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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 9, 2023 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the, this is the w use my from bill in the us feet. those are you when resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the american representative says the proposal was unrealistic . more than a 1000 members voted in favor with the camp site. also coming up baffled lines, drawn at the comp 20 a climate summit as active a slab of peg but voting its members to not accept any deal related to facing out. and fossil fuels life to do by itself for by the
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i've been visible and woke up the united states has vetoed a united nations security council resolution on a ceasefire in gaza. so team members voted in favor the u. k. upstate the us as the media to meditate agencies, fi demanded in the document. what are the benefit him us, which is 10 of the countries called attempt restrict an unprecedented move by the un secretary general, brought them here. i see the consequences. he is going to be devastating for the security of the entire region. antonio gutierrez, used his power to push for a un security council vote on on a ceasefire. and you guys that he got the vote, but not the result he was hoping for. against in the united states, vetoed the draft resolution calling. it rushed and incomplete of sense eunice
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extensions. although the united states strongly supports a durable peace in which both israelis and palestinians can live in peace and security. we do not support this resolutions call for an unsustainable c for that will only plant the seeds for the next war. the united kingdom abstained saying the draft did not condemn atrocities come off committed on october 7th. the final vote tally 13 for the resolution, won against and one extension palestinians. this is a terrible day for the security council. let me repeat. this is a terrible day for the security council. we are the jack this resolved and will continue resorting to a very legitimate avenue to stop these a part of our process these including resuming the emergency session of the general
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assembly. the united arab emirates asked what message the security council was sending to palestinians and gaza, who are facing roland list of environments and set the inability to reach agreement on a ceasefire. let's people and guys of further exposed to untold missouri. 2 jerusalem corresponded rebecca bridges, has more rebecca, these failed attempts that cease fires, allow israel to push ahead with its campaign each time. so that they do then we saw what was why they expected the u. s. v. towing of that attempt at a say sign resolution that you typing me on the other country as you heard the not to vote in favor. 13 of the 15 countries did vote in favor of this these 5 resolution. but of course, we need unanimous vote on any thing, any such thing and, and that it was not received. so of course that attempt has failed. now before in
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the lead up to the vote. we heard from it. and so i get that done rather saying that the sci fi, he's the you and representative for the israel, israel is that you, a representative to the you in. and he was saying, but any attempts that sci fi or any sci fi, in fact, would, in fact, just play in the hands of a mouse. now, off to the vote, we heard even stronger words from israel, namely from is ready, foreign minister le cohen. he came out on 6 the platform, fully known as tweets, the impact rebuking the united nations secretary general antonio terrace, personally saying that he was in fact, standing with her master is roused. position on that, look very, very clear. we've had some from some other organization savvy, human rights watch of a saying that the us risks complicity and war crimes. if it continues to support israel in its war on garza particularly by sending weapons and being diplomatic cover as they they call that. we've also heard from medicine some 20 is the, the organization, doctors without borders. they're saying that the security council's in action makes
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them complicit in the ongoing slaughter of palestinians in gauze that so that really seemed a whole gamut of opinion there. but as you say, the fight and continues with no, i say fire insights, but when it comes to the us line, it seems to be hardening, over all those civilian debts. how does is well, jones, defiance actions as well. israel has maintained throughout, but it is, it needs to, to complete its military items by completely dismantling her mouse and that it's warranted in doing so because of the horrific acts that happened on october 7th, perpetrated by the hum us group. now we, you know, we see that they keep maintaining as well that they're trying to prevent a civilian casualties that they are, you know, they say that creating signs and that they are getting wanting to people to evacuate. but we know the un other organization saying that there really is no safe place in garza for civilians. we here, do you know, i witness accounts on the ground to somebody from people that we speak to this
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thing that many have evacuated several times already that they are tired, they have nowhere else to go. and the, even some of the safe areas, the so called safe zones has been palm threw out. and the israel is continuing is very, very heavy bombardment close to the, the ground operation and the bombardment from the in the south. similarly to what we saw happening in the news, one spokesman from his right, the military last week said that there was without giving any evidence saying that there was around about a 2 for one ratio that's 2 civilians for everyone combatant killed. uh, he gave no evidence for that and he called it tremendously positive, but i think it's very difficult to see anything coming out of gauze and being able to call it tremendously positive. and on one of these rails other rooms, it argues the finding must go onto the pressure how much into releasing the hostages that we're told that his way we attempt to free some of them fail. as we saw yesterday, been a video released by hamas that was claiming to show you what looks to what appears
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to be the bloody off them off of what they say was in his riley attempt to free hostage at least one in that same video with his blood, or the full with that of baffle was supposed to take place. we also see a pot of video in the beginning where it's appears to be taken sometime last month and a hostage and is ready. doesn't pay to be live. he live, he's talking to the camera now after we're showing the blog, i mean, and the often moss we see what appears to be that same person who is no longer alive. now israel and not commenting on that video. they really do. they say this is, you know, simply psychological tara, from her mouse and they don't make comment. but we did hear from daniel had already is riley, military spokes person. he is talking about who is ready soldiers who were injured in an attempt to free a hostage. so it does appear that they may be alluding to the same events, in fact uh that has in fact taken place data. we use rebecca right. its thanks for the update. look now at some of the,
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of the headlines from around the world to deal with is ation of american states has condemned what he calls an attempt to 2 against one of them. island president elect, denial of evil in front of the public prosecutor's office to play the elections one by the police go outside to re june no and void the u. s. a. you as you when have also expressed concern over attempts to overturn the election. 6 teenagers have been convicted for their roles in the killing of a french schoolteacher in 2020 some with by t showing pupils. caricature was of the prophet muhammad during a class on freedom of expression. he was headed by a radical islam as outside the school. and a power sub the motor show france police shop the attack a did you see russian president vladimir put in is to say, free election next year. if i says the major challenges in bidding for face time
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has led russia since the turn of the century and has been back down on opposition and the media for me to screw it. russia is type thing, it's refreshing of the l g b t q, community and use all of that will soon come into force, effectively categorizes symbols and information that a non heterosexual as extremist. as d w 's, jennifer palka reports those who break it could face big fines and long drafts edits. my little pony is no longer for the kids because of the rainbow. it is now strictly adults only to be on the safe side the rainbow. and this type of video has been removed tv channels, which have shown this kind of thing, have been fined in russia of stepping on the wrong side of anti l. g. b. teach you regulations is being fused by new messrs. seen as harsh would be. the
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new law will classify the to national l g b, t, q's, min, extra messed around oregon moore. this is a new pinnacle. the oldest rates searches via police, right, and don't pass the data. but in the past, this was mainly aimed at algebra, 2 organizations, 56, and it's not just about cultural self. censorship. police have rated algae, b, t, q friendly bars, clubs, and so on. us like here in moscow reports suggest, at least for clubs in the capital, has been targeted in st. petersburg nights like this now history, the cities oldest gate club central station has closed, pushed out of its building. the side we rented refused to allow us to work because of the law. we apologize, we are no longer in business. the club posted on the russians, social networks,
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contact to l, g, b t q. people in russia have long face depression and open discrimination. the new law as another layer of mucus or storm. the as i sing this loan extreme is, is for show to frighten the southern group of people. many eligibility to organizations know self sense that the close themselves down, algebra 2 people have always existed and will continue to exist here the comp, all lease of costs money will go into hiding. but after a certain time that will come out of hiding. so we have to wait and see how it will develop, the won't give them wish, and there's no possible people there's, that's some russians refused to be forcibly pushed back into the closet. but by classifying l g, b, t, q content as x 2 missed and leaving definitions. vague coatings government is making russia and even more a hostile environment for gate,
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people. and anyone who supports them, the climate active as of slammed pick for apparently urging members to refuse any agreement the cop 28. that would see fossil fuels face down, reports of emerge that the oil contents secretary general brought to members and allies asking them to prevent such a deal. climate campaign is in several countries, saved the goods resistance is risking the prosperity and future of all people on us there urging that back to focus on transitioning to renewables. dw is julia sit down and joins us from the conference in 2 bikes. tell us more about opec supposedly urging members to projects any deal on the speed phase down and fossil fuels. while this issue, the fees out of fossil fuels has become the main issue here at the negotiations into bye. this is something that a leaders and negotiators are currently discussing in the final few days of the
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conference. and we know that science says that for the world to reach its climate goals, that it's set for itself and to avoid the worst consequences of global warming. it has to rapidly and significantly phase out fossil fuels in the next few decades. now we've seen the president of opec, the group of 13, uh, oil producing countries of the and t, and call directly on its members to refuse any agreements here and do buy that calls for the phase out of fossil fuels. so basically stopping the use of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas to power our economies, our industries. and this is something that goes against the position of other countries. for example, the most vulnerable countries to climate change in the world. but also, you remember states industrialized countries in the west, we're calling for a phase out and is really the opec countries were to go ahead with this position
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and refuse any mention about a fossil fuel phase out in the agreements here that would really blow up the negotiations at comp and would also be a problem for countries worldwide and wanting to reach their climate goals. julia day of global pro tests a plan. what sort of like does that china negotiate as well? active is climate active as world wide are definitely worried about this new development. see oil producing countries really pushing back against a fossil fuel phase out. but there are also other issues that they're not really happy about. here at the negotiations, for example, they say that a rich developed countries are not contributing enough money to a funds to help poor countries that are bearing the brunt of the consequences of climate change. to compensate to the loss and damages derives from climate change. and they also say there hadn't been enough efforts put into
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a countries possibly adapting to the consequences of climate change that they're already seeing today to leave. so really thank you very much. up next on dw, we joined at canyon clacking king just to make it to the person living beings as well and join us again next out with the vacation as an applicant, do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence, do this, can we go sailing tulsa tissue today? because when they go to that we set up the lovely new meal with car bama tenants. so i so not because the.


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