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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 6, 2023 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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agreed stats, december 7th on d, w the . this is dw, use life from, but in this way, the false as bethel, homeless militants, in southern gods, as main city as being heavy shilling on hot eunice ground forces. they're engaged in what the used by the military caused some of the most sense combat. yet the constant struggle to survive pointing to just the whole back age distribution through palestinian civilians being told by israel to fleet. the sites are in the south. but the un says no way gone 2nd. the 2nd also coming up and dealing with
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stress on the front lines of ukraine. keith is now deploying psychologists to the battlefield to keep its troops fit fine to post body and find the ident visible and welcome. israel says its troops of entered southern guns is launch a city. the military says its forces have reached the center of hon. eunice, while surrounding the city troops is set to be engaged in some of the most intense fighting so far as well says it's expanded the offensive into southern gaza to eliminate thomas hundreds of thousands of people have been told to evacuate, to meditate heavy in zones. but the un says no way in gauze, a sex the 10 cities and that will come inside and con, unice many palestinians set up camp in the city of the free and gives really as
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strikes a northern gauze on being here hasn't been safe either. and it's getting worse. it's even difficult for people to speak safely to report the populum, the and the dead piling up outside the moves. the oh god, all the out of one of the looking on and cannot stop them. not said, what have they done? why are they being killed? what crime did they commit to die? does that the, the market is friends, military has released footage that it saves shows its fighters pushing deeper into southern gauze. but she, she, me, i mean 60 days since the beginning of the law,
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offices of surrounding con eunice in southern casa, you know, we are operating with professionalism clearing the population ahead of time from the combat areas is the lack of what the gods have been told to move for the south to russell, what awaits them there is molten cities and the lone queue to get drinking water. and i'm not going to get the by thinking about the only decently nation planned and rough. uh that is providing inhabitants with clean water. it's powered by solar energy and when in winter, so if that stops and we will not be able to provide people with any water and i think that enough, and then that's a little my the united nations sees more than 80 percent of golf. those population have been driven from the homes and space on the small coastal strip is running out . many simply don't know where they can find refuge. auctions,
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bush one heavy to join me earlier from ramada and the occupied westbank is her assessment on the so called safe zones that is miles being declaring and gaza. the 1st of all, it's not a, they're just too small to get to. it's those statements don't have any infrastructure. so i mean how, what, what, what are we serving? how we meeting needs exactly when there's no water, no electricity, no shelter, and no, nothing. there's nothing, it's empty piece of mind. how is the humanitarian community responding to basic needs? if it doesn't have access to water, electricity, or infrastructure healthcare total health care collapse. so again, we are talking about 2 over 2000002200000 civilians in gaza. previously there's been a, i'm se, my rights watch, conduct investigations on human shields. as you might have human rights organizations and they've not yet, they've not found any actual evidence of how much using human fields before
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and if they have uh now, i mean, how much do the civilians have to endure that? that really is my question is, is how many more garden, childrens have to die and have to be killed to do. and this operation, a completely cutting off people from water and electricity and using starvation as a weapon of war is collect with punishment and is a war crime is clear and international law rushes war on ukraine is in. it's 22nd months now and he's showing no sign of living up. the front line has barely moved in mounts and still stretches across southern and eastern new credit. keeps hopes of an efficient counter offensive have been dashed with troops making on the name of the games, through russia's lines. frankly, which is our military affairs analyst and a senior linked right in strategic studies at portsmouth. you spoke to us earlier. i asked him what has gone wrong with your bank account or offensive
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a fine site. so very useful perspective, but it isn't particularly helpful perhaps here there's plenty of, uh, attribution of blame and what they've, 17 was abouts. they tend to revolve around 2 things. first, the timing of the beginning of the account offensive. so what some commentary to say is the key. i was waiting for weapon systems. it delayed, it was trying to get to a situation where, where they were looking at the most. so that's in t, i know this resulted in delay. the other side of the offensive itself is not sufficiently focused. the 3 main axes remained directions of assault and they should have been one other say that experience brigade should have been used instead of trained ones. look, it's probably a combination of all of those. i thought, well, no, i think it was
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a very great deal of wish casting and happy talk from west and commentators in west and politicians about this which put a great deal of pressure on the ukrainians. the way this sort of been done, i think, was an acceptance of this. only could it be with the russian defenses. this could only been a bytes and told type of counter offensive rather than some sweeping, excessive games as we saw last year. but look, it's done now, and let's look forward. well, frank, looking forward. what about the new weapons deliveries? are they going to make some sort of difference as i'm extremely skeptical about well, windows game changes. we've had dozens of these ranging for the javelin, come on to talk, massage to high miles patriot. my styles attack comes a long range. missiles, proves miss styles, plus the bombs more. i munition es, especially as 16 jets which are big and continued to be trumpeted as a game changer. there's no such thing. ukrainians have done
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a fantastic job in calais to all the equipment they've got and they will continue to do so. but it was a christian such as this, such as been a post on ukraine. the key element really was 2 key items. first is sustaining the supply of equipment. most of all, i mean it should not include things like 1st person drugs, which it becomes extremely important. increasing the supply of electronic count to mattress above whole. and in that context, i mean ition helping the ukrainians to or rather not pressurizing them so that they have time to reform and above all build that stuff work. okay. these are the important stuff is planning. these are the important issues, not game changing weapons, but frank, um analysts say the russians have done a fantastic job of taking it. how will the ukrainians get through those russian defensive? but as i think we have to be realistic and also to get through those defensive
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lines and also in the near future, they weren't given the rest as many months to prepare or got many months to bad, to prepare them extremely well. it's one of them. i noticed, put it, i think quite likely the rest of the slide slowly, but when they lot, they noted scaling history. so is this not a sort of a 10 lines, which is what you're talking about? these fixed lines are extremely strong without the kind of thing you painted. never going to have overwhelming app how they'll never have gotten up to the next 5 years . i think overwhelming off hillary and a 3 to one at least majority in terms of soldiers which have never had ida. they're not going to break. so the best of the problems can hope for, i think going forward this year is to hold what they've got. and uh, i think that would be a really, really significant treatment if they do that, what they have to prevent of the russians. in fact, breaking out of those lines behind you, crated lines, perhaps in the spring or something. i expect that won't happen. but that's what the price of worried about. i'm like you so. hm. okay, well, both sides of had a lot of practice up to 22 months. military analysts,
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frank language. thank you very much for your time. thank you soon. and russian president vladimir potent has arrived in the united arab emirates for a rad trip abroad. it's his 1st time visiting the middle east since russia. it began its full scale invasion of u. k. u way needs. foreign minister brings it the russian president on his arrival, and then travelled on foot sulks with the you. a president shake mohammed ben siad held the 2 countries card relations saying they were at an unprecedented high pit and will also visit saudi arabia during the trip. where he will hotels with the countries defective rule, the amount of insight on you know, what useful now most of your chief, your shadow joins as for rica, dw, being banned from reporting for rush i you are. this is one of hooton's rare appearances broad. tell us more about what's in focus. it was, it also maintains close relations with both countries that united to are of
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interest and saudi arabia, according to the kremlin, is how do you read the food is going to talk with ground. prince mohammed, you know solomon on trade international politics and humanitarian 8 on the issue of oil trading is very important to us. as we know, 8 old trip oil producing countries have reduced their oil production from may in order to maintain production and the low level until the end of the year to stabilize that the market. uh so this is one of the topics uh today. also the conflict between israel and thomas is on the agenda for both meetings, 2 and the same time the same time as this visit should be seen in the context of the russian internal politics of the upcoming presidential elections in russia next year in march next year, at put and hasn't yet announced his candidacy. she may do so next week during his annual press conference. and of course this visit abroad would help him improve his image in russia regardless, regardless of the results. but you are,
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you doesn't have to worry about that international arrest warrants, as well as the rest. the president is struggling abroad only for the 5th time. seems to think the national criminal court issued an address to warrant for him. bought it put in, doesn't the risk to be arrested because neither saudi arabia nor the united auto band that's half rectified to the so called room treaty, which phones to the national criminal course. and that means is he wouldn't have to arrest him in concert, read to south africa. for example. we remember in july this gave us the pollutants tipped assignment to their because of fee if you could be arrested. so if nothing unforeseeable happens, booting will make this visit abroad as opposed to a patient who is not on the labeled as a war i'm time president, but also who's listened to at least is our approval. the other thing is that who is in the middle east at the time of war, at a time of war and gaza, what,
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what role has russia played in this company? well, it also seems to as drank some, it's a geopolitical position here in the middle east and young gain influence as a media a to moscow has good relations with him. us, which is considered a terrorist group in most western countries, but not in russia. where, how mouse, a regularly sense of delegation stooped in the end of october this year, the founder and politically the, all of the group came to moscow. he met with the russian deputy for a minister before that they both had a meeting in car. todd ta is that they prefer to negotiate a talk with him off from his less than a point of view, but it has been on the able to find a basis for another hosted exchange between israel and posting and group. so i think putting has relatively little to lose by intervening. now, do you want to use visits in, in cutoff?
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because the stuff they have from valerie to bureau chief you, we appreciate a good talking to you as always to find lead to an unofficial competition between local authorities in spain. buying for the owner of having the countries told us christmas tree. a small town in the building contempt, rearranging claims to a one. the time home buying up. what it says is, this is law just treat the structure of 65 meters to end owes its twinkle to newly $20000.00 ellie dates is made out of scaffolding, which adds french as the definition of the christmas tree. the likely me some to you about how to or i know you're watching d, w use a reminder of our top story. israel says it's troops have handed southern guns as largest city. the military says it's targeting him us, which is classified as was a terrorist, proved by many countries, hospitals inside the southern city of hunt,
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eunice have been overwhelmed by the number of date and injured of the ex. now document drinks focuses on the energy transitions for sabrina or economy. i've been to the info then for used to in the next. now you want to jump by the bees do for fun. via do gravitational waves squeeze all body. how do i drums for the test page and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says get with dw signs on the picked up channel. the.


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