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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2023 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, you're watching the don't we can use live from building these riley military wide into its ground defensive pushing into southern gaza. its told palestinians to evacuate out of more parts of the crowded south. having previously told them to move they to escape foaming in the north also on the program, humans routine rebels, science i've attacked ships in the red sea. east rouse is it has no link to the vessels. washington, oregon. stay is a warship. a us worship, and multiple commercial ships came under attack. plus to spies,
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low voter turnout bins. venezuelan 145 or of the countries territorial client is a queen by the loyal, rich disputed region that the wind top cold say is, belongs to neighboring guy on that. and when to kyle seats, southern germany, after we've gotten some 40 centimeters of snow, here i'm standing it up to my knees. it's an absolute mess. bavaria resumes, air, and rail operations off to the region is paralyzed by heavy snowfall. we'll hear from pounds, no doubt, and report on the territory to welcome to the program. the as riley army says he just started a ground defensive and southern gaza. earlier on sunday is riley forces ordered. palestinians to leave areas are around han units, theses,
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the largest city in the south. israel says it's new ground operation is needed to destroy how much the militants, the u. n. estimates that one point is on the 2 point. 3000000 gallons have been displaced since october. many of them are forced to live in cramped quarters in the south. outside this hospital and gaza cc more and more bodies aligned up that there is no room inside. it's full with the wounded. as the focus of israeli bombardments turns to the crowd itself, the strip. people say they have no way left to go. the territory is sealed off. death is everywhere. where should we turn the survivors of strikes, report, evacuation? what is coming to light before the problems hit and say that it's homes,
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businesses and civilians that are being targeted. c we came here in the street, so i'm marchers wounded here and there we don't know why we don't know for what reason happens. also the most of ordinary mil. why did the striking all in the middle, i'm sure there's just some of these round maintains that it does not target civilians and claims that teasing him off locations now expanding its ground operation into the south as well. i'm. she's the more he's really defense. voice is continued to extend the ground operation against a mouse and all of the gaza strip because that's what all of gaza, where there is a how my center. the idea is operating a co host. i just go face to face with terrorist bloom and killing them from. these riley goal of illuminating him off, apparently stretches far beyond garza in audio obtains by east rails public. broad
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costa, the head of the internal security service invest vowed to eliminate tomas leaders overseas to in the cabinet set a goal for us to eliminate from us. and we are determined to do that in every place . some guys, a today, a samaria lab, and i'm in turkey and guitar everywhere. it will take several years, but we will be there to do it on as the warheads into a 3rd month. there's little hope that the flashing will and any time soon is rails closest ally the us whose cold from lea missing home to palestinian civilians. but on the ground and gaza there is no sign of risk spite from the constant attack. well, earlier we ask the military analyst maureen, the mirror, and if the is riley military was merely picking up where he did left off the left off, off to the week long pause and fighting or if this signal is a change in strategy. well i think that does they have, they have to readjust
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a strategy. nobody knew how long the ceasefire will last if it will last. we have seen that it has worked out for 7 days. but now a lot of things could have happened during this time, and some of us might have moved its weapons. might have moved the hostages, the remaining hostages. so obviously is really intelligence would have to be very active during this time in order to be able to assess the situation on the ground and to provide this information to the treatments in order to be able to conduct its operation further. so it seemed that each route was started as a north. now they want to start in the south, so they will be more concentrating on the south and then bringing those 2 closer together. presumably we don't know, we will depend on how the military operation of peoples the story in the mirror and then well examines ruthie. rebels are claiming that they have attack ships in the
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red st button. these riley spokesperson has denied the groups claims that the vessels were linked to israel. according to the pen to go on an american war ship and several commercial ships came under attack, and the warship shot down several drawings in self defense. the round back truth, these didn't mention those vessels. bob said they would keep off a tax as long as israel continues its war. we thomas, the incidents come and meet high intentions in the red sea on surrounding waters, off to hurry fees seized in israel links chicago vessel last month. dw correspondent janelle dom allowed in washington, gave us more details on this attack on the us wall. she as well the us worship in question is the us as carney. now that is a destroyer. it's part of the us, us, gerald, our ford carrier strike group. now if you remember, that was the carrier strike group that was deployed to the region in the aftermath
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of october 7th, when her mouth attacked israel. we know that the attack started at approximately 10 am signed a time. it lasted for around 5 hours and the us has carney reported we open and self defense. we since heard that it managed to shoot down to who the to who to drones. now this incident is a fault to be significant because even as we have been seeing a ramping up of who attacks on vessels in the region, this is the 1st time that multiple vessels have been involved in a single hootie attack. saying that however, the u. s. s carney did not sustain any damage, no injuries were reported on board. i know is seemed to believe that this was much more about sending the u. s. navy a message then causing any real damage. however, as we have been hearing, this is just the latest in a series of attacks, and there is no reason to assume that it will be the last janelle de milan de. okay,
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let's get around up now. some of the stories making headlines today. officials intense in the say a landslide caused by heavy flooding has killed at least 47 people and he injured thousands more in the north of the country. local officials won the total is expected to rise. east africa has recorded torrential rain full for weeks due to el nino volcano, his erupt isn't wasted in indonesia. ascending 3 kilometers of ashen to the dozens of high cuz of being forced to evacuate. and several was still unaccounted for. narvie mountain is the 2nd highest or rob she is on the 2nd highest, are optional. this as hundreds of off to soaks of legs, filipinos on age, following a powerful, as quite in the country south side of the evenings. magnitude $7.00, event killed. one person and so the gallon delser province. well, the 900 kilometers south of manila, the phenomenal though it has been lifted by the area has been hit by full off to
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shocks, stronger than stronger than magnitude 6 defendants wayland. now way the electro bodies says 95 percent of autism backs the countries territorial climb 2 s a key bond bases, an oil rich region in neighboring guyana, but the controversial non to binding referendum, so low versa, turnouts on sunday it comes off to the un international court of justice, ordered caracas to take no action that would alter beyond his control over the territory. basically, vote is 160000 square kilometers about the size of grace and makes up around 2 thirds of pianos, land mass, gas and oil were discovered day back in 2015. earlier kiana's president, you finally said that he's government would work to protect the country's borders and keep people safe. i want to assure guide is that there is nothing to fear over the next. a number of hours this months had. of course,
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our vigilance will be enhance, but we are walking along the clock to ensure that our board has remained intact on the people and our country remains say, well, i spoke with journalists generalist oscar slinking caracas, before the results of the referendum had come in. he started by telling us how the fighting had gone as well. the government has just issued al extension of the time . busy these bo institutions will be open, but we have been seeing very low turn out to the polling stations today. so model and start speculating less than 30 percent, which is pretty low by then as well and election standards. we well see my buddhist administration optimised about the results, but the ones on social media are already posting about the interest there was to respond to the government's request in this election. this i'm trying walmart, the campaigns leading onto the presidential elections next year. so might almost
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argue that this low turn, i could find some of the industries in to even castle elections altogether. they don't gather the support they need to win next year. hm. so this, this is i could have definitely wide a long time to fix oscar lloyd, vice it to announce, as you say, the referendum is non binding. the people who basically buy themselves weren't able to avoid. so what affects will the results really have? well, this election could serve as a resource for, for my daughters of a to show my the what are some of the genetic legitimacy and support. and the international court, even though turn out was low. the results won't be favorable because most of the people that voted are government supporters, beneficiaries or public employees. so even though it's not binding, they can still use the results as a pretext to further dispute in court. at us, good guy on it is considering the 5 to be
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a step towards annexation. what risk is there of any kind of military escalation when it comes to ethically, bye, a as well. i think it is unlikely that we will see any kind of military escalation in the border. it could be however, unexcused to increase pressure insight and that's where the electrical improve conditions in the water would go. yeah, although venezuela have you ever had a military power? brianna as much more powerful allies, but the us and great britain countries which have sanctions against well as we will already and currently hold commercial interest in the us to keep more natural resources. the question is, would these allies be willing to defend briana's government for the interest of companies already extracting the natural resources of this territory? journalist aust coastline cadet reporting from carrasco caracas. oscar, thanks so much for that. okay, here in germany munich, airport resumed flight operations on sunday, off to being close down because of heavy snow full that's blanketed southern
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germany. thousands of travelers were stranded in the bavarian capital with the winter extreme went away. the also disrupted public transport and long distance round surfaces. and what do you know i, one of the travelers, stranded in munich is dw reported william goodwill with him glee croft, the people who are out in the palace. they've been telling me that this is the most amount of snow that they've seen at one time. and this. ready late in the season, some time for some of them in their entire life. i've been here since thursday. it's been snowing since then just like full of this powdery, beautiful, perfect snow. of course, underneath all this snow is quite dangerous ice and there's as much as 40 centimeters in places of this snow. and as a result, i was supposed to come back to berlin on saturday. there was no way that was going to happen because of the night from friday on the saturday just everything came to . ready standstill all means of transport, of course, taxi's right chairs almost impossible to get hundreds of people crowding at
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a train station. it's a hotel lobbies. i was almost one of them cuz i didn't think i was gonna be able to get to my hotel, which was just a few kilometers outside of the center of the city where i was, it was just impossible to get there. it took me 3 hours to move just a few kilometers and all these things to a very nice woman who let me share her over with her. she was going to some other part of the city. it took us a very long time. the car actually spun out to the other side of the road once. unfortunately, there was no on coming traffic, but that's the kind of dangerous situation we're in. and the roads, at least from my perspective, from my experience they were not treated, they weren't prepared for this. even though it wasn't a huge storm that hit them all at once. it was just accumulating over a very, very long time until we came to the situation of friday and saturday, just to complete shut down data. we use william good across there in munich, before we go. have a look at these pictures from the west, in germantown of florida, where the 165 made a cooling tower of a form. a cold fired power station was successfully demolished and using explosives
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on sunday morning. their plans to produce green hydrogen on the side of the form of smet seated for a dw. stay tuned for our next program. the issues with a lot say what the fast fashion as an environmental 9 me a call.


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