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tv   DW News Africa  Deutsche Welle  December 17, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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to shannon with c, w plus or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level. reading gentleman has told me to go, the state of the news advocate coming up on the program. the forgotten was incidental with thousands of people killed and millions displaced. 8 organizations, one of the catastrophe, as the situation is worse than in the u. n. says basic supplies to support people in need are running out the reports or has getting exclusive access to the south of the country into the rebel plainfield, new, the mountains. one of them was thing, just an isolated regions of sit on where people now fee to seek shelter changes,
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but he played a lot to get them. but now god has taken from relief from me. i believe we took got to test the customer class in kenya, the government's so called forest protection plan is driving indigenous people out of the homes, the i q as far as the ranges of destroying the houses, leaving them with nowhere to go home. i came the very t as in nowhere else to me. i know that my grandmother, my great grandmother of areas. where else will i go? a grew up being told, this is my 100 up. i need to where else they want me to go to europe in the i d, mike i junior and you welcome into the program aid organizations. i want to know if
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he hung catastrophe in sit down as a result of the conflict fair which day describe as a forgotten war. much of the wealth attention has been elsewhere on russia's fighting in ukraine and the reasons war between eas route and how much. owing to don altoff, nearly 25000000 people in need of age, the united nations has only been able to reach a small fraction. and funding, even for that, is running low. so don's wor, erupted 8 months ago after a fee of tension between the military chief general abdel spots out behind the general mohammed, i'm done delgado. who is commander of the probably 2 rapid support forces the fights and has killed more than 12000 people so far and displeased by 6000000 people pass. sedans already struggling economy is on the verge of collapse. you and so you want to, to in coordinate task force it on says the situation on the ground is getting worse by the day the situation and so down 8 months after the conflict started is
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catastrophic. despite the valiant efforts of the humanitarian community, the partners, the agencies on the ground, we are still facing significant challenges. we have about 7000000 people displaced in sudan, which is the highest displacement situation globally. so we are stretched in terms of our ability to respond to what is quite a high number of of needs across the board. we're facing a population, but it's about 24700000 people in need of humanitarian assistance to date. we've been able to reach about 4000000 and our goal is to hopefully reach around 18000000. our overall budget. our needs is about 2600000000 to date. we've received only $38.00 points,
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6 percent upside for long this let's bring in the abdomen. them before my general list on so then these comments. she's now based in egypt. kyra, hello dahlia. welcome to the program. now you live in egypt, cairo after fleeing the recent fights and in your home country, sudan, you've been in touch with people on the ground. what i be telling you about the concepts going on i'm. it's horrible. those who are in cartoon are still facing bombardment and fighting between the iris, if in the army and those who are in charge, most, many of them have been forced to flee for their own safety and their in caps. refugee camps on the border with chat and the situation is horrible. it's very dire, and humanitarian aid is unable to get through. and at the same time, not enough humanitarian aid is being is, is coming in to sit down in the surface to become a forgotten conflict. but for me,
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the 42000000. so the news is, is off. we've got some conflict. the numbers that are coming up every week from agencies that go united nations and the red cross make for a frightening read higher. we something like half a 1000000 half the population, maybe some 25000000 to the knees are in need of humanitarian aid. nearly 70 percent of the countries, hospitals and health clinics are out of service including schools and universities . so there's no positive information coming out of savannah at this moment. yeah, that definitely doesn't sound like that to uh, how people surviving those that you are in touch with through the help of local grocery to organizations and responders, you know, their local initiatives, grassroots initiatives, mainly run by, you know,
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use for just finding whatever means they can't be able to get supplies, medical aid, and even money to those who count. cartoon is pretty much a battle ground, the daily battle ground between the army and the militia. and are, for, is pretty much now under the control of the militia. and so it's a nightmare, it's very hard for them to do it, but they're somehow still doing, you know, doing what they can and in the way, because the state of colorado has collapsed, there is those that stay the adult. so it's down to the initiatives local initiatives, whole ground grass was initiatives that are somehow keeping the fabric of so that needs society, you know, lives and or if you think about the latest attempt to mediate a ceasefire again, it seems to have failed. why it, as it keeps feeling you think because neither side is
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being honest about wanting to cease fire. i think end of the day, it's a power struggle between 2 military units. and each one is fighting to gain control to gain power to gain the power. and there is no sense from them. that is to lose lose situation in their opinion. if either, if they agree to cease far because the conditions put in place by others by both sides on each other. and i don't see how anyone can, can make sure that those agreements are fulfilled. because even agree on allowing a humanitarian passage convoys to get through, how are they going to agree on ending the fighting? and at the same time, international party, international actors who can have an influence on, on pulling their weight so to speak. i mean, nothing more can be done from the international arena to pressure both sides to,
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to, you know, bring, go and to the conflict, but not enough pressure is being applied. and the regional, the actors. yeah. it's got, you know, what kind of pressure is needed. we talk about giving them price. so what is the price of that? we really get them to say, hey, let's, let's call voice these file and this conflict. stop the supply of arms. economic sanctions. and use, you know, and use your biological relationship as a way to pressure. but these 3 at these 3 points. those who can on even following through each side has it's been a factor. each side has a supporter and each side is continually getting the arms the means to continue this war. and then let's do cut that stream of supports arms and money. this will continue and the existing defects of who are you, who in your opinion is funding that is because you,
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you seem to be saying those who can stop it, not doing it because you are benefiting somehow from me to add these people. you're talking about the regional neighbors and the regional powers in the middle east and in africa they have been they have played a big part in the continue in this, in the, in the outbreak of this war. and they continue to play a big part in the continuation of this war. and at the same time, you have the european, the western nations, but the european union, the 9th of states, detroit and the, when not really having much of a say, you know, there's not, there's very little interest you know, or to bring up to bring about pressure on the parties that are helping to, you know, extend this war and it's in the dates, the game of politics at the same time, you have other conflicts going on around the world, which i've taken attention to, or, you know, they've been grapple the attention. so it's very hard to you know,
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to stand up and say, what about us look at us. so this is why we as to the needs we come in and this is where we need to do what we can. and in our case, and my case is to work on the humanitarian side to help those with who can't, who, who's, who need help and aren't getting any help me. you've talked about returning home to sit down soon, burying all that we've. we've said right now the challenges in a cease file and in the conflict, how realistic is it for you to return home to a piece supposed to be done every day i wake up with a different idea one day a wake up and i think it's hopeless but i will never see my home country again. and other days i wake up and i'm like, no, it's of the own. this is on us as to the needs to make sure that we do have a home to go back to. and it's just call, it's a continuous, you know, self conflict that i face and that i truly busy. but if security was, you know, safety wise, i can go back. i think me and i'm more, i'm
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a thousands of others. we will do that because we'd like a tree, we'd been uprooted. and you know, we, we, this is our home. it's forgiving us so much and it's sticking so much from us, but it's out home. and no matter where you go, no matter how welcome you made to feel or unwelcome, it's never the same feeling as being in your own place. and i think for me that's the driving factor that i am working on. and i hope that maybe this time, next day if i, if i speak to you again, i'll be like, i'll be speaking from car to or i'll be speaking from other some other sedans have done. so i really, i really, yes, i really hope so too. and we will keep reporting on this until the well pays enough attention. dahlia abdel millennium. thank you very much for your time. thank you for having me. now the escalades in the wall has made it dangerous for journalists
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to report from many parts of savannah. but all correspondence, mario and buddha succeeded in gaining exclusive access to the south of the country into the remote on the rebel controlled new by mountains where more and more people flee for safety. as these remote pods of sedan has become a place of refuge for people fleeing the war and some of them can now tell the stories. my name is honda, how mulder i fled from one heart to of to last my 2 children and one of my legs shipped to tell the stories we had to enter so done illegally by ourselves. so done to reach the remote new the mountains region check points, a guarded by the s p. m and rebel group. they have been fighting the sudanese government for almost 40 years, demanding self determination and secularism. now the war has re ignited this old
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conflict. as we travelling with german n g o cap anymore, we are allowed to pass after an 8 hour drive, we reach a good weekend, thousands of internally displaced. people have sold refuge here, including honda. how much fit i've done at the bomb. he tell a house, i didn't lose my legs straight away. and i didn't to me to, to sense that it was 7. someone who could know when i bought it just felt number of a couple of figures. she was taken to hospital when she woke up from surgery to amputate her leg. the doctors told her that she had also lost her 2 sons. our teeth and up at 2 were only 2 and 4 years old. i said, i'm quite children, the adorable. we played a lot together, but god has taken them away from me. i will leave it to go to charge the government . i don't blame god for it. i was thinking about them. i was thinking that i wanted to kinda shake it took a while roughly a quarter of
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a 1000000 people reach the remote into the mountains region. this local church played a crucial role in providing century many people in the congregation here today say, and they have this man to thing for their lives. boston most equity has to finish that in a few weeks after the fighting broke out. he organized 23 buses, which transported 1500 residents of park to him, to safety and the new by mountains. our people, the scott that the people died uh, people, there were not to, they were not having foot the bus. katie mall done the number not to use a post, okay. because people that i knew from that and they were not able to instead of that, so we just from the bus. and if there's a lot of how gone the way people in this region have to get by without help, 8 organizations can't access it because of the fighting. almost 10000 people have
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found refuge in this camp. now at least they have a sense of safety. but not much else. they like clean water, proper food and shelter, and the only medical facility has not enough medicine. despite what she's gone through honda, how moto says she won't give up. she has 2 other children to take care of. i do now . so i was told that i may make them any good for that and let them be happy. they should not see them, right? you don't have a complete, right? i'm practice to do. but if i don't do one, so that a minute just them to say that i'm with the was still ongoing. many of the stories of those who has been affected are only starting to trickle out. what's clear is that the effect will last well into the next generation.
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that's now turn our attention to kenya, what he planned to say for us and fight climate change is the link to the removal of indigenous people from their homes. they will get community have lived in the mile forest for generations spot. the now find themselves on the wrong side of forest restoration efforts. and c ranges from kenya for a service destroying the houses, leaving them displeased on the destitute. they reached out to the government, full comments, but have not gotten a response yet. use fedex. maureen got reports from sussing windy village in the mile forest complex. someone would say ranges from the california se destroyed his house, leaving him with practically nothing through my ze guy. what do i owe my king? the buried he has on you? i be moving and i grew up. i didn't know where else to, but i know that my grandmother, my great grandmother up every day to day and where else will i go? i grew up being told, this is my 100 all but if it were real,
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so they want me to go deal with you. i being a lot of toys. say she was in her house with her 5 children when that rings us came connected. now on, do you watch a 2? are they left? nothing outstanding cooperman? neither would they leave anything behind. and i the even stolen hose acts of joke. i've of boiling on mays, eat somebody to cook and thought that was saying they would be using them at the window. i can was your name. i and we passed the forest have use a boat and a guess a lot of it's a range of destroyed these houses, but they failed to reply. this is what the for us obviously is supposed to protect the vast mode for this complex. the kids of government save people living there have been damaging the for us. the president told them to leave when visiting the retail. why do they by the local does, did in the 1st trip planned to vacate as soon as possible. i will put up a fence and that is not a request that i need a does result in human rights last suggest connects us with the international
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couple of marketing and setup during play mentioned saw me. these have made for us to buy leveled. we know that they'll get being evicted like in the name of a conservation. uh we also know that that's a lot of interest from those who are engaging in, in coping trading in, in kenya and in kenya's, forest and other assets. so i think if you, if you place in the wider context, i think it's, it's bad to say that there were concerns about some of the okay, sounds maybe being taken away for, for coven credit. they all get people development program is trying to the best way to the government, just top everything indigenous people. we hope that the government to the let's see, that it's a matter of importance to stop eviction of indigenous communities in kenya. second thing we ex, picked today government to invite to members of the community to negotiation table
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. so that consolidation happen and the road map on recipient communities. this communities in for us, by way of giving them line by way of composition for damages, etc. happens sofa. if what's just top they've become sent, talk about compensation have faded. they said that remains of a house that was exemplary, demolished by that can government belonging to one of they'll get community members now on to okay. so it's in 2017 and switch students to the african court on human and people in the states asked the can government to do to produce funds for the damages caused to the community. but instead of compensation, destruction has continued to take place and the community members are constantly living in fear. so these 2 minutes told us arrange us to attend, then we progress. if they didn't leave the homes, they've taken what they can carry into. i love the site in future and i will join
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by, let's see, and i'm why east africa direct to human rights watch. hello sir. now us, we had in the reports, they all get people say being violently evicted. and in some cases, even abused, the organization has been investigating these claims. what have you found out that they shall go get this cleared up because uh, the government seemed to be starting clock on us on dallas, its not even an ongoing process. and i, the order is set up in the attic yourself, but we just got going on with the eviction. notice i told the following, no, no, no, no guidelines. the certainly that was done and using it police sense until i left up to the people without giving them i could get time to look at the notes, showing them where to go. i'm not providing any of the supplements uh, support. uh,
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i mean talking about called readings uh, the east african costs of justice. we sent deals, audit opinion governments to stop the evictions and pay the it'll get people compensation. what is a government's of lights to photo that order but the government housing dependents funded in any meaningful way on housing stops. if you're some sort of or short inside fact, they're planning to exit difficulties. and that is best guiding 9. what we're seeing with the kind of the vision, but yeah, i think um, economic benefits of anything besides the rights of people of an individual. and i think what you're seeing when you get to have understood that the government actually is planning is, is going to see that and using that part of the funding for a couple of the team problem. uh, so the, everything to be,
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it's not decided because of the finest up for public sake. uh, we just really, really strange because the public se, benefiting the community is not talking for me. so basically you, you're trying to say that there's a bit more of a shady reason that the government is trying to drive that will get people out. is that right? definitely not that big. i mean, it says save that. so i'm doing that because of the 1st up, we have good information to suggest that i could that evicted though. guess because bill and enter into that into the company to come on. the sense the for the part of the fall as being part of the 1st time and take it back from just a quick one on this. um you talking about the shady reason the government may have to drive into or get people away assuming that was the actual reason. would that make sense to drive that will get people to achieve that?
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i know it's it's not because it defies useful of that. and then it's, they'll get before us is that it has been so that we should make the decision on or if the government was trying to process the process of being consultation and they'll get people to get people leaves pools on set. all the information i need to be given to them so that they understand why they need to get out of the why the place is being resolved. so that they make that decision knowing what devices they useful. and then the government needs to provide a bit of benefits that informed me that we have to get up to the, the, the, the, the company. so how do gigs have weight benefits? that's how something that has to be brought up at the end of the day who wins in such a case, the government says this is what they want to do with the 4 ways they want to protect the forest or get people who say, hey,
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this is why we've been all our lives. we don't want to leave. what happens now? what options do they will get? people have left you have to remember that any government projects the projects of to be done in the amount of extra steps that people, that i told the people i'm the gift being the indigenous people. that disc, stand up, stuff the government wants to offer, based on the most, most of us that's coming up in the house by the good. now, by ignoring it, some of those have not been less than those the data liable to see this other professions look through sunday. okay, but do anything else? no. okay, let's see. i know them why east africa direct to human rights watch. thank you. or that's all we have on a program, from all of our stories, go to dw dot com slash after draft, or visit us on facebook on x. and let's wrap up the show in by the way that the
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festival li practice tablet is back in action. and that's where a few years of interruption due to the political time while in the country. it's a week long festival with plays concepts, workshops, and tirades, and even some amazing outfits. we'll see you next time. i for now the,
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the, the
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volcanoes, a constant rent for people and the climate research teams around the world wants to figure out how to control them and maybe harness them as a powerful source of energy. how close is the science tomorrow today? in 30 minutes on the w. specialty.
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syllables. unusual. sized with luxury, and flavored with a touch of color, mary. excellent. all the actions of setting up your safe euro 91060 minutes on the, the interest the global economy report, folio dw business b on. here's a so locked out the project. our mission to analyze the fight for market dominance,
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east versus west. with business beyond the, the monumental structures of the stone age, a milestones in the history of mankind. some of its greatest pest megabytes are monumental stone arrangements that people are arrested long before the pyramid technical and logistical feet. that simple as the impossible agents and bodies. here the stones tell the story of a powerful resolution. what exactly happened as of 10000 years ago is shina nice on the left by our am faced the secrets of the stone age of december 22nd on the w. and the,
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this is dw use light from bell in israel faces increasing international pressure to stop. it's a tax on gas assets to provide aid for civilians in gauze becoming increasingly desperate. bothers redlands, this the only military pressure will bring the other hostages home. also coming up, vote counting is on the way and serve you as problem entry and local elections. president that i saw, the village party is expected to stay in power. many served private long queues to cross the border from.


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