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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 2, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, that we in use live from the lead international with dismay as each route and how most resume fighting and gossip. the un describing the renewed hostilities as a return to hell on the full cost. both how my son, these rile up landing each other for the collapse of the 6 poles are coming up. jim and john, so that will, i've sold launches in international climate club to help in the fight against global warming. it will focus on how industries tend costs greenhouse gas emissions .
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the jared read. welcome to the showing, the un says the renewed fighting between homeless militants and israel is worsening and extreme humanitarian emergency and gaza. hostilities resumed friday morning, often negotiated as failed to extend what had become a 7 day 6 fire. the hum us controlled health ministry and gaza says at least $170.00 eyes, palestinians have been killed. the resumption in fighting is compounding the suffering of the summit. 2000000 and palestinians trapped inside gaza. medical facilities are overwhelmed and there was a shortage of a central supplies the 1st to be injured or killed. after the week long pause in the bombing minutes after the truce
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expired is riley strikes, rains down across garza, the let's see. sorry. is all we could already see the for me. i'm at a hospital. there was a heat about 50 meters from here. this is the biggest school function hospital in java, 3 to 200, which it is. it just has to do. yes. this is a hospital the health system. here's oliver. well, we cannot see more children with the wounds of war with the birds with the shrapnel littering. they parted with the broken bones. the an action. $5.00 with the influence is allowing the killing of children. the israel defense forces said they, he's only the $200.00 targets along the length and breadth of the strip on friday. hundreds of thousands of thousands have fled south seeking safety. many now living
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cramped together and makes shift attempts. but on the 1st day of renewed flashing bones struck the 2 and the year has returned, the sadness has returned to me. that'd be with every explosion of the spring up. honey. is it in front of us behind us? i think we're living in terra and is that ben, if anyone can help us, we're dying of starvation. i mean, if you're a deliveries ramped up during the truce, providing some rest bites for the true $1000000.00 in living with limited access to food, water medicine and fuel. but nothing has entered gaza since the pause in sizing ended, the us said that israel was blocking a deliveries, but has agreed to allow some trucks through according to the united nations, even with the increase deliveries during the truce. the level of aid and gaza is completely inadequate to meet needs. you and officials have
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called the resumption of fuzzy. a tasha straw fix saying hell on us has returned to gauze as well as military says eat attacked, some 200. how much targets in the gaza strip off to fighting resumed more on that. we have journalist somebody sako in jerusalem. well, i can tell you that the attack was launched both from the air, from the sea and from the land, with artillery. and we're talking about the and i thought that went from the sauls alpha, you know, all the way up to the north of the street. and targeting edge about the uh, it should say, uh if a new nice and, and other places according to the statement that was the release by the idea place spokesperson and the, the targets included operation in command center,
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which is how much was operating and the underground sites and military compound and from which anti tank and midsize, were launched at soldiers earlier today and so forth. but what can you hear from gaza? again, a menu, yes, civilians have being a changing to being a women and children at semi. we've also learned from the is riley army. it's saying that mil hostages have been confirmed as did. what do we know about these? a yeah, with your a 6. yeah. the 6 hostages. they all know that they were talking about the the idea of has a phone the found when these that the day of the relatives have the died. one of them is a 27 year old and is randy who was in a,
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in the party. and then was a kid now and was a body was found in gauze and, and no preparation by the is really military. and this should that, and they brought in the body into this are all, and the, today was the funeral. and in the other cases, we're talking about the 5 other civilians, and that would, that would died in gaza. is the circumstances of that this is not so clear. and we know that at least some of these cases how most announced a few days ago, that they were killed in the air strikes. and is there any air strikes? and of course, i mean this has helped me against the backdrop of this renewed fighting between a homeless and the east riley military for the families of the remaining hostages. and of course the besieged gardens that you mentioned early. the fact that the truce has ended is a real blow. oh,
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what hopes are they possibly for another cease fire as well? these folks are only going we know that the cut, the as not given up in the egyptians, are also committed. also, the united states of america is interested in, in having an extension of these c c. fires. and they are both visual and how much they also have interest. each party has their own interest. angel would like to see a more hostages, but there is a debated as well as to how to prioritize it. and we have many members of these really government who think that now is the time to strike it from us. it destroys, it goes a street and not hold any kinds of negotiations. and at the same time, we have the assignment of these over those who have been
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a productive. and of course, a large part of these really public. and they're saying that is really should be most in order to return the said the captain and tomorrow we're going to see a display of force by these families. they're going to organize in major demonstration intel of leave. and for the 1st time, we will hear the top tips ex captives from gaza. that will stand on the stage and we'll pull. so this might give a momentum to this movement that won't be very interesting to watch. indeed, so many so called interest alumni for us suddenly thank you so much. well, with the flashing and gaza resumed these ralph faces mounting pressure to do more, to protect palestinian civilians as it continues within stags and to destroy thomas . an air strike on rough uh,
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in southern gaza with much of northern gaza under is really control. israel's focus is now turning to the south. this means fighting in an even more densely populated area than before. hundreds of thousands of palestinians who fled the north are now here. the is real defense forces released the map showing gaza divided into a numbered sections. this means that people will receive evacuation notices based on the number of the section they live in, and should make it easier to evacuate civilians before an area comes under attack. however, in flinging they may expose themselves to an attack as well. which happens when palestinians fled the north. another challenge, israel says more than $130.00 hostages are still in gaza. many of them soldiers that have most wants to trade for its own high value prisoners and israel. many are thought to be held in the south. there are fears that indiscriminate bombing from the hair to kill hostages,
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as well as their captors and civilians. israel also faces international pressure, especially from the u. s. which is israel's main ally and backer. there is political turmoil in the us over civilian casualties in gaza. and the government worries that he has real has no exit plan from the war. but his real has the most sophisticated, one of the most sophisticated military is in the world. it is capable of neutralizing the threat posed by him us while minimizing harm to innocent men, women and children. and it has an obligation to do so. of his real says the need to eradicate him off his threat is overriding all other concerns. but after 8 weeks of war and with the death total of over $15000.00 palestinians, it might soon need to reevaluate its plans. okay, let's get around up now. some of the world news headlines,
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the militant has belonged. group say is each has carried out several attacks on each, riley military positions on the lebanese border official site. israel also shield a village and southern live in on killing 2 people. his blinds, an ally of homeless and is considered a terrorist group by many countries. us republican lawmakers. george santos has been expelled from the us house of representatives of the criminal corruption charges and investigation found that he paid for both hawks the treatments. luxury goods in pornography with campaign money is only the 6th member of the house, if it to be trained house. under sandra day o'connor, the 1st, if a woman to sup uh serve on the us supreme court has died. the 93 year old to come to complications related to advance dementia. aqona was appointed by president ronald reagan in 1991 and was known as a case centrist in a period of a deep divisions in new sci fi fair. and i remember one time flash flooding and
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kenya continues to just place thousands of people from the himes. torrential rains of blocked roads and flooded towns and villages. the government is urging people to relocate to higher ground can use to malia and ethiopia have been sizing, heavy flooding that is killed over 200 people. as to g bye now with some high profile initiatives, have been announced that the u. n's called 20 i to climate conference. they include a fund to help fund ruble countries cope with the cost of climate disasters, as well as the so called climate club launched by germany that will focused on helping injury in the industries. i'm sorry, the colonized but disagreements between well as late as i'm beginning to show a scientist one that time to take meaningful action is running out a picture of unity. but beneath the surface there is
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a huge disagreement between well lead is a how to tackle climate change, the u. n. chief antonio good tad is, has warned that the only way to stop global warming is to end the funding of fossil fuels, which represents the size is clear. the 1500000000 limits is only possible if c o. d monthly stop burdening or forcing fools not to reduce, not they fight adults with a clear timeframe aligns with 1.5 degrees. these comments come a day off to the oil rich host, the united arab emirates, set that fossil fuels must be a positive n e climate. do the u. a e's continued support for oil and gas cost. one member of the main comp 20
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h advisory board to resign. there's also an good the richer nations and not doing enough to help poor ones, or might know the most vulnerable to not choose between fighting climate change it up in finding poverty. can you go about that? they'll have to do both. they don't. the 5 year to a flurry of financial plant genes have already been made. they include a landmarks funding to help the wells forest cope with the effects of climate change. other countries have also come up with plans. germany's life schoultz arrived into by to launch his climate club, which will focus on di, compromising industries. but for many, these financial promises on most enough, unless there's real progress, the fear is that this huge summit will change very little. finally, now, one of germany's oldest christmas markets has just been opened by the christmas angel here in your,
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in the chris can traditionally declares the market open just before the 1st sunday of advance, attracting around 2000000 visitors, the e. we can see vendors selling gifts, mild one and 50 of traits which they've been doing for 400 years. that's it for me may stay chain for the me business after. so the shuttle the 100 and key, more people than ever on the news world volume in such a profession, life on that bus. and so it's actually committed car passport


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