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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 15, 2023 5:00am-5:15am CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin hungry belongs a 50000000 euro aid package for ukraine. but earlier european union leaders agreed to open membership talks with you. frank, also in the program. and guys, a heavy winter rains are adding to the misery of the internally, this flags are already facing hunger and health challenges. the head of the un, palestinian refugee agency says conditions are dire. the
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unpopular felony as welcome to the program hungry has blocked and you deal to provide 50000000000 your rows of age to ukraine. 26 of the use 27 in you countries were in agreement to provide the chief with the money. but a decision requires unit name as a. earlier there was some good news for ukraine, though with european union leaders agreeing to open you membership talks with the country and also with small dover. the united states came as a surprise to ukraine following months of threats from hungry to block. the move ukrainian president for autumn here is the landscape describes a decision as a victory for ukraine and all of europe. well, i don't you correspondents, in brussels, if jack power gave us this update, or let's go to brussels night to speak to our correspond the 3rd jack pirates who
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has been following the you leaders so much, jack, great to see again. so what more can you tell us on the 50000000000 financial aid package for ukraine, which it appears hungry as being blocking. and so there's no agreement, right? i know there's absolutely no agreement on gary is prime minister visual bottom said his veto on 50000000000. your a package will remain though there was some hope that they'd be able to get over the line. you also v to re negotiation of the use budget, which they wanted to do to try a sort of refrain and restructure the money all the time down the costs of the war in ukraine. but again, under predators to be to bonds, not veto, will hold. this is quite a big problem for ukraine. ukrainian, president of the modem is lensky was in washington dc. earlier this week,
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trying to persuade you a republican lawmakers assess the us and we'll make is the republicans to be blocking a $61000000000.00 a package, the ukraine. he wasn't able to get the money is being featured here. you saw the meaning of that is now questions about how much for economic aid ukraine's going to be able to get. we know that you need is that what they've been saying at the end of the site today, this 1st day of the summit that they will reconvene special summit to discuss this in january is summit the wasn't the expected amount of the, of the leaders we had from the task 5 minutes to model richard, he came out of the meetings to see the ball this morning at the end of these meetings. saying that he does feel that that is a possibility to get an agreement in january. that contract a you need or is that data agree though, to open next session talks with ukraine at, but it was far from smooth sailing. we'll say what more can you tell us on that?
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yeah, well they used to talk to them. they obviously weren't able to use on the issue of the money in the aid when it came to accessing your credit. but we noticed that the hon. galion prime minister or button who was threatening a veto. so many models say that this, that what they decided to do because these issues require unanimity, meaning every you country, all 27 of doesn't have to agree the on. so the german tongues was initiative vigil by the prime minister and we left the room allowing the other 26 to go through. we was known as the constructive of stench. and essentially the not in the room they to by can still say that he's still a how does it, which he has been doing since the agreement was made. but they can move forward an openness succession to see you crime, which is very simple and but also important to the ukrainians problem is the last give you ukranian presses and has been already say,
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how important this is visually for the soldiers and the families that are continuing to fight rest invasion because part of the whole point and why that invasion. how has happened is because the ukrainian government wants to see off into the european union. negotiations will not will not stop in the coming months. thanks. jack dw correspondent jack power and brussels to us as cold on his realtor, and it's large scale military operation in gaza and transition to a more targeted offensive vice president joe biden urges as well to focus on saving civilian lives. the post comes as bivens, national security advisor, jade sullivan match with is ready leadership during a visit to the country on thursday to discuss the direction of the war. but these were a warrant. it's campaign against commerce could last several months with prime minister benjamin netanyahu having to continue until quotes absolutely victory officers identified as
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a terrorist organization by the you could us germany and many other countries. well meanwhile the, the humanitarian situation for people and gaza continues to worsen the head of the un agency helping palestinian refugees has just returned from his 3rd trip to the territory. imaging reports of widespread hunger and desperate conditions in a frenzy and rough saw as a trucks arrive in the gaza strip. people time been the grab bags of food before they can be properly distributed. the hunger here is fight spread and punish and people are stuffing. it, it trucks taking the food and eating it the right to wait. and this is how desperate and hungry so yeah. so supplies are running severely. no. oh my god. but who want him to have to feed as many people as he can?
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he used to work as a cook in a restaurant before the war began. almost half of gauze population has now moved to the southern city of philadelphia. and those who are already here have both to run out of stops. other means to pay for them. on the verge of the i came here to get help to feed my children. we also have displaced people living with us. we cannot afford to pay for gas, so electricity and there's nothing available. we cannot go to the market to buy food for our household, or our children. allow the zillow, even if you had a 100 us dollars, for example, and want to go shopping, see, you will only get to hand full of items. uh, so monday has become meaningless at the bottom as they move on to the 4th health experts. so you, the little food that is available is being prepared in unsanitary conditions and
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a shortage of clean drinking water is posing serious danger to people's health. i didn't have that that to patients come with cases of extreme dehydration, some of which then progress to kidney failure or weakening kidney function for them . and the water that children are drinking most of it is on fits for she and consumption. deposit doctors of warning that causes the close to a disastrous health crisis that may have a lost. and in fact, no matter when the war and journalist somebody sako joined us earlier from jerusalem. and he gave us more details about these to monetary and situation. and guys, when the situation is, especially though you're in the rough, uh, a governor of which is the southern part of the guys a strip. we talk about the area that is bordering with the egypt. and the more
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than a 1000000 gardens are now living there. that means the population there has grown a 4 times than what it was before the war already. this area is the forest area in the gaza strip. and this is a place with no loss of infrastructure for those who came in from the north. and there is a severe shortage of food. they're talking about hunger and also shortage of the toilets. sanitation, and the on top of those were wounded from the bombings. we have more and more who are suffering from various n. is it diseases that are spreading because of this situation? somebody so call and jerusalem, their police and germany have arrested 3 alleged members of hamas here in berlin on
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suspicion of planning attacks against the jews. dutch police arrested a 4th person in rotterdam. german prosecutor say the alleged conspirators planned to bring weapons to berlin to use in potential attacks against the jewish institutions in europe. i must carried out the october 7th attacks against israel. to view political correspondence, simon young as more a full man, arrested today, 3 in the lane and one in the dark city of rotterdam. and they are accused of being members of her mass, which is the cause of the band terrorist organization here. and there was excited to have close links with the mess military when the outcasts and brigades. now, while they're accused or specifically, is preparing attacks, possibly against jewish institutions, possibly europe wide. and one of the main 11, a citizen they said to have been busy since the spring of this year trying to
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locate a weapons cash somewhere in europe that was previously laid down by a mass. the other 3 men said to have joined that search in october of this year. and, you know, they were looking for these weapons with the intention of bringing them to berlin to hold them ready and prepare at these attacks. and i think it's worth noting at that if that information is correct, this would have pre dated the 7th of october attacks by how mass in israel. it seems that you know, it was already the efforts that these men were, were undertaking. they're already ongoing at that point. so i'm in young there. that is why it is presidents. nicholas my little and his guy in these kinds of parts are finally have agreed to de escalate to engines over a territorial dispute over the oil rich as a cable region. following
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a meeting in the caribbean, the country of st. vincent on the granite institute leaders released the statement saying they won't use threats or force against each other, but the agreement doesn't for result. the long standing dispute over the border region as a cable makes up about 2 thirds of going on as territory of statements was red eyed by the prime minister of st. vincent on the ground of dean's ros gonzales, or diana and venezuela declared as follows. one, i agreed that guy in and venezuela directory or him directly will not threaten or use force against one another. in any circumstances, including those consecrated jo during the existing controversies between the 2 states. to agree that any controversies between the 2 states will be resolved in accordance with international law, including the geneva agreement, dated february 217-1966. here's
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a look at some of the other headlines making news around the world. can use military says it's working to evacuate people from several regions hit by flash flooding authority say they have also been trying to provide 8 to be effective communities. a 170 people have died down around 600000. people have been displaced since torrential rains began in november, as japan's prime minister assume you because she has an answer to changes to his cabinet. as his ruling parking faces, an expensive corruption scandal is replacing for ministers who were being investigated over and saving to declare millions of dollars and from the fundraising revenue. the 3rd cabinet, jacob, in 16 months 42 upon the weight of $68.00 competitors from around the world, braved miles of ice fierce winds and temperatures of red minus 20 degrees celsius to take part in this year's antarctic ice. martin, the race lapse,
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the union place here just which is a less than 1000 kilometers away from the south pole and is the only event of its kind on the contents. 2 2 2 an emotional victory, american run a stephanie estridge was the 1st woman to cross the finish line and, and talk to ice morrison. it was hard that was so hard this marathon, remember one. i can tell you that. but it's beautiful. i mean, how can you compete with that? this is just insane. you hit your life, but you look around your life. okay. it's not so bad. michael higgins from texas secure the 2nd to us when in the men's race like you, how to do our very well, wonderful, wonderful, hardest raise my life. hardest raise. my life. run is from around the world to part this year. traversing miles of snow and ice.
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as an altitude of 700 meters. oh, well facing strong winds of up to 25 notes blowing in from the south pole. if you're watching dw news, that's all for me. the team here in berlin. take care the . what do these do for fun? via do gravitational waves squeeze out bodies you how do i the drums for the to the feet and what's the perfect kid for parkside? find the on says yes, with dw signs on the picked up channels.


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