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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  December 16, 2023 12:15am-12:31am CET

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would be amazing if he could win the triple crown expectations us sky high. now the $700000000.00 mine has to deliver your watching data with your news from berlin up next we have a special program on the greek island healthy that's becoming a test held for admission, free mobility extension for that. i'm popular forwarding. the s for being the team here. thanks for watching and take care the vacation as an applicant. do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence. and we go sailing tulsa tissue today, because then they go to that. who's that up to, you know, medical people who work on the ice or not because
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we are all set and we're watching closely we all seem to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information all 3 months. done. the were a handful of people are committed to bettering the world. call the box cost us the, the slowest law enforcement officer on the plan, the, the pre fathers solvers. those churches are in the most remote places, far from civilization.
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the populace brought cookies a mayor who overlooks one of the most beautiful harpers in the entire, at gmc, from the terrace of his town home the and the fisherman trip this summer to with us the early for the doesn't want to renounce the tradition of fishing. the matter poky, an experimental island laboratory that with the help of the car manufacturer, a citron hopes to become green and self sufficient. to visit this real world test, lab, and experiment and admission free living. you 1st have to take the ferry. unfortunately, when it docs and the for to them for you, it's diesel engines blow a lot of pollutants into the air, but right, it's a k. you're greeted by law enforcement officers with the slowest,
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but most environmentally friendly police car in the world and electric situated. i mean, top speed, 45 kilometers an hour. this cars, the islands mascot, we used to have a motorcycle and we had to take the ferry 2 roads to fuel off because there is no fuel station here. but with the electric car, we're always ready for action. and we can charge it at any charging station here and how getting the car and we no longer have to worry about running out of gas modem. and i've been the sort of just taking me the most of the time with isn't like optima. but how key not only relies on emission free mobility from electric cars. with the help of citrus, they want to use the sun and wind to build a completely self sufficient green energy and charging network, a holistic approach to sustainability that includes, for example, a smart lighting system to ensure energy saving lighting across the island
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in order to execute these plans you need imagination, create 70, and a strong wheel decision maker. someone exactly like how to use may or may not lose, you have to your b, o. this whole project here is a big experiment, whether it's electric cars or the solar power systems to but we also have an electric ship to die. cool. it's like in a lab mikey, we try to find out if it works in practice. and if you know, and how we can go on with that as well, for me, just eyeball ended up in ancient times, hockey was a rich island of 8000 inhabitants. copper was mine. and later in the island developed into a center for a sponge, diving. but how are you? the former capital now lies in ruins. the glory days are over. in winter, a mere 200 people remain here. the only one who knows every inch of the island is the priest, father salvas, a remote monastery and a few churches have survived. but he now has to face more mundane issues. he turns
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to the municipal representative for advice about electricity bills. in november 2021, greek prime minister carrier, submits a talk, is opened a photo of uptake system to fulfill the islands electricity requirements. a cooperative open to all residents was founded. as members, they could buy electricity and have a say in how solar energy was used here. but let me, let me get into the, i mean, we're talking about an energy democracy with which we solve the problem is these policies residents also have control over the energy produced on the island element . well, not quite yet, because how key officially still belongs to the electricity network of the nearby island, the roads. and there are still problems adapting the advance payments for the residents to the new conditions. but the positives outweigh the negatives and what's on medicine that it gives you. notice that the great thing about the project to see me is that as member of the co op and i have big advantages with my
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electricity bill already as much as a back to emission free mobility. who, if not, a delivery service could benefit better from price in nature friendly energy, lumber us more khaki spent a supermarket in hockey. he's now converted his once gas guzzling fleet to an old, electric one. email us the i'm a member of the co op and i expect the electricity bills to get cheaper for me now, you know, daddy and even in these dire times when energy prices are skyrocketing everywhere, nobody asked me. the other thing they told me up to me the in the early hours of the morning, however, a small boat returns from the open sea. the port of imperial still cruising through the waves with a diesel engine for it is summer to those returns after
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a morning of trolling. he's one of the few fishermen left unhealthy without any will anyone do i don't drive an electric car or any at all. i'm also a bit suspicious, of course i'm a member of the co op i paid and i do this long ago. but i'm still waiting for my electricity bills to finally go down. this is grace. don't forget, le mars. demetrius brought coffee. the islands only taxi driver has already ordered an electric car. he can't wait to swap his diesel vans for an electric central and the french car maker also use as healthy as a stage for it's 0 emission mobility strategies. 6 electric vehicles have already been made available to the islands authorities. individuals combined tailpipe emission pre situated models that attractive prices. after all, the island is a test laboratory for the development of electric mobility for the automotive group
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. it's a standalone environments. so you can, it's smart enough to grasp and k to for as part of an experiment. but also because it is a standalone, isolated environment. you can easily try to address each and every needs. and you can demonstrate the force here, capability of renewable energy being so with an electric transportation. so it's an ideal to setup for an experiment and experiment that is sometimes rather amusing the coast guard and police, the authorities responsible for security on the island. now drive through hockey with 26 kilowatt situated ami electric quandary sites. actually the 2 vehicles can sit through and were deliberate as company cars, but the mayor and his deputies were eventually diverted to create the world's slowest police force escaped to go
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d. i thought it would be more practical and much better. p r for us in the coast guard and the police drove these cars just connecting to me. i get the wireless still showing. you mean of course nothing. and the slowest police cars in the world promptly made headlines, but is called a voc east coast to us. actually successful in chasing down criminals in a machine that has at top speed of just 45 kilometers per hour. it's not a problem because there aren't any roads here. you can drive really fast on this car gets the job done. the in the old town of imperial, the 2.5 meter long and 1.4 meter wide car really has it's advantages, the much more fun. this car we can get through the narrowest the streets and alleys were other cars. cat. okay, the cool,
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the little army with the beacon lights has long since become a tourist attraction and healthy, the mobile ship pieces, you know, what is what used to have no police cars at the board. but it's really important that when taurus arrive, now when they see a police car and immediately feel much safer on the island and the 19, your somebody for the last one is august for our khaki definitely leaves all the threads together to create a new image for how to use an island where sustainability and economic prosperity go hand in hand. of course, marketing is a vital part of his job description, tennessee in, and i'm with the quote that this island ought to become something like a boutique hotel place with a very personal individual luxurious character of kind of. we want to attract tourists of a slightly higher level of what this is good for the residents, because tourists like that, spend more money here. but the people of hockey also have to make an effort to be
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able to offer something to these gaps because it seems to be going to describe this when they get to the shopping and publish them. and there is already a luxurious old hotel in hockey. and a new one behind it, just kind of answer the hotels general manager certainly has no worries about the future. sustainability means you can enjoy your holiday with a clear conscience. they are very easily said to come and stay with us because we have adopted these kind of practices on the island as this runs on. so that's a point where i say, that's cool. i'd like to support that interested to learn. i think this is a great, great, great effort to sustainability the trying very, very hard. i would come by the morning, i think how he can become a role model for greece, europe and the whole world to be working here looking at the really only trip this summer to last is
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a noise more and more large ceiling out or getting in his way when he's out fishing, actual weather. so should we become like the neighboring island of macintosh, shaped by commerce and mass tourism? no, i don't want that. i know, but she didn't. i wanted to stay the way it is with um its customs and traditions. we did come up with our island becomes like making us then we've lost the plot quite number that maybe the, having this done on this island is really good because it shows away where in a smaller community this thing is happening and it's working. and there are changes happening, and this is a way to test for bigger community these bigger cities,
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bigger even like countries. well, sometimes positivity and pat those go hand in hand like on the island of hockey. a beacon in the gmc more sustainable mobility and automotive tales on the next step is owed all 4 of the, the new year. happy. the boxing was the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d w
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y. for some drivers. what troy cause that is testing out with bmw of u. s. 1000. this 2 times super bye. who enjoys the total of 60 minutes on d w. the votes? people have to say the that's why we listen to this story. the result of every weekend on d. w. in charlotte. the
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currently more people than ever on the world wide and such a hassle it as a committed to actually find out about rubinez story info, migraines, the vs. deed of the news, africa coming up on the program. the forgotten war, incidentally with thousands of people killed and millions displaced. 8 organizations, one of the catastrophe, as the situation is western in the u. n. says basic supplies to support people in need are running out the reports or has gained exclusive access to the south of the country into their rebel plainfield and move on mountains. one of them was
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thing just on the isolated.


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