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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 14, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the faces dw is leih from berlin, letting me put in vows to price on with rochelle as well, and ukraine. russian presidents, folding his end of the press conference and moscow, taking questions from john list and citizens. we bring of the latest portions of outcomes as you need to meet to discuss. you print your truck with hundreds pro russian prime minister type thing during the summer process, claiming there is no reason to negotiate your friends. membership of the gold appear in union right now and no cease fire or guys are israel's prime minister
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says the benefit campaign against a boss would continue despite the drawing international pressure that you enroll in hundreds of thousands of thousands of facing public health. the i manage manage the welcome, letting me put in has said rush, those goals and ukraine remain unchanged as he holds his end. if you're a press conference in moscow, the russian president has taken questions from the public and the john listens united events that is being brought cause you live on the russian state television and is expected to last for hours. and if it put in who is running for re election in mon cancelled last is show. i'm a drug shows full scale invasion, offering your prey and nothing to do with these evils. i'm going to be analyzing what the russian president has said. so fine, just a moment, but 1st let's have
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a listen to some of what he's had to say. what did that go to been with his team? so that will be peace. when we achieve our goals, there needs to be some now let's get back to the goals. what they don't change, let them know. try to remind you of what we're talking about to get the notification that way. okay, more than 30 minutes. so as i showed you each last night, so i'm going to go ahead and send me that we will agree on the minutes evaluation with any degree of assessment of attitude is here in the negotiation. this time bully agreed on something with them and then they simply through these agreements into the oven. i don't know if that other possibilities will either to reach an agreement or to resolve it 5 years. all right. it's easy as long as you guys can go to the best bang indeed of the correspondent, the emulation of and who's with us in the studio ordinarily, emily would be speaking to you in moscow, but russia. append dw last here. that's why you're here, emily, the press conference is still ongoing, but so far what has stood out. so we just heard that sound bite from letting me
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a present on ukraine. and i think that and just foreign policy in general. but particularly ukraine has been really inviting mirrors, put, put into focus, and in this event, he's always kind of more interested in forward policy in general. but today, it really seems like, you know, that's what he's, he's most interested in. essentially, he said that the goals of the war on change, he talked about the demilitarization of ukraine. and also this kind of propaganda buzzword that we always hear from the russian side, the denot suffocation of ukraine. he said those book goals have not been fulfilled . so the war will continue. that's one thing that i think is the main takeaway. and the other thing is he talked about the mobilization who was asked directly whether there will be another mobilization wave in russia. and he said he didn't answer that question directly. but he did say that for now there's enough volunteers apparently who who want to fight, as he says. so i think the may take ways we won't see much of a change on the front. there's also the 1st time since russia attacked ukraine,
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that this press conference has been held. but how does this press conference compared to previous press conferences? so it's different this year in the sense that it actually is combining to traditional appearances that are part of putting yearly calendar. so he always holds this direct line where people can almost phone in and talk about their problems, you know, even in their villages or problems on the national level. and he answers their questions and then there is another format which is a press conference which happens at the end of the year. both of those were cancelled last year among media reports that it was perhaps for lack of clarity on the front new crane, or perhaps because of this unpopular mobilization wave that i already talked about . and this time they are combining both. this is also interesting because it's the 1st time that vladimir putin is appearing publicly since he announced that he will indeed be running for the president for president in march next year. so in this
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sense, this event is the 1st campaign event you could say, as part of his campaign to run for president. and how do you assess his tone at this campaign event? so this, this is setting the tone for his campaign in a sense, but it's a strange one because it does sort of feel like, you know, he does this every year. it almost feels like he's kind of going through the motions in some ways. and he always likes talking about domestic and foreign policy, as i said more, but when it comes to domestic policy and the economy this year, he even had, you know, a sheet of paper with numbers on economic growth and so on. where it's usually he kind of has those all memorized and really, you know, is, is fond of kind of showing off his, his knowledge of numbers. so, and he said, i, i've said this a lot, you kind of keeps saying, you know, i've already talked about this. so it does seem like he's kind of there cuz he has to set the, the tone for this campaign. but maybe he'd rather be looking into what's happening
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on the front end of the 7 things for breaking them down for us. and why is your opinion leaders are gathering for a high stakes summit for ukraine in brussels. it comes, as keith says, it cannot defeat rush or of adults have from international pop as a does need to decide unanimously whether to open accession products with ukraine and on for the financial aid for key was up to 50000000000 goals with hungry, which is close ties to russia could do video of the plans parameters to big to all bon says ukraine doesn't to you have to meet the criteria for e, you accession, and a deal on providing more money for keep. can wait until next year. the debit card is abundant, rosie rashad is in brussels. she explained why it's such a tough task to bring hungry on board when it comes to aid for ukraine. well, the optics of these are quite something because just as leaders begun descending on brussels,
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the european commission indeed said it was on freezing some of those blocked funds for hungry. and that certainly prompted accusations at least. but that was basically a break to try and get victor oregon on board that it was quite simply a quid pro quote there. now i have to say that you officials deny that entirely. they say that in fact hungry has done some traditional reforms. and therefore this was just the next step, procedurally that no having happened the money. no in question at this summit in this building is that 50000000000 euros. so crucial for and ukraine. new leaders are trying to get an agreement on that 26 of them are happy to green light to their to hungry is blocking. and they think that the other leaders say that getting this funding for ukraine will not only send a strong signal the key, but the use bias site, but send a signal to most go to the use there to support you credit for the low type, the long term and send a signal to washington where of course, american lawmakers are also in their own dispute over funding for ukraine. no
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important thing to note is that for this to 50000000000 years and funding there is at least an unofficial plan be under which the $26.00 other members of the european union could simply come together. i'm green light and send those funds to ukraine, but different months here know that at least the optics of doing it that way as a divided union would be far from ideal. and rosie rashad speaking to us, i'm here from brussels, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has rejected international goals for assist side and cause a including a non binding resolution backed by the un general assembly on tuesday. you know, meeting with his very soul just nathan. yeah, who said the military would continue, it's offensive against hum us, which is classified as a tenant, rest organizer from by the e. u as well as the us and other nations as a government, if i say this, even given the great pain in the international pressure, so nothing will stop us and we will continue until the end until victory. nothing
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less than that. i think you will do. we do it because it uses it through you with gods help them with your help. thank you so much. meanwhile, the united nations is wanting of public health disaster in guys ad pointing to the un palestinian refugee agency almost half of guns. those population has not moved to the city of a rough or in the south where they are facing bombardment, deprivation and disease in a space that's becoming increasingly overcrowded winters bearing down on rafa. the city at the farthest edge of southern gaza bordering egypt. with the border closed, it's the farthest people can flee. the destination for display scotlands hoping to escape bombardment. shelters are overcrowded. almost half of gas as population is now in rafa, which is the small part of gas in the southeast corner.
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again, this is leading to nothing but a health crisis. rainfall mixed and already dire situation worse. many makes shift tens, can't hold up for long against the wind and rain water. i just mean a displace posted in mother says she lacks access to basic necessities. and the my yeah, well my i woke up to my 7 month old child who was soaking wet. a house was destroyed and my other child was motto. i don't have any blankets or mattresses. i took some from my sister. we have one blanket between the 5 of us, no covers no mattresses, no food, no water. life is difficult. with myself, say a box to monetary and release is fairly reaching ordinary people like yes mean, despite their proximity to the only crossing that allows 8 into the gallons a strip. israel's military which is also carrying out strikes on targets and rough
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uh, blames. hum us for the lack of access. unfortunately, it's not these really sides of the preventing it, but rather what we're seeing this morning, right is that some us are not opening the, the was thing aside. a rough or not facilitating excess of which i'm gonna terminate itself. so we need to ask ourselves again wise from us preventing humanitarian, a copy you and general assembly has called for humanitarian, sees fire. people in rafa or pessimistic l. 27 model for the odd and not as real as well known for ignoring un an international resolutions. when i it considers itself above the law. i haven't enough samples because of that. i don't think it will accept any resolution, especially with winter, just setting in many fear, the hardship and danger that lie ahead gentlemen of a more from
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a man in jordan is julia 2 miles east director of communications with the you, an agency for palestinian refugees on dr. turn it on to chase. felipe eliza reading . you visited guys of this week. what did he see there? space for us. on the 3rd time, our commissioner generally goes back to normal. thousands of the more expensive than every time he goes in. he reports that he fears the worse every time the situation gets worse and worse for people. especially recently, as we've seen an exodus of people moving to whereas the south and being crossing face of around 1000000 concentration in the near, the more it is with egypt, your cheese for name. and that's what any believes i go to that the developments we are witnessing, pointed to attempts to move palestinians into egypt. is that what is happening?
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we don't know what the plan is about what we've been seeing since the war began a turn on the force displacement off, but the listed in population in gaza. and finally, according to on raw, the agency that i work with, this is the largest displacement of the philistine into business since the 1948 more. and so we're seeing popular movement. people have been moving folks from the north and from gulf of city on to other kinds of golf. uh, i know from the fun eunice, which is the 2nd largest city and goes out to where the board is with ages 2 months into this war is the agent st. able to fund frame it's minded? this is to listen to. we are a times and our hands are type,
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we have so many distinctions imposed on us. whether it's the very it's an age that we are now to begin. whether it is very easy to access about, we have, we have over in the past few days, been forced to leave for 5 minutes in the systems in the south. when we know the needs across the gulf was, are huge. we also are competing with 1300000 people who are in our centers are centers are proud and you report, they're just notated how miserable conditions have become because of the winter. so we are being charged and we're being pushed in the corner, or we're asking for a use that for us as human. and terry is to be allowed to do our job. meanwhile, is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu has promised to call to continue until the end until the victory. what does this mean for the people of cause a,
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as we do know that there's been immense amounts suffering that to be in population in golf. uh space i have the price for. it's something that they're not franco, this is a population that has anyway, being very dependent on many 30 and 8. this is a community that has been ongoing and located for more than 16 years now. the situation in the gulf has to, before the war began, has been pretty dire. many, many people weren't case our own police. 135 police work at under a have been case. i'm hungry, said that that situation more than 140 hits on reference tendencies, have been recorded and has to come to an end, and there needs to be a human to tennessee fire. we leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for
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joining us to, to introduce to my director of communications at one is when is a doubling down on its pursuit of her mouse despite international goals for us these via so what more do we know about the leaders of the group designated as a terrorist organizer for and by numerous countries, while how mazda is supreme need is a smile. here he functions as its international spokesman, and he's based and caught them out of reach for is rarely ground forces. momma dave is the top commander of the us. um brigades from us as mandatory when he's believe to have played a crucial role in planning the october 7th to tax his deputy model on is, is also wanted by israel as bottom how mazda is 3 man mandatory council. and then comes the scene bought at the top of israel's hip list, he's considered the most aligned to the october 7th, the tax and the head of homos in casa, as we look now ad send wives,
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arise deposits has released from of these very prison, more than a decade ago. yeah, yes. and why was given a hero's welcome and gossip when he was freed and the 2011 prisoner exchange is really official. now describes that as the worst mistake and israel's history. since the dentist and war has bowed to fight for the release of all remaining palestinians being held in his really j o. c, i currently estimated to be some 7000 people in the middle of lead time to sit where i grew up in the con eunice refugee camp and was detained by israel in the late 19 eighties. during interrogations, it emerged that he was involved in the killing of a dozen palestinians, suspected of collaborating with israel. former shouldn't bait security official, michael coby, who spent more than a 100 hours interrogating certain wire that described him as both rational and the
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yeah, the router's? yes, yes, and what was a deeper that he was the chief of the of a how much president he told me to how much is my wife to how much these make tried to how much for me is everything i make, everything to succeed is a how must officer and be sure that i'm going to keep a lot a lot of research studies in gaza or outside goes a student who are used as time in prison to learn hebrew and study his captors. he became convinced that is real, could be pressured into releasing large numbers of palestinian prisoners in exchange for his relay the hostages. the after city war himself was released, capitalized on the networks he built in prison, to become a massive chief and gaza. alongside leader is nowhere near winston. what was reconfirmed in the post in 2021. he again pledged to get all palestinians freed
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from his rarely jails while some of his real may have believes in. what was a pragmatist who could be worked with behind the scenes of us was plodding attacks on an unprecedented scale as homeless process for the release of imprisoned operatives. the miscalculation surrounding yeah, yes and why will be a powerful reminder to is real of the risk of making a wrong decision. there is a quick look at some of the other headlines making use around the bottom. the republicans in the us house of representatives have voted to formally authorize the month long impeachment inquiry into democratic presidential biden. the move gives republicans more pause to investigate the president, whom they accuse of profiting from his son's business dealings. so filed that inquiry has failed to turn up any evidence of wrongdoing. and company, tesla is recalling nearly all of his vehicle sold in the united states because of phones detected in the independent auto pilot system. this follows up to your
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investigation in depressions that happened when the driver assistant software was in use more than 2000000 cars are effected. still, the philippines now were growing tensions with virgin could see china's ambassador into the country expelled. it follows a new stand off in the disputed waters of the south china sea. dw is stationed, correspondent james church has more now on this latest incident and its implications for the region. in the heart of the south china sea, philippine vessel was this weekend under fire from chinese coast guard and to a near collision between a chinese coast guard ship under the philippine resupply vessel. the chief of staff of the philippine armed forces was on bold, long standing maritime tensions between badging and manila, have ratcheted up in recent weeks with vessels from both sides, squaring off into disputed voices, through which some 3 trillion us dollars of trade policies each year. this is why
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the frictions playing out the scar show. i'm 2nd, thomas show, tiny tools in the south china sea claimed by both manila and beijing, they full within the philippines, exclusively cannot make certain in yellow here. but also we've in china, so called 9 dash line. the area the china claims is it. so that's despite the 2016 rolling that badges claims had no legal basis. often the latest confrontation, the philippines, that china is actions in the south china sea. which manila cools the west philippine sea where a serious escalation continued to call on china to be a responsible member of the international community and abide by its commitments, deceased from undertaking actions to violate philippine sovereignty, southern rights and jurisdiction in the best flippancy badging immediately. rebecca seated the accusation saying the philippines was infringing on china sovereignty. telephone china urges the philippines to cease its violations and publications to
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stop its unwarranted attacks and to refrain from accent undermined peace in this, i was trying to see things sequence of aging. such acts include meaningless strengthening, military ties with the us, he conducting joint patrols last month. the philippine president fed 9 marcus junior on the right to has been more sensitive than his previous tests. the in confronting china is maritime claims, leading sums of fate of the south china sea. a note in the taiwan straits compose the greatest threat to stability in asia. in recent news, concerns about regional conflicts have large, we sent it on china is claims to hear taiwan. but with the united states treat the bound to protect the philippines. there are concerns, any escalation between miller and aging could be what actually draws washington's hands and knots. china is increasingly aggressive maneuvers around taiwan. what we're seeing is that the in the pacific region is increasingly becoming
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a theater for a super powers to, to play their games with one another. and this is unfortunately, it's for small countries or weaker countries will have legitimate national security interests to protect and defend the south china sea is yes, another flushed point and the region boxed by geo political friction. the latest confrontation between the philippines in china, a stock reminder of the delicate balancing act, old policies in the region must be full. and let's get more from political m. s, which i've had that in joining me from manila richard that i've been consultation between chinese and filipino vessels in the same area before, but is what we have seen over the weekend and escalation. ok, well actually what happened over the weekend? was it kind of a double allow me prices because on one hand you had chinese votes and
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a water cannon, the invest. so that in this case actually had no less than the former spokesman. and now the chief of the offers the philippines on board. so if an incident had happened there, if the philippine midgard ship was injured, then we could have looked at the very period of situation. at the same time. there was a christmas con volume of a civil society group aboard a civilian vessel which was supposed to go into the area in order to show it support and solidarity. oh, we definitely can a soldiers and to somehow support the philippine case in the area, that board was actually intimidated by a number of chinese warships, not just coast guard vessels or melisha, but the worships. so you have 2 incidents at the same time happening over the weekend, and it's clear china is trying to signal to the philippines that it is willing to take the initiative. and he was willing to risk the arm conflict. and it's also challenging that i could states, in terms of his alliance commitments at the philippines. how does manella plan to
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manage this, increasing the adversarial relationship with china? i give them the china is different opinions is largest trading bought that as well is what i mean sign is the largest trading partner of a lot of guns. and the reason it doesn't say really much because involves china earns more out of the straight who, the philippines and the order we around is really investment that matters high quality investment. that's something that did not call and we didn't have a debt trap. the china, we had a pledge draft china for almost $24.00 bits and dollars in investments to previous president through the, with the data. the reading not much came in and not to mention the military ization of harassment in south trying to see continued. now as far as the philippines is concerned, it was a good thing, really. essentially we try it out, but it doesn't want that under conditions of subjugation. it wants to negotiate. we try and potential compromise, but from a position of strength. but under present a market junior, the piece has been bubbling down into alliances and its presence in the area in order to have that leverage and better position of negotiations. briefly mentioned, speaking of this position of strength, what is the extent to which different opinions is prepared to go to defend its
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claims in the south, tennessee? well, i think the philippines is where you're risking a direct potential direct conflict with china. the current rate, but it's just defending its own sovereign. right. so i mean the, we have a lot of gas lighting of the, the philippines is dollars on from look at the work, but it's not the pollutants claim. 8085 percent of the entire salt, and it's amazing. this 2nd thought i saw it is a low tide innovation within the philippine waters expos, mcdonald's on no one else can claim it. it is an extension of the kind of an explosion because i was on and the philippines is not alone, not only the united states, japan, australia, european partners, but new partners like india, are also increasing, assisting the philippines of a better position off a strength when it comes to dealing with china. oh, that's a pleasure talking to you richard. thanks so much for today. pleasure. or you're watching the news you as a reminder of our top story of this, of that including says, restaurants, goals in your brain demand on jane speaking as he's. and if you're a press conference, the russian president insist if they would be no p something. most of the students
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games he also dismissed the need for a 2nd, please october organizer and with that, you're up to date of next focused on your phone and for them to fetch desktops of refugee stuck on screens, canary islands. i'm produced by energy in the lane. we'll see you soon to buy the
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whole meeting. people say, bosnia largest power has been accused of causing respiratory diseases and cancer diagnoses are increasing all over the area. but operators are stonewalling. politicians, are you useless? and there's no money for research. is there any hope less? focus on 0. next, on d, w e,
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the forest, with a terrible big was a nice new age. was us troops advanced in germany to bring in or to in europe to i was a miracle sir. i was witness accounts of the battle of route forest in 45 minutes on d. w. the, the monumental structures of the stone age milestones in the history of mankind. some of its greatest need since it is a monument to stone arrangements that people elected long before the pyramid technical and logistical feet. that simple as the impossible see it. the stones
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tell the story of a powerful resolution. what exactly happened as a 10000 years ago? secrets of the shown age starts december 22nd on the w and the hello and welcome to focus on your up. it's wonderful to have you with us. scores of refugees continue to attempt to reach you are risking their lives in the winter . the journey to the spanish canary islands is particularly dangerous. nevertheless, the small islands of.


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