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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 7:00am-7:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, you can use life from the that desperation and anguish in the gaza strip, as well as military campaign intensive funds in the south of the territory. faceless piece resistance from homeless militants gunfire. a tillery, and as strikes lead to even more palestinian casualties intentions mount over a border bound between venezuela and diana. the us announces joined the military exercises which diana, this fathers and his whalers referendum to assert its claim over and which region of the country
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the painful and welcome more than 2 months of war between israel and the palestinians have passed and the death toll continues to rise, hosting officials in the kansas trip now say that at least $17000.00 people have died of the funding and international calls for ceasefire. a growing us secretary of state entity blinking is called on his route to prioritize the protection of civilian life. again, on the scoring washington's position on the wall. as we stand here almost a week into this campaign and the, the south after the end of the amount of training applause, it is imperative. it remains imperative that is real, put a premium on civilian protection. and there does remain a gap between exactly what, what i said when i was there,
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the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we're seeing on the ground. let's go over to tanya claim that in jerusalem, lincoln strongest public criticism of these rounds come down to the war on how much the reaction day what we've heard over the policies is more and more pressure by the united states and more pushback. know to do more to protect palestinians by the civilian population in dollars. i know is rather said for many weeks as well that they're claiming, basically homos that they are using civilians as a human shield. and they are saying the military here that they're doing a lot to protect civilians to tell them to evacuate a certain areas to give them career doors to move. they're also published in that, you know, detailing uh, putting splitting up cause and hundreds of little districts. but uh, i talked to people in dollars on the phone as we, as doing this kind of
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a go there. they're telling me this is very confusing. uh, we have to understand that over an estimated number of 1800000 of people out of to 2200000 residents in garza that has been displaced. the old move to many of them move to the south and of course know the ground operation also being expended to the sales people simply have no place to go anymore to, to be safe. there's no safe area. that's what they are telling me. and even if there are evacuation close to go to certain areas, there's still also as strikes and other areas. so people are saying, if there is no cold for full seas, for this new safety and security for a, for them in garza at the moment, antonio and they see mandatory in front, we had that as well. setting up a 2nd check point for trunk, springing a to garza. how is that going to help? well, there's truth about the opening or gees of partially opening of the tell them shalom crossing. know,
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the beginning of the war is well had close both of its crossings. that are going into a garza so one is in the north of the iris crossing. this is only for a people to cross in and out. this one is close and there is also the term so them crossing in the south, which has also been closely suspect uh before the war, usually goods uh right, going in and out, right? no age is only coming in through the south of crossing res egypt. so that has been told as no timeframe given. if this would actually happen that the crossing detention on crossing could help with the screening. and you know, the security mechanisms that is what it wants to see in place. but uh, the other problem actually is not just the crossings which we're hearing from you. monitoring organizations from the united nations is actually right now the distribution of humanitarian aid coming into garza. because as this heavy fighting
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reported also in the south. so most of the trucks that are coming in and then not that many coming in, but those are coming in now they cannot reach the middle areas or the northern part, or even in the south. it's quite limited. we are hearing from the united patients and we had the under general secretary much increases a saying that we don't we do not have for humanitarian operation in southern dog or that you can call it you monitoring operation and power fuzzy phrasing here anymore . because, you know, this is a very difficult now to get the monitoring age to people there. and then as you mentioned, the finding of yourself, what is the military situation right now for israel? of the, well, it's a, it's a pushing ahead was its ground operation. they're still fighting, going on also, of course, in the northern areas because the strip, but there's a lot of focus now on the south, especially on the city of the sun. eunice,
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where is ro is saying that they assume part of the mosquito ship might be in that area. it's also the hometown of y'all, have seen where the i'm us leader who is seen but as well as the main architect of the october seven's terrorist attacks. so most of the uh, a lot of focus is on the southern area at the moment with a, you know, bombardment, evelyn bergman, and, and ground operations focusing also know on the whole of got off the goals and strip. tanya, thank you very much for the updates now corresponded in july. elizabeth says it will not lit up in its drive to eliminate homeless, which is considered a terrorist organization by numerous countries. is more on the funding in the south of the strip in the city of hunt us home with us prominent time isolates physical and emotional trauma continue to rain down on the palace to new people of god. and despite is real,
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declaring some areas to be safe zones. air strikes are constant threats. we are with children, the old people and women. i beg you not to bomb us. and she and her family are among the 1800000 people who work internally displaced at 80 percent of the population places to seek shelter, ever shrinking. those who are able to escape bombings with their lives are barely living at all. food. water and other basics are scarce. seen as i'm a quick game here. what am i in? as you see there is no shelters, i have no dent. i'm not seeing anyone, water, tyler, or no toilet margaret long look at our children, how they look. there is no place to shop for them. but that today there were fights with people because of
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a small place. they know we cannot set up dense northern we cover our children this is the milwaukee camp in southern gaza. this really military has designated it as a safe so, but there is no aid. it's undeveloped land. we're already desperate people are living in squalid conditions and strikes and ross and near the rejection border. have some fear in those who have fled their homes to seek safety in the cities camp . despite international calls for a ceasefire, heavy urban combat intensive, i don't even same be very limited surfaces. been fighting along the entire strip rather than seeking stages of calling by to eliminating terrorists including senior combines, is hiding an underground tunnels. i mean, not working, and also destroying terrorist infrastructure, the steel cable. the un has warrant that casa, is teetering on a humanitarian catastrophe,
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with hospitals and able to care for the injured and the growing threat of diseases sweeping through refugee camp. the united states is able to conduct the joint military flight drills in guyana as tensions rise with neighboring venezuela of a territorial claims. washington says the exercises of routine reiterated party cold. it's on wavering support. full guy on his sovereignty as why that has described the drills as a provocation. the tensions of overshadowed assemblage of the south american trade block moses saw in rio de janeiro south american leaders came into this summit to work on international trade deals and the future of their own common market. but the docs in rio de janeiro soon gave way to concern over a growing border dispute between diana and venezuela. okay, see you and quite a few, something we don't need in south america is walk again. no 70. we don't need
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a wolf. we don't need conflict, we need is to build a piece up by pensions, have searched over the us, the cable region, an orange, which started 3 administered by donna, but planned by venezuela. then as villain president nicholas living room has called on venice valan orlan mining companies. to begin exploration of as a cable, after he emerged victorious and the contribution referendum last sunday, some 95 percent event as villains who voted back the bid to claim. so i'm going to be over the region. they my that e mail yet. the little salem. i've got a id, they said on cvd most amazingly proceed to create the pay the visa as a cable and see if the g s. a keyboard division of the apple. perfect, i do need is the proceed to grant operating licenses for the exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and mines in the entire area of like i, yadda is a key. but in the world,
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my doodle has shown no signs of backing down guy. and these people and the leadership, i like have united against the move even though regional cooperation remain center stage, i read the merc, us, or summit. the risk of a regional escalation looms large. a small world news headlines now. the us department of justice says judge hunter biden, with 9 criminal counts related to tax avoidance. the sound of us president joe bites and faces of maximum of 17 e as in j o. if convicted is a waiting face and a possible jail time on the federal firearms, conscious, soft, repeat back and do you feel about china is slashed visa fees for travelers from countries including thailand, japan, mexico, vietnam and the philippines is the latest effort to boost the country's flag in tourism industry, kind of last month off at the bees are free entry to travelers and business people from the use 5 largest economies. it'd been to improve its image in the west. leave
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is of turkey and greece have held what they called a new chapter in their relations of the use of pensions. congress president bankrupt by a bad one and greek prime minister cutty on coast. mister punk is signed to a friendship declaration that a dozen other cooperation agreements in athens. these sorts of talkin says he will soon visit and tuck it up. you can do cooking shows. well, you've probably heard how some eye clinic foods like punch brackets and naples pizza has been designated as well. cultural heritage binding as go. now the list is going to that a longer latest edition is widely regarded as peruse most famous dish and a matter of national product. 200 meters of the peruvian coast. these fishermen, dublin s cooks on the menu seat you made from the freshly cooled fish impulse anymore. the
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ellis name was that i met the easiest and that ancient times we go out to sea. and when the clock strikes noon, what do we do? we don't go back to shore for lunch, that doesn't happen that we separate our fresh fish. we fillet it and prepare it with lemons. in the old days, we use the fruit called tumble, or with something that can marinate the even orange juice or something similar to it. but i'm going to tell you meant the cd to it's usually made from roll mary, nitric fish communes and truly peppers. although known and loved throughout latin america, it is peruse national dish. $40000000.00 plates of stuff that every year. same comes from the catch you. i would say we cheat, which means fresh fish. it's every to but i mean for me. so each a is a dish that represents the whole that true. they will take it because it includes
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the work of the farmers from the cultivation of corn is sweet potato last little chili peppers, the name corey, under lemons. and of course, the fish farmers who raise fish to lot be how you check, as well as the skilled fisherman that the lab goes by to. look, let's go to what is that based on that is there are thousands of ways to pass the feature. the fish used depends on its availability in the region and can be from the sea. full fresh water to each region uses its own mix of vegetables, spices, ups and citrus fruits, but which have a recipe do use you know, officially subbing a cultural heritage. finally, the loan doc nights of december are upon us here in europe. but for the next few evenings, the fine city of leal will be filled with bright, colorful lights, celebrated since the 19th century. the annual fact, yeah. or festival of lights will see. many of the cities landmarks lit up within
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$2000000.00 visits are expected to see this is full day celebration of the extra business special in the future over time. it's and patience. i've been puzzled and i'll see you next hour. get on the vacation as an applicant, do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence. do this, and we go say hoffman tissue today, because then they go to that. who set up? he had been mailed home. he was talking with car bama tenants so


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