made it almost impossible for romeo to consider going back there because they don't feel safe. you know, they don't want to go back under the control of a military that created as it committed crimes against humanity and acts of genocide and get some, you know, just you know, 7 or 8 years ago. so ultimately, the romania are stuck in these camps of the bangladesh. government doesn't want them and is trying to pressure them to go back and making their life miserable in the process of the islands is increasing in those camps. there's a, there's a sense of lawlessness that has certainly taken hold that already for doing very little bit combat repressed fear shouldn't bring it. and if it is back to me and my has been long touted as a long term solution, and you just had the news that china has broken a new repack creation plan. but when you say that me in model is not serious about
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having the ro hang airbag does that seem to be any talk of a repub creation plan is essentially pointless to well, i mean, i think they can have the cost, but ultimately what the roku is expected to be able to return to their villages, to be able to return with full rights as citizens of myanmar not displays persons or stainless persons. and they want, they have freedom of movement. they don't want to have right to live moves, and they want to have right to basic services. they want to have the right to protect. and ultimately, i think they'd like to have some sort of elements of the international community keeping an eye on the situation. so that ultimately the military hold on. yeah, mark doesn't again abuse the rights of the romania. all those things are not on the table from this military junta in, in, in may be there, they're sending delegations to come talk me. but you know, it's, it's all about
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a show trying to say that, you know me, i'm are serious when quite clearly they're not prepared for anything on the table that would entice them, writing it, and go back. we'll leave it there for the time being. thanks. so much for joining us today from robinson from human rights watch. and that does it for today on the, the news a show when see a bunch of tomorrow by the, every jenny is far less surprises. we've gone all out to give you some time. one day in the course of the rectory in your northern most count, the police the free time, but still very much alive. your guy to the special thoughts in germany
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recognizes where exactly it was fun. learn a lot of our culture history. all their travel extremely worth a visit, the less money, more problems, germany's economy. a new star says, financial support for companies transitioning towards the green economy will be upheld despite the government's budget. chris is also coming up as the u. n. is set to play a bigger role in the national tax corporation. we'll hear from an expert why he thinks the global south in particular sense to benefit from that. and we'll tell you why cyprus is no longer a hot spot for is really invest in price.
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cobra walked into the program. germany's economy minister says he wants to continue with the funding of multi 1000000000 euro economic projects. that's despite a recent court ruling, prevent the government from repurposing left over funds. raised to find the pandemic. the ruling trigger a crisis over the government's budget for next year, as it cannot raise new debts due to a constitutional so called that break robot. how accepted the federal government and the states of germany are working together to find a way to keep the money flowing surprises love describing them as affecting the economic heart of germany in big fears. on more on what he had to say. do you projected me getting the project like within the climate then transformation fund concerned the heart of germany's economy. deutschland, the economy, the data behind this has become common. knowledge comes out and it was due to the loss of this.
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