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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 3, 2023 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the, the is the state of the news live from the these right of the ministry widens it's ground, offensive to southern gaza, having palestinians to evacuate more parts of the south. having previously told them to move, to escape only in the north also on the program and susie rebels say they, they attacked to is ray, the ships and the red sea. but the israel says the vessels have no connection to the country. washington says a u. s. warship was also attacked the
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i'm so okay, welcome to the program. the israeli army says it has started a ground defensive and southern gaza. that is today's ready for he's ordered palestinians to leave address around con units. the largest city in the south. israel says it's new round operations needed to destroy how mass, which has been designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries and many of goss as residents had fled to the south. the israel had previously ordered them to leave the north families and friends gather outside the all ali baptist hospital and gaza city to pray for the victims of this latest round of his really air strikes. a mother greets for her young daughter and bodies are pulled from the rebel and seems that have become all too familiar to many in northern gods. it. it was here that israel concentrated most of expire power until now israel's military
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is stepping up. it's offensive and southern gaza and on sunday it issued a new evacuation order telling people to leave areas in and around the city of con eunice, in the south as as gaza experience as intense when bars when once again is realized under growing pressure from its allies to protect civilians, and it bows to continue on and blames the fighting on him off. be doing this how mazda is destroyed once in full. there's no hope for the guys, a stipend. it's people that way. so kind of more than one point. 8000000 display sconces are being squeezed into an increasingly smaller space. the daily bombings and lack of access to basic amenities are taking a toll. seems like these reflect the devastating impact the wars having on this generation
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a palestinian children. 6 of the sub since this morning we received large numbers of matches. the majority of them were children. more than 15 children between 2 and 9 years old and not a problem in these innocent children, not being bones. and they are in front of you and you can see them send that to you in the month. uh well, um, what this uh, what the walrus entering its 3rd month and there's little hope, the siding and any time soon there's really expands that strong defensive to all of gaza. i asked the administrator, i'm less moving and made it on. if he's right in the military was picking up where he left off after the week. let me pause in financing or if this signals a change in strategy, well i think that does they have, they have to readjust the strategy. nobody knew how long the ceasefire will last effect will last. we have seen that it has worked out for 7 days. but now a lot of things could have happened during this time,
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and some of us might have moved its weapons. might have moved down the hostages, the remaining hostages. so obviously is really intelligence would have to be very active during this time in order to be able to assess the situation on the ground much and to provide this information to the traders in order to be able to conduct its operation further. so it seemed that each row started as a noise now they want to stay. 1 in the south, so they will be more concentrating on the south and then bringing those 2 closer together. presumably we don't know, we will depend on how the military operation goals. right. and we're looking at something like a $10000.00 palestinians. the dad would using estimates from the, the how much controlled, how far seeing in gaza. but the u. n. a us, has that a growing chorus of disquiet at those civilian deaths. why do you think israel has
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not changed it strategy despite those warnings? it is very difficult to bridge. 2 strategy especially if you are fighting under regular force and then the regular forces come off. so according to the international war, both sides would have to take all feasible precautions in order to get the civilians out. this is unfortunately not the case, and this is we're normal. people who have nothing to do with this conflict, saw her as a potential collateral damage. but we don't know all the facts. we do not know why each row is true. choosing the locations and that is choosing to strike. and we see a lot of those locations of civilian locations. so these of assessments will have to be made both more of them. so to say, and i think and the reason why israel doesn't want to change its strategy is
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because it would be a military disadvantage for israel site is ro couldn't be much slower, much more discriminative, perhaps. but that would allow more time for somebody to move around and then use roll wouldn't be able to use its entire mind to strike from us targets. so the rest is the trade off. and i think right now israel is not ready to make that staff despite the fact that for a mouse, this is very beneficial because it looks like that was that this proportion, that response in order to be able to film it and then to put it out and called back to psychological operations in terms of showing how preparing the site are clear as and i thank you so much for joining us again. on this sunday, rita, i'm going to shoot unless marina, i mean, i'm as well. you have been since you've had both climbed, i attacked 2 ships in the red sea, but is right in the spokes specimens denied the crews claims the vessels. one thing
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to do is ro, according to the pentagon on america worship, also came under attack. the around back to assist didn't mentioned the us, facile bas that'd be attacks. would continue as long as android, as long as israel continues, as well with home us incidents come i made height and tensions in the red sea and surrounding waters of to who thesis cease in israel. lynx, cargo vessel. last month. correspondent janelle, dom alone and washington gave us more detail of this alleged attack on the us for ship as well. the us worship in question is the us as carney. now that is a destroyer. it's part of the us us, gerald, our ford carrier strike group. now if you remember, that was the carrier strike group that was deployed to the region in the aftermath of october 7, when home mouth attacked israel. we know that the attack started at approximately 10 am signed a time. it lasted for around 5 hours and the us has carney reported we open and
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self defense. we since heard that it managed to shoot down to who the to who to drones. now this incident is a thought to be significant because even as we have been seeing a ramping up of who attacks on vessels in the region, this is the 1st time that multiple vessels have been involved in a single booty attack. saying that however the us as carnie did not sustain any damage, no injuries were reported on board. i know a seem to believe that this was much more about sending the u. s. navy, a message, then causing any real damage. however, as we have been hearing, this is just the latest in a series of attacks and there is no reason to assume that it will be the last seldom alone in washington. i do venezuela where people have everything and a controversial a referendum that the government hopes will strengthen its claim over
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a territory in neighboring guy on the non binding vote times to measure of popular support for venezuela's historical claim over as a key book. it comes after you and international court of justice ordered, correct us to take no action that would ulta gotten almost control over the territory? that's the keybo is 160000 square kilometers about the size of grease and makes up around 2 thirds of gone as land mass. gas and oil were discovered that in 2015 gone as president. if an ali said he's, government is working to protect the countries borders and to keep people safe. what i want i saw a guy in, is that there is nothing to fear over the next a number of hours this month. i had, of course, our vigilance will be on hans. but we are watching a wrong the clock to ensure that our board has remained intact. and the people in our country remains safe. last, a journalist, oscar slang,
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in caracas. whether that is why i didn't know if ours is, we're expecting a big turner for the referendum. well, so, so far to tow now is less than expected. at least what we're seeing now is very low turnout, which is in contrast to the opposition. so organized primaries in october, we do have to take into account that this is a fairly quick process. so once a voters are taking less than a minute to boat, we have seen and other elections, the strategy of government supporters flooding the police following stations towards the end of the day in order to keep the election going and justified giving results much later in the evening so that is something that we could be expecting today as well, given that most of the voters are part of the government's militancy. so most of them are supporters, public workers and people who receive benefits from models administration. right, so investor base about executing pro has been around for decades. so why whole this referendum a non presumably visit to do with it, the oil and gas find as well?
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yes, but there are many series. first of all, it's a good opportunity to measure support for the control system head of presidential elections next year. it also serves as a rundown to welcome to recently appointed electronic council politically. some analysts say it's a distraction to more serious problems in venezuela. other's point that mother was administration seeking support from friends voters, but the most unfortunate reason i have to say is miss areas. natural resources of oil and gas and minerals. brianna for years has allowed private companies to exploit and just reinforce with little or no oversight and under the knowledge of it as well as governor. now with sanctions and human rights investigations, i guess by the administrator. it's also a wage laid grounds and to the international court system and justify some sort of support through this referendum, even though it's non binding, etc. risk of military escalation. well,
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the most likely outcome to the situation that it settles in court, although that as well, i have the upper hand in military power and has been showing the teeth. brianna has much more powerful allies. the question is, would these hours be willing to defend without us government or the interest of companies ready to extract the natural resources in this territory? okay, thank you for that. the oscar of gosh lanka, and correct us here in germany, munich at port resumed slice operations. early on sunday, after being close on saturday because of a heavy snow for the blanketed south in germany. thousands of travelers were stranded in the bavarian capital, where the extreme winter weather also disrupted public transport in long distance rail services. on one of the travellers, the stranded in munich is dw reporter william glue croft. people who are out in about they've been telling me that this is the most amount of snow that they've seen at one time and this early in the season,
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some time for some of them in their entire life. i've been here since thursday. it's been snowing since then just like full of this powdery, beautiful, perfect snow. of course, underneath all this snow is quite dangerous ice and there's as much as 40 centimeters in places of this snow. and as a result, was supposed to come back to berlin on saturday. there was no way that was going to happen because of the night from friday on the saturday. just everything came to. ready standstill all means of transport. of course taxi's rights. here's almost impossible to get hundreds of people crowding at a train station. it's a hotel lobbies. i was almost one of them cuz i didn't think i was gonna be able to get to my hotel, which was just a few kilometers outside of the center of the city where i was, it was just impossible to get there. it took me 3 hours to move just a few kilometers and all these things to a very nice woman who let me share her over with her. she was going to some other part of the city. it took us a very long time. the car actually spun out to the other side of the road once. unfortunately, there was no on coming traffic,
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but that's the kind of dangerous situation we're in. and the roads, at least from my perspective, from my experience they were not treated, they weren't prepared for this. even though it wasn't a huge storm that hit them all at once. it was just accumulating over a very, very long time until we came to the situation of friday and saturday, just to complete shut down for the domain and for so when in blue cross it's stuck in the snow in munich, in sports, if you, if you had demonstrated its dominance of elite long distance running expands valencia madison, on sunday. 33 year old. so say, lemme broke the calls record by 5 seconds. then who also won the london amount of $72021.00 across the line in 2 hours. one minute and 48 seconds. that is compatible with this at the gate for women's rights to give the east african nation. a clean sweet lady with some impressive pictures from me west and german town of florida where the 165 meet. according to how
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a form of coal fired power station was successfully demolished using explosives on sunday morning. their plans to produce green hydrogen on the side of the form a power plant. as it you up to date after the break reports, it looks at the housing. the trouble is facing buildings. drawing indian community have a good day. the words people have to say, that's why we listen. because every weekend on d w our interest, the global economy, our portfolio dw business.


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