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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the business day, nobody news line from button and the footage from gaza appears to show is driving. so just be tightening dozens of men and forcing them to a strip. israel says it's carrying on to interrogations, to establish whether ministry agent, man, detained, to go in and gaza, connected to the militant group. also in the program, germany said foreign minister arrives in dubai for the us climate conference and elaina bab bulk, here's one of those pushing for global commitment to face out fossil fuels. cranium
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troops face increased pressure from russian attacks this winter takes cold re, such as a warning that ukraine's allies have drastically scaled bad sizes of new age. we meet young female football is and cost of of that is switching from a un campaign and the expertise of dw, expose perio focused on the field. a welcome to the program which has emerged from gaza that appears to show dozens of men being detained and forced to strip by is riley forces. the menacing, assisting cross legged on kneeling in different locations, as well as being transported on the back of military vehicles. of these pictures were filmed in northern garza not far from casa city. israel hasn't confirmed the man's identities, but says it is interrogating individuals. is right of the army spokesman. if daniel
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had gone, he said, we are investigating to see who is linked to hum us and who is not a lot of corresponding tonya crime in jerusalem. told us more very disturbing images that are circulating on social media since thursday. these are photos and videos, and some have been in the meantime, deal located. some of them apparently have been taken in the north and gulf, a strip, a in a b to allow here. they are showing, as you said, the men uh, they were apparently forced to strip in the underwear somewhere kneeling. then we have also some pictures from a man transported on a truck and then also in a different location on social media. some of family and members and relatives have actually identified some of those people that are shown on those photos and
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videos. and one of them appears to be a one of the correspondence of a london based on a newspaper, one of their local correspondents, the a and the other. we also do the newspaper has made a statement in disregard. this thing, this is one of the reporters alongside some of their family members, and as he said, we didn't get a confirmation from the is really military on those pictures. uh, but they are saying that they have entered in a restaurant and interrogated hundreds of men in the past weeks. tonya kramer and jerry, so israel is mandatory, has declared the tiny coastal town out in the was a, a safe. so didn't told gardens to evacuate that the many of these displaced say they have not receive the humanitarian aid. a promise of in das is where the international rescue committee joins us from cairo.
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welcome to the w. i of investigate here we. i can hear you are very ready. all right, so that we don't have vision yet, but will pile all day. you are welcome. we see you now, how safe all these safe zones at israel has designated no good to be honest, there is no. there are no storms in news or and that we are talking about. well, what i need to highlight and to verify is that the zones that have been the marked on the kids that have been given instructions to move to these jobs. but on the wrong book, the actually see is that when people have actually been asked to move, uh there have been adults coming to the, to the central entities. i've been part of the dresser. but people who i initially told that they would be safe. so even after having both that there are,
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there are the products that are taking place and the people st very little. but i know fred and completely unsafe. also these, you might have different organizations that are working in these so called safe zones are, are completely unsafe. and. busy of the fearful, the movement is complete, domestic dead because they don't know where to move and to move ultra rice all the time, but i have to be transferred to nothing. this is right. so the people who are told to go that on the safe and any aid workers who are working there and they are also unsafe, have you been able to get an idea of what conditions a like inside the sites sense? so yes, very much so it'll be half of the international rescue committee has many possible
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as partners in these areas and also our teams and colleagues in these grounds. so we get, we get information, hasn't been possible. i myself keep the following up to see what the best aspect of access but what conditions are there westgate and uh, to, to say the least. so, more but this completely, i mean, it is there that is completely restricted. the there is no access to like any of us on the stand that 95 percent of the population has no access to the same thing. water, there are, there are no ahead facilities number. this is no fluid of the temperatures falling . so the situation is really about to say the least rice i'm i, i was saying just before we came to you that many people had been complaining that they, the facilities that were promised by israel in these sites. those were not bad. so
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do you have any idea what he's promised? what, what is what has been promising will be in the site to say so as you've described, what's actually that, what if they've been, what of people been told? that's where the problem is, is the problem is we're not very clear. but the, the, the, the, the information that was given to the people was that they would have safe access. they would, if, if they needed to inform regarding the moment a day prior. and that they would be safe and they could move that there would be increase the x axis. there would be increase a surprise of where that would be the person is presented. this would be set up so that they have all these assurances that they were given. so basically that they would be safe. but i've been involved. uh. so the number of years is that the people are still upset as what was mentioning before. i'm not winter as coming. how is that?
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like me to affect the situation that's. that's the even more where in fact i'm a good temporary just dropping. i mean, so what i want to explain to you is that most of the people are in damaged or broken down buildings. that's where the c, c a they have some taken reviews, including our colleagues and partners and with the proper facilities. no, he to, uh no, he think this introduced most of the king water, an older me the situation, but then says that uh now that is the result of the compounder. so uh it does outbreak of uh, what about and diseases corner uh, as far as the, the one that was just, uh, uh, the depth of that is that what that is in case is coming into a certain location. uh so yes,
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the situation becomes worse. uh there were no blankets, no fluid. okay. okay, thank you for talking yes. through this of and das with the international rescue committee. thank you so much. i or thank you. thank you for having me. well, the run, the secretary general is continuing to push for immediate humanitarian things. 5 in gaza. antonio gutierrez, totally un security council. the people in the territory of being moved around like human, involves, and that it's impossible for 8 workers to reach people in maine. in the next few hours, the security council is due to a vote on a draft resolution calling for a safe spot and the release of hostages, held by her mouse. mister gutierrez' warrant of the race to international, secure, say without at such a mattress there is a height is the total collapse of humanitarian support system even gaza, which would have devastating consequences we anticipate. that's what the results in
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the complete breakdown of probably called of the and include a special for mess displacements into egypt. i see are the consequences going to be devastating for the security of the entire region. or united states has consistently composed calls for the humanitarian cx 5, and is expected to veto the resolution. a correspondent benjamin oliver's group in washington, told us more about whether this is likely to pass this time for a resolution to be adopted. you need 9 out of 15 members of this country to vote in favor and none of them, none of the 5 permanent members a to veto the resolution. and that's exactly where we don't know how they you as well. but we can expect that this might be just another veto, and that's something that secretary blinked and also said yesterday it was a press conference with in for in secretary of the united kingdom, a david cameron and the blinking once again stressed that it's important to you
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said that he believes the assurances that israel is giving, but he also said that's different between what they're claiming that they want to do and how the situation on the ground it actually looks lives. and that's also something that we've heard in the report there. so we can imagine that the us might again a veto. they say resolution us and human alvarez, go back in washington, take a look at some, oh uh well, the news headlines and starting russia web presence. photon is to seek re election next year. if i says no major challenges in the building for a 5th time is like russia since the turn of the century described down on opposition on the media. so certainly, soldiers of withdrawal from government and the democratic republic of congo, they have the latest screen from an east african community of regional falls to pull out the rebel militia of facing the companies in germany, or try and drive as a staging a 24 hour strike the drive is unions in dispute with employers over pay working
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conditions for you. and it says this will be the last strike this year, but it's finding more anxious in january and you have, it is following that assess, expecting i global commitment to phase out fossil fuels as the un climate conference. and since it's final week, atlanta bat ball is representing germany and video repeating units into by one of the issues at the top $28.00. so i'm going to use whether the delegates will agree to and the use of coal, oil, and gas negotiations also focus on renewable energy is bad box at germany. will find hard to secure these commitments. yeah, i'm, it's, and yet the strategy is ambitious. because in order to keep 1.5 degrees celsius within reach, need to triple the expansion of renewable energy and double of energy efficiency. if it's you and i'll be eligible for the noise. but expanding renewable energy is an energy efficiency is not enough to achieve the target of one point. 5 degrees
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celsius coleman. so none get off and off the we always will need to phase out fossil fuels, in fussy, and you know, a long as you can start a, let me be clear, a phase out of fossil fuels and not a phase out of fossil emissions. there is a huge difference is of venice not. i'm bought clean. i'm a decent go saw one just well the deputies came shomberg is the climate conference in dubai. i'm explaining that difference to us for a task of this kind of conference. how to deal with fossil fuels, which are the main reason for climate change. some countries and regions such as you and germany and almost a 100 countries are in favor of the fossil fuel phase out. then the other countries in states. man, the oil producing countries such as saudi arabia, which with a lot rather like to talk about an emissions phase out. this means they want to keep producing and using coal, oil, and gas. why reducing the emissions with
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a special technology. but this is unrealistic, expensive, and not scalable. at this point, why this narrative is considered a distraction strategy. the 1st week of the conference has the major announcements to boost renewable energies and to slash slash methane emissions. john kerry of the us special envoy on climate called the 1st days, pretty damn good 1st week quotes. fundable countries might not see that way as they are t seeing task negotiations among countries on the fossil fuels long term fossil fuel phase r, as in editable to limit the global warming. if it's going to be decided on, this is conference in the united arab emirates, the 6 largest oil producing country in the world is a big question mark. and is going to be decided in the days to come to him shall, comp 20 eyes almost 2 years after the russians attack on ukraine,
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winter is once again, worsening conditions for civilians and for soldiers hopes of a successful counter offensive been dashed instead. you've tried these facing venue pressure on the battlefield, while keys allies have scaled back sizes of new aid. a. ben hodges is a former, commanding general of the us army in europe. he now sense as a senior advisor to human rights. first, i say us base to human rights organization, a welcome back to a d w general. how much of a problem it's for ukraine, that a different war, israel, how math is now dominating headlines? well, that's an excellent point, the, the, how much the attack on israel did in one day, what puts and cannot do for 2 years. and that's to make the west forget about ukraine. i don't believe this attack was a coincidence. i think iran and russia clearly they're strong,
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realize they're the only real ally that each one has. and so there's no to me, it's not a surprise that this attack happened when it did and that russia is benefiting from it so much. and of course, the fact that the support for ukraine seems to be weakening, even in my country in the united states, that there is disagreement about the support. it's getting tangled up in domestic politics. this is a gift to the kremlin and it reinforces to them that all they have to do is just keep hanging in there until the west runs out of will. right? and so you believe the west that has forgotten about you crying is read your words . still haven't forgotten, but what has happened is that it until you i haven't heard anybody on the news in the last few weeks, even talking about ukraine, so i'm grateful. the don't develop has decided to address this. no, this is a fight for survival by ukraine. but it's not just about ukraine,
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this is about us european security and prosperity. american prosperity depends on ukraine. be successful against russia, the inflation we're dealing with, the disruption of food and energy supplies is all because of russians attack on ukraine. and so if we're serious about those issues and if we're serious about protecting the rules based international order to reclaim, to value that we have to help ukraine when it affects all of us. and of course, the chinese are watching the chinese or just see do we have the political will, the industrial capacity and the military capability to stop russia, stop iran and deter china. right. and let's, let's just have a look at what's happening. all robin not happening on the battlefield at the moment. why do you think we are seeing this apparent style night as the the principal reason is because the west has not delivered to ukraine. the capabilities
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that are needed for ukraine to never would make crimea the most important part of the terrain it occupied ukraine to, to help make it untenable for russian forces. i mean, ukrainians already have proven the concept which is 3 storm shadows provided by u. k. 3 cruise missiles, the russian black, safely began to withdraw from service doleful. imagine if they had 50 or $75.00 american, a check on this or german tours, missiles, what would happen to russian forces there? and if they had the long range precision capabilities to hit russian headquarters and russian logistics, then we have a much different situation on the ground. so this, the reason this thing is stalled is because the west led by the united states and germany have not committed to helping ukraine when and this is going to be blood on our hands. if this thing continues to drag out, looking ahead, we have today's announcement, the vladimir person will stand for re election to president next year,
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combined with a very real prospect of a 2nd, trump presidency. how do you think that combination is likely to work out for ukraine as well? this is, this is going to be bad news, not just for ukraine, but for all of us. of course, no shock vladimir putin has announced he's going to run for president. the. the only question remaining is, how much had decided yet. how much is margin of victory is going to be? i don't worry very much that uh president trump will come back uh and be the candidate for the republican party. it's unbelievable to me that we have millions of americans that would go for him even if he were in jail. but at the same time, i do trust the american legal system and he's got an awful lot of obstacles in front of him before he election day, which is about 11 months away. and of course, president button, who is the current president and has a good economy and a lot to point to. he's got to do
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a much better job of making his own case to the american voters. and of course, it's going to be, it's going to be try the russians, their only hope they, they have no, no way to break through ukraine. there's not going to be a big russian breakthrough where they drive towards kiva harkins. again, their only hope is that the west runs out of will. and so the idea that trump even has a chance uh gives oxygen to the kremlin. good talking to as a general, ben hodges, former commanding general of the us army. and you're a thank you so much. thank you. the result with football in comfortable, which is traditionally a male sport, and a young generation of girls wants a chance and wants to change that to you and campaign cool. 16 days of activism agenda based violence is helping to do just a young coast of our football or air yona ma'am. at t of k,
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as the preston regularly goes to training, even though conditions are bad. a few years ago only boys had the chance to use these training facilities. now young girls interest and football is on the rise, kosovo as president is even voice for support of the game. that doesn't mean things are easy. the policies course that you and i believe that other girls will not have the same will to continue because of the training conditions so that we can hardly find a time to play the conditions inside and outside the locker room or a disaster and then wants to reach you, there is no toilets. many things are missing the bus nicole to find out the son is marlin mentor and ms. young. kosovo has women's football is still in its infancy. so all support is welcome. and the women have some support from germany where the men's european championship will be played next year. impossible in kosovo, people are traditionally socially conservative. we want to use our support to show
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that women can do everything including play football at home. honestly minutes football can be expand. it is like it was in germany 30 years ago on 4 sizes shot the girls had been inspired by a training session with berlin base professional football or danny at barcelona. as part of the u. n's campaign against ginger based violence. we've been learning many things. she's teaching us about football in germany and that helps us a lot which are still valuable. so it's one step further for aryana and realizing her dream of representing kosovo. now you saw her in the fall and now she's here in the flash dw sports comes from the danielle boss, a loaner who also happens to be a professional football. welcome down here. so obviously you know about women's football coach at here in germany. what does your experience tell you about the game in cost of a? well, i mean in kosovo foot well is very much in its infancy still. so the conditions are
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not good and they are even worse for women, football. so for me, for example, i had the opportunity to start playing football when i was 5 years old and they're talking to some of those girls. they told me, for example, there's nowhere for any girl is impossible to play until they turn 15. because that's when the league starts, which is far too late in terms of development, for example, to play in school. no, there's no teams for them to play, no, leaks. now this team is the only team where they can play or train from the age of 5, but everything is pretty much a struggle even getting a training pitch to have practice on, you know, they, they get told, oh, there's no time slots available because it's women's or they get the worst time slots, and that's why these kinds of initiatives are so important, you know, with the support of the german and bassett or because they helped to bridge that gap. so even when i was there, the mirror of pushing of the test, the capital so that he was going to open a football page only for women's football. so you know, if we can bring those eyes in and create those opportunities for women,
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it's for their good and for women's football i missed this product goes far beyond football. tell us about. yeah, so it's part of the you end 16 days against gender based violence, which is, which is an important platform to raise positive awareness not only in the girls themselves, but to create change within society as well. it's the focus is to make these girls also $360.00 degree individuals and not just athletes. so to take what they learn from football and then use it to open doors for themselves in the future. how. what sort of things. i mean we, when we were there, we gave them journalistic training. we taught them story telling how to use their social media platforms and, and, and also they got to meet various people in the government, women in high ranking positions like, you know, the president of kosovo. of course, she's a very big supporter of this club and it's important that they got to meet her and speak to her and have role models for the future. because not only are we empowering them to fight to break down barriers, but we're also teaching them,
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you know what to do and how to not be afraid and be strong if and when they do encounter situations of gender based violence in the future. okay. control cuz you thank so much that have done your boss or from data of useful earlier in the week of christine, think that cool time on her stomach international football career with canada. the long time captain bows out as the old time leading goal score in international football. but she made that quite an impact off the page as well. christine sinclair, single handedly put canadian football on the map. no other player, male or female, has even gotten close to her 190 international goals at the tokyo olympics in clare health, canada, when gold adding to our 2 bronze medals. the legacy she leaves behind is enormous. in fans came out in droves to bid sinclair farewell excited. it sounds really sad. does the legend go?
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she's been done so much for canada and the sort i'm so sad to go, but it's amazing to hear and price. and did you changing the game for like everyone like who's going to grow up and play soccer and all the for that? yeah. yeah. really good. like yeah. person look up to. it's really nice. yeah. sinclair's farewell game and b, c palace has sentimental value. some of my best memories of playing you soccer was on that field. and now to know that i'm finishing my international career on that same field. it's kind of surreal. yeah, it's kind of come full circle. she's consistently flowed for a quality higher pay and improve standards for women in the sport. canadian football exists at the level. it does today and continues to flourish. thanks to christine sinclair, a russian and better as an athletes. wilton paints that next year as olympic games . the international olympic committee says, the athletes can compete under
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a neutral flag. the issue has been resolved since rushes invasion of ukraine last february, when capacity has, from russia and its allied boundaries were banned from various international events . national anthems will not be polite and displaying symbols and flags of the 2 countries will be found. a few boxes next among african lifestyle. i'll be back at the top of the news.
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