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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 3, 2023 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin. israel's army tells more palestinians to evacuate as an intensifies it's offensive in southern gaza. it originally told people to move south to escaped bombing in the north. israel rejects criticism that it's not doing enough to protect civilians. also coming up and unique airport reopens after heavy snow and sub 0 temperatures paralyzed transport across the region and stranded thousands of passengers. and in football the draw for the men's european shot been shipped. that's usually
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a negligence germany against scotland and the opening match will bring a reaction from hamburg where the drug took place. the next by sir, welcome to the program. israel has ordered palestinians to evacuate from more areas around the 2nd largest city, and the guys a strip hon. eunice. it says it's intensifying its military campaign on southern gas it to target a mass which has been designated a terraced organization by multiple countries. many of the guys residents fled to the south. the territory after being ordered to leave the north. families and friends gathered outside the alley baptist hospital and gaza city to pray for the victims at the slightest bound of his right in the ash dikes. a mother grieves how young daughter to the bodies,
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the poles and the level in seems that to become all too familiar for many and knows and gaza. it was here that isabel comes in charge of most if it's 5 power until now is why it was military is stepping up. it's offensive in southern gaza on sunday. it says you didn't. you evacuation order 10 people to leave areas in underground to the city of con eunice in the south. more than 1800000 displaced thousands being squeezed into increasingly smaller space. the daily buildings and the lack of access to basic communities taking it tell seems like these were frank's a devastating impact. the boy is having on this generation of palestinian children leaving those who do survive deeply traumatized to
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a sub a sub. since this morning we received large numbers of matches. the majority of them were children, more than 15 children between 2 and 9 years old. these innocent children not being bombs and they are in front of you and you can see them send that to you and ask them. and uh well, um, what this uh, what the ward is about to enter. it's 30 minutes and there's little of how you decide to go. and anytime soon as the air strikes intensify, so due to so do international calls rather for return to the negotiating table and a new truce, i asked the w rebecca rivers in jerusalem. how likely that is, it was really difficult to say whether or not these talks will start. again, is obviously a lot of hope and effort being made on all sides and from international actors as well. to try to get those tools up and running again, whether or not they will, of course, remains to be say, nick,
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we know that the shaky talks also this is fine even broke a couple of days ago were continuing. and i finally sold yesterday with the prime minister's office here, benjamin at now, whose office withdrawing his most out of the go she a to is the is reading intelligence service negotiators. were withdrawing them from doha, where they were meeting with guitar and egyptian officials to try to come to some arrangement to resume even a temporary safe side to allow for the release of more hostages and more aid going in. they completely broke down with israel blaming her mouth for not delivering on the promise of, of issuing list with more women and children. but the fact of the matter is we either analysts saying even the mouse may not know where all of the prisoners all we know that from us. we're not the only group to take prisoners. we know that some civilians will also holding hostages, i should say. and we also know that some of the militant groups also took is riley in 2000 and territory. so part of the sci fi was to allow some us to be able to
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locate some of those hostages. whether or not they were able to do so, that isn't known. and the fact that they couldn't produce those lists perhaps suggests that they may not have been able to locate all those remaining women and children. we just don't know. we know that the us a pretty firm, they're trying to get the root talks to continue and we know that category officials and egyptian officials also trying to push for those talks to start a game, but whether or not they will. uh yeah, as i said, you know, is anyone's guess. we know that the talks even before this safe, i deal with a great were very up and down looking very shaky at times until an agreement was finally rate. so there is a lot heights and a lot of chops that they could resume, but at this stage they are in fact at the moment completely dead in the water. and rebecca, just briefly, if i make it back to this situation for the people who have flooded to southern gaza for their own safety. how safe are they now with the resumption of israeli
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attacks? always of course being talking about the dire situation and gaza for many weights. we've main saying of the almost constant bombardment, of course, the pump from the temporary faced by these people going from the north to the south . and now it looks and israel saying that he is reading itself for a ground operation in the south, dropping leaflets in the city of han units in the south, urging people to move yet further south near the rough uh crossing. but of course, people not really knowing where they can go, everybody's saying that there isn't any way to say for these people. we're also saying that is rarely setting up a plan to divide garza up into these zones, these numbers, the zones there. as part of these leaflet drops, also including q all codes with numbers on them so that people can know which is going to get into. but we've got to mount a terry and organizations saying, and people how they have access to electricity to communications. how are they supposed to work out what zone they're in?
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i mean, i even heard read one humanitarian saying that this is sort of like some a call board game that these people have been, have to walk out with, you know, a veterans on 35. whether that's going to be home today or tomorrow and, and to try and, and vacate that area. so a very, very precarious dangerous and dire situation for the civilians in the south neck is one can imagine dw corresponded rebecca rivers from jerusalem. there of the, let's have a look at some other stories making news around the world. now. venezuelans are casting ballots in a referendum. the government hopes will strengthen its claim over a se keybo, a territory that's legally part of neighboring deanna. the vote is non binding and comes after the united nations top court ordered caracas not to challenge deanna's control over the land. boat county has been gunning for indian stays for regional results. are expected to strengthen the ruling beach, a party. it's projected to win in 3 of the states. roger stan magic pradesh and cha
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discussed, giving and boost to prime minister and rendered moody ahead of next year's national election of volcano has erupt it in western indonesia, sending 3 kilometers of ash into the air. dozens of hikers have been forced to evacuate and several are still on, accounted for the rocky mountain. it is on the 2nd highest, a rupture read the russian alert. the killing of a german journal rather tote tourist in the streets of paris has drawn condemnation from the german government who have called it an abominable crime. the knife and a hammer attack occurred near the eiffel tower on saturday night, french authorities say that the attacker reportedly shouted allahu akbar or god is great in arabic before being arrested. the french interior minister said the man had already been known to authorities. he previously spent 4 years in prison for planning another attack. dw sonya found the car in paris told me more
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about the incident. so one of the fonts is nash, who, antique persecution, pasco, anti terrorism prosecutor's office, has opens an investigation into model and attempted murder into one b. c. of is, it is a tenuous plots i'm not into them. and it's the gentleman that has been speaking to the french media, and he has said that the suspect has told the police, but he was, you know, very disturbed. he could not been listening to being kingdom of console and focused on assignment of his own words. he has accused fonts of being in his words and accomplished what is one is doing in concert. this is of course for forwarding to ongoing is way the operations and concept to crush them off. um so, so there is certainly the, the differential certainly treating it as a terrorist attack and oppose the blacktop. the oldest, the phones is on the highest level of, of national security extensions wise. and again, you know, against the background of what between these rather most and prompts, of course this home to, and your largest jewish and this,
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and populations. so the country is certainly on edge. and tell us more about the suspect. what do we know? what are you hearing with the details of emotion in the french media, he is, he has been identified as r, o r. he is a french national. he has been north of the page police. he has been in the watch list of print security services. he lived, you know, with his parents, south of virus and in 2016, he was already questioned my, the domestic intelligence intelligence agency for the school and a plan knife for tech in a business district west of virus. he was then convicted and spent a central train for 5 years. he was released in 2020 and one of the things the authorities have been speaking about is that he has a history of mental health issues. they see he is highly unstable and easily influenced. okay, dw sonya found the car in paris. thanks so much. i here in germany munich,
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airport resumed flight operations early sunday, after being closed on saturday, due to heavy snow fall thousands of travelers were stranded in the bavarian capital, where the extreme winter weather has disrupted public transport and long distance rail services. this video posted on x shows a jet frozen into the rugby at munich, bought the heavy snowfall brought everything to a standstill and caused gravity kills in southern germany. in the, in the morning, they said flights would leave after 12 o'clock. then we had to take our way into the car park with shovels. we had to take a taxi to the terminal because the buses weren't running, which no one told us. and now we don't know what to do either. so it is something that we just have to wait. it's all a bit annoying, but it can't be helped. similar,
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it seems that munich center is going to station bid thousands of passengers are also stranded but have to use the replacement services if there are any and so that is football game between bite in munich and union. berlin was called off to the heavy snowfall has cause damage in the region surrounding munich and to good seed as traffic disruptions, inhibiting austria. so the land and the tech republic, the dozens of drugs were left stuck on medium. what are these for those whose travel plans haven't been turned the snow has done to it as talks. lots like drugs into a winter wonderland. just in time for the start of the christmas season. the draw has been made for the men's european football championship,
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which takes place next year here in germany and germany place scotland and the opening matching unit on june 14th, hungry, and switzerland make up the rest of group a couple others. italy faced a difficult task to even get out of their group. they've been drawn against heavy weight spain in croatia as well as albania. tom, get away from dw sports, was in hamburg for the draw. we asked him what he thought of germany's chance has given their poor recent results. there's a lot of work to be done if they are to, you know, a good showing in at next year's tournament. now, i will say mondays actually uh, do you run off to the door to speak to a couple of former well, when is from the germany side among the women inviting stella, who was the backup goalkeeper at 2014. when germany won the woke up in brazil, i do sir philip vaughn, who was the captain of that tournament. now philip, mom was quite forthright in his criticism of the current gemini team unable mind. vitamin color said the german football is on its knees at the moment, but only last night. gemini swimming, took
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a step towards the qualification for the pirates olympics next year. and only today, germany's on the $172.00, he won the world cup in a year in which they've already been crowned european champions. so tell me if it was on it's needs to be, it's not true of all of that teams, but it is true of that 1st team. now i asked for that long what it is that the gemini 1st team can learn from the, on the 17th. and he said that team displays beats joy and its pride in playing for germany. and that's one of the things that he threw was, has been missing from the performances of duty and not was men's team recently. so plenty of example was that least of how it used to be done within the gym. the football federation is the german team need some inspiration, as you see over here. so they're dominance over other a lead long distance runners from around the world at the valencia marathon on sunday is here is 33 year old si se lemme broke the course record in spain by 5 seconds lemma. who was the one the london marathon and 2021 cross the line in 2 hours. one minute and 48 seconds, while ethiopia is work next,
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a default to the race for the women to give the east african nation a clean sweep in valencia. you're up to date after the baker porter has a profile of berlin's growing indian community next, spicer for me, and the entire new steam here in berlin. thanks for watching. the listening place of the mediterranean explosives connects people of many of mazda and jeff bar up to korea to us.


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