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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 5, 2023 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the you are watching the double you news live from fair lean. he's rouse military rent, round soft air strikes in south and gone to as it why didn't see it's offensive against hamas militants of tanks had been reported in the, the southern city of con eunice. that's where tens of thousands of displays, palestinians have been trying to find safety and shelter. both are coming off, the pos will cycle and base down on southern india. the storm has begun. battering the region with heavy rains and strong winds. they have been expected landfill within hours. several people have already been killed. the
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charge rate, welcome to the shy is rouse, military has told people in gaza to leave pots of hon, you know, send to head to shelters for the south as it expands its war against thomas militants. israel has intensified air strikes on han units, which is the largest city in southern casa, tends to being reported nearby and power has been knocked down in some areas. tens of thousands of displaced palestinians had been sheltering in hon. eunice off 2 weeks of war. civilians are being told to head, to so called safe signs along the southern coast. slits across now to sammy sancho, who's standing by for us in jerusalem. the semi high there. if we look at israel as operations in gaza, south but specifically hon. eunice. why are, if it's, or at least some of them being focused, they are right now,
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as well as the military activities focused on the communities. and partly because having them this has become a symbol. and this is where the leader of a house in gauze of the head of the putting to can bureau of how much so yes, yes, in a lot was also see as the one who masterminded the brutal attack on the 7th of october is right. he's from may find newness from the new and his refugee con. um, also the head of the armed wing of how moss is also from noon. this refugee camp is seen is like a symbol of how mosse is strong to hold it. when you've seen is that israel is waging a campaign in may, which it says bombing at. ready and say clearly i believe 3 targets, but also residential areas. how is this a,
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maybe in some of these houses and they were homes of militants belonging to how my us. but the clearly as result of these, the bombing, we've seen tens of families, it being killed. and at the same time is there is an approach meant all the tanks it towards the new is coming from the west and start getting the city over her new names and beans, really mid threes and. ready the how to say disappointed with the fact that the residents have not been leaving the city has been being requested, as well as being the distributing lead flips, calling upon the residents to go south to offer and to go to the closer to the beach to the velocity area, but the, so the noun is so saying that is there's nowhere to go,
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no place to save. many of them have been a really displays and they came from the north because they were told that the sofa is going to be sakes. exactly. and in terms of bad israel is on the increasing pressure to avoid the killing all of these to billions that you're talking about. is it showing any sign of changing its tactics or strategy in gaza because of that? well, this really is our mainly focusing on what the united states has to say. and the united states is seen as someone that has been giving advice and the not the accepting this advice. it doesn't see there's something in which there is a disagreement between the way is what it wants to wage the war. and the way the white house is it devising is around it to, to operate. so this might cause some embarrassment and for the white house,
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but it's not stopping. is it kind of the campaign that is where it is waging in this area, which is including the bombing of a residential areas. and we can say that the big difference that is between the united states and israel is on the day after, is early saying that the palestinian authority will not be an america once to see a 2 state solution. somebody suckle, they're interested in for us on me. thanks so much. well, the world health organization has announced that it will hold an emergency station if it's board likes it this week to discuss the worsening hills conditions in gaza . only a few of causes hospitals are in operation of to weeks of bombardment by israel hyde agency is a warning that health conditions there are dia, increasing numbers of displace palestinians, a folding victim to deadly infections. and they will face that hepatitis diarrhea
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and must be a tree illnesses could cause more debts than bombs and missiles. even the sounds of the gaza strip. deena bu tubs takes a daughter to a clinic in hon. eunice. the one daughter is suffering from fever, coughing, calling for the best man who will be with this place to the school. and there are many children you called me. i knew the said the other, but the children have gotten infections because of the crowd and the situation is difficult for my daughter who's coming up and also for other children in this scenario. but it's still there needs a health infrastructure that he's overwhelmed as a critical infrastructure is also lucky. and there's not enough drinkable water, allstate, many ghosts, and supposedly eating just one meal a day for over toys in children. as most families split the conflict fullest on the
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taishan is becoming wide spread across the proceed strip, causing hygiene related diseases such as lice infestation escapees. making it hard at the health authorities to control disease outbreaks look and having that pressing the best, no way of controlling the spread of infection with a specially with a continuing. and there's a lack of water is suitable for human consumption along with a shortage of energy. and then a tricity to operate generate has the over crowding and transfer people to shelters . and the failure to provide personal supplies to submit despite of diseases. i'm going to get a new one, so you're not seeing have a lot of health organizations have repeatedly sounded the alarm. the situation is becoming deadly. by the day. dean is have to wait for hours to buy a cent. she was like medicine for her sick daughter about 1800000 gardens
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and now displaced in hopes that the situation could improve all dwindling. while we fitted the situation in gaza, deteriorating some us low may cause now want to make add to israel conditional. for more on that we can cross through d, w. washington correspondent benjamin alpha r as group i, benjamin high to the us has always stood by is arouse right to defend itself, but that's changing now in some quarters, isn't it? that's right. we have indeed seen a shift here in the united states, not only with a growing number of protests that are cooling for a ceasefire and an end to you as h to as well, but also with more members of congress openly calling it for conditioning h 2 as well, only to give you 2 examples. congresswoman alexandria of kasha cortez, she said that conditioning h to israel as well as we do with virtually all all the u. s. allies. is there a responsible cause of action and danny, send us the washingtons and a quote,
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a blank check approach must end, but also the government is form of bulk. when it's criticism. last weekend alone, decrypts it secretary of defense. a load also said that is red risk what he called a strategic defeat, if it does not work to protect civilians in gaza. also said that the us, well only increased support for israel and remain focused on a ukraine before that the government will need bi partisan support in congress. something that looks quite difficult. right. ok, benjamin let's turn our attention now to excuse me, to not the consulate where excuse me, way us. i, it is critical. we're talking about the war and ukraine, the white house, one on monday that it's running out of funds to support ukraine. why is that? the white house to day send out a letter saying that as of mid november, the department of defense is using 97 percent to almost all of
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a $62300000000.00 us dollar did receive that the state department has used the entire to military assistance i did receive, now we have housing congress that are divided on whether sending more a to, to ukraine or if it in different approach is needed. and we have republican lawmakers want to tie the funding to ukraine to type in the immigration laws. so there is indeed a possibility that we have now that you as domestic disputes, and in this case it will be immigration in spending cuts would eventually stall the national security package and congress and with that additional supported with it. still holding this additional support not only for the 2 countries that we just spoke about ukraine as well, but also for taiwan and be in the pacific region. so we can expect this discussions to continue both in the house of representatives and also in the 2nd venue men of our group it there in washington. thanks so much benjamin. so let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines today. the palestinian authorities,
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health ministry says to palestinians have been shot dead in ninety's riley ride in the northern occupied west bank. the city or so is a street out in talk to the on the territories border with the israel is riley miller, tracy said, was conducting counterterrorism. activity in the city, the former president of mauritania has been sentenced to 5 years in prison for having abused his position to enrich himself. mohammed old update as he is, was elected in 2009. he's believed to him, it has a mass to fortune with 67000000 new rights during his and they've been using power . the court has ordered the 66 year old to full fit his assets. officials in times, in the a say a land slide caused by heavy flooding has killed at least 60 people and injured thousands more in the north of the country. rescue operations around a way to find a trap suffices. east africa has recruited torrential rain falls. the weeks due to el nino, brazil's president and louise ignacio knew that the silva and members of his
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government held talks with german chancellor without schultz and his cabinet here in berlin. on monday, both leaders support a free trade agreement between the e u and south americas trading block 9 us and that customer will cycle and meet you on has been pummeling pots of southern india with high winds in torrential rains. at least 4 people have been killed. landfill is expected early on tuesday on the cost of the state of under produce nearly 2000 people have already been evacuated from the area. a heavy rain began pounding to night on sundays. by monday morning there was needed water everywhere. people still went out to buy food and all the supplies, but were blocked by the water was full. from yesterday and so for it was heavy rain so that the blood blocked. click under usually the heavy worth of the stock down the road. we are not able to go on there,
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but just something like that on the. it's a problem ready. we are facing a very long problem here. for residents of 10 i. this is reminiscent of feet intense floating in 2015. the also left them defending the homes. some parts of this is loading the order that's entered into the oh the so they are finding it very difficult. so the taking necessary steps typically when the order from entering the house uh like uh, blogging seam and bags like that due to cycle and mac joan, some parts of them in and out of state on the water. the local authorities have been trying to evacuate affected precedence, but schools and offices have been closed and the public holiday declared for safety . hundreds of people are also strong to the general apple. as to venture rain and strong winds sweep the region. it has moved last the success of the rate of pig
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limited but of it. but that it is expected to move in, not just not the rest of the nation. and they've been surveyed due to basic non install. the cycling is expected to eventually make landfall in the neighboring state of answer for these, which is also already on high and not well one extremes board is enough to nice people, but apparently not for brian grabbed to performed a death defying stant in combining 2 disciplines in g by take a look, the american devil likes to have to cross an infinity pool, almost 300 maces above the ground, or flying over the edge and paste, jumping, $77.00 stories to be good, belie, landing, safely on the beach. rob said he'd been planning this done for about 7 years. the
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a better human makes your what? sing, dw, in years out the series her we many nights are he's off next duck going. the learning center in the world winning offer is available language learning gem and has never been sent to the .


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