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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 3, 2023 12:00pm-12:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin talks on renewing a cease fire and gas a, here's an impasse. israel withdraws from deadlock negotiations and cut her accusing harmless of not complying with a deal to release women and child hostages. meanwhile, israel has been stepping up air strikes on the southern jars and also on the program a controversial referendum and venezuela people are asked to vote on a centuries old claim to s could see both as a cable rather disputed territory, which the u. n. warrens belongs to neighbor and deanna plus. after we've gotten
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some 40 centimeters of snow pier, i'm standing it up to my knees, dates an absolute mess. bavaria begins to resume the air and rail operations after snow paralyzes the region for 24 hours will hear more from our snow band reporter the next spicer welcome to the program. talks in cutter about renewing the cease fire between israel and how mass have collapsed. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered his team to return home, a mass which has been designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries. as to all the media, it will not release any more hostages until all palestinian prisoners how. but israel are released on sunday. israel's military ordered more areas around hon
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units to evacuate as it steps up. air strikes on southern gaza as relentless strikes on southern gaza when many people had sought safety pipes. the sum here is now gone. i don't have idea. there's nothing left to fear. our houses are going on, our property is gone, where money is gone, it says, oh sons have been murdered. sometimes some left disabled in the hospital, the what's left to cry for. and then they tell us, we'll get a and then the, where is it that the guy the these to month war has seen entire palestinian families wiped out. many people have been displaced multiple times, like those in this makeshift camp near a hospital in the city of han, eunice, they say no place is safe with his riley bones dropping everywhere. so some are ignoring israel's calls to move for the south and to stang puts it in the 1st
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showing. they told us to evacuate to the south because it's a now they chose to go further. so this is nonsense the, we're not going anywhere i, they will remain here and they can do whatever they please. i'm. the israel says it is struck hundreds of her most targets, including what it says were a command center and military compound. but it denies claims, there are no safe places to evacuate to in gaza. where color is mine, but we determined safe areas in gauze and coordination with international agencies and with our american friends who is the we we determine safe areas to where the population knows and can evacuated to bundle dish. oh, i see the ones that we did it in the north and we will do it elsewhere. 0 to and this is important because we have no desire to harm the population and then from
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what's on the global. so there is no sign of another pause in fighting israel has pulled it to negotiate it out of the sci fi tools, the deputy leader of how mos said any further release of hostages would only happen as part of ending the wall. venezuelans go to the pools today in a controversial referendum, the government hopes will strengthen its claim over as a cable, a territory that's legally part of neighboring deanna. the vote is non binding and comes after the united nations top court ordered caracas not to take any action that would alter deanna's control over the territory. as a keybo is a 160000 square kilometers about the size of grease and makes up around 2 thirds of the on his territory. gas and oil were discovered there in 2015. our next report will give you a sense of the mood in both keiana and venezuela in the run up to the vote.
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this is that's the key though. life is slow here. jungle and farm land against the backdrop of mountains. at this market, farmers auction off produce, we're praying, we're hoping and we're having faith stuff and nothing negative would come. you know what all these rumors that is happening. we are just praying and hoping and having said that, this is all lines. venezuelan say it's a quibble, belongs to them, because the region was with, in its boundaries during the spanish colonial period. president nicholas madura was government as also stepped up. it's campaign since the discovery of oil and gas and that's the key. but the referendum asks if it's a queen both should be a state within venezuela. we will not be calm until this people decide what we are going to do with the essex. we will territory and it is you, dear brother's comrade. it is not the bullets,
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it is not the canons. it is the backend. as a queen though, people are used to being ignored by the government. information on the referendum has reached them mostly through social media, much of it inaccurate. they're angry with their own officials, but that doesn't mean that they want to be part of venezuela either. i would send it to no, but i did indeed the people i'm not prepared for any dick over. nobody has informed us actually. no, it is being put on the table by us here as of the just trying to inform or people of the day and just that is up. what was, at the moment, life goes on and ethically, though it's unclear how the results of the referendum will play out if it passes. but many here fear the worst for the future. and for more on the future, on the present, i'm drawing now from correct us by journalist oscar shanker. oscar,
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do we expect a big turn out for this boat as well? there has been a lot of speculation about the turn of this election. so it's something to keep an eye out for in terms of support for the government and the actual referendum. it is undisputed because there wasn't even a visible campaign to abstain from the selection from the opposition. this particular issue with rhianna is something that both the opposition and government defend. so in terms of political support for the issue, there is consensus. although border motor turn not could be modern and it's, it's not expected to be massive because there is a lot of mistrust in that as well as i would draw. counsel in the oscar the vote is non binding if i'm not mistaken. so why bother? although it's non binding, it puts pressure into discussing the topic. we will not be talking about the keyboard if it wasn't for this. my friend them today, some form of the administration that is of when just the fact that we are analyzing
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and discussing the issue raise of the interest over the dispute. the other possible game that modem goes up, ministers and can take from this referendum is to have arguments and the international court says evidence of concerns in order to justify claims over uh, the dispute of territory. okay, so the argument could go, the rather the government could go to an international court with the argument and look, hey the people think this way, a lot, orland gas is not a motivation. oh, definitely invest unfortunately because instead of wanting to save or or defend his territory or the people in the surgery for it's natural resources, it is mostly reinforced and see the real evidence reasons of this claim is to exploit its natural resources and beyond the motivation of the government and what it might have is, you know, its actual incentive tell me about the military situation, a big border,
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any risk of escalation there, of any kind we should be worried about. or, well, it is the way that the issue escalates into which are take over the government has been showing their teeth moving troops towards the border and increasing their operations against the legal mining in the border states, which is a problem. so there is a threat and brand as well as military forces is much greater then we have the question, is our, do we honest allies willing to step in to give the throat increases? okay. oscar shanker from correct? yes, thank you so much for that insight. now to some other stories making news around the world, at least 4 people had been killed in a bomb attack on a catholic mass. in the southern philippines, dozens of others were injured in the blast in the university gymnasium in raleigh, the country's largest majority muslim city president 39 marco's blamed what he called for, and terrorist for the explosion. french authorities say an attacker in paris,
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stabbed a german tourist to death and injured to other people. the suspect reportedly shouted, allah who akbar or god is great in arabic before being arrested. the man was known to french authorities as a radical islamist with mental health troubles. unique airport resumed flight operations early sunday, after being closed on saturday due to a heavy snowfall. thousands of travelers were stranded in the bavarian capital, where the extreme winter weather has disrupted public transport and long distance rail services. this video posted on x shows a jet frozen into the rugby at munich. i bought the heavy snowfall. i brought everything to a standstill. and called savvy chaos in southern germany, pretty well in the morning. they said flights would leave after 12 o'clock. then we
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had to take our way into the car park with shovels. we had to take a taxi to the terminal because the buses weren't running, which no one told us. and now we don't know what to do either. if there's something that we just have to wait, it's all a bit annoying, but it can't be helped. similar, it seems that monique center is going to station bid thousands of passengers are also stranded but have to use the replacement services if there are any and so that is football game between by an munich and union bell and what's called adults to the heavy snowfall has cause damage in the regions surrounding munich and to good seed as traffic disruptions, inhibiting austria. so insulin and detect republic, dozens of drugs were left stuck on medium. what are these for those whose
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travel plans haven't been up to and the flu has done to it is talks lots like drugs into winter wonderland just in time for the start of the christmas season. so thousands of stranded travelers among them. my colleague dw reporter william blue cross william. good to see you all did under trying circumstances. your snow bound. tell me, tell me how, what happened? hey nick, well, for a nice canadian boy like you and for a nice place in the northeast united states like me, maybe this is nothing but for listeners and bavarian, so like you see behind me here i, they've been telling me the last couple of days this is more snow than they ever seen all at once in their lifetime, through some of them, especially this early in the winter season. i can't move the camera, but so this is how much so i mean basically sucks into a, you know, so up to my knees, which has been falling at least since thursday, when i got down here i was suppose to try to get out of here on saturday,
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but in the night friday into saturday everything shut down just complete, shut down local, regional long distance plus tram taxes and rights or services rifka. ready overwhelmed, people were stocked in train stations in hotel lobbies, just trying to figure out how to get to their end destinations, and do it safely. the roads were a mess. country to um, the leader of the state. marcus there to a tweet. he put out saying he was thankful for all the winter service and the roads clearing, at least in my experience. i saw none of that and no preparations in the the hours and the day leading into it. so yeah, stranded here trying to get out today, the german national real service says there hopefully to get trains going. as of this morning i just looked, it looks like trains are going, but they are massively over sold at overbook. so a lot of people won't really get out of here until as it's tomorrow. yeah. and it takes, as we go, so a long time for things to be come unstuck. lots of back up this and so, and the unit is the biggest transport hub for,
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for airplanes in germany. so what's the forecast now is a situation like likely to continue as well, if you heard that report, the airport is up and running. i'll be with some delays. oh, i checked some of the parts was it looks like a lot of them are getting out on time. now. the forecast so far right now, as you can see, it's beautiful. this is what happens often after big storms like that. it's very cold and the problem with the cold is it freezes every thing. so in addition to all of the snow, you have underneath, it's now just ice everywhere on the sidewalk, on the streets, on the surface. it's incredibly dangerous situation, of course, very hard for also transport and also a lot of fall in threes. i myself, witness branches hold 3, you know parts of the street collapsing on the street from the weight of the snow. that's also very dangerous and that kind of danger will continue as long as the temperature has continued to maintain the snow and the attendance height. okay, well i have blue cross. thanks for that. i hope you can go get something warm to drink soon. i will keep up to date with you about chocolate time
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you're now up to date after the break and look at playing at fair in football. sports live ask past which country gets the least red cards. and why? i'm excited for me in the attorneys team here. thanks for watching the tips for your package. the zip code is so cities check on some great cultural memorials to boot travel regarding what do these do for fun via do gravitational ways squeeze outside.


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