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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  December 7, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm CET

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stand on the phone, but this is derek. g leads to higher unemployment and slows down. the economy was a card. you've reached the 300 trillion that trump stuff. december 9th, on dw, the this is focused on your up arrow below a welcome serbia is due to hold parliamentary and regional elections in mid december. the snap vote was called by the president who was under mounting pressure from the opposition. alexander village church has been an office in serbia for 11 years. under his tenure, violence, corruption, and criminality have increased. the country has long maintained strong ties with
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russia and china. well also pursuing membership in the u. his policies have united opposition parties ahead of the vote was the goal of ousting roots, which well and increasing number of serbs are taking to the streets to protest against the rise in violence in serbia. one of them is university student power, which about which the demonstrations have given rise to a multi faceted movement. who supporters are united in their desire for change, and their rallying cry is resonating far beyond the capital belgrade they want to serve. you are free from nationalism and authoritarianism. the crowds lined up in front of a cultural center in northeast had a feeling of hopes hangs in the air. the pro glass initiatives or pro voice in english is hosting a panel discussion this evening. it's a full house dog on via logan, which a well known serbian actor and co founder the initiative gets straight to the point
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where all the units we believe if we wake up with the citizens of serbia, if we become active and realize it's up to us to and will become a force for change of the the initiative was found at after 18 people were killed in to mass shootings in may in the violent shops. the whole of serbia lost many serbians blamed presidents which government united with that they say its fuel. the climate of violence and the country and the road of democracy and the rule of law not have to be a serbia, is being held hostage. serbia is a country full of violence. so be, is a country where one man decides everything. this has to stop. what estimating the look i want to democracy, start free media, sort of an independent judiciary. positive to challenge
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a 21 year old political science student is also here. the math suited instruct him to and he decided to take action. the next morning we meet with kitchen mich edits university in belgrade, and i like serbia, isn't a dictatorship. he says, but a hybrid redeem with authoritarian elementals, it's a vision that's been undermined, democratic principles for 11 years at the expense of his future. well, one thing is that the i always like z syrupy as part of the you ever as a country that respects the rough, laudable, where there's not such a deep rush. corruption is that, can you, me knowledge the moment we have a state in which criminals and politicians are conducted the condition of many students here seem to share his views. they're unhappy about the countries, rapid crime and climate of corruption. and the government's attempts to silence dissenters. we travel to potentially a town north west of phil grade. this is where you alayna me,
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holler that she lives with her husband, an opposition politician. she tells us their daughter was banned from preschool because of their political activities for a yes and 3 out there. so it was very tough. this has to my last tend to live a minute. i never would have thought that someone would want to discriminate against my child in order for it was very stressful for a family where the other children in the park told my daughter she wasn't allowed to go to preschool. she came home crying, which i applied to the local equal opportunities officer confirmed her complaint and elaina mahalo, which said this is just the tip of the iceberg here. that's also why she joined the demonstrations after the mass shootings, when thousands protested for weeks. she also spoke out against the voltage government. she couldn't remain silent any longer. we would have liked to ask the president, alexander voltage personally about the accusations against him in his government.
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but questions were unwelcome at this event and his party didn't respond to our request. in pro government media, however, who regularly rails against the opposition, who he says is trying to ruin serbia. least the sort of you because the opposition is calling itself, serve you against violence. you and inquiry for there's not they're all bullies. and so are the people who support them. ok. and then i'm not talking about ordinary citizens. we are, but those who appear in public or cousin ac cousin, which themselves is not up for election. but his party is they have a lot of support in the provinces. and even in belgrade, where the opposition strong, positive, i'm satisfied with the government does when it comes to the direction in which the country is moving, i think our values are located. let's keep that idle one kind of things to change us thought the problem, any space or continue to govern as they've been doing in the current presidential continue to lead us. but posit chavez and his fellow
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students hope the selection will bring change. or was there optimistic because of the previously divided opposition is now united and the european union is keeping a close eye on the upcoming election. and you think we send that over on us before . ideally, i believe it's important now for the e, you to send monitors to serve you to observe the process. uh, so for us to, but are you able to go in? yes, the you has a relatively here of, i think it's any more data us citizen is what i serve you whatever the outcome they're determined to continue their activism. the people in serbia need to wake up, says pop the chip savage for anything here to change a sport, leisure and play residents in helsinki are able to enjoy these activities in the winter to deep underground. the finish capital has build
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a mass of leisure centers at a depth of 30 meters or nearly a 100 feet. but that's not their primary purpose. the structures are actually shelters for emergencies. and security has been growing since finland's neighbour, russia invaded ukraine, and a network of bunkers is bringing some in helsinki. peace of mind, it takes just half a minute to reach another world, 13 meters beneath the streets of helsinki, the labrons of tunnels and bunkers under. he'll think he was designed to protect 900000 people from missile attacks, chemical weapons and radiation in the event of war. but that's not all welcome to one of these most popular playgrounds for both children and adults, and it's a hockey field and digital cafeteria and parking. oh would want some people even celebrate their birthdays here. this is
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a daily life for us. we've grown up with having these bomb shelters, so it's not, we don't really think about it. and the whole thing is like, filled with, with, under an own under ground world. this bunker in can you, me, district is one of should one's largest 2 soccer stadiums which fits in site. so civil defense officer tony brass sites in the event of wars the, the facility can quickly be converted into a fully functioning air reach. filter normal scenario is spent sheltering is the time is required between some hours and some days on most of our shelters. we can make the sheltering periods quite much higher blocks show bring periods that creates different problems. one of the biggest problem is to hate that one person creates when i create up approximately 100 watts of heat all the time.
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so, is it a problem for 6000 people to live in a bunker like this and an emergency nelson, helsinki? the federal beneath the city is solely granite and nice. the bunker was carved into the underground rock, but is not the only sold. but also cool. in the event of war, the large calls can be converted into smaller rooms that need it. so thousands of people can live down here for longer periods, much as they were above ground, they will be people dying, they will be people's available biasing. they will be 6 people. they will be glad to people that will be sending people every function. and as a normal and society happens within the shelters, finland chairs the board of russia over 1300 kilometers long for a long time to refuse to join nature. but not anymore. the war and ukraine changed
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that the u member has no also being a neutral member. for 6 months. the majority of fins call for more protection and greater security. i would say the fetus people have like, rather if this got this boy added to it to the situation. so we know we know that there are various, these risk always it has to be in there like things being done, go to independence. it's realize that the 2nd world war but rush it right to in a bad feeling and it could happen some day. also, it does. so we know about that, but it's not something we're like actively, you know, fear. it's not something that we think about in our everyday life. yes, memories, happy to be a weekend of what is known as the winter war when finland fought against the soviet union from 1939 to 1940. finland emerged from the conflict with its sovereignty and tact, but paid a high price, some casualties and territory. the peace of court noon is the treaty of moscow marks in the dark chapter and relations between the 2 countries.
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this monument and central helsinki commemorates the sacrifices of the winter war. during the conflict, finland passed its 1st civil defense lot even to the old public buildings and private buildings over a certain size must have a shelter. as though some interest in total, helsinki has more than $5000.00 a year. reach filters with rooms for almost a 1000000 people the we do, i was hoping that the name will be used would stay what we need to do it. so his story has been shown us that he's possible and when something is possible it might happen. and the people of helsinki want to be prepared and protected 13 meters deep in the bunkers, been use their capital the the high can
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energy prices in europe has prompted people to sit shooting alternatives in the winter and cost of all the attention has turned to firewood the goal, like mountains near the village of grass shapes are traditionally rich in this resource, but that is fast changing. the timber that has failed and sold there is often done so illegally. it's a lucrative draw for feeds in a country where poverty is rampant and catching. the perpetrators isn't easy for law enforcement. the thieves struck when we ours, before the cuts are fresh, the trees were stolen. lots of them. it was the work of timber fees. ranger of the people he says he finds seems like this on patrol almost every day on board found out it was normal. it really infuriates me and my co workers across the he doesn't
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only destroy the forest, it affects the entire ecosystem here in the face of the council. these days, cases like this, keep us busy around the clock in the deep new cohort ball and other details of the north and the people to see me is one of a small force of rangers patrol linked the co like mountains of fast area covering some $11000.00 tech tears, the ranger says they're mostly fighting a losing battle. more and more land is being raised. all killed. the illegal logging in these forest is terrible because of course take so long to regrow beam, it doesn't happen overnight. or even in a single year out from the usually the little harvest ends up here in private homes as far the most local suddenly still sheets with the war and ukraine has also st energy prices. soaring and poverty stricken costs of the open doors for legal
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traitors, the stolen timber sold roadside to this, yet we shot this footage with a hidden camera. the me, this is for cubic meters. are the best of good for burning beach? actually it's even a bit more, but you can have it for 40 euros, a cubic meter, 160, for all of it. and as early as today, i'm one of them. is that legal? we don't want any trouble with the police have done before. do you see monday or no, no problem. i take care of things like that. i'll bring the wood, unload it and bring the machine to cut it out. would that will cost extra need certainly not far away. we meet these 2 brothers. they are involved in the business with stolen timber, so they don't want to be identified they see it's the only way they have to make some money and get through the cold winter. if we didn't have this business, we'd have to live without a fire. only with blankets then we might not make it through till spring.
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it would be really tough. especially if the winter is very hard. of the neighbors place, they show us the machine they use. it's had me very old and indestructible. they use it to solve a still inbox that they've been sell the know many of their customers person the would comes from this area and farther afield. our customers still the timber because they're poor. they collect the logs and load them into their tractors they see themselves which never steal timber from the forest. the risk of getting cost is too high. their suppliers keep running into rangers and then they're
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scared. they've been caught and punished quite often. so they get the rangers a little pay off, but they aren't really corrupt. they know what our situation is like. and they just want to make a little money themselves, mainly for their children. back to the gold mountain ranger. but she is familiar with these allegations, but doesn't put much stuff on the country. he says the feeds are violent and don't even shy away from murder. 4 years ago they shopped one of his fellow rangers, but for in the afternoon, what did she and i could have been me, one of my other colleagues, cannot you? and we work together until 3 pm. so you know, and only one or 2 hours longer and he would have got us to seek his door. suddenly, the weather changes. in these conditions, head ranger mendota zebra goes out on patrol himself. he says the timber thieves
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feel safe in the mountains and when a cold because they know his divisions doesn't have to budget to properly go after them. and the reason multiple, we need more staff have more money and more technical equipment source of which is the order. and then for now we're doing whatever we can to stop the legal log in with what's available to us and that sort of sources. but it won't be enough, but if we just don't have enough resources, left them all that we need more do and let the source to and so the illegal logging in cost of book continues. broad stretches of this corner of the bulk of the long being covered by pristine forests. but how much longer will these thoughts are fine? the doctor is john paul deal is ready for retirement, but he isn't hanging up his stethoscope just yet. that's because in france where he lives, there is a chronic shortage of doctors. if john paul leaves his practice,
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there won't be any one to take it over. the shortage is especially acute in the countryside in a department in the region of normandy. the state is trying to alleviate the deficit with buses that function as more by all medical practices. they are equipped to provide health care for patients in frances, so called medical deserts. emilio isn't isn't going on vacation. she's taking her suitcase to work at this doctor's office on wheels and normally the medical assistance also dr. we're going to meet patients right now who really need our medical assistance. a role region in the northern part of normandy. there's a serious shortage of doctors. the patients are already waiting at the community center. i sprained my ankle at work on saturday. the bus
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has been rented by the department of every day of travels to a different town with a rotating staff. today i'm a leo's and is accompanied by retired doctors on holiday on the the 1st patient is just here for a check out the still, the on the bus is equipped with everything needed for standard medical examinations . this patient michelle baylash agrees that the doctor shortage is a serious problem. he put an automatic, they retire and nobody wants to replace them. the last doctor had a successor with and changed his mind. of course we have to go somewhere else to see a doctor. but since the bus started, and i've been here twice, and it's helping me really be a commitment. what you do is utah. okay. last year dr. day,
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i'm close to his own practice and another region of normandy when he got bored after a few months. you've really wants to do something like doctors without borders, but then i thought to myself, why go so far away when i'm going to say more close by. so it didn't make sense. easy to contact the team and then the hospital contacted or the on behalf of the reach of the project, st. jude. good. an interesting i said yes. with more than 30 patients. and one morning the doctor and his assistant didn't get a moment's rest. most patients book the appointment online, but for urgent problems people can come without an appointment. we have patients here who haven't seen a doctor in 2 years young and that's a long time. even a year. it's a long time. no, they haven't had any blood work done or any kind of check on the optical. some have
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been taking medication for years without any monitoring because there's no doctor here idea who you think you really to new folks i taught in may the doctor both came to believe at times 30 thought for the 1st time it was a resenting success the municipality you know, even provides office space, it's handy for people who would have trouble climbing into the bus, which is true for quite a few people here. that toy face has the same problem. as many other rule regions and france, young people are moving away services, an infrastructure and vanish, an elderly people who need help are left behind or in the mobile office doctor de own mistreating a man who is not feeling well at all. the rook will have headaches and sleep so badly. i feel like i'm going crazy. pretty much. she took last. he did go to see another doctor. he says,
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but it's complaints. we're brushed away. the exam here is thorough and, and rushed and ends with the referral to the hospital to be all significant. i'm very happy who both of you did a good job on and all right. have hoped for the future over here. i'm 66 and there are lots of things i'd like to do with my family. it would be nice if i could go camping at the weekend, for example, if i'm on, well, of course that's impossible. people form for that issue. at the end of the day, the deputy mayor stops by the plan is to turn the temporary office. i'm a villa into a fully fledged examination room. it makes sense because it's unlikely that the town will ever have a full time doctor again. and the medical bus could also go to other places where its services are badly needed, a tremendous so i can give you about 50 reasons for the shortage of doctors. i conclude it's all very complicated. for most people, it's not something that can be solved quickly. or even in 10 years,
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it's not possible, but if i had a solution, it would go into publication each for now though, so set that idea aside. he'll be on vacation for a few weeks. but at closer to on we'll have to manage without a doctor of us until then. and the 1st appointments have already been filled. charity is one of the cornerstones of the christian faith. archbishop cost back as evangel of the apostolic christian church in the town of edmonton, north london, however, has developed his own method of connecting with his parishioners a knockout punch. for years, the clergyman has been using a boxing club as a means of saving the youth in his trouble neighborhood from a life of crime cost, as believes in the power of working off aggression in the ring rather than on the streets. 5 desantis, eventually bishop of the christian church of face single something to the community
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. what about the cypress used to be to meet this, but some also known as the vaccine vision of the archbishop is a trained focusing coach in 2004 along sites as clerical gt; stock is funded an amateur boxing club to get young people away from the games and off the streets relate to all costs and bad company as well. so i was street wise. i'll go in fights when i was young guy, but my like she's always leave it to within the classify again. fight, then use the discussion my face comfortably as mentioned you those welcome everyone . regardless of the faith on japan, many members here come from disadvantage background. archbishop stuck in police of books and clubs gives them something positive to do an alternative to life on the street. how are you one sided rather by myself being as i angry? because after a session, you can really, you know, you feel like your reaching your goals and your developing yourself and your skills
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. and over time you see that you guys ago, there was a lot of nice crimes and you know, violence in general in this area. but i found a lot of people, especially teenagers around this area. the youth have become involved in not sports like this and in the community and submit them or, you know, like i said, humble stock is funded. the stomach christian church street. and it's the congregations per citing, the minister, the church preaches peace, reconciliation and non violence. so how does construct is reconciled these values with what is a rather brutal sport? how it impacts young people from being actually physically violent industries, crime, knife crime, and they change to a 100. and they typically turn around then that ways that it gets to, to, to use. those are the words here. the young foxes gets a fighting chance in the range and of the streets. that's all from us this week at focus on europe. you can watch more of our show online at dw dot com.
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thanks for your company. bye for now, the the
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power in mysterious stage. it's close to the vatican, supposedly has connections to politics. mentors reported the secret in 15 minutes. the w into the conflict with tim sebastian
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to my sense of the gods of war america is still insisting as well as killing too many palestinians. aaron, david miller is a former senior official estate department. what does he think of israel pratt fixed and baffled, and what kind of country? by too much from this conflict. i should be a pretty wife. comes success in 90 minutes on dw, the, the east to this visual hot spots in germany. dw travel extremely worth a bit vacations
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i visited up in years live from berlin, 2 months after the most other attacks on the 7th of october. is there any sort of those backing from us, but it ends in southern causes, main city, con eunice vase or their hunting the cause i had a based on missed organization who's believes to be hiding there and the goals, but just as grow as these barely investigators present mounting evidence, including how much video footage of sexual violence committed by militants during the october, 7th and tex.


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