tv REV Deutsche Welle December 9, 2023 7:30am-7:59am CET
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people often telling me that i don't smart enough, but give me a good track and good for the sake of the when i did my 1st couple of at least i looked at what was the 1st thing to do in this book. and it was easy to find don, so that it was the duck of the i think the bigger basically bedding on yourself and then putting all your finances in into something like this, knowing that the score very well the
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or i'm all she said, all right. and the more just for that lead, competing in cross country valley, this is across the world. and most notably of united colorado, into my little category, one of the few indians that i've actually ventured into that category. it's kind of my dream, the for. and what i've seen, so i'm going to make it to the car and see what the validate, what it is about. 5 am on a friday to early for most people, but not for us. you showed on the 43, edward indian riley data plate is all set for the morning of intense training. as all these facing the academy training down. i see she has a simple goal to compete and as many doc godaddy's as he can going it alone as a private video without the support of a factory team. it's a hard johnny that's involved quitting his job in the merchant navy and switching professions to become writing quote, training other daddy hopefuls,
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but also training himself for his next face with the same sign has already picking the interval teaching you lessons and putting you in your place it's really teach you not to take anything for granted. like, you know, your cruising one moment and the next moment deal. if it onto face done test. she's 1st got on and off, showed motorcycle in 2015 and was instantly hope by the end of the next year. he'd gone, rallying completed in his 1st off, through dryly defense to the data malia and decided he'd like to see how far he could go in the sport all on his own. it's one of the few sports. as an amateur, you can go and race against the top estimates in the midst. when i did my 1st couple of value, i looked at what was the toughest thing to move in this it was easy to find. don said it was the duck and he began attacking his good with
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a single minded focus even when he was on duty at seeing it mock the departure from the life he led until then i was in a state that i don't realize the qualities he developed as imagined though, it came in handy for this fort, he'd become obsessed with. the sea has stopped me to be alone and still be able to find solutions. i think the, the quality of residents kind of started building did. because i didn't want to quit what i had started and see to once the decision had been made, there was no looking back for me as i thought it wasn't midlife crisis to be honest . and then it just became a crisis like a big existence. now i'm just, i've made my peace with that. that was a very big guy. and i let me see you're going to can just as in this week and he said ok. and he went to ship and he was back in 3 months live in cages later,
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just because i mean, we started in december lose. that'd be for she's, it was a huge comfort. the tanya had his back no matter what, as someone when tuning into motor support at the age of 35 going from jokey to dock our competitor with an immense endeavor, especially given that he needed to figure out the support out by himself. it is a 2 way street. there's no background in motors for all the finances. it's a big chunk of money that he would put in. i think he did it all by himself. as with the fuel sport, i have to admit that it has been presentation adults like you to break up some mornings thinking about is what i'm doing that i thought step a hard to ignore ahead of his 1st marathon event the i forgot to include jason 2020
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what i had in hand photo, let's say i would have thought about was that i would get something like dingey 2 weeks before that idea. and that's what happened. and i was in the hospital for 2 weeks starting from like 11th of december. i remember that at least starting 2nd of january, so i came out of the hospital the 27th of december, and i was clearly told by the doctors that i should not be going through this valley foot flashy, giving up before the event began simply wasn't an option the question really ask is if you stop no, i think they both know when you'll be able to live without of that decision. and i think that's, that's how i have kind of loan to make decisions now. and that's what this board has talk to you because if i give up now, okay, that's an easy way of knowing i would feel good for, for the white. but then what about the motor with that decision, instead of making carpeting from illness was just one wedding aspect. as
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a privateer on a shoe string budget, his motorcycle was a compromise, not a full blown validated machine, but if the 450 x feet and then your bike fitted with an extra fuel tank. 8 d as into the valley, things got tricky. i had some issues with the motorcycle and i was running a fever. so i have to stop the place where i stopped was literally like literally middle of nowhere. and because it was in a medical emergency, i wasn't offered out. i have to wait for the sleep to get there, but the sleep drug only got to me the next morning. so i spent the whole night in the, in the court as a, as the sun went down, i started getting really cold. julie and there was a sandstone and the other thing i have to worry about was then scorpions and snakes in the desert because i saw a few just around sunset. i did my best to put in to you was whatever,
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so i will retaining. i have even from my background as a, as somebody knows once again she, she has experience battling stormy waters has come bathroom is had been chosen the shape shifting fan. sometimes you end up like crazy, 5060 hours of work because you're in the middle of nowhere and they go to fix what's not running. i've always continue to work on life, solve the problem. but i never thought of it in those literature don't. so is that the spirit of never giving up? i guess that was that, but broadly, the motive supporting the has the reinforce that are bought that out for me. he spent the full 12 hours in solo survival mode. never really thing that you know, in today's day i need you would ever come down for such a what he meant or anything of using the compass or just the desk of blankets. but that night it came to that. so yeah, i think it's an adventure. i lived,
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remember all my life, the experience or least strengthened ashes. the result is to compete in the car 2021 and he began training for the events. stuff is category. the model model class in which right is complete without a support crew. instead they have a box with spaces and tools and services, and just as an motorcycles on the go on the, on my 1st experience was that of my solution or just being so alone. because if there is a team, you move together, you'll have other ideas with you. so it's a very lonely experience in the beginning. one of the things i quickly realized, and it's probably the mistake that the most 1st time was invaluable to me. because if you keep pushing yourself to expand, go through that entire checklist every day at the expense of this. that's not a good strategy to have because the machine will take a lot more than actually that you want to get. the point was for the driven home when cs on bush the 1st and getting ready to able to compete in the docket,
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software to who is a crash on the 4th stage is the same event on. i trained extensively before the car to any one and speed you were there for 3 months training day. annandale together. when i came up on the crash site, i knew it was a hill bike, and i was just hoping that it was in some doors as bike. i saw like how badly the bike was mangled. so i knew that it was a backlash. i and he was already in district, so i didn't know what had happened to him like how bad the injuries was. it was the 1st time he was truly confronted with the risk this quote enrolled on to someone, you know, personally, gets injured doctor. this doesn't become a deal for you because it's still in iceland or thing like you hear. okay. somebody crashed and we know yes. and that can happen. it becomes very real when it's someone you know, and i think that was kind of very disturbing for me for the next leg. good,
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5060 kilometers. at that point i didn't know the next day would be the tougher dr. despite managing to put towards. so please enjoy the combat cheated behind him. she's going back on david on stage 5. i vent daughter knew when i landed straight on my head. this was not a very high speed crash because i landed on my head. i think the in fact was very high, and then i tried to get up the eyes immediately blacked out. so consequently, the 10 minutes later i was lifted, the injury men team is 3 stages of the valuables was allowed to continue the event and the car experience category was under the advice was okay, everything's clear, but it's a concussion in the end. so it will show up 72 hours later as well so that i commendation wasn't like ok of invoice, but be cautious. so yeah,
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i really enjoyed the rest of the overall it was, it was a good experience to finish that i need not to finish. i was hoping for, so i was kind of sad about it. like i finished the card yet. i was kind of, i had mixed feelings because i wasn't that the actually the finishes for them. but yeah, that's something to connect and explore. she's has accepted the injuries a pa for the cause. i have both my sort of the separated 7 millimeters and 11 millimeters, both sides and your particular one of them in fractures and to me injuries, b, c. there's been a lot. but like i said, i've been lucky so far that they haven't been injured. he's that have required extensive surgery or anything or put me out to like more than maybe half of your video barrier he's had to leap across is the hurdle in his mind. i think the biggest mentor that is of basically building on yourself and then putting all your
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finances into something like this, knowing that the score very well for doing all the costs of competing in the car as to norma. and as a prize it to you finding the money to go, the thing is a constant battle, something that requires a lot of patience. it takes time to make a mock in the sport. things don't happen when i because the financial, the board and is also so big. and then you know, all of the trying to go into sponsorships things day very long to actually materialize in 2021. she's funded 90 percent of his duck, our campaign himself putting all the money on into this things have since changed this year. looks looks very no problem promising on that front. so i think it's going to be exactly the opposite. i would
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a hazard like 90 percent, would be sponsored and then 10 percent. so my phone, the video life means she, she's used to doing things on his own. he's his own nutritionist and fitness trainer. he says, own mechanic and everything happens in his apartment. or at the also the academy he founded nearby i would like to be a member of one of the best motorsport, cortez, and other than i can. and that's what i'm working today. you'll need to build that confidence with the soil and then we'll come to the the, i don't know where they're just like, i think it's more of the bike of yours. oh, i lost it. it's not the bike. i think it's really hard on us. but at the same time,
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he's also knows when to call him back and he's been super supportive from the start of my journey. i wouldn't be that i am or that i want to go without actually like for the 2020 for the car she, she has been accepted in the model class not to model the model category. so he, you have the luxury of team support, but he's got a sense of unfinished business when it comes to the events, most punishing category and hopes for another thing in the modeling model class from the given the cartridge surface soto and modeling model kind of add another letter difficult to do it, so i've always wanted to do difficult things. in the meantime though, he's training and honest for his next battle with the new ones in desert with sonya by his side. we will have done stuff together. i mean, it's nothing like uh, i don't know about and if i knew what we were getting into,
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i didn't know how severe it was going to be. but yeah, i guess about not having someone who you know is dying of elk out of it. for example, because india and starting that late and, and then putting pretty much everything you own into it that's, that's not an easy thing for anyone to accept. so i think that support from the i wouldn't have to actually use the months of hard work. the financial burden of the car and the brutality of the event, us and the part of the journey worth it in his english quest to reach an environment in which he sleep, drives people often telling me that i don't smart enough, but give me a good track for, for the sake of, i'm getting but even the votes question,
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this is sometimes i do want to go into engine this board. i mean there's so many phones over there. but this is like really old. something to the why? why me doing like cross country that i'm why not something is the closest we have come to understanding it is, is this whole concept of you go through higher and i think that is what makes it so adjective is the high even though you're going back for the, i think the feeling of not just finishing godaddy, but the feeling of just finishing a receipt is really good. and i can't remember the single value with the law school kilometers, but i haven't tried and it's just a motion that is on the
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pay. i have for quite a while, rolling out what development many areas simply visit the artificial intelligence really is present on our areas within the company. of sufficient intelligence has become a hot topic in recent years. hey, i based voice assistant site syria and alexa feature permanently in most of the people's lives. a i also plays an important role in the automotive sector. today. we'll take a deeper look at a i and the possibilities that holds the future. my ability, hailey is the simulation of human intelligence process is by machines. often times the people 1st think of an a robot like the terminate to all the machines from the
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matrix. it in slave don't have humana c s energy provides as well. there are many more examples from hollywood that drew a frightening picture of us, a picture of the intelligence of coal school. if this is exaggerated domestic effect. but there's still a little bit of underlying tracing that we went to the recently opened neo innovation sent to invalid and to talk to an ex. but he works with a guy on a daily basis. when people think about a i, they think about this big brain that is evolving on itself and then deciding what to do, but it's not like that. so for me, i would say for them and i know that that's victim. it looks like a one single, a brain, but in practice, a different technology are invalid and we all slicing that he, i into a and so pipeline, hey, i consists of several sub categories. one is machine learning, which teaches
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a computer to use past experiences to making services and decisions. busy would you say here in the background? so full session i asked if you're starting to agents, we 1st thought we were using the processing tween show with a i that we have the right quality. then we continue with the transcription from the audio thing, not into text, you know, sort of urging it. i then we try to understand the content and it's all sort of writing a i then we try to provide the fulfillment and the end, the end of the right on. so in this stage, we also need a, i to, since these lies though, and so in the nice english and all the way that so end to end, everything looks like one brain in practice. it's a sort of one example of conversational ai can be found in neo cause it's cold, know me here. can you open the left window for me?
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neo was the 1st call make it to implement in vehicle a. i know me can understand what you want to, to do without needing to use a pre set command. even though a i makes it possible for machines to none. this type of program can only evolve within its boundaries. so nice did but weakness of the audio components of it. we need to add more different kind of noise for example and retrain. maybe we need to add a different fornia to come down our teams and retrain the transcription and so on and so on. so the end, the end to end experience, we'd be informed and a are the seems to be small. so, but in practice, we just in for one component of the big story, haley is no saying he used to call and drive the interaction. but let's say much earlier, during the process of developing and building caused our engineers today already use solid official intelligence to specify new products. and also when we start developing software nowadays, we explore for the 1st time,
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all the official intelligence in a generate of ways to create software. but also in the pounds, we use artificial intelligence for quality assurance. and so to automatically improve our manufacturing process, just like such, f, o, d has also implemented into it small factories, high resolution cameras, monitor pumps of the production process, and look for the product. the last aspect is my ability i, we want to focus on today is the self driving capability of costs and particularly for driver assistance systems and autonomous vehicles. we use all sufficient intelligence for data processing. so data from the cam arise from the radar systems are really analyzed to all the official intelligence to make smart decisions for the driver. julio totally missed calls on public roads. this is the dream. they're all systems like testers, auto pilot,
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and mercedes drive pilot. that can drive the car on their own to some extent, but they still own the function under certain conditions and required the drivers attention. the challenges for autonomous drive systems account less suddenly appearing obstacles like it's cold. so animals, unpredictable behavior by other drivers in bad weather conditions to name a few. but well flow to me has not yet been achieved. drivers already profit from a i. b, it's repressive voice recognition. higher quality products or cheaper price is due to lower costs. so the manufacturer will use artificial intelligence costs in all the development when it comes to driving to does systems where a i will help us to recognize the environment sales, all costs. for example, we use the i technologies and things like full costing, you know, business processes. and we also use technology in recent more recent times when it
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comes to voice recognition or even ultimate sizing of dialogue. so there's many, many areas where i can help make us stronger as a company and to provide intelligence solutions. well, some comic is like, oh, pull, embrace i and try to use all the possibilities. it provides others to being hesitant and i just don't seem to make use of it, didn't you? um take a look. this is toyota's high tech concept car. the l q deal will be unveiled next year and the power summer olympics and journalists will be able to try out fully automated driving a s a level for will be, you know, for being a i is essential to that. there's an agent call you e in the vehicle which detects the drivers stress level and then controls vehicle function. so the stress is reduced as fast as possible and plus whatever loop is the thing for. as of now, toyota isn't using this in its series production costs, but once you set to change the newer like opinions in the industry,
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different whether affinity autonomous calls will some day become a normal positive every day traffic. but with the speed which in technology, a developing challenges, all the younger generations, boom, live to see what still seems that can you type in today the, well, the debate rages on see next time right here on the
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in 30 minutes on the w. it's power in mysterious stage. it's close to the rad supposedly has connections to politics. this a secret in 75 minutes on d w. you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that spacing is, is i'm all really relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 should. 2 2 we humans are closer to a chimpanzee vanishing. pansy is even to a dog, a donkey or series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on
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youtube. dw documentary, the monumental structures of the stone age, on milestones in the history of mankind. and some of its greatest positive meetings, megabytes are monumental stone arrangements that people are elected long before the pyramid, technical and logistical feat that simple as the impossible the stones tell the story of the powerful revolution. fix it from a switch from hunters to sudden turn farmers with one of the most fundamental changes in human history. i don't have any dry skin just what exactly happened as a 10000 years ago. scientists, china, nice on the uniqueness left by our and the secrets of the stone age. december 22nd, on the w,
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the the . this is the w use my from brother in the us be those are you when resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza? the american representative says that proposal was unrealistic. more than a 1000 members voted in favor with the camp site. also coming up battle lines drawn at the come $28.00 climate summit as active a slab of peg. but judging its members to not accept any deal related to phasing out in fossil fuels.
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