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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  December 1, 2023 2:15pm-2:31pm CET

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but surely, you're not expecting us not to protect ourselves because they choose to hide behind palestinians. this is a verse with most of us, the organization that has it's and it's still holding over a 140 is right. is many of them women and children. but they have to be released the l 2, we have to be released, the women need to be released. so how must have to go, this is a you, but i don't know why the dumping you didn't show also. um secretary blinking saying that from us have to go there to components of this war. if it releasing the hostages and making sure how most never has this power of government ever again. because when they have the power of government, they abuse it for the atrocities against humanity that were conducted against israel. what we call here from the secretary of state, was him calling on israel to put in place humanitarian civilian protection funds to minimize firms. yet for the casualties of innocent palestinians, have you or will you do that?
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we're constantly revising our operational activities in order to minimize the civilian cost. it is a floor, it is a will never the less that we didn't off for i would even argue that we were surprised full. and indeed there is a huge challenge in addressing the civilian arena, the civilian context of this war. and it is like trying to do that, the civilians of gauze are being caught up in this. but we need to remember where it all began. what happened on the 7th of october and why it can never be allowed to happen again? right? i'm left to cut off for so that it will leave it there. thank you so much for joining dw. good. thank or let's see if we can pull all this together with the deputies, at least on the list i. shawnee are best on are so welcome back to the studio shortly. we'll start with the face fight. why do you think this, this, this latest extension failed? what we've seen in the last 24 hours in bozeman, of the trust, the very little trust it was there so far between our mazda and israel,
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i've already lost the night before. i mean the 24 hours before this, the last release were very contentious. a lot of back and forth between decides on . what exactly does the list include cause how much was suggesting maybe truly some, some bodies of data victims is riley's and israel was pushing back against that, claiming the priorities for us to release live hostages. and, and so this back and forth was, was clear that both sides are tough in enough their positions. and then yesterday, also we saw an attack in jerusalem. these were the capital by how much militants in the a, a, in a bus stop. a leading to the death of 3 is relays and several more severely wounded . it's very hard to point to, to now we know to be talking truce and with him, us in gaza. but at the same time being, you know, despite of various have organization not seeming tough enough when other attacks happen in israel. so that was putting
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a lot of pressure on these really government it's, it's, it's tricky for those of us who, who don't follow these matters clearly. so we have a truce, but we know that within the, the truancy for us it was operating for the 7 days. they were skirmishes and, and there was, that was a rocket fire. so, so how is the lying droll in between? so sort of skirmishes and okay, this is enough or that's a, that's a great question. nobody really know when you go past along, you know, when you cross that we have some trickling of a little bit of exchanging but back and forth. but the general frame was framework worked because it was if there was a believe the both sides need it, how much needs more time needs more aid coming in to god. i need fuel need to many tearing support and is what i want to bring as many hostages home as possible. and you know, and there's no nobody they way. then the deal, however, or both sides would be saying and rhetorics and statements in the last 24 hours. we're eager to show that they are not afraid of resuming the fire. we never needed
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to. this is also part of the, of the game of this back and forth between decides some of it has been depletion or psychological war for elements. some of it is, the genuine hostility between decides we still see a lot of pressure. katara is still hoping to be able to resume, you know, some sort of twist before we see escalation. it goes out of hand. it's the next couple of hours will be quite crucial for that. it's too soon to see if that is even possible. we just heard from a piece of land or from the i for the, the ideas and it, he repeated the, these really live it. this is because not only did i promise a break, deceased 5, but they will not release the, the women and children have. we as, as we have insisted, said with, with dealt with the break of a $65.00, this notion of women and children having to come out 1st. is that because if that a deal that was agreed that it probably more. and that's how i'm us. i'm the israel
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believes that how much has violated or is how's that being part of the negotiation . and this is a term, the israel above the time. i said no to well know that the, the framework that was established over 8 years, the 8 days ago was about the children. and their mother is, you know, women and children because so many little was out correct. because we also need to remember part of the truth with also release of is where the prisoner passing his prisoner hell than israel. and that was also under the same category miners and women. so because the way israel sees it, the way her mazda is that, when ever you start talking about men, elderly men on, you know, hostages in gauze, or you would have to also discuss elderly men prisoners held in israel. that would be harder for israel to release because the men that are kept in his really prisons a palestinian. what are usually those who have been convicted of terror attacks and some heavy crimes. unlike what we've seen so far in release of prison is a sofa. so the minute you change the, the, the consistency of the,
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the big kind of people you release the category of people being released. you've got an open to view and re negotiate all the terms. and that's where both sides are too far from each other. this is where the distrust is too big, and this is why we've seen this collapsing. okay, so let me thank you for thank you for walking through. as i said, you're presenting a state of these mistakes done. let's take a look at the stores away from the wall now and start with the philippines, which says it's establishing co, scott, based on the largest out into holes in the dispute in the south china sea. in manila said the facility on t 2 islands would be used to monitor chinese ships in the area based on claims the islands and most of the south china sea cultures and russia has extended the free trial detention of russian, american jazz, vista, owls to outcome a shave until february, she's been accused of fighting to register as a part of a agents reported to the us funded right here for your business. second american
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jims to be arrested in russian this year. 3 people have been injured ass or i haven't come to christ into a motorway bring wrote in with traits a to the injured world, both the chocolate, the dr. kotik 5. yeah. craft of sources are investigating the cause of the incident a painting by midnight and a copy of the nations office sandra, brought to charlie has been v discovery in naples. the madonna delegate access. he has that had disappeared from public view and a 19 ages and had hung in a family house by st. believe to be with a $100000000.00 euros will not be restored. officials will investigate when it was acquired properly. and your and secretary general antonio butera says one will leave is that the only way to stop global warming is to end the burning of fossil fuels. speaking out before my opening off, you and it's comp 28 klein with somebody to divide. the secretary general said that
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nearly reducing fossil fuel usage wouldn't be enough to prevent the climate disaster. stokes had gone off to a quick stall on 5th day with a my mom deal for a lost and damaged fund to help the wells for his coaches. coach, the impact of the climate crisis. brittany, king charles that gave the opening address a little early today. i pray with all my heart. the top 28th will be another critical turning point towards genuine transformational action as a time when already assigned to. so being warning for so long, we are seeing alarming tipping points being reached i've spent a large proportion of my life trying to move on to the existential threats facing as of a global warming of
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a time of change and by diversity loss as. but i was not a lo prisons, jake, my habits dear father shakes side, was advocating for clean energy at the time, even before the united. you don't remember, it's a such payment to be all these decades later. despite all the attention there is 30 percent more carbon dioxide the atmosphere now. then there was back then and room is 40 percent. well, me see some important progress has been made, but it worries me greatly be, remain so dreadfully far off track. as the global stop take report demonstrate so graphic the dangers are no longer distance risk. i've seen across the commonwealth and beyond congress's communities,
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which are unable to withstand repeated shocks, whose lives and livelihoods, and laid waste by climate change. surely real action is required to stem the grilling, tow. always most venerable victims to spread instinct. charles, let's get reactions to that and the proceedings from the climate correspondence, there is also a welcome back duties, but let's start with what we just heard from the british king. what do you make of what you have to say? well, i mean there was nothing that was not expected really in that speech. he is a king but has shown himself to be interested in clement and sustainability issues . it's not the 1st time that he's spoken at the comp for of the prince. wales obviously empowers and in glasgow and the speech was a call for action for leaders were there at the called at the moment to step up their emission when it comes to reducing carbon dioxide emissions of,
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of fossil fuel use. okay, and robin just sitting around reading that hands and telling each other how great they all of actually did something yesterday focused through this deal. so this deal is on loss and damage, which was a funds that they agreed to put in place last year. over the past year. they've been negotiating on what that funds will actually look like. and all of the recommendations that came forward were accepted yesterday and adopted. so that means the fund is in place essentially. now countries need to pay money. and with we've already seen the united arab emirates, for example, promising a $100000000.00. germany promised the same amount, but really this is still a drop in the ocean competitor, the amount of money that is going to be needed to help countries in the developing world cope with the extreme weather events and the impacts that they are seeing as a result of climate change, the forward to this is to get the industrialized pollutes as to setup based funds so that those countries who are most affected by it can defend to it i'm missed the
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gate, the effects exactly. um, but there are still some complications, not for example, it's not clear which countries will be eligible to access this fund. and it's also not clear who is going to be contributing. so that would definitely be the, the industrialized countries putting money in twit, as we've seen. it was quite kind of a surprise. but the way you put money in, in that, at that is technically a developing country under the u enough. triple c, the, the u. n's climate change condition, and then you know, a industrialized countries would like to see time enough for example, which is one of the biggest domestic also contributing to this fund. but none of them actually have 2 different places and they've, they've, they've got it off the, the, the, of the ground. but it does sound weird, but let's set up a fun. i will decide to contribute. so would you just decide amongst yourselves whether or not you want to give anything that was this seems an odd way of doing business. so i'm big countries are against
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a full phase out of common and i'm more in favor of a circled phase down. just talk us through what this means. so a phase that means like getting rid of fossil fuels and our energy mix completely. now that is going to be quite complicated because obviously we're still very relying on them for the economy and for industry and things like that. so some of the bigger countries also be the oil countries like the us and the gulf states don't want there to be complaints like shut down or fossil fuels. other countries would like to see a phase out, but it's more likely it's going to be face down, which is a reduction or slow reduction of fossil fuel use. the, the european union is cooling for phase out, but of so called unabated fossil fuels. so best means emissions that would not be able to be cap, should add full spike hobbin cap to a technology. but even that technology is not used at scale yet, so. okay,
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excellent. corresponding to the reasonable, thank you so much for taking us through that. that was, we will see more of you over the coming face. so this is the w use live from the end. a reminder about top stores of this. our mouse runs costs in health ministry says thousands of people have been killed in the hours since israel resumed operations. and the gaza strip is really ministry. excuses have massive violating terms of the truths which expired earlier on friday morning. massachusetts is relative, refusing to accept all of its office to pro log with the day of britons at king charles has told lasers that the cuff 28th find themselves in divine surprises. the summit will be a critical turning point towards the action of the next 2 days. leaders from around all the set to speak about the impact of climate change. yeah, i don't know if it's one of the views at the top of the hour of next uh,
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