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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 9, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CET

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set the trap. december 9th on dw, the this is dw, use my from the in the us be those a resolution calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the american representative says the you, when proposal was unrealistic, more than a 1000 members voted in favor with the u. k abstaining and with his political problems piling up old f show tasks, party members to keep the faith. the chancellor addresses the social democratic national congress above and poles wasting the least popular german liter. if for,
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for of essentially the i've been visible and woke up, the united states has vetoed a you when security council resolution on a ceasefire and goes a 13 members voted in favor the u. k. upstate. the us says the immediate humanitarian proves demanded in the document for the only benefit of us, which it calls a terrorist court. an unprecedented move by the un secretary general brought them here. i see the consequences could be devastating for the security of the entire region. antonio gutierrez, used his power to push for a un security council vote on on a ceasefire. and god that he got the vote, but not the result he was hoping for. against the united
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states, vetoed the draft resolution calling. it rushed and incomplete of sense eunice extensions. although the united states strongly supports a durable peace in which both israelis and palestinians can live in peace and security. we do not support this resolutions call for an unsustainable c, for they will only plant the seeds for the next war. the united kingdom of stained saying the draft did not condemn atrocities hum off committed on october 7th. the final book tele 13 for the resolution. one against and one of the to tension palestinians. this is a terrible day for the security council. let me repeat. this is a terrible day for the security council. we are the jack this resolved us and will continue resorting to every legitimate avenue to stop these
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a port on authorized at these. including resuming the emergency session of the general assembly. the united arab emirates asked what message the security council was sending to palestinians and gaza, who are facing roland, most of them parchment and said the inability to reach agreement on a ceasefire. let's people and guys of further exposed to untold missouri by us now jerusalem correspondent rebecca bridges for her assessment of the failed attempt to push for a ceasefire, which he sees the fight and continue. he saw what was why they expected the u. s. v towing of that attempt at a say sign resolution that you typing me on the other country as you heard the not to vote in favor. 13 of the 15 countries did vote in favor of this a smart resolution. but of course, we need unanimous vote on any saying any such thing and, and that it was not received. so of course that attempt has failed. now before in the lead up to the vote. we heard from it,
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and so i get out early on rather saying that the sci fi, he's the you and representative for the israel israel, that a representative to the you in. and he was saying, but any attempts that cease fire or any sci fi, in fact would, if i just play in the hands of a mouse. now off to the vote, we heard even stronger words from israel, namely from is ready, is foreign minister le cohen. he came out on 6 the platform, fully known as tweets, the impact rebuking the united nations secretary general antonio terrace, personally saying that he was in fact, standing with her master is roused. position on that, look very, very clear. we've had some from some other organizations in human rights watch of a saying that the us risks complicity and war crimes. if it continues to support israel in its full on garza, particularly by sending weapons and being diplomatic cover as they they call that. we've also had some medicine, some faulty is the, the organization, doctors without borders. they're saying that the security council's in action makes
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them complicit in the ongoing slaughter of palestinians in gaza. so that really seemed a whole gamut of opinion there. but as you say, the fighting continues with no, i say fire insights, but when it comes to the u. s. line, it seems to be hardening, over all those civilian debts. how does is well justify its actions? well, it's ro has maintained throughout that it is, it needs to, to complete its military aims by completely dismantling her mouse and that it's warranted in doing so because of the horrific acts that happened on october 7th, perpetrated by the mosse group. now we, you know, we see that they keep maintaining as well that they're trying to prevent a civilian casualties that they are, you know, they say that creating signs and that they are getting wanting to people to evacuate. but we know the un other organization saying that there really is no safe place in garza for civilians. we here do you know, i witness accounts on the ground to somebody from people that we speak to. they're
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saying that many have evacuated several times already that they are tired, they have nowhere else to go. and even some of these sites areas, the so called safe zones has been form threw out. and that is really, is continuing is very, very heavy bombardment close to the, the ground operation and the bombardment from the in the south. similarly to what we saw happening in the news, one spokesman from his randy military last week said that there was without giving any evidence saying that there was around about a 2 for one ratio that's 2 civilians for everyone combatants killed when he gave no evidence for that and he called it tremendously positive, but i think it's very difficult to see anything coming out of gauze and being able to call it tremendously positive. and on one of these rails other rooms, it argues the finding must go onto the pressure how much into releasing the hostages that were told that his way the attempt to free some of them fail. as we saw yesterday, then a video released by him off that was claiming to show you what looks to what
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appears to be the bloody off them off of what they say was in his riley attempt to free hostage at least one in that same video with his blood, all of the full, with that of baffle was supposed to take place. we also see a part of a video in the beginning where a, it's a piece will be taken sometime last month and a hostage and is ready. doesn't have to be live. he live, he's talking to the camera now after we're showing the blog, i mean, and the optimal. so we see what appears to be that same person who is no longer alive. now israel and not commenting on that video. they really do. they say this is, you know, simply psychological tara from hamas and they don't make comment, but we did hear from daniel had already is riley, military spokes, person who is talking about who is ready soldiers who were injured in an attempt to free a hostage. so it does appear that they may be alluding to the same events, in fact uh that has in fact taken place data we use rebecca red is thanks for the update. the german chancellor or felts has just addressed his social democratic
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party conference in berlin. he's still smarting from poor showings in regional elections as a result of government to satisfaction. poll released yesterday gave so the lowest approval, waiting for jim and leader and a quarter of a century thing. suppose the sbc is also flagging. he needs to keep his practice coalition with the greens and probably business for the democrats on track, file counseling, the grateful and popular interface of the front. right. a if the site i don't know . honda is at the congress sneed at what stood out for you in this page. but 1st of all, what stood out for me was the standing ovations, and that was more than a minute long. he offered his speech and that was not necessarily something that was to be anticipated. defend, to be honest. lots of people had anticipated a speech and had been watching this very, very closely because of close of those for approval ratings. that last sides
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personally is seeing at the moment, so he needed to deliver a good speech. and what he tried to do, and it seems to have worked is to present himself as a social democratic sounds. but who knows where his values are. and it was a very different speech from as those that sometimes we see when he addresses paul . and so he spoke freely, he looked into the audience quite a bit. he addressed individual members, and he kept stressing that he considers himself one of those social democrats and not this person who is out somewhere in the chancery and has lost touch with reality because that is something so many people have accused them all that he doesn't seem to have a sense of what's going on in real life anymore. so there was a lot of applause when he talked about how these social democrats all the, to make sure that people who work hard and have a good in germany. he also stress the fact that germany is a country of him,
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grayson, that jimmy does want. you tell me is what caused that they want to be more well coming from now. there were also a couple of situations where he address the car and fights over the budget that is keeping germany in a very tight group but. and he made it clear not to attract the others in his 3 way call list and government. so this is a sign that the ones to make it clear to the party. we need to be in government to make this a best a country. and i need your support and the, the potty, to be honest. after those sending innovations on the round of a post, i so seems to have decided to have his back end to support him. nonetheless, through these negotiations. now, one thing perhaps interesting for our international audience is that he said something that i haven't heard him say before. in public he said when it came to the situation and gods are in israel, that this is also affecting germany of hold on just printing to deep divisions also
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here. and. and he said jeremy does support israel and that anti semitism here on demonstrates is not going to be tolerated. that criminal offenses will be prosecuted spots. and this is new. he also said on to muslim sentiments is also not something that his government will tolerate. medical correspondent nina has a thank you and he's a look at some of the other world news headlines. the philippines, as accused the chinese coast, kind of using boy kevin to obstruct the 3 of its folks near dispute with the area of the south china sea. philippine says it's votes for delivering supplies to filipino fishermen. near a china control brief, scarborough show. china seas 3 from the philippines in 2012. the organization of american states has condensed what it calls and attempted to against guatemalan president of leg. and not the rebuttal i'm from day the public
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prosecutor's office has declared the elections one by the political outside or, and, you know, and void the way. see you when you when have also expressed concern over attempts to overturn the election climate active as of slammed. opec officer reports emerge that the head of opec writes neighbors urging them to refuse any agreement a cup 28th of would see fossil fuels face down. climate campaign is in several countries say the oil pastels resistance threatens the planet, urging opec to focus on transitioning to renewable energy. the hollywood sign is celebrating the milestone state for a 100 years. the conic landmark has been battling the elements of bringing in visitors to los angeles. to mark the occasion. the city held a special lighting ceremony to commemorate the aging icon, which once upon a time came very close to being torn down. it's arguably hollywood biggest
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star tourists from around the world travel to los angeles to get a photo with the iconic hollywood sign to celebrate it's 100 years turned off every go. the sign was partially linked with the bulbs similar to the ones used when it was 1st installed in 1923 because they would only so tonight is just a symbolic lighting of the hollywood sign. the sign was 1st lit with about $3700.00 light bulbs around the perimeter of each letter. when it, when it originally set hollywood land, the hollywood land was only meant to last 18 months or wrecked it on december 8, 1923. it was 1st illuminated to advertise an upscale residential real estate development in the hollywood hills. the sign was shortened to hollywood in the 1940s, but wind pollution rain, n graffiti took a toll on the sign over the years after failed bid to tear it down altogether. the
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sign became an official landmark in 1973 and the decades since it's become an economic force contributing to eli's annual multi $1000000000.00 tourist industry. this is really a coming out moment for l. a. because the hollywood sign really is our global icon . it is the reason people choose to come to l. a. not just because of getting that bucket list photo with a hollywood sign in the background. but also because it represents the fact that l a is the city of endless possibility. as part of its makeover, the sign was repainted. it took about $15000.00 leaders. plants are also under way to build a new hollywood sign, visit or center at to ryan or deal has died aged 82, the 1970 the bus. the love story launched him to say the american 1st made a name for himself in the soap opera, peyton place. and one critical praise for his will. he performance office at his 9 year old door had to have in paper moved off screen,
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his level fair with 970 stuff. our faucet and a series of drunk busts kept him in the headlines. the next step on dw outtakes of shift and white phone companies to scar just from preparing us outputs . that's to the breakdown of vapors who let's see next. now the cutting daniels and jane you belong to the 77 percent comes who i jumped and 65 last last your top 5 years 31115.


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